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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

"Yeah...I guess you could say that. I like you, not sure how much. But I like you, you seem to be a genuine guy. Even if your tad annoying." She smiles teasing him. Her stomach growled loudly and sighed. It's been forever since she's eaten something. "Hey you hungry?" She asks

Peering out the window, he saw nothing of importance, stealing a glance at Matt, who happened to be sleeping, was also incredibly boring. So he came to the conclusion that he had to poke the fuck out of Matt. Blunting his finger, he began what would soon culminate to a blister. "Hey. Wake the fuck up. Hey. Hey! Hellooooooo? Matt! Hey! Hola! Senorita?"

"Uhh...thanks and I guess your a genuine woman....you know until someone makes you pissed them you turn into some demon." He said smiling then he heard her stomach growl and started laughing "Yea sure we can stop and eat some where I should have enough to pay." He told her "Also I'm not taking no for an answer so I'm already paying for the meal." He told her

Matthew opened one eye when he heard somebody sit next to him. It was Naomi. "What do you want devil-child...?" he muttered, stretching and opening both his eyes. It was only after this that he noticed he tears on the girl's face. "Of fuck, he-" His sentence was interrupted by the iron giant stabbing his finger into the boy's skin. "Hey, I'm awake bitch!" Matthew said, turning his head, only to have his skin scrape against the metal in the process, giving him a giant scratch across the left side of his face. Ignoring it, he pushed Leo's hand away and quickly got some tissues out of his pocket, handing them to Naomi. "They're a bit crumpled but they're clean." he told her, not even smiling when he said it. If he was Tabitha, maybe'd he'd have given her a reassuring smile, but he wasn't. He was just a guy trying to do what was right without having life punch him in the face again. (metaphorically of course) He didn't know what was wrong, but he found it unusual the girl was crying. What was even more startling was the fact the scientist wasn't with her. "Where's Calvin?" he asked suddenly. Worry crept into his voice when he realized how odd it was for the man to leave her alone, but he tried to stay calm. After all, Calvin had to be okay: He was the smartest of the group, right?

Tabitha looked at Cicero like he was insane. "Yeah, I'm alive... Are you okay?" she asked quietly. Concern was written all over her face. What had gotten into Cicero?

Ooc: Sorry for Tab's short posts- trying to type fast and do other things.​
Ooc: Its ok

When Cicero finally calmed down he let go of Tab "Sorry I just had a dream and everyone in the group died because I couldn't save them....but your death got to me the most I heard you screaming so I ran to where I heard it I found you....but your head was on a post and I sat there crying I didn't even try to fight back when the scientist came into the room and started cutting me open I just laid there taking all the pain with an emotionless face as tears slide down my face....i'm sorry I shouldn't have said that please just forget I said anything." He said quickly turning red he wanted to tell her he had a nightmare not the whole story he leaned his head against the seat his eyes red from crying
"Demon is damn right." She grins and pulls over at a little place. Seemed decent enough. "I have no problem with that. Gotta save my money for gas." She winks as they head inside. "So Nick. Why don't you tell me some stuff about you." She suggests as they sit down in a booth and she looks over the menu.

Naomi looked up at Matt, unclenching one hand to reveal Calvin's glasses. She took the tissues, but didn't use them, knowing it'd just be a waste. She said nothing for a moment, but suddenly turned and buried her face into his chest, not quite caring how awkward the boy could be. She let her sobs out, glad that they were muffled because otherwise Tabitha might have gotten a headache or worse.

"H-He.. He's gone.. They killed him! And it's my fault because I ran off!" she wailed. Naomi knew that Calvin would have died anyways, even if he hadn't followed her, but he didn't even get to say goodbye, and neither had she. It wasn't fair!

"I'm sorry.. I'm being selfish.." she said quietly once her sobbing had slowed. She knew Matt would be pretty upset, yet she wasn't doing anything to help him.

Sighing, Lia leaned back against the seat and fell asleep. While it wasn't a nightmare, it wasn't necessarily a good dream she was having.

The hotel lobby was crowded, like Time Square on New Year's Eve crowded. She kept seeing Johnathan in the crowd, but he was moving away from her. The more she tried to follow him, the faster he moved. Lia kept getting pushed around, angry people yelling at her, but she was determined to catch up with him. For some unknown reason, she glanced at her watch, and stopped when she saw the second hand was spinning counter clockwise. She hit the watch to see if it would right itself, and when it didn't, she was certain she was dreaming. She had read about this on the internet once, and knew that she could now learn how to control her dream. She bounced to right in front of Johnathan and said, "Stop!" But Johnathan wasn't Johnathan anymore. He had morphed into one of the scientists that had tortured her during the experiments. The scientist ran at her, and Hylia screamed. She ran the other way, but it was too crowded, and the scientist grabbed her. She kept reminding herself that it wasn't real, that it was only a dream, but the fear was very real. Lia woke up, but couldn't move. She knew what this was, Sleep Paralysis. She had read about this too.

She was back in the bus, but all of the passengers were dark figures. They kept moving towards her at blinding speeds, and all Lia could do was scream in her head. This went on for several hours, it seemed, but finally she could move. She sat straight up in the seat, panting. She could almost feel Johnathan's concern radiating off of him, but she most certainly didn't want to talk to him. So she sat back in her seat in silence and pretended to fall back asleep like nothing happened, but she was way too scared to actually fall asleep...
"Uhh...well what do you wanna know about me?" He asked the girl while looking at the menu and putting it down already knowing what he wants he leaned back in the booth putting his arm on top of it. To anyone around him they thought of him as a punk with his piercing going through his eye brow he also had two others in his cat ears but he some random hat to cover his ears when he was in public he made the two piercings by himself cause he knew he couldn't go to an expert and ask they would turn him in instantly if he did sure the process of actually doing it hurt but he didn't really care at the time

Tabitha listened, a little bit stunned by the detail he had in his dream. She remembered Matthew waking up constantly screaming from nightmares when he first escaped, but over time he stopped doing that. Did he still have nightmares? "I'm sorry, but I won't die." Tabitha promised, wrapping her arms around the boy who seemed to be somewhere between dreaming and reality right now. She almost felt like he was mourning over her, even though she was right here. The thought made her lonely, and she hugged him tighter. For a second, this was all she did- until she heard what Naomi said in the other bus. Tabitha let go of Cicero and pulled her knees up to her in the seat. She was terrified. "Calvin's dead..." The words echoed in her mind for what seemed like an eternity. Was Cicero's dream a bad omen? If so, it had acted awfully fast.

At first, Matthew didn't understand. "He can't be dead." the boy said. He repeated the words a few times, as if him saying it made what Naomi said false. At first, Matt pushed her away, running his hands through his hair. He was in shock for a few seconds, but just as suddenly he grabbed the young girl and just hugged her. He was trying to comfort her, rubbing her back and letting her cry, but all the while he wished he could be comforted too. Calvin was dead! Matt tried to force himself not to cry, but the boy broke out into quiet, heart-wrenching sobs that he was sure everyone on the bus could here. Just yesterday Matthew had embraced Calvin, something at that time he thought he probably shouldn't have. Now, he'd never have the chance again. This girl who was so close to him wouldn't either. For a long time, all Matt did was hug and try to comfort the girl, but it seemed like an unspoken rule that no matter how many tears or how long they embraced each other, it wouldn't heal their hearts. This was a scar that ran so deep that Matt doubted he'd ever fully recover.​
Emily seemed pretty punky herself not well hidden as the tattoo on her neck and shoulder. She had her left ear pierced 4 times. She shrugged. "I...I really don't know. I know there's not much to tell...being an experiment.. our lives suck." She says softly shaking her head. "How old are you?" She finally asks setting down her menu as well. When the time came she ordered a double burger and fries with a soda.

((If they bring that dream up and Naomi happens to be 'calm' (aka quiet rage) Naomi might be responsible for Cicero's death. Depends on if she's having an irrational day or not. Time for mood swings!))

Nick ordered some soup and that was it "Uh I'm nineteen you?" He asked while leaning on the table 'I wanna see if I can guess the age...I say 17 at least.' He thought happy with his answer

Cicero noticed Tab hugging him and he smiled even if it was a sad one then he noticed Tab switch in emotions she seemed scared about something "Hey babe whats wrong...if it was the dream I swear if I have another one I won't tell you anything about it.....that's not it is it?" He asked Tab now it was his turn to be the one comforting the other he put his hands around her and kissed her forehead "I know this are hard but its going to be ok everyone will be ok trust me." He said whispering in her ear with the most caring voice he could manage
Shuzo woke up, his eyes wide. He realized what he had done and released Sage's wrist. He pulled his legs up to his chest and wrapped his arms around them. "I-I t-thought... I-I t-thought I-I w-was b-back t-there." He said, remembering the sight of the blood when the scientists made him kill all those innocent people. @djinnamon
Tabby shook her head and shook him off as gently as she could. Her eyes were still wide with fear. "Calvin... Calvin's not with us anymore." she tried to say, but the words came out hoarse and barely audible. She took one of Cicero's hands in her two shaking ones, just trying to calm her heartbeat and breathe. "P-please, don't ask anymore questions." she said, and with that she laid down using him as a pillow, covering her ears with her hands, trying desperately to keep herself from hearing the sound of Matthew and Naomi crying. She heard horrible things day and night, but nothing compared to what she had just heard.

Sage hugged Shuzo tightly. " I had a nightmare also. " he said as ran his hand through Shuzo's hair.

Ldybug123 said:
Shuzo woke up, his eyes wide. He realized what he had done and released Sage's wrist. He pulled his legs up to his chest and wrapped his arms around them. "I-I t-thought... I-I t-thought I-I w-was b-back t-there." He said, remembering the sight of the blood when the scientists made him kill all those innocent people. @djinnamon
Leo snickered for a second, letting his metallic shrill gloss over the bus before quieting down. "I'm sorry man." Clearly, he wasn't as he paid no notice, almost an indifference to Naomi crying in the background. He moved to a different seat and pulled a few coals and a frozen box marked 'Krabby Patties'. He took a bit of his stomach and flattened it out into a sheet in front of him. He vibrated it to a heating point, and cooked the damn Krabby Patties on the surface. He then took a few of the coals and set them with the pad.
Shuzo started to cry. "T-they... T-they m-made m-me... k-kill f-for t-them. I-innocent p-people. A-and I-I c-couldn't c-control m-my a-actions w-when I-I w-was... k-killing t-them s-since t-they i-injected s-something i-in m-me b-beforehand." He said in between sobs. @djinnamon
When Tab used him as a pillow he nodded his head in understanding he didn't say a word he was in pure shock but he keep his face emotionless 'Damn it I thought that guy would make it to the end.' He thought leaning his head back he didn't cry but tears left his eyes he didn't really talk to the dude a lot and when he did the guy would get annoyed with him he remembered when he pleaded to go to the roof to watch the cops when they got to the cabin he looked back and chuckled a little he knew it was wrong to laugh but that was how he dealt with this sort of stuff he but his entwined his and Tab's hands and gave a reassuring squeeze hoping she would know what he means
Sage kept petting the boy comfortingly. " Its ok . " he said.

Ldybug123 said:
Shuzo started to cry. "T-they... T-they m-made m-me... k-kill f-for t-them. I-innocent p-people. A-and I-I c-couldn't c-control m-my a-actions w-when I-I w-was... k-killing t-them s-since t-they i-injected s-something i-in m-me b-beforehand." He said in between sobs. @djinnamon
"N-no... i-it's n-not o-ok... I-I k-killed... s-so m-many p-people." Shuzo said, sobbing and trembling. He grabbed onto Sage's shirt with shaking hands. @djinnamon
Tabitha barely acknowledged Cicero's laughter. She had put her free hand over her mouth, trying not to start crying. She just laid there, looking up at Cicero with the saddest eyes before tears finally filled them, and she could barely see his face. When this happened she curled up on her side, her back facing Cicero's stomach. "N-never d-die okay?" she said between the sobs she could no longer contain. She knew she sounded clingy but in this case she had every right to be. She didn't know Calvin perfectly well, but she had gotten along with him and this was the first death Tabby had ever experienced after the facility escape. It hurt so much worse than when she was escaping: This time she wasn't drugged, and this time she knew exactly who died. She knew his name, his appearance, his age. These things might have seem small with everyday life, but right now Tabitha understood just how important they were.


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