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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

Tabitha had been blushing before due to when he hugged her and Izabell, but now she was entirely at a loss for words and blushing like crazy. "I- I'd love to!" she finally said, finding her voice again. Timidly, she gave him a quick kiss, perhaps as a thank you. "Where would you like to go?" she asked playfully. She thought of the conversation they had what seemed like ages ago. He had been extremely shy then, asking for her to go on a date with him, and now it seemed that their roles were being reversed, with her acting like a shy maiden from a teen romance novel. She was happy though. That much was clear from the smile on her face. Was this what all romances were like, once the people finally admitted they liked each other? She wasn't usually naive to believe that, but right now her world was too perfect not to. They were still on the run, and Cicero's brother scared her half to death, but none of that mattered now: They were just two people madly in love.

Cicero thought about it for a while then decided to joke around a bit "Well we could always go my room." He said flirtingly trying to hide his laughter 'This should be a different reaction from her.....hopefully a good one.' He thought some what instantly regretting saying it and that allowed his face to get brighter and redder while he mentally hit himself in the face at his stupid idea of a joke
Vladimor lets out a small breath, leaning into Matthew's touch in just the slightest. Until he realized it was Matthew. He sits up without a word leaning over as he rubs tiredly at his eyes, wondering when he'll actually be able to sleep. He only so much as glances over in Matthew's direction before looping down into his lap instead. His hair fell over his face in the most annoying way and in his moment of unclarity he gets up and heads to the bathroom, opening a drawer to find a pair of scissors. His hair went all the way down to nearing his ass, so he grabbed quite a bit and just began to cut. He made sure he cut it into a natural pattern and to wear it only reach just above his mid-back. Next was the front. His hair covered most of his eyes, and motherfuck did it get in the way. He trims it only so it was just at his eyebrows. It was against his families tradition to cut your hair short after it's first, and honestly, Vladimor had grown to love his long hair, but sometimes it just was a nuisance. Satisfied with the trim, he cleans up most of the mess, throwing the cut hair into the trash, brushing his T-shirt off. When he leaves the bathroom Matthew is still there. However, Vladimor's look is indifferent as sits next to him. "I...didn't want to wake you." The males voice was a stark contrast to the silence of the room, and he cringed upon disrupting it. Whatever.

Ori Watched him with amusement and smiled. "Don't worry about it, if it makes you happy I'm good. if anything I can just drink your blood..." He didn't like admitting it but he had somewhat required a taste to the other's blood which only made him crave it even more than he already did. After derrick finished eating he cleaned up everything and removed the apron before moving over to the human and guiding him to his own room as before."I dontlet just anyone in here.."he whispered with a serious look going into the room behind the human
Derrick absentmindedly runs his fingers over the bite mark on his neck, a soft smile playing on his lips as he follows Orious. "And why not?" He asks him as he enters his room, looking around for anything he might have missed the first time. He flops onto the bed, nuzzling his face against the sheets. Before he could get too comfortable, he sits up. "Is it okay if I take a shower in here?" He hadn't taken a shower for a bit with all that's been happening and now it was the perfect opportunity to enjoy a nice relaxing cleanse.

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Sai and Nagato made there way to the elevator managing to keep their tongs in their own mouths. "What would father say?" Sai pressed the button calling down the elevator, "which one and why does it matter. They don't care about us, we are on our own. Luckily we have each other." Sai reach down his brothers back stopping half ways down it and he began to rub it. The elevator came down and they both got it, the could barely contain themselves from playing with each other. They where explore each others mouths again when the door opened and Nagato grabbed Sais hand rushing him to their room. On the way Nagato looked back to give his brother a quick kiss when he ran into Tabitha and Cicero.

Tabitha's eyes widened, before she realized it was a joke. She still couldn't laugh however. The blush on her face was intense, and to hide this she looked down. "I- If you want." Tabitha tried to make her voice light so it seemed like she was joking too, but her nervousness really effected the way she sounded, making her voice faint. Her virgin status really made the joke a lot more serious than it should've been. For a while, it was pretty silent. Whether it was lucky or unlucky, this silence was broken by Sai and Nagato running through the hall and- to Tabby's surprise- Nagato kissed Sai! Tabby wasn't the most judgmental person, but they were siblings right? She glanced at Cicero: Were they the only normal relationship around here? Sure, neither brothers nor being gay were inherently wrong but... damn, it felt like everybody was a little frisky tonight!

Matthew was lucky it was dark. If it wasn't, the boy would've clearly seen the faint blush which had spread across Matthew's cheeks. He didn't say anything when Vladimor got up. Instead, he just watched the boy cut his hair in silence. He was trying to think of any excuse for what he did, but he came up with nothing. Vladimor eventually sat down, and for a bit they said nothing. "I... didn't want to wake you." were the words Vlad chose, and it seemed that the second he said them Matt's heart skipped a beat. Why was he still here?! "He knows I was touching his face." Matt realized. The moon from the window illuminated the room just enough to show Matt's ashamed face. "Thanks for, um, letting me stay here." Matthew said, looking around the room: It was pretty, but that wasn't the reason Matt had taken sudden interest in it. He was only noticing the real details of it so he didn't have to look at Vladimor's face, now that he knew Vlad was looking back at him. "S-so, I should leave soon right?" Matt asked. Usually a small stutter wouldn't be noticeable, but right now it spoke volumes. Matthew wasn't nervous because he couldn't trust Vlad. He was nervous because he couldn't trust himself.​
Vladimor shrugs. "Don't mention it." He continued to look at Matthew, almost curiously, but it wasn't that. It was something else. "Stay of leave it's your choice. Just to refresh your own judgement, I recall you often disliking my presence, with the exception of you being under the influence of alcohol. It makes me...surprised to say the least that you slept in here." He admits as he lays on his back, covering his eyes with his arm, finding it hard to sleep still. "It doesn't bother me one bit, if you'd stay. Though, I would be indifferent if you'd leave." Half of that was a lie. "And I don't think you'd be liked to be used as a pillow." He jokes, referencing to the first time they ended up sleeping on the floor together. Even with that being days ago, it felt like such a distant memory. It made his chest hurt.

Cicero was purely shocked that he excepted to get slapped across the face and Tab not talking to him for a few days but still he couldn't tell if it was a joke or not there was silence between the two until he heard a two people running through the halls he turned his head around to see Nagato and someone else he didn't know then he seen Nagato kiss him then looked back at time Tab having the same expression "Uhh...I think we should let them be alone what do you think?" He asked Tab with his face still a little red
The gothic styled room was the same as before,the smell of roses and vanilla lingered in the room just as usual. "Feel free to..you can barrow some clothes if needed.." and with that he went to the dresser pulling out some clothes placing them on the bed the went back to the other side and removed his favorite longsleeve showing his pale skin and well toned torso as he untied the ponytail letting her raven colored hair fall back over his shoulders gently.

"If you'd be indifferent, what's the point of me staying?" Matthew replied, but he didn't make a move to leave. Instead, he watches Vladimor lean back, before following suit. He listened to what Vladimor had to say. "If you do I'll kill you." is all Matt said. He turned his face toward the boy, not so secretly looking at him. It wasn't really creepy though: Matthew was relaxed, and if it bothered Vlad the boy could tell him. "Will it always be like this?" Matt couldn't help but notice how they usually avoided complicated discussions unless they had to tell each other, and most of the time that was Matt's fault. It was comfortable, just being beside the other boy, but Matthew couldn't stand "just comfortable." He propped himself up with his hands, before speaking again. "So, we're technically parents." he said, his voice suggesting it a joke, but Matt himself was far from amused. It wasn't fair that he had to deal with another person running into his life, and this time they were related to him and the person he always avoided. "Why do I avoid him so much?" Matthew asked his brain, but he already knew the answer... He just couldn't admit it. How could he, when he knew relationships were hopeless, especially with somebody like Vlad? It reminded him of the teen romance novels, describing a perfectly normal girl chasing after a guy way out of her league. (Not that Matt ever read those *cough cough*) He wasn't a girl and he was far from normal, but it didn't change the main premise of the story: It was always about chasing after a guy who they'd never realistically be with. It wasn't just his looks, but everything about Vlad. He was unattainable, to put it bluntly.

Ooc: Tabby's reply in a sec.​
Both Sai and Nagato got up after Kissing for another minute and they went back into Nagato's room. They laid down smiling at each other, Sai wanted to touch his brother in ways that romantic partners would. He could barely restrain himself, "We can't do this it isn't right." Nagato rubbed his face to reinsure him. "Who cares, you are the only person I have ever loved." Sai began to rub his brothers back again but this time he reached down further and grabbed his brothers ass. He the reached his hand back up and pulled off Nagato's shirt and then his own. He kissed his brothers body... (And fade to black use your imagination.)
Jenise trudged through the backward streets, with her backpack slung against one shoulder. She took a deep breath in. It was dark as nightime approached, her blond hair in a loose ponytail swaying to and from behind her. As she passed under the street lamps they dimmed and flicked. She lifted her eyes from the ground and felt the first few drops of rain touch her cheeks. She reached into her Pocket and lifted out a scribbled note "Go to this address, you will find help there. I will meet you later, please take care. Your brother. " She placed it back into her Pocket and continued on to the hotel. Her hand turned the front door and she stepped inside, coming to the reception. "H.. hello? " She said timidly, blue eyes wandering the room. It looked like just a normal hotel, who could possibly be here to help?

Derrick thanks him, scurrying off into the bathroom to go take a well-deserved shower. He's in there for quite some time before he emerges with a towel around his waist. Surprisingly enough, for such a seemingly small boy who does nothing but do some rich boys bidding, his body is also well endowed. Not exactly 'toned' but he has some thickness on him. His hair seemed to be messily towel dried, but he was just going to comb it in the morning so, no big deal. Even with Orious right there, he didn't seem to mind dropping his towel and dressing right in front of him. (We have the same parts! He'd say.) When he dresses, he crawls into the bed, nuzzling the pillow like he had done earlier, taking in the scent of his room. The scent of Orious...How pleasant.

Vladimor shrugs. "Like I said, your choice." He still thought of this as awkward, sharing a bed such a cute boy. If he were home, he'd probably already have such a prize in his bed owning him into the mattress before it's a week later, him asking where his is while Vladimor is with another woman. It sounded terrible, but Vladimor missed being a player. When said cute boy made the mention of parents, Vladimor nearly chokes. He raises his arm to look at him with a raised eyebrow. "Virgins don't usually have kids, Matthew." He tells him with a joking tone. Was he a virgin? He looked like the type. "Though I heard that some religion had this virgin woman who birthed a child. I don't really get into religion, but man, how does 'The Virgin Matthew" sound to you?" He laughs, shifting to fold his arms behind his head.​

Tabitha simply nodded and grabbed Cicero's hand. She didn't know why, but the room suddenly felt pretty hot. "We... Maybe we should go downstairs." Tabby suggested, but only because she didn't know what to do. It was strange, being alone with Cicero like this, but she didn't really want to ruin the moment by going to the lobby where there were surely plenty of people, like all the times before. Maybe it was instinct, or maybe Tabby had finally swallowed her fears, but she find herself stepping closer to Cicero and leaning in to kiss him once more. She wasn't sure if this would or would not go anywhere, but she was too wrapped up in each second of being with him to care. She kissed him once, then twice. She didn't know for how long she did this, but each kiss was slow and meaningful. "Thank you..." she whispered again to him. Her green eyes were full of innocence. She was in love- Wasn't that all that mattered?

"Hey, don't make fun of-!" Matthew stopped himself from finishing his sentence, but it was too late. He totally just admitted that Vlad's accusations were true. He knew it was childish, but the boy crossed his arms and turned on his side, facing away from Vladimor. "It's not like you should care..." he pouted quietly. He wouldn't admit it, but in a way he was just asking the boy to pay more attention to him. He wasn't religious either, but Matthew knew exactly what Vlad was referencing due to his aunt's highly religious background. He remembered being forced to pray nonstop for a mother and father he barely knew, but he decided not to bring that up. It wasn't something he really had nightmares about, and the last thing he wanted was Vladimor's pity...​
"Yea ok." But while he was saying that Tab was already pulling him downstairs when they got there Tab kissed him a lot more times the he could count and finally said thank you for something "What are you saying thanks for I should be the one doing that." He said smiling even thought his face looked too be back to normal color there was a very small hint of pink in his cheeks then he kissed Tab he was always happy being around Tab to him Tab wasn't like everyone else she was pretty much the sun to his world without her it would go dark and he would end up like he was before he met her but he didn't want to dwell on that thought he was only thinking of Tab and making her happy he smiled at her and kissed her again
Ori had been sitting by the window holding a red stone to his lips looking outside quietly when derrick returned,the vampire watched him change paying no mind to the nudity. Standing quietly setting the stone down, he made his way over the bed dimming the lights before crawling onto the bed with a smirk he pinned down derrick as he has down multiple times already, he looked down with his violet eyes as if waiting for permission.
Jenise found the reception room oddly empty, though she shouldn't be surprised as it was very late at night. Why did her brother ask her to come here? Where even was he? She peered over the counter and reached down to what she thought was a bell or alarm to tell them she was waiting. Unfortunately she happened to touched the desk lamp, there was a huge crackling noise then a Zap as the lamp exploded and caused the entire buildings lights to flicker and dim dramatically, the elevators to halt, alarms to go off... Jenise gasped, blue eyes huge and trembled "oh no... not again... " She had no control over her abilities and it showed.
Emily had been traveling for what seemed like days now. Her bike was almost out of gas and the only building for miles was am old rundown hotel. She groaned as she parked the bike a few blocks down. She wondered if it was safe? One way to find out. She turned the bike off and put the key in her pocket, a small voodoo doll that was attached hung out of the black Jean pocket. She dismounted the bike and took the helmet off, her long red hair messy. She adjusted the pack she was wearing, fixing her plain dirty white tank top she moved forward. Her knee high rider boots echoing faintly.

She walked inside the building, her eyes darted to take in the place. Definitely run down, but definitely lived in. No one was in the front area so went to the desk and looked around, no one around she plucked a key from behind the desk and for good karma left some money as well. She went to the second floor hearing some conversations she frowned. Who else could be in a place like this?

"Are you sure you're not the child here?" He laughs, looking at the pouting Matthew with his back facing him. So he was a virgin? Spot on. When he asked why he'd even care Vladimor had quite the handful of reasons of why he should. Reasons that he wouldn't dare say in fear of scaring Matthew off like the first few times when it was just mindless flirting. Something like primal desire might cause something more permanent, so he'd have to be careful with what he said. He just avoids the statement, and lets it be marked as rhetorical, rather than answering the remark. "It's everyone's dream to get the virgin," He laughs, also turning to his side in case Matthew would decide to face him again. He'd leave it at that.

Derrick growls, rolling over to him stomach while still under Orious, keeping his face in the pillows. "Noooo." The muffled sound comes from the pillows, followed by a quiet yawn. To be honest, Orious had stolen his first kiss, and Derrick wasn't all to happy about it, but now that it's did and done, there was no use complaining about it. But he still wouldn't give him the privilege.


Note: There are four fucking couples getting frisky in this RP... Wtf! Well, I don't know if all of them will do it tonight, but I wouldn't fucking doubt it so... Yeah. Have fun, use protection, and don't forget to black out the scene kids!


Tabitha and Cicero had just gotten out of the elevator before it stopped working. She was so focused on (Erm, *cough kissing cough*) just being with Cicero that she didn't notice Jenise for quite a while. When she did, she nearly fell over in her attempt to move away and make herself seem like a decent human being. "S-sorry!" she said quickly, both to the girl and Cicero. Just a few seconds later, another girl walked in. "God, whyyy..." she mumbled into Cicero's shirt, leaning her head down so it was resting casually on his chest. She knew they shouldn't have come down here: It was so nice just being alone, but now they had to deal with people. (Poor, poor Tabby).

Ooc: So wait, is Vlad turned so that he's facing Matt or away from Matt?
@King Anthony
iiimee said:

Note: There are four fucking couples getting frisky in this RP... Wtf! Well, I don't know if all of them will do it tonight, but I wouldn't fucking doubt it so... Yeah. Have fun, use protection, and don't forget to black out the scene kids!


Ooc: So wait, is Vlad turned so that he's facing Matt or away from Matt? @King Anthony
((OOC:Away from ))

((Also this is some gr8 b8, m8))
"I think that only applies to women." Matthew retorted. He waited, but Vladimor didn't say anything else. Was something wrong? He turned around, only to see the boy's back instead. He frowned and turned around again slowly, pretending like he never even looked back at the boy. He closed his eyes, but he wasn't tired. "I could use a pillow right now..." Matt muttered, but he ended up smiling when he said it, not that Vlad could see. It was unusual for the boy to make a joke, but Matt had been doing a lot of unusual things recently. "So, you're not right?" Matt asked, referring to topic before all of this silence. Maybe it was the topic that led to the silence. Matthew already knew the answer: Just from what the guy said, it was obvious. Still, there was something fulfilling in confirming any inference he had about this boy. Matt wasn't the kind to ask stupid questions, but that was exactly what he wanted to do. He wanted to get to know this Vlad better, even if he only learned small, insignificant details about him. To him, all of these details mattered. He turned back around and put his hand on Vladimor's arm, motioning for Vlad to look back at him. No question would be ignored in this interrogation.

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"I think we should have stayed in the elevator." Cicero whispered to Tab while hugging her and kissed her forehead and smiled then looked at Jenisa "I'm Cicero....somewhat nice to see you." He said while he smiled 'I wonder if I could steal stuff from everyone and they wouldn't notice it was missing?' He thought laughing a little at the thought of stealing something from someone and make everyone fight each other as Cicero watches in the background 'Yea that would be fun.' He thought mentally giving himself a high five
"I- I'm Tabitha. It's a pleasure." she told the girl, but it was clear she didn't really mean it, considering the circumstances. Nonetheless she held out her hand for the girl to shake. She only wished this girl and the one who just entered would have came at a more convenient time.


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