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Fantasy Night Dale Academy for the Supernatural *CLOSED*

All I sensed from her was confusion. She doesn't know where to go and who to talk to. No all she did was piss me off." Isabel huffs.
Layla crosses her arms. "She was masking it, then. Her kind," Layla's voice lowers. "Can mask how dangerous they truly are if they desire. It has to with how they get food, and they've got clever manipulation down to an art form, Isabella. It gives their prey a false sense of security. You felt secure, or at least, not threatened, I presume?"
"No. I didn't feel threatened but I still didn't trust her though." Isabel blinks and looks into Layla's eyes.
"Exactly. Because she wanted to escape your notice, she wanted to leave, and your temper is something well known. You are my granddaughter, and if she wanted to hurt me, all she would have to do is kill you, which, I assure you, she could probably do quite easily."
"Well known temper? I'm quite peaceful just so you know! How can she take me out so easily?" Isabel blushed a bit and her cheeks inflated as her lips formed a pouting face. She felt insulted.
A sharp look was enough to make Isabella want to drop the pout. "You get reckless when you let your temper get the best of you. Simi will take advantage of that fact. And I say fact because she's seen enough of our sparring matches to know that it happens fairly frequently. "
Isabel balls her hands into a fist. "I can handle it! Also loosing my cool or not I'm still good enough in battle." Isabel looks into Layla's red eyes with her own, a little bit of hope in her eyes. "You think I can't do it?"
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"I'm not asking you to handle anything, Isabella!" Layla's voice raises ever so slightly, raising into a growl of a bellow. Her voice has taken on an authority stronger than law. "Simi is not a challenge, she is a threat, and if you do make a mistake or let your temper get the best of you, she will kill you! This is not an excuse for you to get killed by trying to prove yourself of something!"
"Yeah fine! I''ll just sit in your shadow and be known as Layla's little look-a-like princess forever. I mean look at mom and dad they had their chance to prove something and have their own adventure and tasks. You had your turn! Why can't I prove something?!"
Any anger, any rage, any emotion at all drops off Layla's face, a mask of cold uncaring overcoming her. "I've had my turn? No, I haven't, because I don't need one. I am strong, and people know I am strong when I walk into a room. If you are truly strong, you don't have to brag it, people just know. If you have to prove something of yourself, then you are not strong, Isabella. There are no words that can convince you that your determination to get yourself killed is stupid and pointless, but when you are hurt - and I say when because you will be wounded - who will be the fool? Me, or the one who ran into a battle she couldn't win?" Each sentence is laced with a harsh bite, said with enough ice cold apathy that the words were like slaps.
Isabel stops talking and looks down. "I-I... understand. I apologize." Isabel wants to take a step away from her but knows that wouldn't be a very smart idea.
"Don't make apologies you don't intend to follow through with, Isabella," Layla replies simply, then dismisses Isabella with a wave of her hand as Layla begins to walk down the hall again.


Simi's exploration of the winding labyrinth of halls has her at the door of the library, of all places. Or at least she assumes that's what it is, by the towering shelves of books within it. She steps into the room, the smell of paper, parchment, leather and dust assaulting her so harshly that it makes her nose wrinkle. Trying not to look too affected by the smell, she moves over to one of the shelves, her fingers brushing the bindings of the books with a child-like curiosity. Charonte are not readers, and any documents or stories or information they have is spread through word of mouth or the antiquated use of scrolls. She purses her lips as she walks down the aisle of books, running her fingers along the spines of the tomes.
Isabel curses to herself and watches Layla leave. Why was she such a screw up. All she does is create problems for this family. Will she ever be of any worth or help to anyone? She doubts it. She's tried and tried and she was just tired of it all. She switched to her witch form and headed over to the library to find the spell that would fix everything for everyone.
Simi hears the door of the library open, and she peeks out of the shelf's cover. Her heart drops and her blood goes cold at the furious, yet somehow sad look on Isabella's face. She ducks back into cover, hissing a quick but audible, "Shit," before she runs off to hide. She wasn't exactly ready to face the wrath of the young witch, nor was she ever going to be.
Isabel seemed to sense the book she was looking for. It was right by Simi. She didn't notice her though. Isabel looked at the book and frowned. "It's for the best." She whispered. "The unraveling spell. It makes everyone forget you. You start to fade away as soon as everyone forgets you..... this is the one." Isabel walked out the library with it. Heading out the school into the forest again to cast it.
((Wha, I don't get any of these darn alerts D:< ))

Rin stood in the libary just next to the door. He seemed to be reading something, a bokl probably. The book he held was written by the one and only, Orwell. Rin's eyes were glued to the book called '1984' while he slowly sank down on the wooden floor. Once he was glued to a book, hardly anything could pull him back to reality. He was lost in the world of literature.

@Soul OMU
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Lucy currently looking for Rin, thinking of where he can be before deciding that she knew the one place she would find him based on where she first found him. The library. She slowly starts to make her way there since she can feel the life forces of other students there. (@Peachypants)
Rin let his black hair fall down to cover his eyes as he continued to read. He only stood up when he decided to search through the libary for yet another book, one that he hadn't read just yet. His blue eyes darted between the rows of shelves every here and there.
Lucy slowly makes her way into the library and shifts down one of the aisles that isn't occupied since Simi was also in the library. Slowly she made her way towards Rin and turned down his aisle. (@Peachypants)
Rin pulled out a book from the shelf while putting back the book he just held. There was an unknown title to it, it didn't say anything about the book at all. He scrolled through the book in order to find some kind of information about it. Without success, the pages were scribbled all over and some of them were even torn off. Rin sighed heavily while he leaned back on the shelf behind him and began to read the ruined book. Once again, this caused him to isolate him from everything around him.
Lucy slowly making her way over to him, dragging the shadows with her unintentionally since she's a bit nervous but she doesn't know why. "Uhm... Rin?" she said softly while looking up at him since she is shorter then him by a good head.

Rin's eyes widened when she heard a voice next to him. He even jumped a little to the side. He sighed out of relief when he noticed that it was the familliar face of Lucy who spoke and raised his eyes from the book to meet hers. "Oh hi, you scared me there" He said with a soft smile.

(@Soul OMU )
Lucy rubs her arm a bit. "Sorry about that... I didn't mean to scare you... I came here to apologize for earlier..." she said softly while looking down. "One of the questions you asked just hit a sore spot is all and made me think of the past.." she said softly while fiddling with her fingers.

Rin blinked a few times before speaking. "Oh, it's allright. I'm the one who should apologize, I was the one who brought up the subject" He wanted to touch her shoulder in a comforting way, but her skin was warmer than most which would lead to him burning his fingers of. A warm person along with someone who absolutely can't handle heat wasn't the best combination.

@Soul OMU
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Demon Carnificis leans on a tree. Isabel sits on its lap and lays her head on its chest. The book sitting on her own lap. With her eyes closed she naps. Deciding to rest before she casts the spell.

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