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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

"Ok" he said while walking to the back sitting next to Tab he looked over to see the guy that was yelling "Great its the loud mouth I thought he left already." He muttered under his breath looking out the window next to Tab but eventually just stared straight trying his hardest not to fall asleep every time he lifted his head down he jerked it up he eventually just wanted to go to sleep "Wake me up if you need anything." He told Tab kissing her on the forehead before putting his head against the back of the seat in front of him and with in seconds he was sound asleep with his hands in his pocket and his jacket zipped up still

"So...how long will it take for us to get to Las Vega?" He asked the girl in front of him 'Wonder how long it would take Cicero and them to get there.' He thought to himself while he looked straight ahead looking at the cars in front of them and them behind them
Calvin exited the hotel, about to board a bus, but something was off. He looked around, frowning when he couldn't spot Naomi's blonde head.

"Where did she go..?"

"She left, you dumbass!" Cryx's angry voice answered him. Calvin turned to face her, confusion crossing his face.

"She.. left? Why?"

"Because you're a special sort of prick!" she replied, fuming. "I saw her take off, and now I don't know where she went. She could be anywhere by now!"

"Which way did she go?" Cryx pointed, and Calvin's eyes followed her finger. He stared in that direction for a while.

"So be it," he murmured, shoving his pack into Cryx's hands and walking off in that direction. Cryx's eyes widened.

"Where the hell are you going?!"

"Shut up and think for once in your life, woman." Anything else Cryx said wouldn't be dignified with a response, and the woman knew that. With an angry sigh, knowing she wouldn't be of much help in the search, she boarded a bus, immediately pulling out a book and opening it, becoming lost in the story it told.

Calvin soon reached a mostly abandoned part of town. Disappearing into a dark alleyway, he shifted into his bird form and flew off, flying high to appear the size of a normal bird. Keen eyes scanned the ground, but nothing was found.

The glint of a silver van caught his eye. He banked to the right to see what was on the side of the van, and found the logo for the scientists he had once worked with. He knew why they were here, too.

He couldn't confront them then, and he knew that, so he continued following them until they came to an abandoned warehouse. Sure enough, a unconscious blonde child was being hauled out of the van and into the warehouse that was the closest lab the scientists had. They knew tranquilizers wouldn't work on Naomi for long, so they had to be quick and put her in a coma. Like hell Calvin would let that happen!

The moment they left the van and vanished into the warehouse, Calvin landed. He remained in his bird form, knowing that shifting to a human could kill him, whether as a result of shifting or though his inability to fight. He charged into the warehouse, an angry flurry of feathers and talons, tearing apart whoever was in his way. When he came to the people who were holding Naomi, he was more careful, but that didn't make anything less messy. When he was sure that everyone was either knocked out or incapacitated (permanently, for some), he finally shifted back to normal, picking up Naomi and ignoring the searing pain all over his body. He made it to the outside of the warehouse when the sound of footsteps stopped him, along with the sounds of a man readying a gun. Naomi's head shot up to look over Calvin's shoulder, and a horrified look crossed her face the moment the man behind them pulled the trigger... aiming right for Calvin's head.

Her scream could be heard for miles as her father didn't even breathe a final breath, dropping to the ground and already becoming cold. She didn't face the man as he aimed at her, but ran so fast she seemed to teleport. Away, away from it all, her trail marked by tears.
" I was in love with that guy we meet at the restaurant when I was younger , in even told him about my powers but his father was scientist and he told him. They took me away from my parents and experimented on me , even attempted to see if pain and despair brought out more power. He helped in those experiments and did terrible things to me. " he said

iiimee said:

"Let's sit back there." Tabitha said, pointing over to the back of the bus, where there only seemed to be one other person. She sat on the opposite side of the person, taking the spot closest to the window and motioning for Cicero to sit next to her.

Ooc: Everyone say if they're bus one or bus two. Tabitha's bus one, Matt's bus two.​
Lia and John are on Bus 1, so Tab and Cicero are sitting right next to them, actually.
"Probably just a few hours, we can always stop at a gas station for a break though. Bikes can be tough." She says before going silent, looking around sighing softly. She never thought she'd be doing this again. Another group...she wondered how long it would last...

"Sorry about earlier....I was kind of in a panic.....your already asleep..great." Damien says sighing lowly and rubbing his face. Bored out of his mind.

"Ok cool as for stopping that's up too you I'm having fun riding this you should totally let me try and drive this." He said fully knowing the answer would be Fuck no or something along those lines with that he just started laughing for a little bit he didn't know why but he was then he stopped he had a question that was bugging him and Cicero was far from asking literally "Hey Emi....why do my cheeks get hot when I'm around you sometimes?" He asked her generally curious he never had to worry about it before but know its happening to him and all he knows he's most likely sick but he doesn't know any thing that would make his cheeks heat up
Ldybug123 said:
Shuzo shook his head. "N-no, I-I w-was j-just t-thinking." He said, feeling tired. He fell asleep in an uncomfortable looking position. @djinnamon
Sage yawned and rested his head on Shuzo's shoulder before he fell asleep soundly.
"Maybe. I don't let many people drive my bike. It's...really special to me." She says shrugging. Her eyes widen and her own cheeks flare up red. "W-Well...probably the same reason my do....w-we uh...share a mutal attraction....fucking idiot your just fucking with me aren't you?" She says getting angry at her own stupidity of admitting it.

Shuzo started having a nightmare. Four scientists holding him down on a table. A fifth one put his hand on Shuzo's chest and inserted a needle into it. The stuff inside the needle made him feel excruciating pain, the scientists were torturing him. Shuzo screamed in agony, tears of pain running down his face. "Get it OUT!" Shuzo screamed over and over again. Shuzo grabbed Sage's wrist really tightly in his sleep. It would probably wake Sage up from the pain. @djinnamon
Both Lia and Johnathan were siting in silence. They both had no idea what to say. To be honest, Lia was still trying to process everything that happened in the last ten minutes when a boy and a girl sat down across from them. She mumbled a hello, trying to be friendly instead of cold and indifferent, but she ended up sounding confused and depressed. She really wanted to talk to her brother, but they really had nothing to talk about. They weren't the kind of twins that did absolutely everything together, but they didn't hate each other, either. Lia squirmed a little in her seat, obviously uncomfortable, and Johnathan noticed.

"Are you alright?" He said to her in English for the first time since... well.... long before the experiments.

"I'm fine" She lied. She spoke in Dutch just because it was more natural to her, "Don't worry about me"

"... Okay, then," He said, and they went back to that deafening silence.
Nagato looked out of his window, tabby, cicero and others where by him but he didn't want to looked at them he felt hurt betrayed. "I hope he dies." He mumbled to himself. "He told me he loved me, he might as well be like out parents, they don't care about us." Looking out the window didn't help him much. Sia didn't bother talk to anyone and hid his face at the back of the bus hoping no one would pay attention to him.
Sage himself was having a nightmare , he was sweating and tears rolled down his face. Sage back himself into a corner as Isaac advanced on him. " Be a good boy and strip Saggy. " Isaac said before he grabbed Sage causing him to scream. Sage let out a loud scream as he snapped awake and tears kept flowing down his face.

Ldybug123 said:
Shuzo started having a nightmare. Four scientists holding him down on a table. A fifth one put his hand on Shuzo's chest and inserted a needle into it. The stuff inside the needle made him feel excruciating pain, the scientists were torturing him. Shuzo screamed in agony, tears of pain running down his face. "Get it OUT!" Shuzo screamed over and over again. Shuzo grabbed Sage's wrist really tightly in his sleep. It would probably wake Sage up from the pain. @djinnamon

Tabitha sat quietly, waving to the people around her but other than that, she didn't socialize with them. She had taken out her Latin book and started to look over certain words again, writing them down and pronouncing them quietly.

Matthew was asleep on the second bus, which was pretty much empty except for Shuzo and the guy he saw two days earlier. His face looked troubled, but the boy didn't scream or do anything abnormal to indicate he was having a nightmare.

Ooc: Sorry for short post, kinda lost. X_X​
Shuzo didn't wake up, he was sleeping too deeply. The pain from whatever the scientists put in him faded, and everything turned to black. When he regained his consciousness, he was surrounded by bodies. Bodies of innocent people. He was covered in blood. Their blood. Shuzo's eyes widened. He screamed, horrified. "No no no no no no!" He said, he didn't know scientists were watching him through a tinted window and had videotaped the entire thing. Later, they made Shuzo watch it over and over again. He cried every time he watched it. He squeezed Sage's wrist even tighter, tears running down his face now. @djinnamon
"NO I SWEAR i'm not lying I can even prove it.....like when I offered my hand too you and I turned away my cheeks were getting hot...its a weird feeling but its enjoyable....and mutual attraction does that mean we feel the same about each other....?"He asked his face becoming a lot more red then just his cheeks

"Hey Cicero...Cicero you awake?" asked a voice Cicero opened his eyes to see Ocean smiling at him "Wake up dude....so you can see us die and so you know that you didn't help us." Ocean stated while everything around them turned to fire he seen Matt stabbed in the chest and everyone else lying around them dead he got open and grabbed Ocean but he already turned into a skeleton 'Damn it DAMN IT WHY!' He thought then he heard Tab screaming he followed the sound of her voice when he got their he found Tab behind a pillar he ran over to her happy to know she was ok but when he touched her shoulder she fell over reveling she had no head Cicero looked up to see Tab's head on a post Cicero fell to his knees and cried he didn't even try to stop the scientist when the entered the room and began cutting him. Cicero jolted awake and looked around he was sweating and breathing heavily he looked to see Tab to his left he was filled with joy he didn't care if she was reading he hugged her and kissed her cheeks and forehead "I'm so happy your alive." He muttered under his breath smiling and laughing a little
Naomi continued running until she reached the hotel, but she slowed down and stopped. Nothing bonded her to these people anymore. Calvin was gone. All that she had left was Cryx, who hadn't exactly come through as a mother. Could she go back and stand being reminded of Calvin every time she looked at Cryx, Matt, or even Vlad?

She didn't realize it until now, but during her frantic escape she had grabbed Calvin's glasses. A memento?

She looked down at them and felt tears springing to her eyes again. She would go back, if only to help defeat the stupid assholes who had caused Calvin's death!

She stuffed the glasses into her pocket, retreating to the hotel only to grab her things, and clambered onto bus two, head bowed and messy blonde hair hiding dead eyes from the world. She sat in a completely random place, not even paying attention to the fact that she had sat next to Matt. A few tears slipped down her cheeks, but she didn't sob or anything. Naomi just sat there.

(Cryx is on bus one and has no idea that Naomi has returned. Woo.)

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