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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

Ella wasn't sure if she should sit down, but since Lia didn't seem likely to take control of her and Ella had mostly given up hope of that, she pulled up a chair beside her. Unlike Lia, she didn't bother looking at the menu, she just asked to have the same as Lia. It didn't matter if she liked it or not, it was one less choice to make. It made things easier, more comfortable. After that, Ella seemed to stop responding properly to her environment again. It was becoming a more and more frequent issue for her.
Nick flinched when the water touched his skin "You could have told me it would have hurt." He said a little bit sarcastically he grabbed his shirt and put it one when his head was out he seen Emily stiffen up "Hey whats wrong princess?" He asked her hearing yelling from downstairs 'Another one geez and this one seems to have a temper great.' He thought rolling his eyes "Do you wanna see who it is?" He asked offering his hand to her for some reason he looked back to look at her then his hand then faced forwards his face suddenly a little hot 'Damn it damn it damn it' Nick thought

Cicero took the elevator down to where he heard the yelling and sluggishly exited the elevator "Who's yelling for crying out loud shut the fuck up." He said rubbing his eyes and yawing 'Man that shower didn't help as much as I thought it would
Emily shook her head. "I need to leave. Now. I knew it was a mistake staying the night." Emily whispers grabbing his hand she peeked out the door seeing Damien patrolling the fucking hallway she closes the door again. "Out the window it is. Come on lover boy." She says with a wink.

"Emily?" He calls once more before someone talked to him. "I'm looking for someone okay. It's important I find her...she means everything to me. Do you know which room she's in?" He asks
"U-um I-I..." Shuzo said, backing up, but he tripped over his untied shoelace and fell to the floor. He looked up at Isaac, trembling. Fear was slightly visible in his eyes. @Cicero
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Isaac crouched down and grabbed Shuzo's chin. " Come on. " he said

Ldybug123 said:
"U-um I-I..." Shuzo said, backing up, but he tripped over his untied shoelace and fell to the floor. He looked up at Isaac, trembling. Fear was slightly visible in his eyes. @djinnamon

Tetsuya walked into the hotel, he had been tracking Shuzo with the chip the scientists put in him.
"I think this is the place." He mumbled to himself. He walked up to Emily. "Excuse me, but do you know if someone named Shuzo is staying here?" He asked her. @aristocraticMobster
The medical men quickly and quietly did what they could to help until they reached the hospital. What seemed like tears had fallen down the vampire's pale face making his violet eyes almost glitter like crystals as he stared with his eyes half lidded up. His chest felt tight and he felt as if it was a little numb as he awoken in a hospital room. Remembering derrick The vampire's eyes widened and he tried to jump up only to fall over with a yelp with the iv pole falling on top of him. "Shiite"
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"Why...ok fine but i'm not a lover boy no fair." Nick complained until he jumped out the window

"Have I seen her....i don't know who your talking about now leave." He stated glaring at the boy that was yelling until someone approached him "Uhh.. yea someone called Shuzo is here I don't know where he is though sorry." The cat-boy said "Ok now you need to shut up before you regret it if I wake up do too you yelling you'll be a dead man." He stated pointed at Damien before walking off hoping to find someone to bug he was already bored and was finally waking up
Leo barged into the new hotel room, skittering across the floor then heightening himself up to see the door. He promptly forced the door open, to the dismay of the patrons, and let himself in, his eyes buried under his recent claim, a tablet covered in his own metallic sheen. Donned with a sweater, black pants, and some embedded rave lights, he tried to look light somebody "cosplaying" or "raving" with the large set of headphones blasting Gorillaz out of it, making his skin, if you would call it that, ripple in tune to the beat.
OOC: I am NOT dirty minded!

BIC: Johnathon had heard a voice. A very strange and compelling voice. But it was in his head, so he felt he had to follow it. It sounded like it was beckoning him, without even saying words. Just an eerie sound coming from a few feet ahead of him. He kept following it mindlessly until he realized it sounded oddly like his twin sister, Hylia. This only made him more curious. The voice stopped coming from the front and started coming from his right, telling him to turn and keep going. The voice led him to a building, but he didn't pay any attention to it. He just opened the door and walked inside. It was then that the voice stopped. Really opening his eyes, he saw that he was in what looked like the lobby of a small hotel. Huh. He thought I wonder why the voice would take me here, of all places.
Damien heard a window break and knew, he ran outside and sure as hell there was Emily running...with another guy. Jealously flared up and so did his temper he started to run after them and aimed a well shot fire ball at the guy.

She turned just in time to see this and tripped Nick on purpose, as he fell to the dirt she took the brunt of the fire ball. She glared at Damien. "You couldn't just leave me alone could you?" She growls as water began to form whips all around her, since he controlled fire she couldn't use her ice.

"I love you Em do you really think I'd just give up?" Damien asks with a smile, that could mean so many deadly things.


A loud beep sounded over and a female voice spoke over the hotel intercom."...HELLO my sweeties, this is your ever so cute host izabell and owner of this hotel. I ask that all of you who are currently going to las Vegas pack up and meet little ol me in the lobby. The buses I had prepared personally with be arriving in a bit. So I repeat, be ready to go. I'll be waiting for you.toodles!" There was another beep sounded and the announcement was done.
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Leo called into the apartment with a metallic screech in his voice

"Assholes? Where the fuck are you? The fucking note is starting to get all soggy so I have no fucking clue where I am."

He peered inside the apartment for a little longer, hoping to find somebody, if anybody, was home. He then lost interest and started off to go make a sandwich.
mewbot5408 said:
A loud beep sounded over and a female voice spoke over the hotel intercom."...HELLO my sweeties, this is your ever so cute host izabell and owner of this hotel. I ask that all of you who are currently going to las Vegas pack up and meet little ol me in the lobby. The buses I had prepared personally with be arriving in a bit. So I repeat, be ready to go. I'll be waiting for you.toodles!" There was another beep sounded and the announcement was done.
Leo immediately dropped his half eaten sandwich and headed downstairs, luggage constructed of his own essence dragging along behind him, like a small dog being yanked by a leash. He entered the lobby, finding that maybe, one or two of his companions, if that's what the bag of nerves would like for him to call them, stood around aimlessly.
mewbot5408 said:
A loud beep sounded over and a female voice spoke over the hotel intercom."...HELLO my sweeties, this is your ever so cute host izabell and owner of this hotel. I ask that all of you who are currently going to las Vegas pack up and meet little ol me in the lobby. The buses I had prepared personally with be arriving in a bit. So I repeat, be ready to go. I'll be waiting for you.toodles!" There was another beep sounded and the announcement was done.
OOC Hey so due to Em, Dami, and Nick fighting Nick and Em will catch up on her bike later, if that okay?))
"HEY!....oh thanks." He said as he seen the other guy and got up he heard the intercom "Hey Emily he don't have time for this guy....I have an idea but it will only end badly....most likely for me but I want you to get inside after this ok." The cat boy said before kissing Emily for as long as possible until he needed air and faced the other guy glaring at him "Sorry buddy but she moved on now get lost." He stated dully while his eyes filled with rage he just hopes Emily will actually listen and go inside "Hey babe do me a favor can you pack some of my things it wouldn't take long to deal with this guy so I should be in to help you soon." He said looking back at her forcing a smile

Cicero heard the intercom and went to his room and packed his and Ocean's stuff after he finished he went down stairs with their belonging in hand and sat down against a wall going to sleep
Tetsuya figured Shuzo was with all these people and was going to Las Vegas as well. He went to the place where the bus would be and waited. He had brought some clothes and stuff with him.
Isaac grabbed Shuzo by the hair and lifted him up. " Why don't I show Sage what I'm doing to you. " he said

Ldybug123 said:
"P-please l-let g-go." Shuzo said quietly, trembling. @djinnamon
Ooc : Isaac is totally gonna get rekted now
Emily flailed at him kissing her. "S-Stop that! I'm not your babe either. We spent like ten minutes together. Shit. Get ahold of yourself. And no. I have a way better chance. You go. I'll catch up on my bike don't worry about me....Go!" She says shoving him away as Damien lashed out with his fire again. "Go you moron!" She shouts as the water began to restrict Damien.

"How cute. Protecting each other. Remember how we used to be Em? No one hurt us without paying for it....Good times." He chuckles as his fire slowly evaporates the water. He took a step forward "Whats that guy to you anyway? Looks like a loser to me."

"Damien just shut up!"

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Isaac dragged Shuzo out of the restroom and stepped up behind Sage and tapped him on the shoulder causing Sage to turn around and instantly. " I-Isaac. " he stuttered until he saw Shuzo in pain and instantly glared at Isaac before pulling Shuzo away from Isaac.

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