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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

@Cicero sorry! I was making a role play ;-;

Emily shrugs and flicks her cigarette away. "It'd be cheaper to get one." She says softly shrugging again. "It's up to you." She says standing and stretching.
Ooc:Its fine

Bic:"Well I guess were getting one how much do you think its going to cost?" He asked while getting up and popping his knees in the process "Just don't get any ideas." He stated jokingly but kept a straight face
"I should be saying that to you." Emily sags jokingly punching his shoulder. "Not to much hopefully." She says swinging a leg over and sitting on her bike. "Come on then I'm actually starting to feel pretty tired." She smiles wearily.
Both Sai and Nagato fell asleep on the first bus, sleeping at the back and front of it. No one had bothered them, no one had talked to them. It seemed like everyone was giving them space which is what they needed. Sai had thought about running a way from his brother again but he couldn't bring himself to do it. His brother needed him some how and they had a bond even though they weren't together.


It was late with the moon creeping it's way up the sky and Victoria was cold, she had been walking for hours. She was looking for someone to use, the bugs that lived inside her were moving around trying to find a warm spot and it tickled. Soon they would be mad at her and she would be in pain. She held up her hand and about twenty small insects came crawling out from underneath her finger nails. The ran out before scouting the area they then came back making little insect movements telling her that they had found something. The bugs then went back underneath her finger nails and she went towards the thing the bugs had found. It didn't take long, maybe ten minutes before she found two buses. She looked around finding several people around in the area. "Hello boys, you wouldn't happen to have a spare seat for little old me would you? And if so you wouldn't happen to have a blanket would you." She rubbed her breast trying to seduce the two, "its so cold out here, maybe you could warm me up." She walked up closer to Matt and Vladimor.
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((OOC: Well she can't walk up to Vladimor...he's on the top of the bus...and I don't think he's in the same exact place as Matt, so-))
"Oww that hurt." He said while rubbing his shoulder smiling and getting on the bike "Well ready when you are princess." He said laughing for some reason or another "Wait what happens if they only have one bed is someone aka me going to have to sleep on the couch?" He asked Emily as she started the bike

"Oh, hey!" Tabby greeted Cicero brightly. By now she had woken up significantly, and was back to her normal cheery self: A person she had been on and off for the last few days. She looked back up at the stars again before answering his question. "I just woke up, but honestly I think I overslept on the bus so I'm wide awake." Tabitha explained, and to prove it she ran from one end of the parking lot and back- only to crash directly into Matthew, making the boy's beer spill all over him. "Sorry!" Tabby quickly apologized, but the boy merely got up and dusted himself off, mostly unfazed except for the fact that now he felt extra cold due to the combination of liquid and cold wind. Tabitha noticed this and ran off to get him a shirt, and it was during this time that an unknown woman approached the boy.

"Do I look like I have a blanket lady?" Matthew said rather bluntly. He was closest to the woman considering Vladimor was on the roof of their bus, not that he knew Vlad was there. If he was sober, maybe he'd have just told her to get lost, but his comments were excessively rude now due to his lack of control. "Do you have dry skin there or something, because you're rubbing there an awful lot." Matt noted. If Tabby wasn't getting him a shirt right now she'd have slapped him, but as it was Matt just carried on with his mean and drunkenly blissful comments.​
"Keep to your side of the bed and you can sleep on it." She says revving the engine and taking off at full speed down the road. Stopping about 15 minutes later.

(I might be heading to sleep so I'm going to let @Cicero take minor control. LIke if I don't wake up and everyone's leaving for Vegas I give you permission to use the bike to get there and say Ems in the bed room or something. That way you can rp to with others and we don't get left behind that okay?)
[QUOTE="King Anthony]

Derrick, much too uncoordinated and weak from his still-sleepy state, pushes lightly on Orious' face. The particular area was still sore, and he continues to whine. "Bus's don't have beds...What do'you need?" He doesn't really think too much about what he's saying as he's caught between reality and dreams. More of a natural response. He continues to practically paw at Orious' face, doing it repetitively as if trying to accomplish something.

Orious blushed and had a confused look but then sigh."I know that...but I also know that there's a place not far from here...considering my old job I had to know these things..that and I don't wanna sleep alone." he said and held the human's hands slighting annoyed by him pawing him in the face. "As for the favor, well I need some assistance..." he said softly and pointed to his banages And the fact they had turned a little red. "In return I will also buy you somthing to eat.."he said mentioning he would even treat him for the assitance but then again ori liked doing things for the human to please if he could. Funny,derrick was a servant to someone and yet orious liked protecting and helping out if he could. But then again that was normal when you cared about someone as much as he did.
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"Oh mister, I am sooooo cold. I could 'use' a man like you. You look like such a manly man." She walked up until she was standing right in front of him, at this point she was done rubbing her chest, she saw that this had no effect. She then took his hand and placed on top of one of her breast, "are you sure you don't have a blanket for little old me, or a seat for me to lay on. I would even be willing to share." She then placed a hand on top of his, trying her hardest to seduce the young man. "All this and more could be yours. Just think of it." She gave him a wide smile, and giggly eyes. (This is her personality because she uses people by seducing them.)
Ooc: Ok

Bic: Cicero walked up too Tab "You didn't have to run up the parking lot...also why do you smell like be...oh never mind"The cat boy said looking at the drunk boy in front of him he just shook his head "I'm sorry ma'am but my friend here is a little drunk sorry I'll get him inside the bus before he does something....else that stupid." He said while he grabbed Matthew's arm "Hey Matthew there's more beer in the bus." He pretend to be extincted by the fact but in reality it was a place where Matthew can sleep and have a hang over tomorrow and be even more of a grouch

When they arrived at the motel Nick walked in and got a room "I got us a room." He stated while he made his way to the room when he opened the door he seen one bed one couch and a tv he looked around to find a bathroom and a kitchen "People actually live in places like this?" He asked confused on why people would
He groans, refusing to move. "Ask Vlad..he knows how t' do it. He's somewhere..." Derrick knew exactly where he was, but was still too sleepy to explain that he was just on top of the bus. It's the typical place Vladimor goes- Higher elevation than everyone else.

Mean while on the bus, Vladimor hears some woman's voice, following by a rude sounding Matthew. The noble rolls over, scooting up while on his tum, and look over the edge of the bus. He sighs. "What are we gonna have another one? I swear, if we really are gonna end up living at the house in vegas, it's going to get crowded." That was a lie considering how large the house was. He just didn't want a bunch of these people roaming around in his 'home'. "Stop tryna seduce him, I called dibs." He half-jokes, pointing at her. "Honestly, I wouldn't wanna be with a chick tryna whore herself out anyways."

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Zadock followed the group and made it onto the second bus. He sat in the back and remained quiet as he watched the scenery pass by. For the whole ride he had a tingling in his ears a sort of buzzing causing him to twitch or rub his ears every so often. He stayed in the bus when people began to disembark as he was deep in thought.

Matthew's eyes widened when he realized what the woman was getting at. He clearly wasn't interested, but it surprised him there was a girl who hadn't figured out immediately that he was gay. "Get a-" Matt was going to say "Get away from me!" but Cicero's tugging at his arm interrupted him. "I shouldn't drink anymore!" Matthew protested, trying to get away from both the cat-boy and the woman who Matt figured was a prostitute. The alcohol already made him walk funny and slur his speech. He took several steps back, only to trip on the hard concrete, his shirt riding up in the process and scraping his back. "O-ow..." he complained, but he didn't try to get up. Small rocks from the concrete were digging into his skin, and Matt didn't feel like picking them out. Call it whatever you will, but Matt hated pain.

Like a knight in shining armour, Tabitha arrived with a new shirt. "Are you okay?" she asked the boy worriedly, kneeling down beside him and half-helping, half-forcing him to sit up. Once he did that, Tabby quickly went through the tedious process of taking the small pebbles out of the surprisingly huge gash he managed to get. "No, I'm not okay!" Matthew hissed, trying his best to ignore the pain, but more importantly the fact Tabitha was treating him like a kindergartner. After she was done with that, she looked over at Cicero. "Go get some alcohol if you can- not the drinking kind." After saying that to her boyfriend, she glared up at the young man on the roof. "Did you set him up for this, or did you just decide not to do anything?" Matt blinked a few times, both to make sure Vladimor was indeed on the roof, and that Tabitha was acting just a little bit sassy, a personality trait he never thought he'd see in her. He came to the sudden realization Vlad might have heard what he said earlier and groaned in distress, falling back and allowing pebbles to get into his wound again. This pain was minor now compared to the shame he felt.​
[QUOTE="King Anthony]

He groans, refusing to move. "Ask Vlad..he knows how t' do it. He's somewhere..." Derrick knew exactly where he was, but was still too sleepy to explain that he was just on top of the bus. It's the typical place Vladimor goes- Higher elevation than everyone else.

Mean while on the bus, Vladimor hears some woman's voice, following by a rude sounding Matthew. The noble rolls over, scooting up while on his tum, and look over the edge of the bus. He sighs. "What are we gonna have another one? I swear, if we really are gonna end up living at the house in vegas, it's going to get crowded." That was a lie considering how large the house was. He just didn't want a bunch of these people roaming around in his 'home'. "Stop tryna seduce him, I called dibs." He half-jokes, pointing at her. "Honestly, I wouldn't wanna be with a chick tryna whore herself out anyways."

"That's screwed up....I'm not gonna drink vlad's blood....I don't like him like that,derrick."he mumured a little disgusted at the thought of drinking the nobles blood.
Victoria ignored the rude mans comments on top of the bus, "oh so that's why you're not interested. Well all I want is a warm seat to stay on." When the man began to stumble around she walked up to the cat thing, "now young man would you happen to have a seat on your bus that I could sleep on or somewhere I could stay, it is awfully cold out here and I would be trying to seduce to get my way if I hadn't just tried to seduce a gay man. Plus if I don't get warm soon my little friends will be awfully angry." She held up her hand to him and a few bugs called out from underneath her nails. "They are quite friendly to me if they are treated well."
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Wyatt said:
Victoria ignored the rude mans comments on top of the bus, "oh so that's why you're not interested. Well all I want is a warm seat to stay on." When the man began to stumble around she walked up to the cat thing, "now young man would you happen to have a seat on your buts that I could sleep on or somewhere I could stay, it is awfully cold out here and I would be trying to seduce to get my way if I hadn't just tried to seduce a gay man. Plus if I don't get warm soon my little friends will be awfully angry." She held up her hand to him and a few bugs called out from underneath her nails. "They are quite friendly to me if they are treated well."
There was a faint crackling sound and suddenly the air was charged causing hairs to stand up and float a little then with a small flash of light and suddenly Zadock was leaning against the bus looking at her "asking nicely should be enough for any situation and you shouldn't have to try to seduce someone to get a warm place to sleep. Take my seat on the bus it's in the back of the second one and it should be warm."

Vladimor cringes at the bugs. "That's gross, I don't think I want that on my bus..." He says,looking at the insects. "Also, any intelligent man , gay or not, probably would say no regardless. You're the kinda slut I'd see on T.V and tell me kids 'don't grow up to be like her'." He laughs before he scoots back the middle of the roof, resting on his back once more. "Go to the other bus." He tells her. When Zadock comes along to tell her to sit in his seat, Vladimor scoffs. "Fuck it, I'll switch to the other bus , then." He growls, hopping down, going inside the bud to tell Derrick to go on the other bus.

Derrick shifts sitting sideways in the seat instead. His back against the wall of the bus, his legs over the arm rest. "Picky eater...Let me sleep..."He grumbles, switching to use his bare feet to push him away instead of his hands. When Vladimor told him to go, however, he gets up sluggishly, grabbing their bag before slugging over to the other bus obediently.​
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"Yea i'm on it." He said while going inside the bus to get the alcohol from it then went back to where Tab was "Here you go." He stated handing her the alcohol then he looked up to the lady "Uh....I sorry but I don't think we have any blankets." He said ignoring the fact that bugs crawled along her skin 'Well today is weird already." He thought to himself
"Well aren't you a character, now young man where I come from it isn't enough to ask nicely, you have to give a man what he wants and sometimes even the ladies. And then you kill them having what you needed." She said to Zadock a little jokingly, she then turned to Cicero. "Well thank you young man you two are different then most I have interactions with. I will take a seat on the second bus in a moment I would have a to like a word with the other 'nice gentleman' who has given me so many kind words." She then followed him to the other bus. (Dam it looks like your post changed King)
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[QUOTE="King Anthony]

Vladimor cringes at the bugs. "That's gross, I don't think I want that on my bus..." He says,looking at the insects. "Also, any intelligent man , gay or not, probably would say no regardless. You're the kinda slut I'd see on T.V and tell me kids 'don't grow up to be like her'." He laughs before he scoots back the middle of the roof, resting on his back once more. "Go to the other bus." He tells her.

Derrick shifts sitting sideways in the seat instead. His back against the wall of the bus, his legs over the arm rest. "Picky eater...Let me sleep..."He grumbles, switching to use his bare feet to push him away instead of his hands.​

"You very well know its not like that.."Ori sighes annoyed by it."....okay. you win.. If you need me or change your I'll be sleeping in a tree." he mumbled and with that he didn't push the matter any farther. With that ori left what seemed to be a necklace with a red stone on it of some sort on the humans hEad Before walking off and doing what he said he was going to.

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