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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

Ooc: @Wyatt , you keep raping my RP! X_X Whyy... Also, may I mention Tabby can hear everything whether she likes it or not? That must makes her life interesting at night.


Bic: "Yeah, let's do it." Tabitha said, before considering something: Where could they go without being caught? She hadn't been in this city long enough to know it very well. "Maybe we should go to an arcade? What do you think?" It was beyond childish, but Tabby remembered going when she was invited to a party as a little girl. These distant memories comforted her, but they were interrupted by the girl who was going into the elevator. "Will do." Tabby said happily, but by the time she did the doors had already closed. She tilted her head, clearly not picking up on the girl's emotions.​
The moment Cicero heard the word arcade he was literally jumping up and down like a little kid "Yes its been so long since I've actually been to one the last time I can remember is going with Ocean and Nick you know before he decide to become a dick but that aside lets a go." He said happily while putting on his hat and grabbing Tab's hand half running to the door but when he got outside he realized he doesn't remember where the arcade is "You can lead I forgot where it was." He smiled embarrassed because he pretty much dragged her outside and he didn't even know where the place was
"Both of us had to fight our way out, however it was harder to escape for Nagato then it was for me. You should stay it is already late it will be hard for you to find another room." Nagato was tugging at his brothers hand trying to get him to go to the shower. "Hold on brother." Sai then got up and gathered the rest of their clothes that way Nagato didn't have to traumatize the poor little girl anymore. "If you stay here until tomorrow I will tell you everything but my brother is getting restless, this is the first time he is experiencing emotions and they are sweeping him away. Don't worry we will both come out completely clothed." Sai and Nagato began to head towards the door for the shower with Nagato wrapped in a blanket.

"I...uh...okay?" She says as they boys disappear into the bathroom. "What the....I'm so confused." She mumbles shaking her head and sighing deeply. Taking advantage of the boys in the bathroom she put down her bag and stripped off the dirty tank top, she dug around in her bag for her pj's, which were just a ripped up short sleeve shirt and a pair of shorts.
Nagato dropped the blanket before the door to the bathroom and Sai undress following his brother into the shower... (And fade to black yada yada yada)
Vladimor shrugs. The question was straight forward enough. "I...don't think I've genuinely like anyone I've slept with. I mean, it's hard? Especially when most girls just want your money or just a life at the side of someone just because they are adored by others." There was a sort of sad, lost look in his eyes as he looks at the sheets. Vladimor wasn't too good at reading people, so the lie was easily passed and he hums. "I hope you find someone. That or ya loosen up and give it for fun. He shrugs thoughtfully. He thinks about the bus ride, getting high, getting drunk, being sober enough still to listen to all of Matthew's words. Vladimor laughs softly at the thought. "I still don't think he liked me. He's wayyy to innocent to get with. I'd only hit it if he offers genuinely." He smirks at the thought. "But anyways, I remember bits and pieces from the coma thing, I guess. One thing that's clearer is you greeting me, mainly, and telling me to wake up soon..." It was sort of depressing thinking about it for some reason. Instead of getting caught up in such a thing, Vladimor poke the tip of Matthew's nose, sticking his tongue out at him


Emily changed quickly before sitting in a rather uncomfortable chair waiting for the boys to come back out. She took out a notebook and pencil and began to write.

mewbot5408 said:
Orious becomes silent again staying put For a Moment tasting somthing bitter in his throat as he stood. Orious frowned feeling somthing weighing on his mind like he did somtimes and like he had a rock in his throat. ".......why are you still afraid of me!?! Don't tell you just pity me!!" he yelled coldly his voice trembling,his expression had darkened and what seemed like tears had fell down the vampires cheeks. Orious has never cried before,not once. He usually was so calm or moody but he never cried not ever....
(Here's a Repost if needed)

Matthew's eyes widened when he came to the realization Vladimor thought he was straight, or at least bisexual. He wanted to briefly interrupt Vlad to explain it to him, but the boy merely carried on with his speech. Matt listened quietly after his attempt failed, but couldn't help blurting out "You remembered that?!" when Vladimor mentioned him telling Vlad to wake up soon. His question was immediately cast aside by a nose touch however. Matt instinctively snorted, but when he looked to scold Vald he found the other boy was just sticking his tongue out at him. Matthew's face softened, if only slightly. "You're such a child..." He hesitated, trying to think of a way to explain himself to the taller guy. He first thought of teasing him, like what he did with Cicero on the first night they met, but decided not to. He had teased Vladimor before, and it didn't end well. Finally, he figured he just had to come out and say it. "I don't like girls." He stated. He meant for it to sound matter-of-factly, but it ended up seeming more like a confession. He sat up and ran a hand through his hair again. Once again, he was fucking up. "I should leave." he said, but he waited. Would Vlad ask him to say or send him on his way? Matthew didn't know why, but he stayed briefly just to find out.

Tabitha wasn't expecting it but she didn't fight Cicero, even though he practically flung her outside. After patting down her hair a bit, she pointed a finger in one direction. "This way!" she said, and without waiting she ran ahead of him. She knew it would be impossible to outrun him, but the chase was fun nonetheless. The cold winter air had finally stilled, but at the speed she was running her hair still flew behind her. She smiled, not knowing when was the last time she felt like this.

Ooc: I find it ironic Vlad calls Matt oblivious but then is completely oblivious to every small thing he does. I mean, out of the two Matt's more naive, but still!​
Derrick was utterly confused by the vampire's sudden outburst. Is that what he thought this was about. When he cried, there was a pain at his own chest, but he thought that maybe he could fight his own tears. "What?! You think this is some kind of pity party for you? You think I'm afraid? Of you!?" He sounded so angry as he got up, clenching his fists. "Maybe, this is about how you keep sexually harassing me! I said no! No means no! I don't want you to kiss me! I wanted my first to be someone that I could say "I love you" back to them! You took that away from me without even thinking of how I feel about it....If you can't just be okay with being friends, I don't think we should even look at each other? I think I'm beginning to see Vladimor's doubts in you, Orious." He shakes his head, his jaw clenching as a stray tear slipped down his cheek. "No...means no." He repeats in a quieter, more shattered tone before he bolts out, slamming the door behind him as he ran. He didn't exactly know where to, though. Barefoot, he runs outside of the hotel, down the street until he gave away to exhaustion. When the servant looks back he feels as lost as he is. His feet were numb and blue, but he didn't care. He just knew he'd have to go back before morning. A servant is to be at their master's side as they wake...Derrick found himself at the shabbier, run-down side of town. It wouldn't be wise to sleep here, he thinks. Though the bench over there looked mighty welcoming, especially to his feet that only wanted to part from the icy ground. That's where he ends up. Cold and alone. Angry, frustrated. Sorta used, actually.

"Aww no fair you got a head start." Cicero complained jokingly while he ran up to her and slowed down his pace to where he was right next to her all Cicero could do in this moment is laugh and smile Cicero forgets all the bad things that has happened to their small group the fact that people are trying to hunt them down and the fact that Nick might most likely will hurt someone in the group all those fears lost when he was with Tab. When they got to the arcade Cicero had his hands on his knees breathing heavily but still smiling "So...what do....you wanna do....now?" Cicero asked the girl still breathing hard from the running

Ooc: @Cicero , I love the fact you put all of Cicero's worries in a post talking about his lack of worries.


Bic: "Hmm, air hockey?" Tabitha said mischievously. Was the girl a witch or something? She wasn't even out of breath! Several teenagers were in the arcade too, drinking beers they shouldn't have and talking about the latest phones. It was all really stereotypical, especially when all the guys stared at her as Tabby just strode up to the air hockey table and put in what few coins she had. "Ready?" she asked Cicero, and the guys looked over to see who she was talking to. Several of them turned back to their previous conversations to mask their disappointment, but a few didn't get the message and continued to stare at her. Tabitha didn't mind though. Compared to scientists or Nick, what could staring guys do?​
Ooc:I don't pay attention did I really

He followed Tab to the air hockey "Yea i'm ready." He said while trying not to laugh at the fact a couple of guys got interested to watch a simple game of air hockey he was contemplating whether or not to flip them off but he decided against it and continued to play air hockey not really paying attention to the score he was to caught up actually playing the game and smiling it reminded him of when him and Ocean would play he would always win against Ocean and lose again Nick that's how it was for every game they faced each other in the oldest would win but he wasn't playing against his brothers he was playing against his girlfriend

"First point goes to me!"

Tabitha was rather good at this game: It was part of the reason she picked it. She almost never missed, and when she did it was because she was distracted. Eventually, after a few points, a crowd had formed around her. "Raven girl!" they kept chanting, partly making fun of and partly admiring Tabitha's hair, which was the closest thing to the colour of a raven you could find. After the first three points went to her, she paused briefly to look Cicero directly in the face. "Want to give up?" she asked, raising her eyebrow and making one of the most ridiculous faces she could. She knew she was good at this game, and it was even better to brag about it.​
orious's eyes widened and izbell stepped out giggling. "Seems I drove him away,good thing that leash works..." then instantly ran over and punched him hard and sent izabell breaking both the desk and her nose. "What have you done! stupid siren!!" And with that orious ran out the door as fast as he could and jumped down to the lower level. He ran through the door and down the street. "Shiz. Where is he?!! Soon after getting through a few fights as he went through he spotted derrick and came over punching somebody down who was about to try mugging him but that was when a few gun shots sounded off and ori's side was drenched in bright red. "That should show em' to come on this side " a voice muttered with a cackle As they left. Orious had reached his limit and collasped on the ground. "Damn it...I'm gonna kill izabell...."

(Izabell used her powers,she tried to tear them apart using her "leash" on ori)
"Ok I admit defeat oh great Raven girl." He said putting his hands up mockingly "When i'm dead of course." He said with a sly smile while he started playing again and most likely losing again "Hey Tab question when did you get good at this game?" He asked wanted to know how she got good at the game and just simply curious...ok and maybe a tad bit of it was to distract her but never the less he wanted to know he knew he was most likely going to lose but it would be boring if he called defeat he would rather play until the game was over Cicero's very stubborn when hes playing any sort of game but too him it just makes the games more fun
Vladimor sits up alongside him, a lazy smile on his face a he sits unnecessarily close. "I could tell, really." He shrugs, "I like men?" That sounded more like a question. "Anyways, are you a top or a bottom?" That was a little personal. Not that the boy knew already. Some people figure it out at the time, or just have their own set position. Vladimor recalls a time where in a club(Even though he was underage...) a man had asked him to do the dirty, and Vladimor was actually frightened. At the time Vladimor was kinda small and that man was sort of. Big. That was probably the closest he would ever get to sleeping with a man, but as he thinks of it, he'd probably be any man's bottom. "Oops, you don't have to answer that, that's a little...eheh" He laughs it off, his face reddening at the thought of Matthew in that sort of scenario.

Jenise let the elevator take her up a floor, before letting the doors open and walking into the hallway. She wandered softly down the corridor, turning her head as she heard various noises from the rooms she past. She clutched at the key in her hand and read the number aloud before coming to the door. Slipping the key into the handle, she twisted and heard the door groan. She walked to the bed and drooped her bag down onto it. Taking another huge sigh, she stepped to the window and gazed out at the black sky, leaning against the wall with her arms wrapping around herself. "brother I.... I don't know what to do... I'm here like you said but...I'm scared..." her head resting against the windows edge as she gazed out with misty blue eyes.

"I used to go to an arcade with my-" She hesitated, if only for a moment, which gave Cicero his first point. The crowd of teens booed, but Tabitha just ignored them. "I used to come to the arcade with my father on the weekends: He'd always give me his spare change and tell me he didn't need it." She was talking in time with the rhythm of her hand motions now, a certain lift in her voice every time she hit the puck back to him. "We were poor, but it was still a fun experience." Eventually the game ended and the crowd cheered. Tabitha had won with a score of seven to one. After tucking a piece of hair behind her ear, she finally turned to the people and bowed, just making her seem more like a badass. She turned back to Cicero just a second later. "Do you want to play anything else, or should we go?" she asked. Her face was serious, but there was something in her eyes that made it clear she was having fun.

Matthew wasn't really bothered by the question. He shrugged for a moment, before answering. "I don't know really, but I remember kissing a guy and he was sort of forceful toward me." The dentist's son's image popped back into his head, only unlike before it was more regret than a neutral emotion he felt: What had he even seen in that guy? It wasn't like he wanted to date him, but it really surprised Matt he even let himself be pushed around like that. He looked over at Vladimor, who seemed beyond uncomfortable by wherever this conversation was headed. "Submissive, I guess? Being a virgin makes it really hard to answer that question." Again, he shrugged, as if he wasn't bothered at all by these sort of chats. He hated admitting he was gay, but once the words were out there he usually just bit the bullet and told people whatever they wanted to know about his love life. He had nothing to hide, at least not until today. He thought of Calvin and the way he had just barely placed his lips on the boy. He suddenly blushed. He looked down, hoping that doing so and the darkness would help cover the embarrassment that was nearly engraved into his face by now. "Please don't notice, please don't notice!" he mentally prayed. If just this once life wouldn't kick him between the legs, (metaphorically ofc) he'd be happy.​
Derrick is all too oblivious to what's going on around him as he falls in and out of sleep, having troubles staying awake even in such a discouraging zone. That is until there was a gunshot, much too close for comfort, only meters away from himself. His gaze snaps up, looking at the source of the noise, and before anything else he notices Orious, and a lot of red. Too much red. Too much of his blood. Without a second thought, he rushes over, not needing to check the wound too much to understand where he got shot. It was just his luck that Orious' had his phone, he thought as he panics over the violet-eyed boy. Hastily, he calls 911, reporting what happens. He feels somewhat pressured when they ask for names and such, but it couldn't be helped. He was sure to check the street name, and the general location on the street, etc,etc. As soon as he ended the call, he took off his shirt, folding it as he lifts Orious' shirt just to get to the bullet wound. He presses applies enough pressure to the wound, biting his lip at blood seeps through the fabric. "It's gonna be alright," He says even as his voice gets caught in his throat.

Vladimor raises a brow, submissive, eh? He did like the sound of that, and for some reason, he really liked the idea of that. Especially when he thinks of such a wildcat biting at everyone could be tamed by a good fuck. Vladimor bites his lip at Matthew, some unholy thoughts coming to matter. (It didn't matter he wasn't religious! Unholy? Holy? What's the difference?) When the shorter male looks down, for some reason he couldn't tell- Let Matthew thank the fucking stars, because Vladimor's vision is poor enough in the light, and is no match for the dark. "Hey?" Vladimor raises a brow, curious to what was going on with him. He places a finger under the boy's chin, forcing him to meet his gaze in the dark. Vladimor leans close enough to have a clear view, and when they are nose to nose, he can see the faint red through the dark. He chuckles lowly, a smirk on his lips. "You're not thinking of anything an innocent little virgin wouldn't think of, are you?"

"What do you mean?" Matthew repeated the question from earlier, only now he sounded more faint, maybe even unsure of himself. It seemed that the words had become his catchphrase as of late, at least when he was around Vladimor. Matt tried to move away: It was no sue. The other boy had a pretty good hold on him. "I've been found out." The mind-version of his voice said pathetically. Already feelings were rising up in the boy that were foreign to him, edging on pleasurable if he wasn't so stubborn. "I never said I was innocent." Matt finally replied. He could give in that much, right? That was what he thought when he said it, but he wasn't so sure anymore, with the boy being so close to him. If he leaned in, Matt knew he could kiss him, but despite the temptation Matthew knew he didn't have the guts to. Vladimor seemed to have the confidence to do anything though, and that's what scared him. "Are your thoughts impure then?" he asked quietly so as to not disrupt the silence that had taken place between now and his last statement. It was a silence that seemed to surround Matt as much as he was sure Vladimor could. Matthew had grown up being told he had to believe, but that didn't mean he did, and right now he was so into this moment that such an idea didn't even cross his mind. It was too hot, but Matthew knew it wasn't from the weather or the room, and he didn't dare complain. This moment was perfect, whether he admitted it or not: It was just really scary too.

Vladimor surveyed the Matthew's face. The night was still young as the darkness fuels the noble's hunger-filled desires. Vladimor cups his prey's cheek in his hand, his smirk becoming so much more wild, something more dangerous. His fingers thread into Matthew's hair, "My thoughts?" He purrs out the question, grinning showing off a beautiful display of white. "I'm thinkin' of doing things to you that make dark deities scream in scandal," He says just above a whisper, voice smooth and seductive as he speaks. Their lips are just so close, Vladimor's warm breath is soft against Matthew's lips. There one last flicker in his eyes, something savage to say the very least before Vladimor's lips are pressed against Matthew, a low groan rolling from his throat from pure instinct. Maybe it was just the way Matthew tasted to him or the smell of him that he'd crave so badly. Maybe it was the pure want that's been building up from day one of meeting this kid.


Matthew felt every sensation, every touch of the male who, while younger than him, was clearly more mature than him in every way. He acted gentle at first, but the second Matt heard his words he knew this would be far from it. "Vladi-" Matt had been barely mouthing the name when he was nearly engulfed by the boy himself. "Mmm" Small noises of desire came from inside him; Noises that he barely understood the meaning to. He didn't need to though, not when he was being handled like this. It almost hurt, the way Vladimor was kissing him. Matthew put his hands on Vlad's chest, but it wasn't a protest. Instead, Matt was trying desperately to take off the feeble clothing that separated them. He could barely think anymore. How could he think, when everything else was urging him not to? "P-please..." Matt practically sighed the words, during the few moments that Vladimor let him breathe. Even if the boy hadn't consciously known it, the life that seemed to curse him was now giving him his chance: His chance at something new. New emotions, new sensations. For once in the boy's short and sheltered like, he was finally okay with being overwhelmed- as long as it was Vladimor, that is.

Ooc: Time-skip?​
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