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Fantasy (NEED MORE MEMBERS!) The Brothers Grimm m Fairytales

Calixto sigh and cross his arms "well looks like job there is done nina wanna go home? were do u live?" he ask cuz he always see fairy live by tress,flowers etc. Calixto really dint care about anything and its very strange for him to care about a little fairy a little helpless fairy he could just eat her in one bite but what stopping him? he could even eat the two humans but why does he fell something wrong.

@JessBeth @MariLin

Dokken Icarus


Dokken shoved her off of him. He brought up a knife to her throat, a sadistic glint in his eye. "Let's go home. I've missed how I used to torture you," he said. He pushed the knife deeper into her skin, making it bleed. Malaya just giggled and nodded. "I certainly missed it too," she cooed.

@Astaroth Suzumiya @JessBeth
Nina just sitting on the head of Calixto, until suddenly she saw a a man with a icy, cold eyes and jet black. "Oh, that the hunter from the picture!" She is surprised to see a handsome hunter in really life but seeing him made her body chills. "Hello there, I'm Nina and I'm-huh?" She is about to introduce herself but that hunter ignore her and he is talking to Malaya. "So rude...." she pouted as she crossed her arms.

Then when Calixto asked if she wanna go home and where she live. She is surprised that Calixto start to be nice to her, maybe because she heal him or something else. Nina look down and said, "I lived in the Vale of the Fairies, where there a meadows of lots of flowers....but you can't see or find it cause its getting dark......" Nina signs as she know she going to be in big trouble once she get home. But then she look back at the cold-hearted hunter, Dokken and a happy-looking Malaya.

@Astaroth Suzumiya @MariLin
Calixto look up at nina while walking "well becu--" he pause and turn red when his stomach rumble "that's why"he said embarrassed by his action he need to hunt deer or meats but he cant do that when that little fairy is around and why is he so kind was it becuz she heal him? but he doesn't even need to be this nice like one time some one heal his he ate her to pieces but this little fairy? what so special about her.

"Oh why don't you just say so, you silly wolf!" Nina said as she look down. " You going to hunt for food....I guess you don't want me around you..." Nina slowly start to climb down on his face, until she slip herself and hang on his bang of hair and under her skirts is reveal in Calixto eye. 'Kya! I'm slipping!!!"

@Astaroth Suzumiya
Calixto grab her before she falls into the ground "u know u could just tell me beside i know your family must be worried that your not yet home" he said remembering why his parents died but he shook his head and look at nina "i cant eat later on" he said since "and its alright its nice seeing u around" he said as he close his eyes giving her a comforting smile.

Nina look at him with a surprises look on her face. The she said, "Go now! You need to eat! Food is an important meal and have a nice night!" She said as she also asked him to put her down on the ground. Once she on the ground, she start walking straight to her home. She seem a little sad for leaving Calitxo, maybe she feel a little lonely, she shake her head and keep on going.

Later, it already dark and she seem like she is lost and head some noises that kind of scared her. 'I'm not afraid....I'm not afraid......"

@Astaroth Suzumiya
Calixto put her down but then again little fairy shouldnt go alone in the dark but he dont want nina to think about such of his action so maybe its not that bad to follow her until she get home right?. she while nina was walking in the dark forest he is following her "yep shes lost" he thought but he doesnt want to be obviuse on such so he just follow her silently.

Nina keep walking until she stop. "I'm....I'm......not...." She is about to cry but she try to hold it. "I'm....lost..." Nina slowly start to cry. 'M-Malaya........C-Calixto......." She cry in there name as she suddenly hear something in the bushes. "Huh? Malaya? Calixto?" She go to it until suddenly a snake come out of hiding. "Kyaaa!!!!'

@Astaroth Suzumiya
Calixto walk out of his hiding place and grab the snak's mouth before it ate nina and grab nina gently lifting he up as he look at her "hey u alright nina?" he ask with worry thoe he dint realize he has bittien by the snak and he throw it in the other side of the forest "ill take u home u r lost" he said with a laugh as he place her to his head and walk to the right direction still dint notice the bite.

@JessBeth (okey talk to u late :) )
Nina is surprise to see Calixto and he rescues her, again. She suddenly start to cry. "Wahhh!!!! That was so scary!!!!" She cried as she hug on his thumb. Her body is trembling as she keep crying.


@Astaroth Suzumiya
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Calixto smile as he said to her "now dont start crying little fairy im taking u home why did u even leave youre place anyways? its more safer there that here u almost got killed back there too" he said scoldingly. "but to be honest what does it feels like being small?" he ask her

Nina got scolded by a wolf man and she think he's act like her parents. She let out her pouting face and said, " what's wrong with that? Can't I just have an adventure for my life? I don't want to stay home and be treat like a prin--I mean like a weak fairy....." She crossed her arms and pouts more. " And being a little fairy is great......but not so great when you don't have wings...."

@Astaroth Suzumiya
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Calixto laugh and look at scan her yes he dint notice she have wings how idiotic of him "well i think u will soon have one" he said with a chukles "a cute fairy like u will soon have one since u have a nice heart and all" he said with an assuring smile "ive read too many fairy tales when i was a little kid surely u will magicaly" he said with a laugh.

Malaya grinned and went with Dokken. Nobody would really know what relationship was, not even the two can explain it. They went in their house and Dokken shut the door. Malaya sat on a chair, waiting. Suddenly, Dokken stabbed her. His eyes had a very sadistic glint in them and he had a smirk on his face. "Fool," he spat.
Nina looked down as she have something else she wanna to say. "My parents said I'm going to have them....when I get married...."
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Astaroth Suzumiya](does that mean malaya is dead? [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/27038-marilin/ said:
Nope. Dokken has been doing this type of thing to her for years, she's used to it.
Calixto look at nina as he lift up his hands to look at her "when u get merried? i dont get it" he said as he wonder why like he saw some young fairy's who already have wings.

[QUOTE="Astaroth Suzumiya]oh cool can Calixto stab her too?

She probably wouldn't let him. After all, she's a masochist for her hunter.

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