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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

"Shut the fuck up before I fucking murder you okay?!" Emily says putting her helmet on angrily, and more then just a little embarrassed. "Thanks." She mumbles to Leon going to her bike and pulling out her keys. Revving the bike up she speeds off angrily muttering to herself. She sighs before shaking her head focusing on the rode. When she returned to the hotel she was 25 bucks shorter but had a full tank. When she walked inside she looked around for....huh...she didn't even know his name.
Nick was walking to the elevator as he pressed the button he looked up to see Emily and held the door open waiting for her "You gonna hurry up or can I just leave you here?" He asked looking at her laughing under his breath 'These doors are annoying all I hear is a ding every time they want to close and now I want to break the damn so the dinging stops.' He thought getting annoyed by the doors
Emily walked over with a mumbled thanks. She pressed the big 2 and looked away. "Sorry....about your shoulder." She mumbles "I get a little carried away when I'm angry." She says softly. "What's your name?" She finally asks looking him in the eye.
Nick completely forgot about his shoulder "Oh its fine we all get carried away I'm Nick." He said while glancing at her and smirked "Glad to see your face isn't as red as your hair anymore." He said while stiflingly a laugh while he looked at Emily he started laughing he slide down the side of the wall in the elevator and started laughing he couldn't find what he was laughing at but he was he was laughing enough to make his stomach hurt
"H-Hey! Stop laughing at me!" She says glaring at the male. God just what was this guy's problem? She couldn't even begin to make sense of him. "My names Emily if you ever want to shut up long enough to know." She mumbles as the door opens she goes to step out.
"Your right your right i'm sorry nice to meet you Emily I think I like how we meet the first time more though." He said with is laughter finally dying down as he followed her out of the elevator "So which one of these rooms are yours?" He asked her not really knowing what else to talk about as he already extinguished all idea of picking on her he finally settled on having a normal conversation with her knowing it would end up with her trying to kill him again
Emily pulled out the key she had taken from the desk and opened the door that matched. "Come in...I guess." She says putting her helmet on the bed and taking out a brush from her back pack she began to comb through her messy red hair. Which after it was brushed properly was rather straight and fell down to her mid back. "So super human strength. Must be tough, though you seem to have pretty good control of it." She says showing her wrist where only a light bruise was forming in the shape of his hand. Could have been much worse.
"Good control over when i'm not mad yea but when i'm pissed kinda loss control." He said rubbing the back of his head while he walked in her room "What about you controlling water seems like a pain to do yet you managed to actually cut my shoulder with an ice dagger and you can make ice weapons and pretty much drown people if you hate them." He said looking at the imprint he left on her arm "Oh yea and sorry about that." He said looking down
Yawning, Hylia rolled over in bed, groggy from sleep. She looked at the digital clock on her bedside table and realized she had woken up a bit later than usual. She quickly got out of bed, rubbing sleep out of her eyes and ran into the bathroom. Lia took a quick shower, brushed her teeth and hair, washed her face, got dressed and went out into the hall and down the stairs, looking for something to do.

On her way to the lobby, Lia saw Sage and Shuzo talking to each other. She walked over to them, "What's up, Love Birds?" She said. They were holding hands, but not in a romantic way. It was as if they were shaking hands or helping each other up. Odd. @Ldybug123 @djinnamon
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Lia frowned, a little disappointed. She had hoped they would be more annoyed at her name calling. Oh well. "So, how's it going?" She asked both of them.
Sage glared at Liao when he realised what he called him and Shuzo before sighing and placing a hand on his hip. " Nothing , but I'm hungry. " he said
"Yeah, me too," She said, "I'm so happy this hotel is free of charge. I was just heading down to the lobby. See you two later?" Lia smirked. She continued to walk down the hall and into the lobby. Not much was going on, though she didn't expect anything unusual... Lia plopped down on one of the couches.
"Don't worry about it, deserved after what I did to your shoulder." Emily said shrugging it off. "It took the better part of a year to get this minimal control. It's harder than it seems, takes plenty of energy out of me too." She says laying back on her bed groaning. She rose up to her shoulders and looked at him up and down. "Gotta ask, was the first woman to resist your childish charms? I hope not." She teases with a devilish grin.

Sai and Nagato had slept on the floor allowing the girl plenty of room to her self. Sai woke up first and he had seen that the girl kept her end of the bargain but he didn't want to get up yet rather he went back to sleep for as long as he could. He quietly got up and walked through the door to make sure his brother wouldn't hear him. He had regrets after last night and being far away from his brother would enhance feelings like that, where he would be a cold heartless person. As Sai got further away from his brother his became depressed and sad, he was now a person you would want to adviod. He went into the lobby sitting on one of the coaches waiting for anyone to come talk to him.
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Sage grabbed and pulled Shuzo outside the hotel to a nearby restaurant. " I like this place more than the hotel. " he said

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