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Fantasy (NEED MORE MEMBERS!) The Brothers Grimm m Fairytales

Astaroth Suzumiya]Calixto look at nina as he lift up his hands to look at her "when u get merried? i dont get it" he said as he wonder why like he saw some young fairy's who already have wings. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/21680-jessbeth/ said:
Nina look at him. "Let just say I'm special.....born with no wings....it happen to my mother....when she marry to my Daddy, she got wings....."

@Astaroth Suzumiya
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Calixto nodded in understand ment "oh so thats why" he said can he kept a secret? to be honest he's been wondering the fairy its very silly since he has a slight crush one her but then again he's a wolf and she's a fairy he too big and she is supper small well all he can think is that on how fate hate his so much it doesnt want to give him hapiness in life "so have u choose someone yet?" he ask in suriosity thoe hes pretty numb so he cannot express many emotions that much.

"Hm? Choose someone? You mean a husband?" Nina asked as she is wondering why Calitxo what to know that. "No, I don't have someone I love yet...." She signs and she thinking. "You know...I been asked out a lot by my admirers....the toads, the mice, the birds, the moles, and mostly the fairy boys......I don't know if they love me because I'm pretty or....something...." Nina said it as she look a little sad.

@Astaroth Suzumiya
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Calixto laugh at the poit that mice and toads can propose "well i think they propose becuz u r a very good fairy u have a pure heart like rose u help who are in need u r very cheery and even thoe i have done bad u save me well almost to death lately" he said with a laugh "but the point is that they love u from who u are not from the facial features but what is inside of u... your kindness" he said with a smile he told her his words with heart as his red eyes shines a little bit but no one knows why he dont know either.

Nina then look at him and she listen to him. She is very happy that Calitxo say a very nice things to say to her. Her face blushes as she smiles." You are the nicest- no wait-the coolest wolf I ever meet...." She stand up. "I'm starting to like you more!" She giggle as she notice his eyes glow red. "Huh? You're eyes is glowing..."
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Calixto smile on what nina have said no one have ever told him that he was the awesomest wolf ever but he then pouse as he look at Nina with curiosity "my eyes...glowing?" he doesnt know why his eyes start to glow red "i-i dont know" he said becuz it never happen to him before and hes guesing why. untill he said some Flowers glowing a here we are he said as he look at Nina "so ummm i think it end here" he said as he kneel down and look at her.

While they talk, a figure notices them. "Hm...interesting." The figure flies down and observes them. It wondered why things would be here but he didn't care.
"Oh...that was fast..." She said as she get off of his hand and stand on the ground. " It's a good thing the fireflies is here...." She turn and look at Calixto. "Well...this is goodbye...." Nina sound sad when she said it.

@Astaroth Suzumiya
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// Meh, I don't know what to rp about anymore..

Malaya smiled as the hunter continued to abuse her. Dokken stopped and let her treat her wounds. Malaya giggled as she cleaned her injuries.
"Well, they talk, thats something." As the figure speaks he realised he is on a tree that was just about to fall. "Oh, I didn't realise that." The figure jumped off but turned visable again, not realising he could be seen.
Astaroth Suzumiya]Calixto smile "a dont worry little fairy we can still meet again tell u what were do u like the most in this woods?" he ask "its like a meeting spot" he said with a chuckle. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/21680-jessbeth/ said:
Nina think for a minute."Um...the waterfall.....I didn't have a chance to see it when I went out..." She said as she look back to the glowing flowers.

@Astaroth Suzumiya
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Calixto smile "sure the waterfall is always a great place its peaceful there can i meet u there?" he said as he look at the glowing flowers and notice the guards were rushing like somethings happening and they were screaming Princess... "oh hey nina i think your princess is missing the guards looks like they are trying to find her" he said as he point the guards in confusion.

Nina quickly turn around and said,"Oh really? That's bad....the princess missing...." She act surprised thought Calixto didn't know that she's the princess. Nina know she have to hurry. "Calixto....can you put your head on the ground please?" She asked.

@Astaroth Suzumiya
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