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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

Sage walked into the restaurant and turned to Shuzo. " Go get us a seat , I'll get food , what do you want? " he asked
"Well to be honest I haven't tried it on any other girls I was in that shitty program for my middle school year so my family could raise my younger brother Cicero so I never really actually.You say resit but i'm pretty sure you were the one blushing when we were outside before you got your gas." He said while smiling "wait childish charm no fair if that's anyone its Cicero that brat some how managed to get a girlfriend some how in this weird fucked up world people call earth." He said looking at Emily before looking down suddenly embarrassed about how much he talked about his brother to this girl he never talked about them and when he does its to call them stupid or annoying also brats but why was this girl different from the rest of the girls in the group....then again he only met Tab
"Please, I've been on my own for so long anyone could make me blush....though your the first to try." She smiles at him. She's always been this tough person that no one seems to want to flirt with. In fear of pissing her off, but then here's this guy. Who's actually strong enough to go 1v1 with her and come out with just a scratch. It was a nice change to have a guy....not be scared of her. "I was an only child so I don't know what it's like, sorry." She says shrugging. "I don't see why you don't have a girlfriend your just overflowing with sensitivity and charm." She says, a little...okay a lot scarasticly.

Ella had taken to wandering the hotel again restlessly. She wanted to leave this place already. Why are we still here? What happened to Vegas? she thought. It was no use wondering, she supposed they'd just end up in yet another hotel somewhere else.

Ella blinked, this room seemed colder than the last. Her gaze focussed slightly and she recognised it as being the hotel lobby. The door was ajar slightly, that was all. She might have continued on, but she paused as she saw Lia on the couch there. It seemed Ella wasn't the only one with nothing really to do. @Cookie8272
Ooc:Aww it feels good to have someone burn Nick

"Oh its fine I got over it years ago." He said looking back up at her "Oh yea I don't see why you don't have a boyfriend if every time someone kisses you put them in a bubble and almost drown them a real eye catcher if you ask me." He said laughing while he got up and jumped on Emily's bed barely missing her 'How come everyone gets a comfier bed them mine'He thought to himself "Hey Em I'm taking your be...."He trailed off as he fell asleep a lot faster then he thought it would
Vladimor yawns, shifting awkwardly when he feels something solid under him. It was still mildly dark out so it was his guess that it was now early in the morning. He can discern Matthew being under him, sleeping rather soundly for being under someone sort of heavy. He rolls off of him though a few things caught his attention as he did. Maybe the blunt fact that they were both down to their underwear after what they were doing on a few hours ago. Another shift in position points out that something is sticky and wet in his striped briefs. That fact that it was still pretty warm told that he wasn't asleep for long. "Ew." He states bluntly, smoothing down his hair. As he looks back at Matthew, he could tell that there was a spot in his undergarments as well. He chuckles quietly to himself as he thinks back to whap happened, thinking it almost as surreal, even as there's proof right in front of him. Either way, it's a great time for a shower. He gets up and heads to the other side of the bed, picking Matthew up and tossing him over his shoulder as he carries him to the bathroom. "Rise and shine, Matthew. Shower time."

"I didn't want you to kiss me, I wanted dire- get off my bed!" She says trying to shove him off. "Fat asshole." She mumbles. She grabbed her bag and went to the bathroom closing the door she sighed and started a shower. Stripping off her clothes she stepped into the hot spray sighing happily. It'd been awhile since she was able to take an actual shower and it felt amazing. She washed her hair and body before just relaxing closing her eyes.
ori hi ssesd in pain his breathing had become a bit unstable as his vision blurred from dizziness and his body ached. "...I don't deserve you...i never did...all I'm good at is destroying.....I'm sorry for everything.....just please don't run away..." the vampire managed to say with a serious expression and tried to move only to collapse unconscious from the blood loss. The ambulance arrived and a man got out quickly.
When she heard footsteps behind her , Lia turned around, seeing Ella looking at her. "Hey," She said, patting the couch next to her. She noticed how cold it was in the lobby and shivered. "How was your sleep?" She meant for it to be just a polite question, but it cam off as kind of creeper like. Lia lightened the mood a little by smiling slightly. She realized that that might be a little creepy as well, but she didn't care anymore. She rubbed her hands together to warm them up and noticed she left her ring in her hotel room, so she made a mental note to herself to pick it up later. Her stomach was empty, and she stood up. "I think I'm going to go get some breakfast, wanna come with? I really don't wanna go alone like a loser," Lia laughed.
Sai spotted a women walk up, he didn't know her name and it looked like she was talking to someone else. "Hello their mam," he said as he got up. It was in a sort of depressing tone. Nagato woke up in the hotel room alone but he couldn't feel anything, it was just like before. "Where did Sai go," he thought to himself as he made his way out of the room.

@Valkyre @Cookie8272
Ella hadn't slept. She'd tried but every time she closed her eyes in this place, she felt like someone else was with her. But Ella didn't want to tell her that, so she ignored that question and instead moved on to the second. "If you want me to come, I will. I don't need money do I?" she asked, a little worried. Ella didn't have a penny to her name. If Sai was talking to her, Ella didn't realise. It couldn't have been to her. She wasn't a ma'am, she didn't even think she had enough status for a miss. So Ella ignored Sai
Sai walked up to the lady placing his hand on her should to comfort her, somehow he was keeping his self under control. He hand felt as cold as death as though the fire within Sai had gone out when he left his brother. "Is there something wrong Ma'am, you seem lost." This time he left no doubts, he was talking to Ella. Nagato made his way to the elevator calling it up and wait for it.

The first thing Matthew awoke to was him being tossed in the air. He opened his eyes in confusion before figuring out what was happening: Vladimor was carrying him as if he was a toy! "Hey, I can take care of myself!" Matt nearly shouted at the boy, before realizing how loud that sounded. Making a mental note to keep quiet, he quickly stripped down pretty nonchalantly the second he was placed down in the bathroom. Maybe if he had been awoken more gently he'd have felt embarrassed initially, but due to his indignation at being picked up the feeling didn't set in until he was turning the shower on. He stepped in first, ignoring Vladimor for a second, before finally glancing at the boy. He wasn't in the shower yet. "Are you joining me, or should I just go first?" He tried to make his tone as casual as possible, but he was watching the boy with slight caution: Something he shouldn't have, since he trusted the boy with... that. Cautious was exactly the word to describe Matt now however. The hot temperature of the shower made his skin look more pale than usual, so it was impossible to blush, but Matthew would definitely be if it was possible. "What have I done?" Matthew asked himself. The boy was feeling desperate to get his normal emotions back: The Matt he knew would be regretting this, or maybe even be indifferent, but right now he was... happy? It wasn't the perfect way to describe it, considering how paranoid he was right now, but it was a good enough description to him, considering what fragile grip he had on his emotions.

Sunlight made it's way through Tabitha's room, creeping up on her like some sort of ninja. At least, that's what Tabitha thought when she felt it pry her eyes open. She rolled over to try to block it... only to fall from her bed. "Dammit, can't a girl get some sleep?" she muttered. She and Cicero had hung out at the arcade until around midnight. Tabby wished she could recall of her memories of the evening now, but alas, her half-asleep brain wouldn't let her. Tabitha checked the clock: It was nearly ten already! With half-opened eyes she made her way out into the hallway, deciding to check how the others were doing. She was still wearing the clothes she had on when she went out.​
Nick wasn't really asleep he just wanted Emily to leave so he can fix the stupid cut he took of his shirt and ripped some of it off and tied it around the cut "Good enough." He told himself while laying on the floor and eventually drifting back into sleep with his shirt on the floor next to him oblivious to all around him he started mumbling words "No don't.........stop it now your killing him......" He muttered he was dreaming about when he first saw Cicero getting tested on in the lab and how he losing his heartbeat and the scientist keep injecting him with the stupid substance then started trying to save him while Nick watched in horror until the scientist pushed him away and the only sound he could hear was of the long beep of what sounded like someone lost a life making Nick jolt up breathing heavily and sweating a little

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