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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

Cicero frowned a little he complete forgot Nagato was here but for once he was right after Tab got up only to fall again by Nagato landing on them "Oww....that hurt."The boy stated getting up and noticed Tab had a tear in the shirt "It should be fine to wear until we get home plus you have my jacket so you should be warm."He stated while grabbing a cookie out of the jacket pocket and eating it and smiling "Well Nagato have fun trying to find that same shirt in the clothing store as a sorry gift for ripping that one."He stated smiling at the guy and pointing to Tab's shirt forgetting how close he was and accidentally poke something he didn't want to poke (Blame it on the alcohol song anyone) "Uhh sorry Tab."The cat boy quickly apologized his face becoming red with embarrassment as he quickly but his hands in his pocket and looking at the ground

Ooc:I'm sorry it seemed funny at the time and plus I just wanted to see Tab's reaction xD
Nagato tried to get up, and only managed to roll off them. "No I am not I drank a bottle like Cicero suggested." Nagato then replied to Cicero say, "I don't need to say sorry, I might have save your lives. Could you imagine if the owner walked in and we were sent to jail in this shape." Nagato grabbed a chair leg and managed to stand up, "I have decided that I shouldn't drink, my body can't handle it." He pulled himself on to the chair and managed to sit in it he looked at the two and his eyes lite up. He quickly grabbed his stomach and leaned over the counter of the bar almost vomiting. "Can one of you help me, I don't think I can walk by myself."
Tabitha immediately placed a hand where he touched, feeling a blush come across her face rather rapidly. It didn't help anything that the shirt had been ripped just along that area. Just a few minutes ago she'd have been completely okay with something like that, but now that she knew Nagato was here she was pretty self-conscious. When Cicero apologized, she simply said "Watch where your putting your hands." and left it at that. She could survive the night without being a bitch to him. It was an accident, after all- just an extremely embarrassing one. When Nagato mentioned that he was drunk, she only rolled her eyes. "Another one of Cicero's bright ideas." Tabby thought, watching casually as the boy stumbled over to a seat before almost vomiting. Tabitha looked away, gagging slightly when she saw Nagato had gagged. It was a reflex of hers: She was sensitive to things like that. "Cicero, can you help him? I don't think I can be around a nauseous person without feeling sick myself."

"What the fuck? Are you one of those batshit crazy scientist fuckfaces? Oh wait. You're from the bus place I think. Am I right? I'm right." Clearly confused as to what poking him in the chest accomplished for her, he turned his attention to the group of girls that had accompanied his victim. He poured the blood from the gaping torso gouge and sipped from his alcoholic beverage.

"Anyone of you guys wanna go out with me?" He asked the frightens flock of girls. One of them barfed from seeing her friend mutilated so easily. "Oh, so that's a no. Whatever, call me." He carved his number into the corpse's back and gave the group his ever so charming smile. Then, he turn back to Rei, who was bleeding from the tip of her finger.

"What the hell are you guys doing here? Me and my new friend Asshole were going to bring this place to the ground! Don't you know when you should be at home base! Speaking of, where is it exactly, I don't know where it is." He took a sip of his Bloody Mary, and set it next to the covering bartender.
"Yes ma'am."He said to the girl still embarrassed about what happened and just nodded his head when she asked him to help Nagato "Come on dude and I swear if you throw up on me I'm leaving you outside to die."He stated while pulling one of Nagato's arm over his neck letting the boy lean on him while they walked to the door he wasn't serious about leaving him outside to die of course he just didn't want to smell like vomit "Tab your going to have to lead the way neither me or Nagato know where to go."He said chuckling a little his face still a little red as he held the door open for Tab to walk out while he starred at the ground
Great, now all I can think about is vomiting. It helped him having a support under him, if he didn't he wouldn't have been able to leave the casino with them, which would end with his death. At least he thought so and he force himself to work as hard he could to walk in a straight line. "I don't think two year olds are suppose to drink." He said trying to better their moods seeing their faces and not quite understanding what they were feeling. Everything was so difficult for him and he tried to keep his mind busy to keep from vomiting while holding his stomach. If he was thinking straight he would uses his energy to heal himself by removing the poison in his system.

Derrick looks around, quite amazed by the whole scene. “Wow! You wouldn’t find anything like this in Vegas! The land here isn’t very good for a lot of plants, I wonder if this is completely man-made…”He thinks, observing the place. “Matter of fact, it’s implausible that it’s in Vegas...Especially behind a strip club?” He noticed the soil was different from the outskirts of the town. It was actual dirt and not sand. Well, definitely man made, since there wouldn’t be a random patch of soil in the midst of all this sand. It was also illogically placed, in a big city. He’s surprised it hadn’t been torn down due to the cities needs. Whatever, this place was amazing! So authentic in such an odd place. He sits on the swing, pushing back and forth with his feet still on the ground. It seemed pretty old and he wouldn’t want to break it.

((OOC: Forreal though, if this were in vegas, it’d be impractical let alone being behind a stripclub, but it’d be cut down, regardless))

Vladimor watches the boy fall against the wall, eyeing him as though he were a cat and Matthew were his prey. They were playing cat and mouse, weren’t they? And there was Matthew, the small little mouse who kept running into the cat’s paws. The young lord chuckles lowly at him. He nears him once more, putting his arm on the wall which he was against. “Are you so sure that you don’t need me? Whatever, no means no, I guess.” Before he decided to leave him, he gave him a quick kiss. Maybe not quick, but not at all long. Vlad pulls back, licking his lips with a quiet “Mmm” as he steps away from the poor boy. “I’ll leave you alone to yourself. I’ll be in the room, for if you change your mind or not.” With that he leaves the bathroom, making sure to close the door behind him. For some odd reason, he felt accomplished as he flops onto the king sized bed. In situations like these, maybe Vladimor is always winning.

Rei gives a questioning look. “There’s a bus full of you?!” She exclaimed, covering her mouth, not paying much mind to her brother’s motherly instincts. “Thanks.” She told Rin telepathically, laughing a little. Anyways, “Homebase? How many experiments are there here in Vegas? Nevermind that, stop slaughtering people. I mean, I don’t care, but you’re gonna start drawing attention to this place, and I’d very much like to stay in Las Vegas, thank you very much!” She pinches the brige of her nose, shaking her head, but even with how morbid he was being, she couldn’t help but to find a little humor in how he handled all this.​
"Wait a sec... You're a scientist?! I fucking knew you had something fishy about you." Leo then chugged the rest of his drink and grabbed the collar of her shirt and rammed her against the table. With his best Batman impression, he exclaimed "WHERE IS SHE!? WHERE IS RACHEAL?!" He then hiccuped and melted into a puddle of drunk ferro-fluid. ((OOC: Liquid metal of sorts. Google it.))

Tabitha led the way, looking behind her every so often to make sure the two were following. After being reassured they were, she stuck a hand out and waved at the nearest taxi she saw. Even at night, Vegas was a busy city. After paying the driver quite generously, she got in after Cicero and the drunk mess that was Nagato. "If you vomit you're cleaning it up." was all the man said before driving off to the location Tabitha told him: Vladimor's house.

Rin was beyond alarmed at his sister's laugh. "There's nothing funny about this!" he told her in his stern telepathic voice. He completely ignored Mew, instead walking up to the metal monster. "I think you've had enough fun, so please leave before I call the police and tell them there's a sick fuck in this club." Rin spoke calmly, as if he'd actually do it. He knew he couldn't, but that heap of metal didn't. After that was said and done, he glanced over toward the red-eyed man, who still hadn't taken his gaze off Rin anymore than a few seconds a a time. "The same goes for you sir." he told him, pointing a finger toward the exit. Even when he was hideously angry, he never forgot to say "please" or "thank you" or "yes sir/ma'am". It was perhaps one of Rin's most noticeable habits. Sometimes even he found himself embarrassed at his excessive use of manners, but there was also something empowering about it, as if every time he used them he was building some sort of protective shell around himself, trapping everyone outside of it and letting them burn up there. The only person he let in was Rei- she was the only person he needed. This train of thought veered off into a new direction the second the metal monster touched her. "Rei, are you okay?!" he asked, kneeling down beside his sister before turning toward Leo. "What did you just do?!" he yelled, and in seconds the boy had jumped unto Leo, clawing unto the half-machine in a desperate attempt to find some way to hurt him. Already scratches were prevalent on his arms and really any exposed skin of his.

Matthew let out something close to a whimper when Vlad kissed him. If he wasn't fighting it so much maybe he'd actually enjoy the kiss, but as it was it only made Matt "worse". In the boy's defense, a good five minutes passed before he found himself standing up and walking painfully to the door. When he put the pants on they weren't, but by now they were exceedingly tight around the boy. (for obvious reasons) "V-Vlad?" The boy called out as he opened the door. He could only imagine how stupid he looked to the lord, who was casually laying down on the bed. Matthew noticed the trumphant look in Vladimor's eyes but Matthew didn't have to courage or really the mental capacity to say anything about it. He hung his head in shame, not sure if Vladimor wanted him to beg or anything. Matthew would at this point: His body completely ignored his arrogant heart, instead acting like all it needed was the love Vladimor could provide.

Ooc: Best I got, sorry! *Dies*​
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"You're gonna hurt yourself if you keep *HIC* doing that." He said as the Joker's companion pounced on him. Leo wasn't having that shit, so he sluggishly pushed Rin off him, next to the corpse with Leo's number on it. "If its a fight you *HIC* then its a fight you'll *HIC*!" Leo then proceeded to elegantly let his fist escape through the floorboards next to Rin's face. "Ah shit. I always do that to myself!" Leo frustratedly tried pulling his hand out through the floorboards only to get hit in the face by a petite purse. "Since when did we kick on the guy who's down!?"

He looked up at the face of another soon to be victim and glanced back towards Rin. "Fuck it. This is my new home now." Too lazy to morph his hand into something thinner he lay on the ground, his entire arm tucked into the ground, fucking up the pipe system under him.
Ooc:Yea no notification

Bic:"Uhh....hey Tab you do know I actually am sorry about....you know."He stated he didn't know if he should have just forgot about it or what he should have done but hes just going to be an idiot like always and say something 'It was soft...no STOP THINKING ABOUT THAT!'He mentally screamed (Sorry Sorry couldn't help it) hes face turned red as keep getting redder when he thought about his finger poking Tab's breast he eventually just looked out the window even though it wouldn't help with the embarrassment that was spreading to his ears

Rei was thrown off guard when she was accused of being a scientist. "Wha-" Was all she could muster before she could barely register what happened next. The twin cries out as her back was slammed against a table, feeling something crack. (Dear God, let it be the table!) "I'm fine..." She whines out, rolling off the table onto the floor, trying to reassure both her brother and herself. She looks at the table, noticing a large crack in it, sighing in relief when it wasn't anything on her body. When she watched as Rin jumped towards the thing, calling for him not to. "Don't touch him he's dangerous! Let's just go!" The female twin pleads, standing with a shaking body, her back incredibly sore.

When the door opens, Vladimor looks up at Matt, that thing in his pants still obviously untreated. "Alright," He tells him getting up off the bed. He leans in to give him a deep, rough kiss before grinning at him and dropping to his knees already beginning to unbutton Matthew's pants as he licks his lips.

"Have I ever told you about my tongue piercing?"


Tabitha couldn't help but smile a little at Cicero's shy expression. She already forgave him, but the devilish side of her didn't want him to know that- not yet. She turned her gaze so that she was looking out the window, feigning frustration. "You're such a pervert." was all she said, huffing out the words to make it seem like she was pouting. In reality, she was struggling to keep a straight face. Maybe it was a little mean, but that was the fun of it. For a girl who was friends with nearly everyone, she could be a bitch sometimes.

Rin ignored his sister, hitting at Leo again and again until the drunk hunk of metal threw a punch at him. Rin sighed in relief when it missed him, but it was only by a few inches. Still, Rin took those few seconds to get up and prepare for more fighting... something that never happened. Instead, Rin became the witness to the metal giant being stuck in he ground and hit over and over again by the friends of the women he murdered. "He got what he deserved, don't you think?" Rin asked his sister triumphantly, before sitting down at the bar again. He may have seemed amused on the outside, but right now he'd rather see the metal monster's head on a spear. "I'll take two more drinks." Rin said to the bartender, who out of pure terror came back with the drinks in seconds. Rin raised an eyebrow as if to say "What did I do wrong?" but after a second's thought he didn't care. All he cared about was his sister. "I win!" he telepathically told her, grabbing both of the shots and downing them both in exactly two seconds. He got up to grab her hand. "Should we go home?" he asked, glancing over her while he spoke. Sure, he could tell Rei didn't think she was injured, but she was the sort of girl who wouldn't notice a bruise even if it was on her face, or at the very least, that was Rin's view of her.

Ooc: No clue what they're doing after the time-skip, fuck. X_X I tried to write something but I have no clue...​
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"Eh....no fair it was an accident I swear I would never do something like that without your permission..."He complained while turning red after realizing what he said most likely making him sound more like one but still turning to look at the girl too see if she was looking at him only to get greeted with the back of her head Cicero sighed in defeat as he put his head down to stare at the floor with a sad expression on his face 'Dang it this is just great now Tab's going to think i'm a pervert for the rest of my life.'He thought to himself while rubbing the back of his neck trying to think of some way to show Tab he was truly sorry or at least make her not think he was a perv he eventually settled on getting her some flowers "Hey Tab I know you most likely don't want to talk or look at me but whats your favorite type of flower?"The cat boy asked knowing it was a very slim chance he would get an answer

Rei seemed a little pissed off at her brother's unnecessary effort to beat her once again. "Watch, I'll have your ass into the ground next time! This doesn't even count cause I got my ass handed to me by some metal monster." She pops her back, but the pain forces her to slouch back forward and she grunts. She'd live. "Nah," She looks in the direction of the exit. "Let's find this place he spoke about. I'm sure someone is informed about it. Know remember that girl we helped earlier? I did notice an address on her arm. You think maybe that was it?" Rei thinks, "60-something Pro-something. It didn't stand out to me that much actually. One of those bigger housed streets." She held Rin's hand, whining. "Carry meeee...." She complains, overexaggerating the pain in her back.

Vladimor stands, rubbing at his now sore jaw. "Welp, a friend of mine always told me: Spitters are quitters!" He laughs, wiping the corners of his mouth. "Fuck the club, I'm actually kinda sleepy. I wanna sleep in my own bed for once. How about we go out to eat instead? I've been eating fruit snacks the whole fucking bus ride to keep me alive. Other than that, I haven't been eating." Vladimor goes back into the bathroom to brush his teeth before stepping back out. "I didn't want to get dressed for nothing, come on, let's go."​

Ooc: Wow, this'll be fun...

^_^ Also Anthony- you really didn't go pass the necessary time-skip at all huh? X_X I am starting to wonder how PG-13 our RP actually is...

Bic: Tabby didn't turn around, but the question did strike her as odd. Why did Cicero suddenly care about flowers? "...Roses. Aren't they every girl's favorite?" Tabitha answered, not sure what else to sat besides the truth. She wasn't unintelligent, but Tabby had a habit of being completely oblivious when it came to things like this. "Is he trying to change the subject?" Tabitha , a little frustrated her plan didn't seem to be working. What she didn't realize was that it was working- Cicero was worried about her, but more than she thought. The taxi finally stopped, and Tabitha got out first, holding the door for Nagato and Sai.

Matthew found himself awkwardly buttoning up his pants and trying to retain what dignity he had left when Vladimor stood up. He looked up at Vlad, expecting him to be somewhat upset, but instead the boy cracked a joke! Matt's eyes widened slightly. If he wasn't already so... relaxed, surely his heart would've starting racing again. As it was, he listened quietly to what the other boy had to say. "Going out? I don't really remember what that was like..." he stated rather humbly. When Vlad left to brush his teeth, Matt took the brief two minutes to close his eyes and lean against the wall. He hadn't realized it before now, but he was extremely tired. It was strange, considering how he had slept during the bus ride, but Matt think he knew the cause. When Vladimor stepped back out, Matt immediately opened his eyes and stepped away from the wall. "Where are we going?" Matt asked. He didn't even know what places there were around here, but the question seemed appropriate.

"You're such a child." Rin sighed after making sure she had no injuries. Within seconds the twin had done exactly as she asked, picking her up bridal style and casually making his way out the door. "Are you sure you can't remember the address?" he asked her. It was lightly raining, but Rin barely noticed. Actually, he might not have noticed at all. After the experiments it seemed his sensitivity went down tremendously. He used to shiver and shake at the slightest cold breeze, but now it felt like nothing at all. Rin had never asked Rei if it bothered her: The thought never even occurred to him until now.​
Ooc:When did Sai get in the taxi?

Bic:"I guess your right."He said smiling and laughing a little he was surprised she actually answered him as he helped Nagato out of the car and went into thought of how hes going to have to find a shop that sells roses he would most likely go by himself for many reasons 1.) being he doesn't want to be laughed at or teased about getting Tab flowers and 2.) He doesn't want to explain why he had gotten her flowers in the first place 'Well good thing no one other then Tab, Ocean, and I guess Nick sometimes give a shit if I go do something without saying a word this should be easy.' The cat boy thought to himself smiling he did know roses come in different colors but he would just settle on getting the red ones boring choice...most likely he didn't care a single bit though
Grumbling, Leo shot up off the floor to stalk R n' R from the shadows of buildings, because he had no fucking clue as to where Vlad's house was either.

Nagato got out of the taxi and nearly fell to the ground. He managed to catch himself as he was falling and stumbled towards the house. This whole evening was a daze for him and he barley managed to do any do thing on his own. Sai could see the Vagas sky line and knew that he was nearly there, it felt like his feet were on fire. They could possibly be bleeding at this point but he didn't bother to check. Victoria was a block away from Vlad's house, and she could see it. Her bugs went back into her body and she continued to head towards it.

Rei shakes her head, biting on her tongue. "Promontgomery? I don't think that's a street here. It's along those lines. I'm sure if we find a street following along that, we'll have a good guess on the number. Big houses aren't very close together so there wouldn't be a lot of 60 numbers." She tells him with a shrug. When she is picked up she gives a short lived 'whee!' giggling. "Sorry, though. I should have paid more attention." Rei whined, burying her face in her brother's chest as a form of apology. "Nyehhh, I love youuuu!" She tells him, muffled in Rin's shirt. "We should hurry, though, since it's raining. I bet a taxi driver would know what we're talking about?" She recommends, looking around to try and spot on of the vehicles.

"I dunno, somewhere big. I just wanna treat you. Goddamn, I'm tired of taking a taxi though. Oh, well. Can't be helped." He shoulder slumped as he goes to get his phone, calling a taxi to his address, before hanging up and shoving the device into his pocket. "We'll have to wait a little, until our ride gets here. You don't mind, do you?" Vladimor asks, laying back down on the bed. He rolls over to his side, looking at Matthew. "We can cuddle until then?" He offers, a goofy grin on his face as he welcomes Matthew next to him.

((OOC: @Surprise Meteors sorry, I didn't get any notifications of shit going on @_@))

As Allen followed his new recruit, he cringed, realizing they're entering a… Strip club.

"I'll just… stay out here, yes?"

He stands right next to the doorway, watching as Leo enters the club, listening to the ongoings, watching as people came and go. He didn't quite want to leave him, for hopes that his new acquaintance might finish his business in there and then leave so they could go on to other less… raunchy things.

He had been waiting for quite some time when Leo stepped out again, admittedly seeming rather inebriated. He followed him quietly before speaking.

"Hey, do you want to go somewhere else, Pal? Strip clubs aren't really my thing…" He was looking at his nails while speaking.
Lia closed the book, finished with it, and put it back on the shelf. Thanking the lady behind the desk, she left the store and went back to the casino where she assumed John was. She was a little worried about him, but at the same time, she knew he could take care of himself, and he was a mature person. When she saw how big the line was to get into the casino, Lia bounced right behind the security guard. It was loud in there. She could hear very drunk men screaming in victory, voices cheering, and so many other noises that she couldn't quite pick out. When she finally found John, watching a poker game, she grabbed his arm and lead him to the exit. He was just watching, not playing, and that was a bad sign. John loved poker. He played it whenever he got the chance. Him not playing meant he gambled all of his money away.

When they finally maneuvered their way out of the casino, Lia let go of his arm and asked, "How much do you have?"

"Around $350. That should be enough for a few days, right?" He then looked down at what she was wearing, and his face immediately turned into one of worry. "Those clothes look expensive. How much do you have left?"

Even though Lia knew she would have had to tell him eventually, she had been dreading telling him that she spent almost all of his money on clothes. "Only about $20. I went shopping with Izabelle."

"Obviously!" He almost yelled, anger filling his voice. After several seconds, he had calmed down and said, "We should probably head over to the house."

All Lia could do was nod. She was tense from John yelling at her, even though he did it all the time. Without a word, they started walking in the direction of the house while John tried to get the attention of a taxi driver.

When they finally made it to the house, John payed the taxi driver, and they both got out. He noticed the couple that had sit across from them on the bus at the front door, about to go in, with another boy John didn't recognize. He quickly caught up with them, not bothering to wait for his sister, and said, "Hi, you guys sat on the bus across from us, right?" He gestured to Lia, who had caught up with him. He honestly didn't really know what else to say, but he was bored, so it didn't matter in his mind. @Cicero @iiimee
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Tabitha tried her best to look serious, but she couldn't restrain herself and ended up smiling. Whenever Cicero seemed happy, she ended up feeling happy too. Would it have been the same if they were just friends? Maybe, but she didn't want to think about that: Cicero was probably the best thing that happened to her these past weeks. Tabitha walked over to the door and knocked. "Anyone home?" she asked, hoping at least one person wasn't asleep. She had no clue that only Vladimor and Matthew were home, but if she did she'd probably not have came to Vlad's house in the first place.

Matthew was going to say something snarky before accepting the offer- until somebody knocked at the door. "I'll get it!" he immediately said, getting off the bed and walking out of the room. He didn't know who it was, but he prayed it wasn't Derrick. He wouldn't know how to explain the fact he had "borrowed" the boy's clothes. "Well, at least I didn't go anywhere and have the chance to ruin anything." Matthew thought, but the reason he didn't go anywhere was his real fear. He didn't know why, but he figured somehow the boy could figure something like that out. He finally reached the front door and opened it. It was Tabitha, her boyfriend, and one of Matt's "sons". Matthew did his best to hide the relief on his face. "I'm coming in." Tabby told him, raising an eyebrow at his not-so-mean expression and his really strange choice of clothes.

For most guys, a girl nuzzling their face into their chest was fine. For Rin, as a transgender guy, this was pretty inconvenient. His thoughts probably voiced his concerns, but instead of complaining he merely nodded his head and started walking, being careful not to drop the twin. Rin was heading over to one but on his way across the street to get to it, another taxi nearly ran over them! Luckily, it stopped. "You owe us a ride." Rin told the driver in his mind. The driver, being afraid for his life, got out and opened the door for them. "For free." he stated, a nervous smile on his face. Without a second thought Rin placed Rei in the car before getting in himself. "Do you know a place where the beginning of the address is 60 and the first three letters in it are P-R-O? We need to go there." Rin said.​
"Hey hows your day in Las Vega been so far?"The boy asked the people that walked up to them before gesturing them inside while still trying to think of a way to sneak out without Tab noticing he just really hope Matt wouldn't notice seen apparently he can see right through people but The cat boy just but on the biggest smile he can muster while he let his tail free as it swayed around "Uhh.....anyways I think I forgot....my uh jacket yea I think I forgot it at the casino."He stated while he pulled on his shirt "See I don't think this would be wise to wear in to cold." The boy said hoping Tab would forget she had his jacket on but he didn't stay to find out he already bolted out the door putting his tail back in his shirt trying to find the flower shop

Ooc:Sorry Cookie I didn't see you change your post
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Matthew ignored Tabitha's confused expression. He didn't know why Cicero was leaving, but he didn't care to figure it out. Cicero could do whatever he wanted, as long as it didn't involve him or endanger Tabitha. "Me and Vlad were just about to head out." Matthew told her plainly. Tabitha's face lit up when he said that, and in reaction Matt looked down. "Oh, are the two lovebirds going on a date?" Tabby asked, fluttering her eyebrows seductively in order to tease Matt. To make it worse, Tabitha ruffled up Matthew's hair. For a second Matt was tempted to bite her hand, but he didn't say it. Instead, he kept his eyes closed and touched the bridge of his nose, as if doing that would relieve the stress he felt now. "I just said we're heading out, but thanks for putting words into my mouth." he told her in a rough voice. Tabitha just responding with a quick "Thank you!" before looking around. "Where does everyone sleep?" Matthew shrugged. "Wherever there's a bed? I think Vlad's claimed the master bedroom..." Matthew realized his error in saying that too late. "Oh, I seeeee..." she said, trying her best not to laugh at the blush across Matt's face. "Shut up, you and Cicero both smell like whiskey, and I know you hate whiskey." Matthew replied, and now it was Tabby's turn to blush. "I wonder how you got your breath to smell like that, if you hate that drink..." Matt carried on, earning a punch in the shoulder. Tabitha tried to punch him again, but he dodged. It was one of these few moments that showed why exactly they were friends. By the end of this cat and mouse game, they were both laughing. "I'll say nothing about Cicero and you'll say nothing about Vlad, deal?" Matthew decided, holding out the hand that wasn't holding his stomach for her to shake. Tabitha shook her head. She was also holding her stomach from the pure pain of laughing to much. "I don't think I can give up teasing you." she said, these words quickly followed by a long moment of pure giggling from Tabby. Matthew sighed, knowing she was nowhere near finished. She'd still be laughing at him when he was underground and forgotten, he was sure. Still, he wasn't upset. "Just no more tonight okay? Mommy wants some alone time." Matthew told her, referencing when he first found her. She had ran up to him, convinced in her delusional state that Matt was somehow her mother. Tabitha glared at him slightly. "That's not very funny!" she complained with her hands on her hips, but soon she broke out into a smile again. "Have fun." she said, before going over to Nagato and leading him to what she thought was a nearby bedroom.

Ooc: Btw @King Anthony , Matthew will always call him Vlad. xD Notice he's never said Vladimor's full name, even if the text does sometimes.​

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