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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

Leon watched the whole "tongue exploration" in the lobby while he was a parrot. He quickly shifted back to his normal, human form but just kinda sat around in utter amazement. Leon needed to forget that moment, he really did. He grabbed his beanie and went to a couch (not the one where the brothers were sitting!)and threw himself onto it. He pulled his beanie over his eyes and began to nap his troubles away. Once he had fallen asleep, he began to have dreams. The dreams were terrifying! It was so realistic Leon thought he was actually in it. Everyone was there, but they were almost in some sort of prison. Leon looked around realized that there were no guards at all. What kind of prison didn't have a guard? He got up and walked out the open door and began to walk around. He suddenly shifted into a wolf and began to run around the prison, he saw that all the cells were open but yet still no guards? Leon continued down the path and saw that what were once security cams were taken down leaving nothing more than wires hanging on the walls. Had they taken over the prison? What had happened? Leon shifted back to his normal form and continued looking around. He walked into the cafeteria and saw that there was no one there but there was food prepared. He left the cafeteria and walked out to the yard where he noticed that the fence was down. There was no fence or any type of security there. Was this place...abandoned?

((@iiimee foreshadowing perhaps? *wink* *wink* *nudge* *nudge*))
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Nick got out of his room last time he seen Cicero was in the lobby bloody and dying so he went to check if he was still there to his surprised....not really though Cicero wasn't there "Damn that stupid brat.....I think he realizes on his friends to much." He said out loud looking around to see someone sleeping on the couch he walked up to the person completely bored and wanted to talk to someone he nudged Leon when he finally remembered who it was "Hey Leon wake up before I throw you through the wall." He stated while he placed his hands in his pockets bored out of his mind and he wanted to know if Leon knew where Cicero was
Leon woke up after the nudge and let out a small yawn before removing his beanie from his eyes,"What, what is it? I was having a nap over here." Leon obviously looked tired, but was now up and didn't look like he'd be heading off to nap any time soon.

After waking up from sleeping in the chair Emily grabbed her things and changed I to slightly cleaner clothes. Glancing at the two sleeping boys she shook her head. Leather jacket on over her black tank top and jeans she put on her helmet and took the elevator down noticing two more people.
"Yea well too bad I need to know if you seen Cicero last time I seen him was when I beat him to a bloody pump but now I can't find him." The older boy stated while he looked over at the elevator to see a girl walked out "Hey do you know who that is?" He asked Leon leaning down whispering to the boy 'Wait I can't get off topic I still need to find Cicero and beat him up again if he managed to survive the last beating....he most likely left to die somewhere where no one would noticed him so he can die without having to deal with anyone crying over him....most likely the only people to cry over him would be his girlfriend and Ocean...oh well.' The cat-boy thought
Leon shook his head,"Sorry, I have no idea where you brother went. In fact, I really haven't seen him and frankly it's flat out just a blessing to me." Once Nick asked about the girl Leon merely shrugged,"No clue who she is, probably a new member. At this point, there's no point in trying to keep track of things like that."
"Yea well aren't you the lucky one imagen having to live with him before the whole lab it sucked hes pretty much acts like he did when he was a kid he always stole...but he never stabbed anyone not that I know of anyways." He said trying to think of what else Cicero did as a kid it was usually just bragging at how he stole something "Well ok fine if you do see him I know it might kill you but go up to him and tell him I'm looking for him." He stated while walking away trying to find Cicero again
Emily stopped and looked as they whispered to each other. How many more experiments are here? It had to be like a hide out. "Oi. You two." She says walking up and taking the helmet off, running her hand through her red hair. Her eyes staring at the cat boy. "Where's the nearest place to get gas, my bikes almost out?" She asks helmet resting on her hip.
Ooc: I'm sorry Mobster it just seemed like a douch move and Nick is the biggest douch in the group....except for Matt

"Hell if I know I just don't see why just stay with this small shitty group they have now its easier and if they get caught you can run while everyone else is fighting for their lives."He stated darkly while turning to face the girl and kissed her hoping that she would be to shocked to actually say anything else "Your welcome." He whispered into her ear before turning around and walking away with a smug smile planted on his face
Emily's eyes narrowed as she listened before she talk this stupid fucker kisses her. She felt her rage boil up and sure as hell several water piper burst and the boy was engulfed in a raging water ball. "Did you. Just fucking KISS me? Don't know you anything about personal space you stupid twat!"

Ooc: They gonna have a love hate relationship I can tell O.o
Ooc:That will make his brothers laugh its fine

Nick stopped and looked over his shoulder but before he could say anything he was engulfed by water he tried punching though it but everytime he pulled back his arm the hole has filled 'Damn it how am I suppose to get out of this stupid bubble?' He thought looking around trying to find at least a spot of weakness but he couldn't find one and he was running out of breath he didn't have time to take a deep breath when he looked over his shoulders and he was already getting light headed (YES DIE NICK DIE....I mean oh no Nick (:3) I swear i'm normal)
After seeing his fight turn to panic she dropped the water and him with it. She slowly walked over and placed her boot on his chest. "Touch me with out permission again and you will suffocate. Understood?" She whispers lowly her eyes deadly.
Ooc:Your not the only one i'm always confused when they say time skip

After Nick took some deep breaths he started laughing "I think you should stay it fun to pick on you." He stated while putting both his hands on her leg and lifted it up off his chest easily and he got up "Oh yea I forgot to say you shouldn't make me made either cause I could break any bone in your body as easy as a toothpick thanks to super strength well anyway see ya princess and your welcome for stealing your first kiss if that was." He said waving while he walked toward the door that lead outside when he was outside he finally stopped laughing and his face returned back to its normal blank experission
"If you could reach me in time." Emily growls after him. "And no. It wasn't you egotistical prick!" She shouts after getting angry before just getting really sad. She sat down on the couch and brought her knees to her chest. How could she stay in another group after what happened before? She sighs deeply and shakes her head getting up she goes outside, glaring at the boy she heads towards her bike. She's better off alone.
Nick saw Emily come outside "Well hello again princess." He said to her looking at her and then the bike "Aww so you really are leaving geez that only leaves me to pick on my brothers and that's no as fun anymore." He said while looking at the sky and running his hand through his hand "Well if your going can you at least tell me your power since you know mine?" He asked finally looking back at her
Emily looks back at him and smirks. "Only for a bit. Need to refuel in case I need a quick getaway." She says before looking away laughing. "You nearly drown and your asking what my power is? Water. I can control water, I can also freeze it into ice and make weapons from it." She says and as a demonstration a large sword began to appear in her hands before it turned into ice. "Not to mention." With a flick of her fingers large icicles materialized above him waiting to fall.
"Ok cool power....but not to mention what?" He asked looking and jumped to the side "Ok ok I get it your mad that I kissed you heck my brother kicked me and i beat him to a bloody pulp so I guess I have no room to complain." He said smirking a little then walked over to Emily and kissed her again and started laughing "Oh i'm sorry your just so attractive and your lips looked so kissable I couldn't help it." He said while he jumped away from her look at every place she can get water from bracing himself ready to move if need be but he couldn't get the smirk off his face no matter how hard he tried
Emily knew she couldn't do close combat, risk of getting her fucking bones broken. So. Range it had to be. "You'll learn manner soon enough." She mumbled, though a blush was on her cheeks. The sword melted away into about 6 or 7 medium sized daggers. "Let's see how fast you are then." She grins throwing on aiming for his shoulder, she didn't want to kill the guy, yet anyway.
Leon walked up to the girl and smiled,"I-if you need a gas station I know a place. It's not too far away, plus it's kinda away from the city. It can be crowded sometimes but it's usually by tourists so we don't have much to worry about." It was obvious that Leon was just trying to stop the two from murdering each other. Leon hoped he was quick enough to stop the frozen daggers from either impaling Nick or having Nick break every bone in this girl's body.

Nick moved out of the way and grabbed her arm not putting any pressure on it he smirked "I think you missed do you try again." He said as he put his free hand on his shoulder and felt something like liquid he looked at his hand to see some blood "Ok my mistake you actually cut me a little."He said letting her arm go smirking "Its going to be fun bugging you...oh yea if your fighting someone you probably shouldn't have been blushing when your about to stab them." He said laughing a little its weird right now shes the only person to get Nick to show emotions that weren't anger but laughing and smirking...the best your going to get out of him

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