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Fantasy (NEED MORE MEMBERS!) The Brothers Grimm m Fairytales

When Nina got herself a cookie as almost a big as herself, she about to take a bite when she lose her balances and she fell backward and break a cookie into pieces. 'Oosp....." She looked at Malaya and the grandmother, hoping they do get made until she see Malaya is sleeping. "Huh?"
Calixto has have enough of this fairy as he jump down the ceiling behind her and grab her "why cant u just do a simple task?!" he ask angry as the little fairy and place her down in a glass prison with holes to make her breath as he sit down and look at her and cross his arms and gave a small sigh and look at her.

@JessBeth @MariLin
Suddenly, Nina got grab by a mysterious man as he looked angry at her. "Kyaa!! Who are you? Let me go, you big meanie!!!" She said as that man suddenly place her in glass jar prison. 'Release me at once! How dare you do this to me and my new friend, you big meanie!!!" Nina stand up as she pounding on the glass, making a tapping noise.

@Astaroth Suzumiya @MariLin
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Calixto sigh "im not aman im a wolf names Calixto" he said as he look at the dead Grandmother and Malaya he the sigh and look at the little fairy with his red eyes "u know life isnt easy for me so u better stay out of the way when it comes to meeting new people or u will just see them dead" he said as he remove his hood showing his Wolf ears and tail "u go that Nina?" he said saying her name "i know who u are ive seen u before"

@MariLin @JessBerth
"oh i know u once as i was wondering the woods i saw u born i could have killed u if i have to" he said to her "and for the record u are cute." he said as he once again look at the dead Grandmother "u know youre lucky i dint kill u u should thank that dead lady the Grandmother of Malaya" he said boredomly and he point at the dead Grandma.

@MariLin @JessBeth
Nina looked away,blushing, when he said that she's cute. And then, Nina looked down and see the dead body. 'How could you! You killed an innocent old granny! When Malaya wake up and see this, she is going to hurt you!''

@Astaroth Suzumiya @MariLin
Calixto shook his head "i dint honest" he said as he lift up his hands and cross his heart "when i got here she was already dead all i wanted was meet her again... she was my second mother after all" he said as he look back at the little fairy "u know she cant do that besides when its your time to die. its .your .time .to .die"

@MariLin @JessBeth
Nina have a bad feeling as she suddenly try to knock the jar. As she did, it rolled and fell out of the table and crashed in the floor. The glass jar broke and Nina is free. She start running away from Calixto.

(Ok then)

@Astaroth Suzumiya @MariLin
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Calixto look at the broken jar "Hey!!" he said as he chase her up to the stairs "come back u little... ... ... ... " he actualy dont know nwhat to discribe her so he just chase her until then he finaly grab her as he accidetaly step into the cutain and they both fell in the house "blood butter!!!" he said as he look at the little hairy on his hands and hod her in a protective way as his back hit the ground with a loud thud "argh!" his body was aching from the fall as his eyes move to the little Fairy gladly she was alright as he cough some blood his back was bleeding flom the glass that cut through his skin but it was alright since the little fairy was alright he doesnt even know why he protected her than himself in the first place. he then close his eyes and fell into a deep slumber (hes not dead)

@MariLin @JessBeth (school ahahahaXD )
As Nina is running away from Calixto, start climbing the stairs, and about to headed to the room, until she capture again. "Kya!" Suddenly she feel like falling again and to her surprise, he protected her and he got hurt. 'Huh?" She opened her eyes and see him looked hurt badly. "Oh! Are you ok?" She pull herself out of his hand and run to his face. "Are you hurt? Please don't died...." Nina didn't know what to do since she is so little and Calixto is bleeding. 'Oh, what should I do....." Nina think and she have an idea.

@Astaroth Suzumiya @MariLin
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Calixto was still in the cold ground as his eyes open and look at her and smile a little "hey u alright little fairy?" he said weakly. he realy dont know why he was saying nice things to this little one maybe he wasnt that big bad of a wolf after all.

@JessBeth @MariLin
Nina see him open his eyes. "Don't talk...." She said it as she look a little nervous for some reason. She slowly walk to his face close, hold out her little hand to touch his nose and then give it a kiss. Then something happen, a white sparkling shine all Calixto body and it look like it healing it, only leave some bruises and cut. One it over, Nina sit down and looking flushes in her face.

@Astaroth Suzumiya @MariLin
Calixto was a little bit starlet by the fact that he was healed not only that the little fairy kiss her in the nose. he blush as he sit down the soft grass and scrat the back of his head "uummm T-thank u Nina " he said the place was getting a little bit awquard "umm u know for a little fairy u have such a big heart to heal some wolf like me" he said as he sigh.the place was still awquards and he's still flusterd.

@JessBeth @MariLin
Calixto notice her hunger and grab her gently as he walk inside the house and take a slice of brat and cut it small "here dont worry it has nothing inside" he said sit down and lay his head on the table like what was wrong with him today. lately he wanted to kill a girl now hes helping a little cute fairy that is starving.

@JessBeth @MariLin
Nina got carried to the house. Then when Calixto give her a bread, she looked at him and slowly take it."Not enough...." As soon as she finish the bread, she eat one apple, two strawberry and a pieces of cheese. She can't help it when she have a big appetite. Once she full, she feel happy.

@Astaroth Suzumiya @MariLin
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Calixto shift his head as its still lay on the table and look at Nina eat many and smile "u knwo for a cute fairy like u.. u surely eat alot he said as his tummy rumble and he sigh "dont mind about me i wont eat any of youre so called friend" he said boredly and he place his hands on his head "maybe ill just go hunting later" he said as he scoff.

@MariLin @JessBeth
Malaya was starting to have nightmares in her dreams. The girl trembled in her sleep. Tears were flowing down her cheeks. She twisted and turned, whimpering. "H-Help.."

@Astaroth Suzumiya @JessBeth
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Rose knelt on the grass, carefully splaying her dress out around her so that it wouldn't become crinkled or filthy. Outstretching her hand, she picked a single flower from the ground and twisted it like a parasol in her hand. As she toyed with the delicate flower, Rose began to hum to herself - a soft, melodic tune which she remembered from somewhere. Perhaps, she thought, it was an old nursery rhyme from my days of crawling. She stood from her place on the grass and dusted her dress off hastily, shaking her head at herself and adding the flower to the bundle she had collected. By the time she began to cross the meadow and start on the trail home, the song had left her mind and Rose was surrounded by nothing more than silence. She often followed the path, picking flowers for her crafts at home, though the silence was slightly unnerving. Usually, the distant chatter of birds would float in the air, or the sway of the trees. Not this time though; it made the forest seem almost dead.

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