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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

Ooc:Sorry I was to busy playing a game sorry

Nick started laughing "You obviously didn't get my plan I was trying to make the guy jealous more so he would go after me but I guess I should have told you first."He stated getting up "And I'm not leaving either cause I got a plan don't worry I'll tell you this time I'm going to charge at him and you but up a wall of water in front of me should work right." He said not really asking the question more like stating a fact but started running towards Damien not real giving Emily time to answer him 'I can trust her.' He thought to himself while running at the guy
Derrick yelps when he's picked up, worrying intensifying when he jumps out of the window. When he set him down, he gave him a soft chop on the head. With an angry face(Although it looked all too childish to be taken seriously) he waggles a finger at him. "I told you nothing like that! The wound could reopen." He repeats, crossing his arms. He sighs, looking up at the floor they were on. "We could have just walked out, most hospitals don't question people who just walk out. Well, it's in the past now, let's hurry so we won't be left." He urges, taking hold of Orious hand as he walks with a quick pace to get back to the hotel.

Vladimor pulls a disapproving look. "At night with him?" He didn't like the sound of that at all..."I guess it can't be helped, but if something happened to Derrick, I'm slaughtering that bloodsucker." He huffs, going to lean against a wall as he waits, hoping that Derrick will make it on time.

"Are you fucking stupid?! God damn it." Emily shouts having to let Damien free in order protect Nick with the water. 'He's going to get himself killed!' She thinks running after him.

Damien laughs and charges toward Nick pushing past the water wall he takes out a good sized dagger and it erupts in flame.

Emily grabs Nicks shirt and tosses him aside she felt the flames burn her skin as the sharp blade sliced her cheek. She blasted Damien away and encased him in water. "C-Come on. We have to forget your stuff, hopefully someone will grab it. Ever ridden on the back of a motorcycle?" She asks dragging yim towards her bike. Her face was in serious pain, and bleeding profusely. But head wounds always looked like they bled more. "Get on!"

@Cicero it's okay! I was just wondering :)
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Seeing that there was nothing else to do besides maybe tease Vlad and probably get punched by him, Tabby sat down on the floor near the couch Matt was resting on and took out some paper and a pen. Using the table to keep the paper straight, she slowly starting to draw circles on it. She didn't know why, but she found it very easy to create art with half and full circles, either overlapping or connecting to each other. She never had a specific goal in mind, but after several minutes she came up with something that looked like a very odd ladybug with perfectly symmetrical wings. "What do you think?" She tried to show Matt, but the boy wasn't paying attention. He was resting his eyes, hoping to get some of the sleep he was deprived of last night. Tabby smirked, but she didn't say anything. She turned around and started to draw again. Maybe it was weird to some how obsessed Tabitha could be over Matt, but that was only because he was her brother, even though it wasn't by blood. It was hard to find too individuals who were so close to each other. Sure, they fought, but that didn't change anything at the end of the day. They both had each other's backs, and that was all that mattered.

"Why did you push me out of the way if he stabbed me I could have grabbed his arm and broke it." He said running along her "And don't worry about my stuff I don't have any to bring." He said getting on the back of the bike looking back to see how far Damien was from them "I still don't see why you keep pushing me out the way to let yourself get hurt its stupid." He told her he hated seeing her hurt over protecting him or just getting hurt in general and he wanted to beat the living shit out of Damien to make him pay for doing so but since he was already on the bike he just flipped him off "Fuck you Damien have fun trying to keep up with a motorcycle." He stated laughing

Cicero woke up finally yawning he looked everything he packed and when he made sure he had everything he got up and walked around hoping to find someone to talk too hell for once he would be willing to talk to Nick even if it would and most likely turn into the fight they had last time
(Ooc: and yet Ori is the one bleeding X) )

The vampire's face became a light pink and he nodded looking at the smaller male."....got it. Sorry.." He murmured in response with a hand on his head. Orious held derrick's hand following quickly and quietly.
Emily started the bike and revved it before speeding off. "Put the fucking helmet on and stop trying to be hero!" Emily shouts over the wind. "I'm not some damsel in distress. I can take care of myself and my own problems." She says annoyed. "I'm fine okay, my water abilities help me heal, not super fast but it helps." She says looking ahead sighing deeply. "Thanks though." She mutters shaking her head.

"Bitch....fine." He growls waiting out front of the hotel, if they were heading to Vegas he'd just...meet them there. He pulled his hair back before shaking it out. "I'll get you back Em...one way or another."
Nick just sighed "I was just trying to help I didn't want to see you get hurt...i'm sorry." He stated putting on the helmet 'Is this what Cicero has to deal with I just suddenly got a whole new level or respect for him still not enough I wouldn't beat the crap out of him and hit him but hey at least he was some respect from me never the less.'The cat boy thought to himself "So whats the plan exactly?" He asked Emily hoping she could hear him over the stupid wind

Cicero finally found someone to talk to whether they wanted to talk or not Cicero was just bored he scratched his chest only it felt like it went straight through his shirt he looked down to see he wasn't wearing one 'I've been walking around without a shirt on this whole time...well good thing Tab didn't see that would be embarrassing.' He thought while he zipped up his jacket "Hey Matthew whats up?" He asked the boy he didn't really care if he was asleep or not but Cicero sat like one of those gargoyles you see one New York buildings and smiled even though he was bored out of his mind
OOC: From now on, when the text is in bold and italics, it means that they are speaking or thinking in Dutch. I'm getting tired of typing the sentence twice.

Upon seeing the bus arrive, Johnathan stood up and headed toward the bus, trying not to draw attention to himself. Someone was bound to notice that he wasn't supposed to be there. He boarded the bus and headed straight for the back, happy to find that both of the back seats were empty. He sat down and started to bite his fingernails, a recent habit that he did whenever.

When the bus finally arrived, Lia was eager to get on the bus and go to Vegas. She mounted the bus and said, "Hi" to the driver. She was halfway down the bus when something she saw made her stop dead in her tracks. Hylia stared wide eyed at her brother, sitting at the back of the bus, biting his nails. When he noticed her, he gave her a look that told her he was just as surprised as she was. She immediately started walking towards him so she could sit beside him before someone else did.

"What are you doing here?" Lia asked almost angrily once she sat down, "You should be in Canada with our family, why are you on a bus in only God knows where headed to Las Vegas?"

"I- I-" John stuttered, trying to figure out a good way to tell her, "Hylia, after Mom and Dad handed you over to the scientists, they handed me over. I have no idea why. It was horrible... But I'd rather not get into that. Anyways, I found the hotel, went inside and heard the announcement. I decided Vegas sounded like fun."

Hylia was at a loss for words. After several minutes, she finally asked,
"Wha- What did they give you?"

Telepathy John said inside her head, then out loud, "What did they give you?"

Suddenly, Lia disappeared. She had bounced to right outside the window and tapped on the glass. When John looked over at her, she bounced back to the seat beside him. "Teleportation" She said simply.

"Oh. Cool." Was all he said.
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Sage turned to Shuzo with a shocked expression before a smile appeared. " I like you a lot too. " he said as he rested his hand on Shuzo's.
Izabell was standing outside when two buses arrived and she clapped jumping up and down with a giggle before running over to greet her two staff before turning to face everyone."Okay pick your bus and get

settled guys!"
"Look...I'm sorry too. I haven't had anyone willing to protect me since the asshole who's now trying to kill me. It's just...I don't see myself as worth it okay. As for the plan I'm dropping you off in Vegas and high tailing the fuck north. Maybe Canada or something. I just can't keep putting you danger." She says wanting to look back but at these speeds she had to stay focused. Some part of her wished he'd protest, demand to come with. It was nice having company....even if they were as annoying as him.


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