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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

She simply smiled and stood taking his hand."thanks, also you can call me stell..." She said softly and sighed. She was grateful he came along when he did,getting kidnapped by gangs and mafia guys was utterly annoying. Stell was small for her age practically close to a dwarf which made things hard when she got into trouble." They thought I was a fairy. ..."She said annoyed knowing Nick was different by how he acted and that he might be a excitement too.
"Somewhat nice to meet you Stell considering you were about to get beat up."He said the the girl then Nick started laughing when she said the guys chasing her thought she was a fairy "Those guys really were fucking idiots."He said leaning over from laughing while he clutched his stomach making his hat fall to the ground reliving his ears "Well good thing I seen you trap those guys with vines so I don't have to kill you for seeing my ears."He said his laughter finally dying down while he looked up and walked over to the men Stell trapped in vines "You do know we can't let them live right."He said not meaning for it to be a question for like a fact he hope the girl knew it was dangerous to keep people alive that knows about their powers "Soo...how should I kill you guys...or of course the girl that trapped you like that can rip one limb off at a time and let you bleed out slowly...personally I would like the first one only because i'm the one doing the killing and not some little girl."He said with a straight face and a flat voice
Stell shrugged with her arms out with a sigh."obviously,if they were smarter they would've not did so..." The small female followed only to smirk at the idea and nodded but then frowned upon being called a persay little girl."Kill them as you will. And I'll have you know I'm 21! I'm a full grown woman! I can't help being almost a miget!" She yelled annoyed bawling up her fists like she ready to try hitting him even though she wasn't very strong. She utterly hated being called a child or little even if by mistake. She was a adult! She just was small and she couldn't help her stunted growth.
"Ohh my bad I just assumed one things for sure you throw a temper tantrum like one."He said while punching all of the men in the face as hard as he could leading to see a group of people with their faced bashed in still being held by the vines "Ok then what do you wanna do now that there is no one left to fight?"He asked looking down with his dull brown eyes he was already bored out of his mind he had nothing to do no one to fight he wanted a challenge out of those people but got nothing but another set of human punching bags and they never last long 'I still need to go to Las Vega and try to find Cicero and Ocean before they do something more stupid then they usually do.'He reminded himself mentallly
Nagato left to use the restroom and got lost on the way back. "Now I am acting like Cicero and even worse I am in the middle of a casino." He walked around for a short while trying to remember where he left Cicero and he was no where to be found when he got back. He then walked around the casino a little more in an attempt to find him. "He couldn't have gone far." It took a little while to find him but since the casino was empty it helped him in it own way. Seeing the boy in the funny hat was easier then finding a needle in... well it was easy for him to find the boy without any distractions. "Hey Cicero I have been looking everywhere for you."
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Ooc:HEY I HAVE A NORMAL HAT also the casino is empty and Cicero and Tab are the only other two in it other then you
Cicero said:
Ooc:HEY I HAVE A NORMAL HAT also the casino is empty and Cicero and Tab are the only other two in it other then you
Oops I hadn't kept up that well then... (Nagato thinks it is funny)
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Stell sighed crossing her arms."welll'...don't be a asshole...secondly I request you let me tag along, I could use a strong attractive man for protection." She stated with annoyance then smirked at the last bit even though she was being blunt about it.
Cicero looked up to see Nagato "Oh hey yea sorry I guess I was to worried about Tab that I forgot you were with me."He said while looking at the sleeping girl in his laps before lightly placing her head down on the floor and getting up "So what do we do since were the only ones were?"He asked while he walked around eventually finding the bar he smirked and jumped over the counter looking for something interesting but settled on some bourbon he uncapped the bottle and started drinking it "You want some?" He asked the boy while smiling "Don't worry its weak."He stated while placing the bottle on the counter and trying to find something stronger. Finally he found the whiskey and uncapped it and chugged some of it down when he placed it down he put his hands on the counter and smiled "That.....stuff is awesome."He said his voice a little slurred

"Sorry I can't stop being an asshole its just one of my many traits that people hate about me. I guess you can follow me as long as you don't get in my way when I'm supposedly protecting you."He said a bit annoyed at what she said for some reason
"Hum... I don't think I will take any." Nagato walked over to Tabby, almost worried about her. He almost felt something for her after she had been so nice to him earlier and now she seemed like she was dying. "Do you know what happened to her or how long it will before she wakes up?" If he was a normal person he would be growing impatient since it was taking so long to get to their new home. "I have no idea what to do with out Sai or Tabby, I am lost without someone guide me when I need it."
Cicero walked and stumbled a little "Uhh yea when I was agruing with the dealers at the poker table Tab was outside freezing and with a fever as for how long it will take for her to wake up I don't really know."He said with a half slurred voice sadly Cicero was drunk so he wasn't thinking straight not that he ever was "Dude take charge in your life its good to have friends to help you through tough times but you need to learn how to take action be your own guide."He said while sitting down so he wouldn't fall over he started drinking some more of the whisky "Sure you don't want some?"He asked again mumbling his words together
"hmmm..i was hoping you'd say that. I prefer it that way" she murmured to herself honestly with a slight blush. The female nodded quietly with a smile and looked up at him with a small giggle."and I'll make it worth your while no worries....Just please try to refrain from hurting me,I'll even make sure to pay you in the best of my abilities for everything,deal?" She asked simply making a serious expression and held out her hand.
Nick stood there confused for a second before coming to again "Uhh no you don't have to worry about paying me back."He said shaking the girls hand "So I guess we can just walking around since I don't have any plans unless there's something you have too do."he stated while looking at the sky putting his hands in his pocket while he began walking towards the way he came from ignoring the stench of dead bodies 'Hopefully the flies and weather will take care of the bodies before someone finds them.'He thought to himself while he waited for the girl to catch up with him
She nodded,following quickly a bit light on her feet as she did looking up as well. "Hmm...we probably should get away from the bodies as far as we can.." She said softly pulling her coat hood back over her head to make her less noticed. She then started going a bit ahead,gesturing for him to follow her. The fairy like female led him a bit away from the scene and down to a place that seemed like abandoned house. She looked around and ran to the back door."come on..I think there's a car in the garage.
"If you plan on stealing the car you have the wrong person."He stated leaning against the wall of abandoned place "Then again it doesn't look like anyone lived here in years...ok if the keys are in the car then we can take it."He said while he followed the girl to the back door not trying to hide himself whatsoever "Ok whats the plan now?"The boy asked the girl hating the fact that he might have to break into the place to get the car even if there was one to being with
"I don't steal...this house belonged to a family member of mine who died years ago..."She explained and opened the door with a key and went inside looking around at the dusty Victorian styled surroundings. She exhaled."Well,we could get any necessary and take the car to somewhere far away...I feel if I stay any longer that the government will catch up...."
[QUOTE="King Anthony]((OOC: I AM SO SORRY IF I SOUND RUDE BUT CAN YOU MAKE YOUR POST MORE COMPACT? It just...takes up a lot of space..))

((OOC: oh nah it's ok I'll shrink it))
[QUOTE="Surprise Meteors]"Why don't we fuck up the bar next door? You and me asshole. What do you say? We'll have a grand time!"

Allen raises an eyebrow once the second set of patrons walks in. He was getting prepared to attack when the newcomer first questioned him, but soon he becomes surprised. Confused, even. Everyone he'd seen had been disturbed with his favorite pass time.

The floating molecules of the room settle back down into solid floor before Leo throws an arm around him.

He cocked his head away from the rest of Leo's body and cringes a little.

"Eh, yes, sure that sounds lovely, but uh, Do not touch me." He looks at Leo, his eyebrows arched and his mouth still fixed in a cringe.

Allen didn't care for physical interaction whatsoever.

Note: We have an additional IC for short stories and non-canon roleplays now. Feel free to make whatever sort of story you want there, but please remember it isn't canon, so you don't need to make sure it's exactly where we are in the RP, or even if it's possible in the RP. For example, you could genderbend one of the characters, pair them up with a character that isn't with them in the canon, or maybe you should just have a "what could have been" story or a "happily ever after" story. Since it's not canon you can have semi-control of another person's character. For example, I could make an entire short story about Lia being a man, but I'd need to give credit to

@Cookie8272 for her creation of the character and make sure it's clear that this is a sort of "fan story" and I am not making fun of her. ;) That's okay, right Lia? Oh well- just use it however you like! Erotica is still banned in the additional IC, just warning you guys!
"Well that was quiet rude of him, and it's not my fault he couldn't walk straight. It's not like a pushed him." Victoria walked up the counter and placed her books on it. "Couldn't they have been a little nice to me, they don't know the hell I have been through." She pulled out her wallet and pulled out enough money to pay for the books, even though she had the desire to kill this man. It wasn't his fault she was mad, so she restrained her self. She didn't know her next move but she thought she might look for a place to lay low and relax. She could follow the others she had met but it was easy to she they didn't like her, still they had one of her bugs with them still and she never abandon one so easily. She walked out of the store and looked around making sure that no else was around. "Darling could you lead me to our lost friend?" she asked a bug that came crawling out from under her nails. It then began to lead her to the lost bug that was with the others.
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Vladimor removes his clothing as well, stepping in to luxuriate in the hot pouring water. A soft sigh leaves his pale lips, letting the water run directly over him. He's been enjoying these past few showers, each one washing off a layer of pain and ruggedness off the boy. He enjoys the feeling of water trickling down his skin, the cloth rubbing against his skin with the cold liquid soap, oh and how the thick lather glided over his flawless skin. Flawless save for that god damned brand on his hip. When Matthew stepped extremely close, it caught his attention mighty fast. "Really now?" He asks, rinsing the rest of the suds off his body as he looks at the boy, listening to him explain. When he sees him look down then goes to cover his eyes, he snickers at him. "What you prefer your men shaved?" He jokes before Matthew steps back and hits his head. Vladimor couldn't exactly say he was surprised; Matthew had seemed to always get himself hurt, and frankly, this isn't anything new. "Hey, hey, are you alright?" He asks, stepping forward as he assures his safety. Well, there wasn't blood on the walls..."I don't know why you're getting so worked up about it, we have the same parts...And to be completely fair, you weren't exactly all shy when I was rubbing mine against yours." He tells him, gently trying to lead him to take his hands away from his eyes before he wrecked himself again.

Rei sticks her tongue out at Rei. "Yeah, gained a whole pound of your bullshit!" She bites back, giggling. To be fair, she'd only asked the driver to take them to the nearest club. Not strip club. Oh well! Rei sure did like a good show. "We shall!" She giggles, heading in eyeing the strippers on stage. Just because she was asexual, didn't mean she didn't like a good show! "C'mon, we can get wasted as dicks!" Je says, hopping over to the bar, only glancing at the two men near them. Red and violet eyes. How unusual. "Challenge me! Challenge me!" She begged Rin telepathically, bouncing in her seat as she orders two mild drinks for the both of them.

Derrick chuckles a little nervously, taking a seat next to Orious. When a drink is presented to him, he takes it, as he is no stranger to alcohol. He downs only a fourth of the drink before setting it down, tapping his fingers on the bar table looking around. He eyes set on a pair of twins, on who he awkwardly locked glances with. He squeaks and looks back to Orious. "S-so...?" He asks, seemingly uncomfortable. Lots of people aren't his setting, he remembered.​
Ooc:When you thought you posted when you really didn't

Bic:"Oh.....i'm sorry."The boy said as they walked into the building he looked around the house for a little bit bored "Well I don't need anything but you can grab what ever you want."He stated "This your house anyways so you can take what you want from it."The boy stated while making his way to the garage and looking around for a little bit before going outside to see if anyone was closing in on them eventually feeling somewhat safe he walked back inside and closed the door

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