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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

Emily slowly walked to the room where the voices were coming from. She frowned and decided to knock. Waiting her arms crossed over her chest, her bike helmet hanging on her back pack, she waited. She wanted to know more about this place.
Jenise drew her hands together to keep them away from any more electricial devices, making a nervous little laugh. She watched the red haired girl grab a key off the hook and quickly wander off, blinking and slowly grabbing a key herself. A moment later being confronted with a very clingy couple. She felt bad realising how late it was. "um..hi? I was just checking in is all.. my brother told me to come here?" twiddling with the bag. "I'll leave you in peace..." walking past timidly. Going to the nearest elevator and brushing her fingertips lightly on the control panel, it whured into life.
"Well....uhh anyways I guess i'll get the door?" He asked confused on how many experiments are going to find this place he made his way to the door and opened it "Hello i'm Cicero." He stated as he moved to the side to let the girl in from the other side of the door he looked as Tab and rolled his eyes "How many more can we get if we stay here for a month." He whispered as softly as possible and sarcastically its not that he didn't hate all of the experiments finding this place its just how fast they found it if its this bad now he can only image how many experiments they would find there
Ori sighed disappointed with his anwser so he got a idea laying down right behind derrick,his arms around the humans waist. He pressed his face against the back of The smaller males neck quietly.".........please?" Was all he whispered,he seemed a bit disheartened and lonely as it was noticable in the vampire's voice.
Sai quickly covered him and his brother up with the blanket, they had just been making love and were startled. "Hello, who's there?" Sai yelled at the door, his brother gather his and his brothers underwear incase the person came in. Being experiments both of the boys were well endowed and very muscular under their clothing. Both of the boys put their underwear on and Sai opened the door half naked. "Hello, what is it you need? Would like to come in so I can close the door?"

Emily clearly looked startled at the lack of clothing on the male a quick blush rose to her cheeks as glanced away. "Will you put some bloody pants on if I come in?" She mumbles shaking her head. "I just have some questions and I'll leave ya be." She mumbles completely taken off guard. Who the hell answers the door in just the boxers? Seriously?

Ooc: Are you implying my innocent Matt should let himself be inappropriately handled? How dare you!

aristocraticMobster said:
Emily clearly looked startled at the lack of clothing on the male a quick blush rose to her cheeks as glanced away. "Will you put some bloody pants on if I come in?" She mumbles shaking her head. "I just have some questions and I'll leave ya be." She mumbles completely taken off guard. Who the hell answers the door in just the boxers? Seriously?
Ooc: Hey, I've answered the door with just boxers and a shirt before! DUN JUDGE ME


At the joke, there was a short-lived laugh, but after that, there wasn't really anything else. When Matthew asks, he inferences that he means a virgin. He didn't feel like answering him. When Matthew tries to physically get his attention, he gives in, rolling onto his other side. "No, I'm not. What's holdin' you to stay one?" He asks, a questioning look in his eye. Perhaps it was harder for him than it looked? With his looks, no way. Never talks to girls? Doesn't know how? He nearly snorts at the last one. An 18-year old who has girl problems, it was such a humorous thing.

Derrick was scared when he was pinned down, but when he went to lay back down, he turns to his side curling up. 'I forgot if he wanted something from me, he could take it with no effort at all' It was a scary thing, really. The second time around he tensed up when he felt arms around his waist, Orious pleading for what he wanted. Did Derrick really have the power to say no? This guy was persistent. "I refuse." He states bluntly, closing his eyes as he attempts to sleep.​
Sai let out a sigh, "sure come in and ruin my romantic evening with my brother will you." He mumbled, "Ya I will put on some pants. What are your questions?" Nagato left the room going into their bathroom, turning on the hot water in the shower.

Emily stepped inside raising an eyebrow. "What is this place for one? And just who are you?" She asks feeling more then hearing the water start in the bathroom she tensed and the water seemed to stop for a moment, she remembered the other male mentioned his brother and the water ran normal once more. Paranoid was one of Emilys many traits. It came in handy most of the time.


Ooc: Oh wow, did Matthew never mention he's gay? That explains A LOT about their lack of relationship...

Bic: "What do you mean?" Matthew asked, but he knew what Vlad meant. He suddenly regretted having Vladimor turn around, because now it had to be easy for him to see the embarrassment in Matt's face. Eventually he managed to get it under control however, but it required him closing his eyes so he wouldn't see the interrogative stare of Vlad, the boy whose face was only a few inches from his... "I haven't found anybody I liked." Matthew told him. The lie was all too obvious, but hopefully Vlad wouldn't call him out on it. Then he remembered the long list of things he wanted to say. "Oh, you couldn't hear me when you were in your coma right? Do you remember what happened before and during the trip? You mentioned me being open when I'm drunk- I'm sorry about everything I said and did. I think I sensed something that wasn't there when I asked if Derrick li-" He stopped talking once he realized that he was babbling nonstop. He frowned. He was just like a child. Still, the memory of the bus... He ran a hand through his hair, feeling the area Vlad had ran his hands through it. Unless Vladimor was a mind-reader he probably couldn't tell, but Matt still remembered that moment clear as day. Matthew shivered, suddenly feeling cold. He wouldn't open his eyes though, for fear of what side of Vladimor he'd see next.​
"Well this room is my brothers, I am Specimen 25 but you can call me Sai." He rolls his eyes not being in the mood for these ridiculous question. Lucky for Nagato the power had sort of been restored in this room at least, although he had never notice it go out. Sai put on pants as part of the agreement. Nagato removed his underwear and already having forgotten about the girl he walked out all natural into the room to get Sai. "Hey you want to join me?" Nagato said this a little seductively and he spotted the women. Quickly he cover his groin and gave her a crocked smile. "So what's your name?" He said trying to lighten the mood.

(Had to, the world needed balance :P )

"Specimen....so your like me then..." She says softly even more curious now then before. When she heard the door open to bathroom she instinctively turned...and wished she hadn't. "Oh come on! Now your just fucking with me! Fucks sake. Devony. You two. Can call me. Devony." She mumbles rubbing he face, somewhat annoyed and more then amused by the actions of the two.

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"So were do you wanna go on the date Tab?" He asked while smiling at her 'I wonder what she will pick....yea guess impossible to guess' He thought while he pulled out two cookies and offered one to Tab while he was eating the other one

Ooc:Sorry my brain my very small brain is fried up
Nagato walks over to the bed and covers him self with a blanket, "Well are you going to stand there all night or do you want to take a set?" Nagato then patted the bed next to him beckoning her to come sit by her. "It is nice to met you Devony, this is my little brother Specimen 24 but he prefers Nagato." Sai walked over and kissed his brother on the checks, he then began to rub his brothers shoulders. This caused Nagato to bite his lip in pleasure. "If you want you stay here for the night." Sai said in a gesture of kindness.

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Orious becomes silent again staying put For a Moment tasting somthing bitter in his throat as he stood. Orious frowned feeling somthing weighing on his mind like he did somtimes and like he had a rock in his throat. ".......why are you still afraid of me!?! Don't tell you just pity me!!" he yelled coldly his voice trembling,his expression had darkened and what seemed like tears had fell down the vampires cheeks. Orious has never cried before,not once. He usually was so calm or moody but he never cried not ever....
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"I have a room key thanks..." She mumbles opting to sit on the bed corner looking away from the brother. Her blush still deep as ever. "You two are specimens then. How'd you manage to escape the scientists?" She asks curious. Her escape well...put simply it was very...bloody.
Jenise glanced at Cicero and Tab, as she passed, she was going to walk into the elevator but changed her mind. She looked back to them. "Um.. my brother.. his name is Valken... If you happen to see him, or hear from him, please tell me... " She was almost in tears as she said it, drawing her bag tighter and coming to the elevator, closing the doors behind her and going to the 2nd floor.

@Cicero @iiimee

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