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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

Tatsuya sat behind Shuzo, listening to his sobs. He figured now wasn't a good time to tell Shuzo he was his half brother.
Sage hugged him tighter. " Its not your fault , they made you do. " he said

Ldybug123 said:
"N-no... i-it's n-not o-ok... I-I k-killed... s-so m-many p-people." Shuzo said, sobbing and trembling. He grabbed onto Sage's shirt with shaking hands. @djinnamon
Leon got on the second bus and sat in the middle. He had no possessions to take with him on the ride and only had the ipad that Leo had given to him. He opened it up and went through all the basic set up before staring at the screen for a moment before shutting it down. There was nothing he could do while he had no connection to the internet. He set the machine down next to him and leaned back in his seat. Leon eventually pulled his beanie over his eyes to avoid starting a conversation with anyone and was just in desperate need of a nap. Leon eventually blacked out as he waited for the bus to start, anyone who was brave enough to wake up the boy would be in for a very stern talking to. Leon was too tired to do anything that involved potentially punching whoever wakes him up so a simple screaming would have to be enough to get the job done.
"B-but... s-sometimes... I-I f-feel l-like i-it i-is m-my f-fault." Shuzo said, tears still going down his face as he clung even tighter to Sage's shirt. @djinnamon
Ooc: Omfg, why is nobody on the second bus replying to the FUCKING CRYING?! I would react if I was in this story. X_X

For a while, the two boys just converse normally, Derrick enthusing about going somewhere that seems all too fun, where they can truly wind down, and act fancy and rich like they were meant to. Vladimor kind sees this..erm, thing on the bus? He didn't know what to think of it as it passed and he was somewhat frightened by its presence. "Now that's what I call an experiment." He thinks, looking over at Derrick. He was looking outside and hadn't even seen who/whatever had passed. Later when the one girl who'd call herself Satan came on, he could hear her crying, and he cringes. Then there was news of Calvin's death. It didn't phase him, but he would give his condolences. When he hears Matthew's sobbing following after, he groans, pinching the bridge of his nose as he sinks in his chair. "Disgusting," He mutters under his breath. When he smelled something cooking he was about to loose his mind. Derrick had fallen asleep. That was fast.

Cryx looked over at Tabitha, her eyes widening when she heard what the woman had said. Calvin was dead? She looked over at the other bus. While she felt bad about the scientist's death, something else had her extremely worried.

Naomi was mentally unstable in her own special way.

The moment she (thought) heard the word "Disgusting" leave Vladimor's mouth, Naomi's head snapped up and sent an extremely dangerous, green-eyed glare at the boy.

"Don't pretend like you haven't cried before, you thrice-blasted bastard! Don't judge people because unlike you, they can actually express feelings!" She was about to go right up and punch the stupid boy, but Cryx had rushed onto the bus.

"Naomi, calm down, please.."

"Don't tell me to calm down! You probably don't even care!" Naomi cried out, but it seemed the yelling had expended what little energy she had left. She slid out of Matt's embrace, sluggishly making her way to an empty seat. She curled up there, sending a venomous glare to Cryx when the woman tried to sit next to her. Cryx left the bus, a weary sigh escaping her, and boarded the other one once again.
"Uh....whats a book?" He asked confused at the question mostly joking he actually never read one in his life he just doesn't like the idea or have the patience of actually read one "Anyways enough about those so called real objects give me a real question." He said while drinking his soup he looked down at his spoon "Oh....I forgot I had this." He stated picking it up and started using that instead
After Naomi and him finally stopped crying, he glared over at Leo, who was using his body as a stove. "Is this really the time to eat?" Matt asked with a tear-stained, watery-eyed face. He quickly tried to rub the tears away, but he was sure quite a few people already noticed, and the red puffiness of his eyes pretty much gave it away. He covered his nose, feeling slightly nauseous at the smell of something like that on an empty stomach. He didn't know when he last ate, but it had to have been quite a long time ago. He also didn't realize what Vladimor was thinking of them until Naomi called him out on it. "I really am weak." he concluded. Vlad looked so annoyed- didn't the boy ever cry himself? Matt tried to think of a time Vladimor cried, but the only time that came to his mind was when they first met. Matthew had been and sometimes still was mean to him, and that was exactly what caused Vladimor to leave. He remembered injuring himself for the boy... and being comforted by Calvin, of all people. Suddenly, Matthew felt really sick. He curled up into a ball within his seat, trying to calm himself down. If he didn't, he'd probably faint right here. "I'm useless." Matthew muttered to himself again and again, running a hand through his hair and just keeping it there. The boy suffered from mental breakdowns before, but this one was the worst. He had no clue what to do, now that the one person who kept him sane (Calvin) was gone, and the one person who drove him insane was practically glaring at him. (Vladimor) "Please let this be a bad dream." he prayed, but he knew fantasy from reality, and this was reality. What a total loser.

"I promise Tab I will never die."He said kissing her cheek "I think you should get some rest....if you have a nightmare just tell me ok no matter if I'm asleep wake me i'll listen." He said while running his free hand through her hair his face returned back to emotionless he wasn't use to having this face only at the lab where nothing mattered that's what it felt like now but it was still weird with Cicero hes usually always smiling and barely ever frowning or anger unless he was fighting someone but he wasn't fighting anyone or anything just his emotions and thoughts after a while he drifted off into a state of half awake and half asleep and keep staring at the ceiling of the bus
Orious watched the two quietly following and Sat down next to izabell whom bore a bandaid on her nose and on his other side derrick.
mewbot5408 said:
Orious watched the two quietly following and Sat down next to izabell whom bore a bandaid on her nose and on his other side derrick.
((OOC: Derrick is at a window seat, and Vlad is next to that, so he couldn't really sit next to Derrick ah))
"Alright, alright. How'd you manage to escape?" She asks softly taking a big bite of the hamburger. Okay this was one of the best burgers she's ever had. Damn. She washed it down with some soda looking intently at him.
Vladimor scoffs at the girl, rolling his eyes. "I cry, but not over simple stuff like death. It happens." He says bluntly as he crosses his arms. He said it as if he had a fair share of it, already. He wanted off this bus already. This is going to be a long ass ride. He found it harder to take naps like Derrick does, and he didn't have anything to distract him from the rest of the bus, and it was really an inconvenience to himself.

Leon slept through everything. The crying, along with the announcement that the scientist had died. However, Leon was having a wonderful phenomenon that he liked to call "Sleep shifting". When Leon didn't get enough sleep, he would shift in his sleep. At first Leon was just a standard human, but from there he instantly went from human, to lemur, to cat, to wolf, to bird, and finally back to human and continued snoring as if nothing had ever even happened. This was sometimes a standard thing for Leon when he didn't get enough rest. Leon leaned back in his sleep and took up the entire seat by laying on the entire bench. It felt good to finally sleep for once, as long as no one tried to wake him everything would go fine.
"Uhh....well one word I can use is bloody and a lot of snapping. Ok so pretty much the scientist just unlocked the cuffs they always but on me when they are doing test on me well the moment the cuffs came off there was an explosion so I pretty much punched the scientists that were in front of me as hard as I could smashing their skulls in and then when I was making it to the exit I was surrounded so I managed to punch some of them away long enough to rip the arms off of some of them and then I stomped on the scientists that were on the ground dazed and I remembered my brother but I figured he find a way to escaped and he did." He said remembering what happened while just staring at his soup spinning it around with his spoon
Tabitha did as Cicero commanded without complaint, going pretty much limp in his lap except for her left hand, which was clinging weakly to his shirt. Despite the girl's fears, big and small, she managed to fall asleep rather quietly, even quietly snoring. (She'd never admit to that, ofc.) On her sleeping stage she was in right now it didn't bother her, but it soon became apparent she was cold. With nothing else except her backpack and the clothes on her, Tabby was forced to turn to her closest source of warmth: Cicero. She turned around and clung a little bit tighter to his shirt, so close that her lips were touching his lower stomach. After this she finally stopped moving around, now closer to the cat-boy who she was using as a blanket. Already it was easy to imagine what she'd say: "Well, we can add blanket to the list of things your good for."

Ooc: ...Anyone want another time-skip? I feel we can actually get a little bit more of a story if they stop for the night, but I don't know what I'd personally put... my characters really need to meet the new ones. X_X

Emily nods and looks away. "Pretty much the same. They always kept me in places with very little or no water. I managed to create a very small dagger...enough to slit a guards throat and make it to an area where they had water pipes....I fear I drowned as many people as I was trying to save. Scientists and other experiments...I was in such a rage I didn't know what I was doing..." She whispers shaking her head and taking a smaller bite. "Sorry...probably not the best time to ask..."
Cicero:Sure Time Skip


Cicero:Fuck you Nick learn it by yourself


Cicero:Nope see ya *Jumps from building to building making Nick lose sight of him*

idk what that has I guess time skips cool
((OOC: Same. Vlad has been acting with the same people. Honestly it's because that's part of him; He find someone he enjoys being around and kinda limits himself elsewhere, but he's gotta open up >_<))

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