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Fantasy Night Dale Academy for the Supernatural *CLOSED*

Layla does not look at Isabella, but begins to speak regardless. "I was not informed you were to be attending this school until recently, Isabella. Don't worry about it; I have already spoken to Itami about it. But it could have been and may still be a fatal mistake on your father's end." Her walk falters - gets a little slower, her brow furrowing. "There are dangerous people here. Even to you. Especially to you."
Karin took this moment to observe the dispersed croud as they whent their seprate ways she remained unoticed so she did not require an routine. She soon thought to herself the libary would shure have information on these hunters that if she were to wrap around her fingers could give her more power. She skurried off to the room shelfed with books for information. Sabrina had thought she had finally reached the end of the maze but it only led her to a beautiful wood structure with a student holding a drawing book of some sort.
"You saw the way I spoke to the headmaster, Isabella. She is not as prepared as she'd like to think she is for how many things can and will go wrong when you take a bunch of children with no control over their powers or their emotions and trap them in one location. I am to be a teacher here, so that I may help anything that goes wrong, but I can't prevent everything." Layla stops walking completely, closing her eyes. "I suppose I owe you an explanation... If I had known you would be a student here, I would not be a teacher."

Clasping her hands behind her back, she looks to Isabella finally, her expression grim and her eyes dark. "There is a dangerous demon here. She is, for lack of a better word, imprisoned here in hope that the school may, in a sense, civilize and rehabilitate her. I have become a teacher to watch over her, and I will be later discussing this matter with the headmaster. However," She frowns. "This demon was originally already watched over by me but I had urgent business and, in a lapse of judgement and an underestimation of both her strength and her cunning, I left her behind in the castle under the watch of the guards."

"I came back to her not only having escaped, but with nearly all of the workers there slaughtered. I finally tracked her to a village that she had nearly razed to the ground before I subdued her. Now, she is imprisoned here because I deemed that the barriers and control the headmaster has instated on this school would prevent another such thing from happening. If you are here, though..." Her eyes darken more. "Then she might try to injure you."

Layla then turns to Isabella after the small speech, looking like she was allowing Isabella to ask questions.
Cozme sighed, her breath turning the element balls into streams, all swaying around each other. "Goodbye.." She murmured though J was long gone, her eyes darkening as she was left alone yet again. Music set to blast through her headphones, hanging loosely around her neck music drifting around her almost visible in the air, the tune hauntingly danced around the courtyard.
Sabrina had finally gained an new hope seeing another person in this god forsaken maze she got up behind the girl and spoke in an strange excited demeanor "ummmmmm how long have you been her...." she then became curious and stood behind her "what are you sketching" she asked as she leaned into the girl trying to get a good look at the image. She completely forgot about the being lost in an magic maze thing as she invaded the girls space. @Soul OMU

Karin had looked through many articles at the library to no luck just awards students got or the retirement of a teacher then something about a past disaster at the school nothing that would help her find the philosophers stone. She asked the librarian if they had any books on dark magic but that only led to a scolding so she refrained on speaking to the librarian again. She began to lose hope that there was no evidence or books on these hunters even existed she didn't ask the librarian cause they would probably catch on and send her to the main office and that looks really bad on the first day so she just decided its no use and left.
Aroura said:
Sabrina had finally gained an new hope seeing another person in this god forsaken maze she got up behind the girl and spoke in an strange excited demeanor "ummmmmm how long have you been her...." she then became curious and stood behind her "what are you sketching" she asked as she leaned into the girl trying to get a good look at the image. She completely forgot about the being lost in an magic maze thing as she invaded the girls space. @Soul OMU
Karin had looked through many articles at the library to no luck just awards students got or the retirement of a teacher then something about a past disaster at the school nothing that would help her find the philosophers stone. She asked the librarian if they had any books on dark magic but that only led to a scolding so she refrained on speaking to the librarian again. She began to lose hope that there was no evidence or books on these hunters even existed she didn't ask the librarian cause they would probably catch on and send her to the main office and that looks really bad on the first day so she just decided its no use and left.
Lucy jumps a bit when Sabrina spoke. "Just some stuff from my head..." She said slowly and softly before scooting over slightly.
Isabel started to think about the girl she met before. Was she really as dangerous as Layla described her to be? Sure she was annoying, rude, and blunt but Isabel didn't think she would be so capable of doing so much damage.
"oooooorooh HOW NEAT" she scooted closer to the girl not really concerned if she was bothering her as she inspected so to say the girl. I'm shure she doesn't mind my company were both stuck here anyway she thought as she looked up at the wooden structure that happened to be aged and old forgotten so to say. She quickly left the girl with an "I KNOW" she took one of her paper slips with an symbol drawn on it and stuck it to the wood since it no longer lives she can use her 'power' so make it look better.
Lucy scoots away again before going back to drawing in her sketchbook. "I would leave it the way it is... The garden doesn't like change much unless it's by its choice..." She said softly while humming.
"how did you...." she was confused was this girl a mind reader or something she took the slip off the wood and back into her pocket as she turned back to the girl "fine ill just let it rot and become termite food" she scoffed stubbornly. This girl she had met was an mystery and a half to her as she looked at the walls of green she mumbled about the garden and how it wasn't fun anymore usually she would leave when something is not fun anymore but that's hard in an magic maze "how do you even know how to get through this maze anyway" she semi complained while thee girl continued to sketch in her book.
Lucy smiles a bit. "The only way is if I show you or my brother lets you out... Plus if you notice this gazebo is fine..." She said as the wood seemed to fix itself and become new with a few burned holes in it from somewhere.
She seemed maybe too amazed by the mood just fixing itself as she gawked it for longer then normal she then looked at the girl with an big smirk on her face as it traveled ear to ear "you know what I like you so were friends now" then under her breath "even better then my sister" and returned to the bench where she stood from. After a bit of silence she spoke "your brother is an excellent gardener I don't even remember entering the garden I must had been very taken with it" she giggled and returned to watching the girl draw since its not like she could do much else.
Lucy blinks when she hears the girl say they are friends and the little bit after that before sighing and nodding. "Yeah he is... One of the best there is. He tries to make his work always look it's best and do what he wants it to do." she said softly as she continued to sketch one boy with one green and one yellow eye with black hair and the other boy facing him like in a mirror, but with skeleton parts and red eyes.
"It kinda looks like an combination of different people made into one man almost an frankensiten's monster so to say" she didn't really get art much the people constantly staring at white walls while they admire an frame with color on it, more of something her sister would enjoy. She was interesting in this brother of hers but decided to shut up for once she had expelled enough noise to bother the simplest of people.

Karin had grown tired but she had not yet been assigned a room so she would have to snoop on her own energy until she could relax so she walked down the halls shooting glares at anyone who was brave enough to look her in the eyes but if they didn't like it they didn't have to stare was her reasoning with out her sister she seemed almost unapproachable except her looks made her look like her twin.
Lucy shakes her head. "It's two different people... yet they are similar because they reflect one another... at least in my eyes they do..." she said softly while putting her pencil behind her ear and closing her sketchbook.
Cozme sighs, pulling herself up begining her wandering yet again
She tapped her head "ahh I see buut I still like mine better" she spoke diligently" she saw her gather her stuff resulting in loss of an conversation "if your leaving ill accompany you being lost here is not just physically but emotionally tiring. She turned too look down the maze that led to more paths that eternally change even with her age reversal it still grows and the plant is a living being anyway.

Karin had taken a rest on a bench and was one eye flutter from falling asleep in the hallway usually at a time like this her sister would find a way to keep her awake even if it meant hitting her back into the state of being awake. She stood from the bench and walked down the hallway hoping for some kind of drama for her to listen in on or secrets for her to exploit but alas no dice. So she had went to the art room it lacked other people and there was plenty of things to do to keep her awake.
Lucy stretches a bit as she starts walking through the maze. "It does that to some people yes.. especially if you take a wrong turn and the maze changes..." she said while turning down a path just as the maze shifts to open up the end as if it knew she was trying to find the way out and knew who she was.
"Wow that was a lot more convenient" she winced as she was already at the end all her futile attempts earlier led to nothing but now seeing the exit felt a lot more surreal. She turned to thank the girl "did you plan on going back in there?" she asked in a questioning voice as she looked at the entrance slowly remembering what had happened to her before entering the maze.
Lucy shakes her head. "Not today, i might tomorrow since i've been in here for awhile and might go look for a certain someone since I feel I need to apologize to him for something I said... well rather for the lack of not saying... I was nice to meet you." she said as they made it out of the maze and started walking away to find Rin. (@Peachypants)
"GOOD LUCK AND REMEBER TO SMILE OR YOU'LL GET WRINKLES" Sabrina was now free to find her way around school better yet her sister she hurried out of those hedges as soon as possible. She decided to take this newfound freedom to roam the school she had made her way to the main hall where she saw a portrait of what she guessed to be the Principal of this school. The main hall led her to the lunch room which had a few people in there either catching up on eating or trying to conversate between other students to create bonds. She found her sister eventually sleeping in the art room poor thing she dragged her out and laid her on her lap and on a bench "there an conventional bed and pillow" she let out another smile to see her sister more peaceful and not worried about things.
Cozme continued her mindless wandering, nodding and shaking her head to the ever-changing beat to the music. Studying the halls decor, with mild interest.
"So, you've already met her?" Layla asks, her expression not quite disturbed, but mildly unsettled. "I see. And what did you think of her? Don't think on personality, think on the sense you got off her. Did she seem dangerous, did she seem like a threat?"

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