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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

Shuzo was breathing rather quickly in fear when he was pulled away from Isaac. "S-Sage..." He whispered. (We need to wrap this up since the buses are leaving soon ok?) @djinnamon
Leon remained in the lobby. He had no belongings aside from his beanie. He merely sat down on a chair and waited for these buses to arrive. It was hard to believe that they were already about to head off to Las Vegas. So many changes in a matter of weeks, it was confusing to say the absolute least. Leon just wanted to hurry up and be over with this and hopefully make it to Las Vegas with little to no worry, but that alone may be asking for too much to even begin with.
Vladimor continued cleaning himself, spacing out about both related and unrelated things. Once he meets Matthew's gaze, but when he turns forward quickly he thinks nothing of it at he pushes his wet hair back. When Matthew stepped out, he was just about finished himself, so he turns the water off and wrings his hair out. "Yeah, I get it. It's fine." He says before steps out grabbing a towel of his own. He stays in the bathroom the brush his hair, sparing a glance over to Matthew. "Hey, uh." He bites his lip, sort of regretting what he was asking, even though there wasn't anything he wanted more: "Maybe we could uh, do something like this again sometime soon?" He suggests, looking at himself in the mirror as he brushes through knots and tangles until it's straight. Wet, but straight. When there was a beep on the intercom, he cringes at the 'woman's' voice but did listen to what she said. 'Already?" He thinks, going to hurry up since they were leaving so soon. It took him no time to get dressed in his routine style, shoving everything that was his back in his bag. He'd meet Derrick downstairs.

Derrick, however, had been at the hospital and had fallen asleep in the chair next to the bed Orious was in. Again, he was oblivious to everything. Before and, when they were removing the bullet and treating the wound completely. When there was a thud and a clatter, he wakes up rather quickly, rushing to Orious. He picks up the IV pole, then attempts to help Orious up. "Please don't strain yourself, It'll increase the chance of you opening the wound," He says worriedly, looking outside at the light. Did he sleep the whole night? "Anyways, they haven't discharged you, but it isn't wise for you to stick around since you are an experiment. Plus, we have to get back to the other since we don't know when they'll be leaving." He says, offering to help Orious up.

Sage pushed Shuzo behind him and kicked Isaac in the crouch causing him to yell in pain. Sage grabbed Shuzo's hand and ran out of the store pulling Shuzo along with him. " We need to get away, where should we go. " He asked. " That b*tch ! " Isaac yelled as he held his groin in pain.

Ldybug123 said:
Shuzo was breathing rather quickly in fear when he was pulled away from Isaac. "S-Sage..." He whispered. (We need to wrap this up since the buses are leaving soon ok?) @djinnamon
Leo looked around and saw that there was, in fact, one of the people he saw from the penthouse/cabin/whatever.

"Hey. Where are the others? I just got here, and I heard that it's already time to leave."

Leo shuffled through his luggage for a second then whipped out a large IPad, still in case, still coated with a few glass shards, still with the security strap on it. "I got you something, I think it's charged or something along those lines." He let his finger elongate and slice the case right open, revealing a crisp, new IPad.

"You better enjoy this. Asshat." He quipped.
Calvin immediately rose from his spot on his bed when an announcement sounded out. They were leaving.. Good. He reached over for his pack, getting ready to fill it, when pain shot up his arm. Instead of grabbing the bag, Calvin completely missed and tumbled off of his bed, clutching his arm.

"Of course.." he growled, lifting his unharmed hand away. Letting the other arm hang limp, he began packing. It took him longer than normal, but he still managed to make good time. He stuffed his now numb arm into the pocket of his jacket, hoping to hide his sudden disability of sorts, and left his room, pack in hand. Naomi happened to emerge from her room across from his at that same moment, took one look at Calvin's arm, and frowned.

"You never put your hands in your pockets, you like having them free," she stated accusingly. Calvin shrugged one shoulder, saying nothing and walking downstairs. Naomi followed.

"How much time do you have?"

"At this rate? Long enough to make sure you make it safe to Vegas, maybe help plan how to take down the scientists. Don't worry, child. I'm sure I'll figure something out."

"You're lying," came Naomi's quiet response. Her voice even shook a little.

Was she crying? Calvin looked back to see. No, she wasn't, but she was close to it. Since when did Naomi cry?

The subject of his thoughts stopped.

"You never tell me anything. If you're hurting on the inside, or on the outside.." She continued, her voice nearly a whisper now. "You won't even tell me that you're my father."

Calvin bit back a sigh, knowing that would only antagonize the kid. He searched his mind for an appropriate response, and couldn't find one.

Calvin was speechless. It seems there's a first time for everything.

"When we first left the.. I was terrified. Here was one of my nightmares, taking me away. I didn't know what to expect. Would I die? Was I being isolated? When I found out I was free, I still didn't know how to feel. The man who had done so much harm, trying to save me? I thought it was out of some sick selfishness at first.. Maybe you wanted to feel like you had been redeemed. As time went on, I found out that wasn't the case. I didn't know why, but you genuinely wanted to help me."

"As time went on, I noticed how much you acted like a father towards me. I didn't think much of it, just thought it was natural that you'd take care of me. I started to think of you like an actual father. But.. Then I heard that argument behind you and Cryx.."
She didn't go on. Calvin knew the rest.

At first, he just stood there, ignoring the questioning glance Cryx gave him as she walked past. He didn't really have an excuse ready as for why he hadn't told Naomi anything.

Excuses, excuses, excuses.. I can't seem to tell things straight, can I?

Calvin couldn't do this. He couldn't put up with people, not now. So, instead of saying something--something he really should have done--he turned and walked away without a word.

Naomi stood there, watching as he entered the elevator, and she felt a lot more lost than she felt. She didn't follow Calvin, or go downstairs. She turned, going back to her room and breaking the window, climbing out carefully and quietly, setting out on her own path. If Calvin didn't trust her enough to say anything, then she had no reason to stay.
"I-I t-think t-the b-buses t-to t-take u-us t-to L-Las V-Vegas a-are c-coming s-soon. I-I c-can g-get u-us o-out o-of h-here f-fast." Shuzo said, transforming himself and Sage into shadows and quickly went to the front of the hotel where everyone was waiting for the buses. He transformed them back to their normal form. @djinnamon
Sage leaned over and placed his hands on his knees while he panted. " Thanks Shuzo. " he said before he remember who he incountered back at the restaurant and his dilated. " No , No , No. " he chanted as he covered his face and stumbled back before falling on his butt.

Ldybug123 said:
"I-I t-think t-the b-buses t-to t-take u-us t-to L-Las V-Vegas a-are c-coming s-soon. I-I c-can g-get u-us o-out o-of h-here f-fast." Shuzo said, transforming himself and Sage into shadows and quickly went to the front of the hotel where everyone was waiting for the buses. He transformed them back to their normal form. @djinnamon
"I don't know." Matt told him. It was an honest, simple answer, but to Matt the words felt particularly cutting. He couldn't even imagine how Vladimor felt at his words, since he was the one who asked. To put it simply, Matthew enjoyed himself last night. To put it in more complicated terms... well, Matthew really enjoyed himself last night. The romantic words "There's no place I'd rather be." kept appearing in his mind, but he wouldn't admit it. The second he did, he decided, was the second he was too weak to protect anyone. Without so much as glancing at Vlad, Matthew walked out of the bedroom door, now fully dressed and ready to start the day... except he needed his stuff. He made his way back to the room he and Tabitha had been using. "Please don't let her be there." Matt prayed, but he had no such luck. Tabitha was leaning against the door, holding his shoes in one hand and the backpack in another. "You're carrying this." is all she said, handing him both items. He quickly accepted them, but he already understood that she knew, and that her game of teasing was just beginning. He sighed, putting his hands through the sleeves of the backpack and stepping into his shoes. He didn't say anything to her. Instead, he just started walking. She walked behind him rather smugly, but didn't say anything until they were in the elevator. "So, who were you with last night?" she asked, placing one of her elbows on his shoulder. He shrugged her off and said nothing: He didn't have to play along with her games. "It was Vladimor, wasn't it?" she purred into his ear. He glared at her, tempted to punch this bitch whom he called a friend. "I don't need to tell you what I was doing, so let's stop this mindless chatter." he snapped. He got out the second the elevator doors opened, but Tabby was following close behind. "Okay Mr. I-Can't-Just-Admit-My-Feelings." Tabby whispered in his ear. He sighed again. It wasn't like what she said was false, and maybe that was why he hated it all the more. She didn't say anything else, but Matt knew anytime he looked at her he'd see the same smug expression, so he avoided doing so at all. He'd be glad to get on the bus and head to Las Vegas.

Sage kept his hands over his face as tears appeared and streamed down his face. He was extremely dared , that monster had appeared the monster that did so many horrible things to him.
Hearing the announcement, Lia stood up and went straight to her room without a word to Ella or Sage. She packed her brush, toothbrush, shampoo and conditioner into a small bag she found in the room. She headed straight to the lobby and it was packed. Ella wasn't kidding when she said there was a lot of others. She walked over to the doors, leaned against the wall, and waited.

Vegas? Interesting... John thought as he saw people entering the room. Since he didn't have anything on him, he probably should have gone back to his apartment and packed something, but he didn't. He plopped down on on the couch and waited for something interesting to happen or someone to notice him.
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Shuzo looked at Sage. "I-I'll g-get o-our b-bags." He said, disappearing into the shadows and returning a moment later with their bags with their stuff in them. @djinnamon
Vladimor, with all of his stuff, heads downstairs.(He prefers the stairs over the elevator, maybe to put some exercise his weakened body, perhaps?) When he got to the lobby Vladimor was nowhere to be found. Though neither was Orious and already that wasn't a good combination. "Hey has anyone seen Derrick or Orious?" He asks with his voice raised enough so that anyone who might've had an answer could hear. The bus was coming soon, and he oddly felt nervous without Derrick there. What if they miss it?" He smooths down his still damp hair and begins the nervous braiding habit of his with a concerned expression.

Sage nodded and stopped sobbing. He pulled away and smiled at Shuzo. " Thanks. "he said before he planted a kiss on his cheek and stood up.

Ldybug123 said:
"H-hey y-your s-safe. I-I p-promise." Shuzo whispered, wiping Sage's tears. @djinnamon
Shuzo stood up as well and handed Sage his bag. "Y-you're w-welcome. W-we s-should p-probably g-get o-on t-the b-bus n-now." He said, blushing. @djinnamon
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Leo leaves the IPad on Leon's lap and walks off towards the bus. Upon boarding,seeing the absolute fuckton of people that are heading to Vegas, he remarks quite loudly

"Holy crap! There is a fuckton of people heading to Vegas!" Feeling no sense of shame whatsoever, he then realizes that the fuckton of people heading to Vegas probably gave no shits. He then leaned against a wall, buried in his tablet for the bus roll itself by, making it easy for him to bury himself in the eardrum-shattering volume
[QUOTE="King Anthony]

Derrick, however, had been at the hospital and had fallen asleep in the chair next to the bed Orious was in. Again, he was oblivious to everything. Before and, when they were removing the bullet and treating the wound completely. When there was a thud and a clatter, he wakes up rather quickly, rushing to Orious. He picks up the IV pole, then attempts to help Orious up. "Please don't strain yourself, It'll increase the chance of you opening the wound," He says worriedly, looking outside at the light. Did he sleep the whole night? "Anyways, they haven't discharged you, but it isn't wise for you to stick around since you are an experiment. Plus, we have to get back to the other since we don't know when they'll be leaving." He says, offering to help Orious up.

Orious nodded quietly and looked at him getting up. He quickly pulled out the Iv out before turning and taking the human's hand,pulling him along over to the window and opened it before scooping the smaller male up bridal style and jumping out into a tree before jumping to the ground placing derrick on his feet again and sighed looking to him before looking down. "I'm sorry I keep putting you through this crap...." He apologized yet again,Ori felt as if all the apologies in the world couldn't make up for his stupidity and constant mistakes.He was utterly afraid derrick would grow to hate him,he didn't want to be alone.

It terrified him and yet he felt his emotions were getting worse. Of all things he had to fall for someone and keep screwing everything up.He hate himself.
Sage took his bags and smiled at Shuzo. " Thanks. " he said before he grabbed Shuzo's hand and pulled him onto a bench

Ldybug123 said:
Shuzo stood up as well and handed Sage his bag. "Y-you're w-welcome. W-we s-should p-probably g-get o-on t-the b-bus n-now." He said, blushing. @djinnamon
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Tabitha punched Matt in the shoulder. When the boy asked what it was, Tabby only pointed over to Vlad and batted her eyelashes, clearly teasing Matthew for staying with Vlad last night. Matthew simply ignored her, going over and laying down on the couch while he waited for the buses to arrive. Tabitha, seeing she wasn't going to get a reaction out of her friend, finally gave up and went to answer Vladimor's question. "They'll be here: I just saw them leaving the building last night." she told him. It confused her a little bit why Vlad was so worried. She wasn't a fan of the blood-drinker, but didn't Vladimor trust him to not harm Derrick? He was strong, so Tabby was sure he'd protect Derrick.

Ooc: Waiting for mew to say the buses arrived. @Ldybug123 @djinnamon
Shuzo was still blushing as followed Sage to a bench. He sat on it and gestured for Sage to sit next to him. Tetsuya stood close to the bench, and as soon as he did, the thing that was tracking Shuzo went crazy. @djinnamon
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