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Fantasy Night Dale Academy for the Supernatural *CLOSED*

Peachypants said:
Rin blinked a few times before speaking. "Oh, it's allright. I'm the one who should apologize, I was the one who brought up the subject" He wanted to touch her shoulder in a comforting way, but her skin was warmer than most which would lead to him burning his fingers of. A warm person along with someone who absolutely can't handle heat wasn't the best combination.
Lucy looks up at him through her bangs. "It's alright... Really... It happens..." she said softly while smiling a tiny bit, but some sadness had leaked into her eyes once more.



Alezander walking and smoking, thinking while Sebastian is currently tending to the forest carefully and calmly as he wanders the forest, sensed Isabel within the forest area.


Alezander walking and smoking, thinking while Sebastian is currently tending to the forest carefully and calmly as he wanders the forest, sensed Isabel within the forest area.
Rin noticed the sadness in her eyes. "Hey, you allright?" He said with a clear tone of worry in his voice as well as in his eyes. Even the most oblivious person would be able to tell that he was clearly worrying about her.
Peachypants said:
Rin noticed the sadness in her eyes. "Hey, you allright?" He said with a clear tone of worry in his voice as well as in his eyes. Even the most oblivious person would be able to tell that he was clearly worrying about her.
Lucy blinks and nods as she wipes her eyes with her sleeve lightly, "Huh? oh yeah... I-I'm fine... Just thought back on something is all..." she said and put on a brave smile to show she's fine. "Anyways how are you?" she asked and laced her hands behind her back, looking around a bit nervous since if she got scared or agitated the whole Library would be up in flames.
[QUOTE="Soul OMU]Lucy blinks and nods as she wipes her eyes with her sleeve lightly, "Huh? oh yeah... I-I'm fine... Just thought back on something is all..." she said and put on a brave smile to show she's fine. "Anyways how are you?" she asked and laced her hands behind her back, looking around a bit nervous since if she got scared or agitated the whole Library would be up in flames.

Rin tilted his head to the side a little. "Honestly, you don't seem quite allright. But I'm not going to tear up old wounds. I'll just let you know that if you ever need someone to talk to, I'll be here." He said with a gentle smile as he lifted his hand up to stroke her cheek with his thumb. But he hesitated barely an inch from her face wehn he remembered the fact that her skin was abnormally warm. Just for a moment, he didn't bother pulling back his hand, he just let it hang in the air for a while before slowly pulling it back.
Light said:
Isabel's white hair glowed in the forest sunlight.
Sebastian lightly runs his hand along the leaves of a bush as he approaches the tree Isabel and her demon are in, watching them and clears his throat to try and get her attention.


Peachypants said:
Rin tilted his head to the side a little. "Honestly, you don't seem quite allright. But I'm not going to tear up old wounds. I'll just let you know that if you ever need someone to talk to, I'll be here." He said with a gentle smile as he lifted his hand up to stroke her cheek with his thumb. But he hesitated barely an inch from her face wehn he remembered the fact that her skin was abnormally warm. Just for a moment, he didn't bother pulling back his hand, he just let it hang in the air for a while before slowly pulling it back.
Lucy bites the inside of her cheek as her ruby red eyes watch him, looking at ever inch of his face for some sort of clue to why he's being so nice to her when she told him what she did to her old friends/previous friends. Her eyes widened a fraction as she watched him lift his hand towards her face and just stared at his hand before he put it down, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath, willing her body to try and drop its temperature to a colder state, however this put a lot of strain on her, causing her to sweat a bit.
One of Isabel's cat ears perked up. Carnificis growled as Isabel slightly opened on eye and looked over at Sebastian. The purple glow escaping her eyelids. She fully opens both eyelids. Clutching the book in her hands she asks. "Hello, who are you?"
Light said:
One of Isabel's cat ears perked up. Carnificis growled as Isabel slightly opened on eye and looked over at Sebastian. The purple glow escaping her eyelids. She fully opens both eyelids. Clutching the book in her hands she asks. "Hello, who are you?"
Sebastian has his hands laced behind his back before bringing them out lightly to show he means no harm. "Good day Miss Fenrir... I am Sebastian, one of the teachers and keeper of the grounds."
Isabels purple eyes darkened a shade at the mention of her name. She then realized that all the teachers know everyone. Her eyes lightened a shade and she gave a small smile. "So what brings you here to my wonderful kingdom of two Sebastian?" She closes her eyes and lays her head on the chest of Carnificis.
Sebastian looks slightly amused. "Well the forest is one of the few domains here at the school that I take care of. And since i felt something off in the forest, I came to see what it was... What book do you have there...?" he said while noticing the book.
Isabel still kept her eyes closed and head in the same position. She smiled as she ran her hand along the spine and the words of the book and title changed to a random spell book. "Just a spell book."
Sebastian watching her. "Now that's rude... lying about a book and your real reason for being all the way out here." he said while putting his hands behind his back once more.
[QUOTE="Soul OMU]Sebastian lightly runs his hand along the leaves of a bush as he approaches the tree Isabel and her demon are in, watching them and clears his throat to try and get her attention.

Lucy bites the inside of her cheek as her ruby red eyes watch him, looking at ever inch of his face for some sort of clue to why he's being so nice to her when she told him what she did to her old friends/previous friends. Her eyes widened a fraction as she watched him lift his hand towards her face and just stared at his hand before he put it down, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath, willing her body to try and drop its temperature to a colder state, however this put a lot of strain on her, causing her to sweat a bit.

Rin looked down on the floor with his black hair covering his eyes. He really should consider cutting it a little bit. But after a moment of studying the wooden floor he looked back at her crimson eyes. He could see her focusing or worrying about something, it was written in her face. Tiny pearls of sweat built up on her forhead. "You sure you're allright? You don't seem like it. You look sick" He said with a clear tone of worry. His face wore a slight frown while he stepped a tiny step closer to her and bending down a little to be in the same height as her.
Peachypants said:
Rin looked down on the floor with his black hair covering his eyes. He really should consider cutting it a little bit. But after a moment of studying the wooden floor he looked back at her crimson eyes. He could see her focusing or worrying about something, it was written in her face. Tiny pearls of sweat built up on her forhead. "You sure you're allright? You don't seem like it. You look sick" He said with a clear tone of worry. His face wore a slight frown while he stepped a tiny step closer to her and bending down a little to be in the same height as her.
Lucy opens her eyes to look at him, cooling her body down, shaking slightly. "I-I'm fine... r-really... just... cooling down is all.." she mumbled softly as she started to sway a bit on her feet, since her body doesn't know how to handle the situation and her body heat is decreasing too fast for it to realize what she's doing.
Isabel opens one eye and looks over at Sebastian. "What can I say? I'm a girl with secrets. Now whats up with you putting your hands behind your back, I pose no threat right? I'm just one student minding her own business."
Sebastian raises a brow. "It's a habit of mine to put my hands behind my back and link them. And if you were minding your own business you wouldn't have a spell book to erase one's existence. Now would you..?" he said while wearing an amused smile.
[QUOTE="Soul OMU]Lucy opens her eyes to look at him, cooling her body down, shaking slightly. "I-I'm fine... r-really... just... cooling down is all.." she mumbled softly as she started to sway a bit on her feet, since her body doesn't know how to handle the situation and her body heat is decreasing too fast for it to realize what she's doing.

"Cooling down? More like shutting off" He said in loud voice of worry. His hands began to shake as he barely knew what to do. "Hey, sit down. Please, you look pale." And indeed she looked as if she had lost all her oxygen. She almost looked paler than a living corpse. "Please stay with me" His voice was almost as silent as if he were whispering.
Isabels smile drops. It turns into a cold stare. A dark fog starts to roll out of the mouth of Carnificis. Shrouding Isabel but her eyes still glow through it. "What..... do you want from me?"
Peachypants said:
"Cooling down? More like shutting off" He said in loud voice of worry. His hands began to shake as he barely knew what to do. "Hey, sit down. Please, you look pale." And indeed she looked as if she had lost all her oxygen. She almost looked paler than a living corpse. "Please stay with me" His voice was almost as silent as if he were whispering.
Lucy stumbles a bit and is leaning against the bookcase, shaking lightly as she slowly slides down the bookcase and onto the floor. "...I...I was trying to cool down... so you wouldn't get hurt when you touch my skin..." she said softly while starting to lose focus since her body is getting too cold.


Light said:
Isabels smile drops. It turns into a cold stare. A dark fog starts to roll out of the mouth of Carnificis. Shrouding Isabel but her eyes still glow through it. "What..... do you want from me?"
Sebastian watching her, can still easily see her, his green eyes glowing as well. "It's not what I want from you, I just want to know why you feel the need to erase yourself when you have done nothing wrong?"
"I've done a lot of wrong." She blinks her eyes three times and her eyes change to blue, red, and back to purple while she says this sentence. "We. Have done a lot of wrong."
Sebastian watching her. "But you can still do a lot of good... Just because you have done some wrong... doesn't mean you can't make it right..." he said while not moving from his spot since he doesn't want to spook her.

(God that line is like from Dr. Seuss. xD )
[QUOTE="Soul OMU]Lucy stumbles a bit and is leaning against the bookcase, shaking lightly as she slowly slides down the bookcase and onto the floor. "...I...I was trying to cool down... so you wouldn't get hurt when you touch my skin..." she said softly while starting to lose focus since her body is getting too cold.

Sebastian watching her, can still easily see her, his green eyes glowing as well. "It's not what I want from you, I just want to know why you feel the need to erase yourself when you have done nothing wrong?"

Rin crouched right next to her, his hand almost touching her skin. "Don't! Please don't. Keep your temperature up!" By this moment he was almost yelling. It wasn't because of anger, it was because of the worry he felt. "You don't have to do this. Please" He practically begged her as he grabbed her now cold hand and held it in a tight grip between his two much larger hands.
Peachypants said:
Rin crouched right next to her, his hand almost touching her skin. "Don't! Please don't. Keep your temperature up!" By this moment he was almost yelling. It wasn't because of anger, it was because of the worry he felt. "You don't have to do this. Please" He practically begged her as he grabbed her now cold hand and held it in a tight grip between his two much larger hands.
Lucy wearing gloves on her hands due to her other powers. Lucy has a weak smile on her face. "I'm not going to die... just... fall... into hyper sleep... so... my body... ca... re...ge...na...rat...." she mumbled before passing out.


Light said:
"How can I?" Isabels eyes still seemed guarded.
Sebastian watching her. "Your a smart girl, I know you can figure something out... but i am also here in case you need help... all the great warriors needed help sometimes."

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