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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

Matthew finally found the bathroom and grabbed two large towels, wrapping one around himself before heading back to Vladimor and the others. When he got back, Vladimor was treating Derrick like a child, worrying over him like he might not come back. "You might as well tell him to look around before crossing the street!" Matt thought, gritting his teeth for a few seconds but not saying anything. It wasn't like he owned Vlad, and he knew he had no right to intrude, but when he saw the two acting so affectionate it made him wonder if there really was nothing going on between them. "Here's your towel." Matt finally said, walking up to Vladimor and handing him the towel. He just smiled and held out his hand for the lord to take it, but for a second he could've sworn he felt Derrick's stare on him. Once Vlad had his towel, Matt continued drying his hair, which was the only part of him still dripping. On Derrick's way out, Matt glanced at the boy. He seemed so happy to follow after the blood-drinker, but did he feel anything for him? Well, Matthew didn't actually care if he did. Matthew just wanted to know if the boy felt anything for Vlad. "It's none of my business." Matt muttered aloud without realizing it. He didn't enjoy sulking and acting pitiful, but that was exactly what he was doing.

Rin blushed ever so slightly, embarrassed about his sister's public displays of sibling affection. "Sure, just say the words and I'll take you wherever you'd like." Rin promised her enthusiastically. He flashed one of his brilliant smiles. His friends always told him he should be a model, but he never took the the opportunities to do so. Instead, he devoted himself entirely to his sister, so much that from time to time it'd affect his studying. Still, he managed to be at the top of his classes and maybe he'd have been able to get a nice job, if their mother hadn't been so greedy. "Any plans for a place to be?" he asked her, genuinely curious what she picked. Neither of them were extremely social, but compared to Rin, Rei was bursting with energy and a need to be noticed.​
"Hmm...thought we could hit a club,maybe get a few drinks and have some fun." He suggested with a smirk and looked to Vladimir and Matt like he was inviting them to take the suggestion to club as well before looking back at the human and chuckled."that and I have a surprise place later I think you'll like. "He whispered in derrick's ear. Ori wanted to show him the garden he liked around the parts afterwards.

Vladimor takes the towel thanking him as he dries himself off. He goes over his hair and it turns into a wild mess and he looks up at it and sighs. "Rain water is bad for my hair...Here's another shower." He sighs, trying his best to dry off his hair. "What's none of your buisiness?" He asks as he hears the car engine revving. He wondered where the keys were? No matter. With the towel now around his neck, he looks to the stairs, wondering where the master bedroom was. On the top floor, probably. "Would you like to take another shower with me? I can provide clothing if you need?" He offers, heading for the stairs this time around instead of the elevator.

Rei continues to beam at her dearest brother, continuing to hold both of his hands. "How about a club? I'm in dire need of some entertainment, I have no one to tease." She laughs for a second," There's you, but that's no fun. Anyways, let's drink away the night,hmm?" Rei says, bouncing in glee as she looks at Rin with her brilliant grey eyes.

Derrick just, nods, once more going to the car. "Do you want to drive, since you seem to know more of where we're going?" He dangles the keys infront of the tall violet-eyed man, smiling up at him. It's been a while since he had gone out, and was glad to have the oppertunity again. The past four years he's been alone were spent on political issues along with looking for the facility Vladimor was in. Then it finds that he escapes. Perhaps he'd find him a lot sooner if he were in the actual facility. And maybe at least he didn't suffer from a failed test...He should focus on a good night instead.​

Ooc: I love how Vladimor's casually like "Wanna be naked together?"... I mean, that's basically his question right?


Bic: "Nothing." Matthew instantly said, still oblivious to the fact he had said what he was thinking aloud. "Is he a mind-reader now too?!" Matt wondered, but he didn't say it. He kept his mouth shut, at least until he heard Vladimor's offer. "I-" Matthew was about to reject the offer, but then he thought about it. Sure, it seemed extremely perverted of Vlad to ask for them to be in a shower together again, but it made sense even from a logical standpoint. Not only would they save water, meaning he'd be less inconvenient to Vlad, but Vladimor was also offering clothes, something Matt desperately needed- not that Matthew was doing this for clothes. His mind contained all his secrets, including the fact he was already wishing for something more. Still, he felt like he was giving Vladimor exactly what he wanted, and somehow that made Matt feel a little uncomfortable, but that was far from a valid reason to reject the offer. "You won't laugh at my stitches will you?" he asked, once again showing the softer, more insecure side of his personality. Matthew followed him up the stairs, trying to keep both his smile and his worries at bay.

"You know I'm not a heavy drinker." Rin told her telepathically, but it was clearly a joke. Out of the two of them, Rin could out-drink her by several glasses. That didn't mean he did so on a regular basis, but Rin was a competitive sort of guy. He enjoyed winning against others, but sometimes when he felt he was about to beat Rei he stopped. It was why Rei had won all their races when they were kids, not that Rin ever told her that- at least not on purpose. After the experiments however, they had no choice but to share whatever information the other asked for.​
Ori nodding carefully takes the keys with a small smile before taking the smaller male's hand and pressed it lightly to his lips. "for tonight, let me take care of things okay?" He said quietly with a smile and a wink before leading him to the car and getting in with derrick,starting the car driving to their destination. He had stopped at a nice looking club/bar and got out going to meet with derrick and the human and his headed inside.
mewbot5408 said:
(Ooc: want a male strip club?)
Ooc: Is Orious really gay enough to invite Derrick THERE? X_X Yikes, well, whatever you want to do Mew! ;) I hold no objections either way.
iiimee said:
Ooc: Is Orious really gay enough to invite Derrick THERE? X_X Yikes, well, whatever you want to do Mew! ;) I hold no objections either way.
Ooc: lol I'm kidding. Ori took him to go dancing and drink..)

(Btw is mew gonna just meet rin when the twins go out to drink?)
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mewbot5408 said:
Ooc: lol I'm kidding. Ori took him to go dancing and drink..)
(Btw is mew gonna just meet rin when the twins go out to drink?)
((OOC:Broooo it should toooootes be a strip club :0 ))
[QUOTE="King Anthony]((OOC:Broooo it should toooootes be a strip club :0 ))

(Okay. But can they have a drunken sexy moment or two during the night?

It being the something alcohol's fualt)
"That's not something I'd laugh about, Matthew." Vladimor goes about upstair on the uppermost floor, checking for the largest room. When he spotted neatly laid out clothing, he bet that was the one. "The night is still young, I suppose. Afterwards, we should most definitely go out and spend our night clubbing, wouldn't you agree?" The young lord says as he looks at the clothes on the bed. Acid ombre jeans with a black dress shirt that had floral print on the inside. Interesting choice, Derrick had. "You'll be able to pick whatever, I'm tall, but not particularly big," He says, heading into the bathroom to start the water. He cringes at the extreme elegant design of the bathroom. It wasn't at all his forte, and it sort of hurt his eyes, but he was digging the clear shower, a bathtub next to it. He opens the glass pane, running the water. The shower was large enough for them to stand a comfortable enough distance apart, and that was more than fine for him, as he noticed Matthew's insecurities.

Rei smiles, beginning to tug at her brother, telling that she wants to go right away. "That's why I bet I can drink more than you this time!" She continues bouncing, a grins on her face. "Let's leave!" With another word, she drags Rin off to the club, not even bothering to go by vehicle, she could walk! Eventually, even this hyperactive little chipmunk died how only half way there and she pauses, leaving over as she pants. "Okay, okay....Maybe...a taxi??" She pants out, jogging over to an idle taxi before knocking on the window and getting in, gesturing Rin to come in too as she asks the taxi driver to drive them to the nearest club.

Derrick smiles in excitement, following Orious inside. When he looks around, the smell of smoke and alcohol, maybe even other things that might've been illegal filled the room, making him flinch. He hadn't been to clubs often, mainly due to him being underage, but he knew what kind of clubs each were when he seen one. The poles on stage with the half-naked women dancing on them made this one apparent. "Orious, you know this is a strip club right?" The servant asks raising a brow as he continues looking around. He didn't feel too much that he'd fit in such a place.​
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Orious nodded simply looking down to derrick."ah I know, I've been here before...."He said patting derrick on the shoulder before making his way over to the bar sitting at the counter and ordered two drinks. Orious took out a small vile of blood pouring the contents into his own drink before taking a drink. He could have alcohol if he placed blood in it
Stell was running down the sidewalk as quickly as possible,her boots cracking on the pavement as she seemed to be running away in a panic and suddenly tripped falling down the hillside with a high squeak as she hit the ground her hood falling off showing her dollish face. A few strange men rushed over and surrounded her."stupid woman! How dare you think you can ju---"
Nick was walking he didn't know where he was just bored at this point he heard someone one yelling if he had to guess it was someone being stupid he was planning on ignoring it until he actually seen a group of men "This will be a fun fight."The boy told himself walking up to the group "Hey do any of you losers think you can fight me to be honest I could use the practice....also I don't think you can get much accomplished if the person your fighting is on the ground."He said sarcastically to the men while moving some two of them out of the way and crouching down "Hey are you ok?"He asked the figure on the ground plainly and ignoring what the men where saying anything too him
Stell looked up with her luminous eyes like she was about to cry. Her face had a little bruised cut on her jaw that bled.

",more like capture, this little woman here so happens to belong to boss calico....." one said then noticed he wasn't listening and they charged at him. And Stell was pulled back by one the men who covered her mouth only to yelp when she bit his hand."Damn it woman, quit it!!" He yelled smacking her.

Matthew walked into the bathroom after Vlad silently, his attention wandering back and forth between the beauty of the room and- well, the beauty of Vladimor. He steals one final glance before stripping down and stepping into the shower first. Immediately he felt the warm rush of water around him and smiled, though it wasn't nearly as fun as last time, considering the way the water rushed unto but didn't take out his stitches. He looked over his shoulder at them. They weren't as tight as when Tabitha put them in, but then again the wound wasn't as open, and at least it looked clean now. Matthew had been washing himself quietly until this point, but eventually he couldn't help it and turned his head toward Vladimor's face. (making extra sure he didn't look anywhere else, despite the temptation. *cough cough*) "You realize I don't hate you right?" he asked, taking the biggest step towards Vladimor he could without touching him. He knew this was a really weird time to be telling him this, but he needed to know- or at least, Matthew told himself that Vlad needed to know. He still felt a little jealous over how Vlad acted with Derrick, so maybe this was revenge... on Derrick? The thought seemed weird to Matt. "From the first night, to when you defended me, to when you had to hold me down... I don't hold any of that against you. In fact, I think..." Matt tried to think of any word other than like (or even worse, love) to use, but coming up with nothing. "Nevermind." Matthew cast his eyes down without thinking, only to immediately see something that, um, let's just say something he wasn't prepared for. He covered his eyes a took a step back: Embarrased, ashamed, flustered- none of those words properly defined what Matt was feeling right now. "Stupid, stupid, stupid!" he scolded himself, backing away so much that he once again messed up and hit the back of his head on the shower's walls. He cursed in pain but still didn't uncover his eyes. "Sorry!" he said quickly, and a little too loudly. Thank God nobody else was home.

Rin was like a loyal dog, first silently following her as she ran, then when she called a taxi. Still, he couldn't save himself from being a little mean. "Tired already sister? I think you've gained a pound or two, if you can run that slowly and still call yourself tired." He kept his expression neutral, but his internal voice made him sound like he was smirking and enjoying himself. The ride was rather short, and when it was over Rin quickly gave the taxi some cash before getting out. "Where have you taken us now?" Rin practically yelled at her. This wasn't just any club, but a strip club! He wasn't a fan of being so openly perverted, but maybe that was what his sister thought he was into. Sighing, he gestured to the door. "Shall we?" she asked her aloud in a sugary sweet voice, giving no indication to his true feeling, which could only be described as two things" irritation and frustration.

Ooc: @King Anthony , do you like my joke?​
Nick got up and punched one of the men in the stomach and picking another one up and throwing him at his friends and ran over the the boy who dragged the girl away and picked him up by the collar of his shirt "Hey buddy....uh you see I have a problem....on second thought your not the person I should ask."He said lifting the person a little higher in the air and looked at the girl in the dirt "You must likely won't like to answer either but do you want me too kill the men I left alive and this one in my hands."He asked the girl before looking at the man struggling to loosen Nick's grip on his shirt Nick was smiling like he was enjoying watching the man struggle he found it entertaining to say the least
Allen was sitting in a bar close to the strip club. He was a man who preferred the good old bar experience to the tacky, disgusting nature of strip clubs. He was repulsed by them, in fact. Sex alone was disturbing to him. The industrialization of sex was all the more awful to think about.

He gulped down his second beer, draining the bottle within a matter of seconds. His sunglasses give no tell as to where he's looking.

He slams the bottle back down.

"Hey. Get me a shot of vodka, yeah?"

The bartender narrows his eyes at Allen.

"You plannin' to pay your tab anytime soon?"

Allen rolls his eyes. "Course I am. Just get me some vodka. I've got plans tonight, so make it quick…"

The bartender gets to work on that shot, pulling out a bottle of vodka. "Plans, Eh? What kind of plans?"

Allen smirks. "Big plans, buddy. You'll see."

The bartender furrowed his brow as he slides the shot over.

"Im not giving you anymore booze 'til you pay."

Allen picks up the small glass, sliding the strong fluid down his throat.

He places it back down.

"Well, I won't need anymore after this."

The bartender furrows his brows, getting an increasing feeling that this patron isn't exactly gonna give his due willingly.

"Sir, you've gotta pay up eventually."

Allen looks up at the barkeep, a small smirk upon his lips.

He gazes into his fed-up expressio for a few seconds before standing, extending his arms to the sky and locking his fingers together, his palms upward as he cracks his knuckles.

He bends backwards slightly, allowing himself to get a good stretch in.

"Ahhhh, not when you're ME." Allen swings his right arm downwards, sending the man's head down in a similar yet involuntary trajectory to his palm. He grins as the barkeep falls limply onto the floor.

The only other patron of the bar stands up, ready to face the aggressor. "HEY!" The man seemed to be in his late fifties, with a greying beard and short-cut hair that was unstyled from the ears up.

Allen's grin widens, his eyebrows lowering as he whips his left arm in a horizontal position with his fingers pointing towards the man, clenching his hand into a fist.

The poor patron was tugged towards him by the fabric of his shirt, panic melting onto his face.

Allen brings his hand up, then begins waving his fist up and down, heaving the man through the air and towards the floor seven times over, before he allows him to remain too battered to make more than a whisper on the floor.

He looks over to the bar, lowering his glasses, his grin from ear to ear at this point.

I Told you I had BIG PLANS!" He gives a few hearty cackles as he extends his left arm, setting himself off in a twirl, the bar stools separating from the ground and flying off into the wall once the trajectory of his hand crosses with the seating. The first fourth of an inch of ground around him breaks off into floating particles, save for the ground he stands on.

Tonight will be fun.
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[QUOTE="Midnight Peace]Allen was sitting in a bar close to the strip club. He was a man who preferred the good old bar experience to the tacky, disgusting nature of strip clubs. He was repulsed by them, in fact. Sex alone was disturbing to him. The industrialization of sex was all the more awful to think about.

Mew Sat at a table with a woman on each side drinking a vodka and he sighed in despration. "Oh mister what is wrong? You can tell lilliti "one of the girls said both wearing sexy kitten costumes.
Cicero said:
Nick got up and punched one of the men in the stomach and picking another one up and throwing him at his friends and ran over the the boy who dragged the girl away and picked him up by the collar of his shirt "Hey buddy....uh you see I have a problem....on second thought your not the person I should ask."He said lifting the person a little higher in the air and looked at the girl in the dirt "You must likely won't like to answer either but do you want me too kill the men I left alive and this one in my hands."He asked the girl before looking at the man struggling to loosen Nick's grip on his shirt Nick was smiling like he was enjoying watching the man struggle he found it entertaining to say the least
Stell rubbed her face with a little whine it was bleeding. "Kill the one you have..."She answered coldly,her eyes a bit teary. Death didn't bother her anymore at this point. She's seem people killed in front of countless of times including her own parents. She placed a hand on the ground and vines sprouted tying up the men left alive.
Nick smiled "Sure thing another question fast and painful or slow and painful?"He asked while he grabbed the mans throat and top of his head increasing the amount of pressure he put on his head slightly while he waited for the girl to answer he turned to the man he was pretty much torturing "You might want her to hurry up with her answer buddy....but I don't it's really relaxing today except for you screaming."he said while he stopped squeezing the man's head "You know I feel bad now I should let you go home to your family....but I won't I send you to your new one in hell."The boy stated while slamming the guys face into the ground leaving a mini crater and a squished head Nick shook off what ever blood was on his hands and turned to the girl "Sorry...not really but i'm Nick."He stated while he put his hand for the girl to shake and fixing his hat with his other hand
Rain and Leo don't mix well together, as evident by the steam and burning sensation he was getting. What better way to drown out his sorrows than with a good drink? And with that in mind, he stalked his way to a nearby bar aptly named The Meat and Cleaver. A little bit of rustling was heard inside the squat building, but that was to be expected on any night at the bar.

Upon entering, he immediately saw carnage. The Barkeep's face was smashed into the floor, and an older man was lying limp on the ground. As for the ground itself, was fairly cleared as most of the various furnishings had been floating in the air with a single man. He thought the guy looked like a tunnel snake, with his sunglasses and stupid grin.

"Hey! Asshole! What the fuck happened here? I wanted to take these shitlords myself!"

Clearly, the face of the guy gave the expression of pure glee, and Leo finally caught on to what happened, despite most of his body floating up from him in droplet like formations. And soon enough, the biggest, most shit eating grin spread across his face.

"Why don't we fuck up the bar next door? You and me asshole. What do you say? We'll have a grand time!" He slid next to the guy and put his hand on his shoulder.

"Stabby and Asshole, dashing duo!"

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