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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

Sage looked at the buses and grabbed his bags with one hand and Shuzo's hand with the other before walking to the bus. " Let's talk about this on the bus. " he said
Shuzo looked at Sage. "T-the b-buses a-are h-here. S-sit n-next t-to m-me o-ok?" He said before standing up and getting on the bus. Tetsuya followed him onto the bus at a reasonable distance. Shuzo sat in a seat by the window, saving the seat next to him for Sage. Tetsuya sat in the seat behind Shuzo. @djinnamon
Sage sat down and rested his bags next to him. " I have been in love once , but that ended badly. " he said contemplating whether not he should tell Shuzo

Ldybug123 said:
Shuzo looked at Sage. "T-the b-buses a-are h-here. S-sit n-next t-to m-me o-ok?" He said before standing up and getting on the bus. Tetsuya followed him onto the bus at a reasonable distance. Shuzo sat in a seat by the window, saving the seat next to him for Sage. Tetsuya sat in the seat behind Shuzo. @djinnamon
"Well I see you worth protecting and trust me that's an accomplishment and as for you going north my answer FUCK NO just stay with us its fun having you around plus if we do run into the guy again you can trap him in a water leaving his head exposed while I bash it in until hes dead." He said hes not usually the sadistic one when it comes to fighting like his brother Cicero but he had his moments but they never lasted long enough to make him go insane that's something else he was confused about Cicero manages to stay sane when not fighting went when he is fighting he turned into the morbid sadist and insane person so which one was the real Cicero he can't be both one of those were hiding the real Cicero maybe even both this made Nick even more curious about Cicero he changed a lot since he last saw him

"I don't care!" Matt announced loudly when he heard Cicero's voice. He still kept his eyes closed until he heard Izabell's announcement. Matt got up, but Tabitha had already grabbed Cicero's hand and ran ahead. Matthew groaned. There were two buses yet again. Most people were going to the first, so instinctively he chose the second bus, mounting it first and sitting in the back. These were sadly not party buses, but rather normal ones. "Wish I had some booze with me..." Matthew muttered, looking out the window toward the street. On the sidewalks some people jogged, others walked their dogs, and one couple was holding a baby. Matt laid his head on the window and closed his eyes again. He was tired, and the last thing he wanted to see were normal people. There were no words that could describe the sadness Matt felt every time he realized he couldn't be like them.

Tabitha dragged Cicero with her to the buses, before turning. "Which should we go on?" she asked him. She hadn't paid attention to the one Matt had went on, but she decided she wouldn't try to follow or avoid him this time: He needed space, but she could sit on the same bus with him if she wanted. Besides, last time she picked, and she figured that for once Cicero could make the decision.​
Ooc:Tough decision do I want to be a douch and choose bus number 1 or a nice person for once and choose bus number 2

Sai walks onto the bus ignoring everything around him and sits on a random seat. Nagato does the same but in the front of the bus. both of them were angry at the other person, well nagato was angry at sai.
Emily winces and sighs. "Fine....okay. I'll stay." She says softly shaking her head. She speeds faster away from Damien.

Damien boarded bus one sitting in the back ignoring pretty much everyone. 'I'll have you back soon....' He thinks with a smile.

Ooc:Ok same thing I guess i'll be nice for once in my life and your correct Sage

"Uhh ok..."He said in a state of confusion but he was snapped out of it when Tab grabbed his hand and dragged him outside and made him choose the bus "Uhhh....I guess the first one."He said pointing to it he got on the bus "Where do you wanna sit my pea size brain is already fried from choosing the bus." He said stupidly but still smiled none the less

"That's good to hear." He said he was happy he was wearing a helmet cause he felt his cheeks heat up for some reason 'Why does this keep happening...am I sick or something?' He thought confused on why hes cheeks felt hot all of a sudden

"Let's sit back there." Tabitha said, pointing over to the back of the bus, where there only seemed to be one other person. She sat on the opposite side of the person, taking the spot closest to the window and motioning for Cicero to sit next to her.

Ooc: Everyone say if they're bus one or bus two. Tabitha's bus one, Matt's bus two.​
((No Nick...your not sick...YOU JUST HAVE THE LOVE BUG xD

Emily sighs and makes a right towards Vegas. She didn't quite understand how she felt. About Nick, or staying in Vegas. All she knew was ghat she felt a glimmer of hope. She rode easily with him on the back and it was odd but nice to feel his arms around her waist.

Damien glanced up and noticed Cicero get on the same bus, oh joy. He was rather annoying. Then again he himself was rather rude. Eh. Either way.


Ooc: Damien bus 1, Emily neither cuz motorcycle....
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Derrick and Orious had arrived just when there were two buses lined outside the hotel. He sighs in relief, letting go of Orious' wrist once they get there. Without thinking, and as expected of him, he goes to Vladimor, he was now standing outside. "Sir!" He chimes, running up in front of him, pulling him into a hug. Vladimor pats his head in response. "Nothing bad happen did it?" Derrick pulls away as he looks in Orious' direction. "Well, he got shot...He had to go to the hospital. I'm fine, though." Vladimor noticed the boy was still barefoot and he asked about it. When he did, Derrick quickly runs all the way upstairs to go get his shoes that he had left in Vladimor's hotel room, coming back downstairs to meet him. Vladimor shakes his head, clicking his tongue. "You could have gotten frostbite." Derrick whines, not caring too much about it. He had a naturally high resistance to the cold, which he was grateful for. The two get on the second bus(The last time they got front, they were the bus to be hijacked...) situating themselves next to each other by default, waiting for everyone else to get on.

((OOC: Are they just general rented buses?)
Leo, realizing that the bus has finally arrived, noticed that there happens to be TWO. "What the fuck" He thought out loud to himself. Heading off the the farthest bus, he saw the dude from that one time at the cabin when he stole a bunch of wallets. "Hey! What the hell are we going to do in Vegas?!" He yelled in his tinny voice. Exasperated, he melted into the farthest seat in the back, beats still pouring out of his headphones, now causing his collarbone to act as if it were the consistency of jello.

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