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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

Lia briefly glanced over at the boy who was talking to Ella, but when she didn't answer him, Lia said, "Well, you don't have to come if you don't want to, but it would be nice to go with someone. And no, the entire hotel is free of charge." If she had to pay for staying here, Lia would have slept in a hole she dug outside in the snow. Would they allow that? Probably not. She noticed that the boy was still talking to Ella, and Ella seemed either confused or uncomfortable, so Lia said to him, "Umm.. Hello?" in an uncertain tone of voice. She wondered why no one else has said anything about Vegas. She remembered Ella telling her that the plan was to go to Vegas, and this hotel was just a stop-by type thing. Ik vraag me af hoe lang ze hier geweest. (I wondwer how long they've been here) Lia thought to herself before leading the way to the restaurant.
Ella froze as she felt a hand on her shoulder. She took a shaky breath and turned to look at him, what he had said confused her after all. "I- My name is Ella... Just Ella. Not ma'am. Never ma'am" she told him. It had seemed he'd been talking to her but maybe she'd gotten confused. Maybe he meant Lia. She looked back at Lia, who was already moving on to the restaurant, and after a slight pause, followed her inside. Ella was hungry after all and apparently the food was free, although that seemed suspect to her.

Derrick didn't know how to further assist him besides stopping the bleeding.(That was a lot already though.) As he waited for the ambulance, he kept his hand over the shirt that covered the wound, continuing to apply the pressure needed to stop the bleeding as he began stroking Orious hair, calming him with quiet and reassuring words. "It's fine, Orious, it's fine. I won't run, I'll stay next to you." He says softly, though panic was still obvious in his eyes. When the ambulance came quickly, he was slightly relieved as they began taking him onto the ambulance. Derrick was allowed to ride along with them and he couldn't look at Orious as the medical workers tend to the vampire on the way to the hospital.

Vladimor laughs a little at his shouting, setting him down as they reach the bathroom and goes to turn the water on. "If you don't mind, I think I just might join you." Without another word, he strips himself as well, stepping in after him. Seeing the boy away in front of him now felt like some sort of accomplishment. Now that he had thought about it, he was actually expecting for Matthew to be gone, or maybe more bitter than he already was most of the time. It was like nothing changed, sort of. Almost as if showering together was a thing that was done regularly, and like they didn't just share some sort of intimate night together. Vladimor lets the entire thought slip away as he's met with hot water, washing layer of sweat and other things off of him. He found himself too shy to say anything extra, something that was new to him. Maybe more of an extremely old feeling, one of which he remembered a girl gave him his first blowjob and she stayed over for quite some time after. He'd laugh at the memory if Matthew weren't here. The tall teen cleans himself, taking his time to enjoy himself.

Emily opened the door a drying her hair when she tripped over Nick. "Fuck!" She cries landing hard on her hands. "Why are you on the floor idiot?!" She shouts at him shaking her head. She on shorts and a short sleeved shirt. @Cicero

Damien knew that motorcycle. "Emily...." he smiles and ran the rest of the blocks to the hotel where she must be at. She wouldn't abandon that bike. She loved it to much. When he got to the lobby he saw two people. "Hey! I'm looking for someone and I think she's here...she's about 5'1 firey red hair, kind of bitch?" He asks the two his eyes hopeful. "She goes by Devony..."

@Wyatt @Valkyre
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"What oh sorry I was fixing the cut you gave me and passed out then woke up from a nightmare so I sat here." He said helping her up and realized he left his shirt on the floor and went to get it and put it on covering his some what pale skin and the makeshift bandage 'Well I have no clue what to talk about.' He thought looking at Emily with eyes that are saying sorry

Cicero woke up to find himself outside his door "When did I get here?" He asked himself trying to remember but all he could think of was the date him and Tab went on where she beat him in air hockey 'Ok guess I can't stand here and look like a bum...might as well take a shower.' He told himself walking inside his room and went to the bathroom and took of his clothes and got in the shower he choose cold water to wake him up when he was done he got out and dried himself off the shower didn't really help he was more awake then before but not really he put on his pants and hoodie and threw the towel in the sink and walked out completely forgetting a shirt trying to find someone to talk too
As soon Nagato got into the elevator he felt mad, why had Sai just left him like that. He was the only person he had ever felt something for, and he just walked off. When the elevator arrived in the lobby Nagato he stormed out looking for his brother. He walked up to Sai and slapped him across his face leaving a visible red hand print. Sai didn't bother going after the other two girls when they had left they didn't seemed interested in him and he turned to his brother. Nagato the yelled at him, "how could you just leave me like that you told me hat you loved me and then left me." The regret was visible on Sai's face, he never wanted to hurt his brother but, what they would be frowned on by society. "I am trying to do what is best for you Nagato."
Emily sighs and accepts his help. "It's alright. Here, I have some proper first aid...take off your shirt." She says calmly before going through her bag and pulling out a smaller bag that was red and had a cross on it. "Guaze, rubbing alcohol, and medical tape." She mumbles pulling them out. "Come on." She says smiling "I don't bite....hard." She teases. @Cicero

Damien rose an eyebrow as another guy comes up and slaps one. "Uh I just need like one second...I'm looking for Emily Devony. Do either of you know her? Please..I'm her boyfriend, I've been looking everywhere for her since we escaped..." Damien pleads. @Wyatt
Shuzo finished his food as well. He looked at Sage. "I-I'll b-be r-right b-back. I-I'm g-gonna g-go t-to t-the b-bathroom." He said to him. @djinnamon

(Shuzo should run into your other character in the bathroom, and he knows he's been with sage.)

Leon was in the lobby while it all went down. Leon quickly got up after the slap happened and held back with one arm while holding the other one in front of Sai to insure he didn't try anything either. Leon had no idea what this was all about so he turned to Sai,"Care to explain what the hell is going on here? I'd really like to know."

"Yes Doctor Emily." He said sarcastically while taking off his shirt while making his way to her and he untied the fake bandage he had just but on "I'm guessing I should sit down right?" He asked her having someone take care of his injures was new to him he always had to do it himself so he was completely clueless on what he was suppose to be doing so he stood there like some butler awaiting orders from his master
Sage nodded. " Ok , I'll be waiting. " he said as he smiled at Shuzo.

Isaac looked at Shuzo and Sage with a cruel smirk on his face before he walked into bathroom and leaned against the wall next to the door.

Ldybug123 said:
Shuzo finished his food as well. He looked at Sage. "I-I'll b-be r-right b-back. I-I'm g-gonna g-go t-to t-the b-bathroom." He said to him. @djinnamon
(Shuzo should run into your other character in the bathroom, and he knows he's been with sage.)
Sai turns to the body "she was in our room the last time we saw her, she left earlier this morning." Nagato turned his back on his brother and the new man, "Ya she wasn't the only one." Sai then answered the boy Leon, "my brother and I had some fun last night, however I left earlier this morning."
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Note: Everyone in this RP is dirty-minded. Between ass grabs and talking about blowjobs, I think we can safely say you're all sick!

Bic: "You don't care if I mind or not!" Matthew thought, but he kept it to himself. He was a little grumpy this morning, but it didn't mean he wasn't content to be here. It was a sort reluctant happiness. He willed himself to look irritated but the expression never even appeared on his face. No matter how hard he tried to act like his old self mentally, it was impossible. Maybe he was just too tired, or maybe this experiment had changed him: He'd have to wait and see. Still, Matt found himself feeling a little self-conscious about being in a shower with a man- especially with that man being Vlad. "Is he looking at me?" the boy wondered quietly. He looked up at Vlad's face, only to look away again just as quickly. He could swear Vladimor had been looking right at him! "Pervert." he thought, but he didn't dare say it: He had pretty much given Vlad a right to be a pervert, after all. Showers were supposed to be relaxing, but eventually Matt couldn't take it anymore. He soon finished cleaning up, being careful when stepping around Vlad to make sure he didn't touch... well, any part of Vladimor really. He grabbed a towel and spent time drying himself off, but this only made his paranoia that Vlad might be looking worse. Once water wasn't dripping off him he wrapped the towel around his waist. "I- I'll get my clothes and go okay? I really don't want Tabitha to find me like this: The girl never changes the topic, once she gets started on it." Matt explained, hoping Vlad would understand. He exited the bathroom and put on his clothes, but he couldn't help feeling a little guilty. Where was this headed exactly? Was it a one-time thing or would this become something more? "It can't grow to something more..." Matt told himself sadly. He both wanted love, but was afraid to take it. He also silently reminded himself that his focus was to take care of Tabby, but a small voice inside his head was arguing with him. "You can live your life too." It said, but Matthew ignored it. He didn't dare ask Vladimor about their relationship, because no matter what he was sure he wasn't ready for the answer: Not now, when their lives were on the line.
"Shut up...dork." Emily.mumbles pushing him back so he was sitting on her bed. First she took some water and gently flushed out the wound before pouring some rubbing alcohol on it watching it fizz and wiping away the rest. She then placed the bandage on tight. "There. Easy." She smiles cockily at him. @Cicero

"EMILY?" Damien finally shouts going to the stairs and running taking two at a time. When he got to the second floor he calls her name again.

"That...it can't be." Emily says hearing the yells of Damien. Her eyes grew cold and her body went stiff with rage.
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Isaac in a instant was in front of Shuzo blocking the boy's path. " Who was that guy you were talking to. " he asked , the cruel smirk still etched on his face.

Ldybug123 said:
Shuzo got up and walked into the bathroom. He didn't know Isaac was in there. @djinnamon
Leon sighed when they brought up the "fun having", "Yeah, I had the wonderful pleasure of watching both of you go at it in the lobby. I was the parrot on the desk." he said as he relived the memory with a bit of a shiver. Leon snapped out of it and turned back to the two,"You guys's are happy, that should be the only thing you two care about. I don't know what happened, but if it's your decision to go ahead and leave then that's what that person wants. You can't change that sort of thing, maybe you'll find another person. I don't know, there's plenty of fish in this massive sea we call life?"

Valkyre said:
Ella froze as she felt a hand on her shoulder. She took a shaky breath and turned to look at him, what he had said confused her after all. "I- My name is Ella... Just Ella. Not ma'am. Never ma'am" she told him. It had seemed he'd been talking to her but maybe she'd gotten confused. Maybe he meant Lia. She looked back at Lia, who was already moving on to the restaurant, and after a slight pause, followed her inside. Ella was hungry after all and apparently the food was free, although that seemed suspect to her.
Lia walked into the restaurant, choosing a random table and sitting down, seeing Ella following behind her. She carefully moved the napkin laying on the place mat laid out for her. She folded it and put it under the wrapped fork and knife. Picking up the menu and scanning it over, Lia decided she wanted to have pancakes with blueberries, maple syrup and milk. Maybe it would seem childish, but she didn't really care. She put the menu back on the table and leaned back on the chair, waiting for both Ella and the waitress.

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