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Fantasy (NEED MORE MEMBERS!) The Brothers Grimm m Fairytales

Nina give him a looked. "You trying to put me to sleep, too?" She sound a little upset. "So mean..." Nina turn away and climb down the table. Land on the floor, Nina is worried about Malaya as she found a picture on the floor. "What's this?" It's a picture of the hunter.

@Astaroth Suzumiya @MariLin
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Calixto sigh "but look at the bright side u dint" he said as he knell down and look at the picture "its malaya and a picture of a hunter the hunter must be so special to her" he said as she look at nina "im not that mean"

@JessBeth @Malaya
She look at the picture. "Is he her lover? Or friend?" Nina wonder as she looked back at Calixto. "Anyway, yes you are! You try to kill me and put me in a jar like a prison! You big meanie!" She pouting but in a cute way. Then she saw Malaya awake. "Malaya!!"

@Astaroth Suzumiya @MariLin
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Calixto smile kindly "alright so what if i was mean " he said as he lay down the floor and look at her "well then what will be this little cute fairy that pouting right now would be to punish the big bad wolf" he say playfully as he grab her and put her is his head "wanna ride?" he ask her.

@MariLin @JessBeth
Malaya shakily stood up and ran out of the little house. She was still in tears. She found a wishing well in the middle of the woods. She sighed and sat on its edge. She looked up and started to softly sing.

@Astaroth Suzumiya @JessBeth
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"Whoa!" She is on his head and see a great view. She start to giggle until she hear someone run out of the house. " Huh? Malaya?" Nina see that she's gone and said, " She awake! We gotta go find her!" Nina please him with her sad looks.

@Astaroth Suzumiya @MariLin
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Calixto look at Nina and chukles as he saw Malaya walk out crying "sure Nina" he said as he ran fast life thunder out of the house and grab Nina cuz she might fall of his head as he ran he heard her song and follow it as he saw her and he look at Nina "u alright?"

@JessBeth @MariLin
Malaya continued singing as she stared at her one gold coin. The coin glinted in the sun. She had learned that her grandmother had died. She sighed. "Am I just meant to live alone?" she asked herself. Her parents had abandoned her and she had to live alone. Her grandmother was the only one who didn't leave her. But sadly, now she was gone. "I wish I had someone... If not, just let me rot away," she said and threw the coin in the wishing well. Suddenly, a witch appeared in front of her. "Well, hello, dear," the witch greeted her with a raspy voice. The witch was quite old, having whight hair and wrinkly skin. "Hello.." Malaya greeted back, tilted her head curiously.

@Astaroth Suzumiya @JessBeth
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When Calxto run, it feel like a full speed and Nina is about to fall but luckily he catch her. Nina looked at him. "Yes, I'm ok...but you should be worry about Malaya!" She said as she pound his hand although it not strong.

@Astaroth Suzumiya @MariLin
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Calixto sigh and place nina back to his head and walk beside malaya and sit next to her "why did u ran away malaya?" he ask as what like nina would ask too he then saw the sun fall "hey nina look a nice view bet u haven't seen that when your still walking in this big world" calixto said as he cross his arms and smirk.

@JessBeth @MariLin
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Calixto smile as he notice Nina like the view "yeah u know when i was a little kid i use to go here honestly i dont have any family i live alone but all end well for me" he said as he sigh and look at malaya "so why did u ran away Malaya?" he ask.

@JessBeth @MariLin
Nina look down at him. " Alone..." She whispered. The when Calixto turn to Malaya and asked her a qeastion. Nina look at the direction where Malaya is looking at, but she didn't see anything or anyone. "Malaya? Do you want be alone?"

@Astaroth Suzumiya @MariLin
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Calixto look up at nina "u know i thing Malaya would be alone since her Grandmother died and ive hear her parents died but then again u will be there for her" he said becuz he always see others do it kindness no one will ever show him such only would it be given by others he sigh as he look at the sun falling down.

@MariLin @JessBeth
Malaya didn't notice them. All she saw was the old witch in front of her. "I can take you to your grandmother if you want," the witch told her. Malaya's eyes widened, knowing what she meant. She closed her eyes and nodded.

@Astaroth Suzumiya @JessBeth
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"Oh Malaya..." She said as she look sad for her. Then she watch the sun down. "It's going to be dark soon...can we go back to the cottage?" She asked Calxito.
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Calixto nodded but he then saw malaya going for the witch "HEY WITCH " he said as he grab a rock and throw the witch in the head and hold malaya away from the witch "i know u r alone but ARE U CRAZY?!" he ask above all the people why alone why do they do is to be sad and nodded when its to suicide "that witch is going to eat u" he face palm and look up at nina "u okey up there?" he ask.

@JessBeth @MariLin

Dokken Icarus


"Oi, worthless. What are you doing?" A man, his eyes an icy cold and hair a jet black. He glared at the other people with the girl.

Malaya Celda

Malaya looked behind her to see her oh-so-beloved hunter. "Dokken! You're back!" She happily exclaimed. "I thought you wouldn't come back.." she whispered. The male scoffed and said, "Tch, a person so clumsy and foolish shouldn't be all alone. I saw that your grandmother was dead." Malaya grinned and hugged him.

@Astaroth Suzumiya @JessBeth

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