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Fantasy (NEED MORE MEMBERS!) The Brothers Grimm m Fairytales

[QUOTE="Astaroth Suzumiya]oh now i remember sorry about that ... please dont hate us

It's fine
Nina walk to his cheek and give him a kiss on the cheek. It a tiny kiss. She walk back and said, "I'll meet you there at the waterfall tomorrow afternoon! Good-bye!" She quickly run back to the field of glowing flowers and she gone.

@Astaroth Suzumiya
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Calixto blush when she kiss him in the cheeks "yeah ill meet u there" he said with a wide smile as he walk away he then touch his cheeks he know it was small yet he felt it. it was nice no not just nice it felt great thoe his emotions are spawning again but its alright for the first time he felt happiness in a small act of kindness.he then walk to the woods as he turn to his wolf form and find something to eat.

Malaya laid down and just contemplated her life. She sighed. It was still lonely. She didn't understand why, she had Dokken after all. She breathed abd looked up

Accacia Maleficent

A young women hummed as she made her way through the lovely woods which she adored so very much. Her horns glinted in the rays that peeked through the canopy of leaves, yanking the cloak of her black hood up.

On many occasions, she has frightened someone with the presence of her horns, so she decided to hide them. Though, she simply
loved others scared reactions to her. It warmed her heart a bit.

A smirk slipped across her features with a content sigh, her long black dress slipping across the earthy ground.

"I wonder what curiosity I'll come across today.."

;; @ Anyone

" The Simpleton "

Edgar scratched his head as he looked about in the woods. He looked down at his feet, back the way he'd come, and to the fore. Then, he looked to his goose, who was snuffling in the leaves. Finally, he said it.

"I ain't got a idea where I am," he sighed. He was supposed to have cut some brush down, but now... well, he must have gone too far.

Clucky looked up and suddenly hissed, running into the forest angrily at something farther in, and Edgar yelled after his errant pet. He stopped on a dime as he watched his pet golden goose pick at someone in a black cloak, squawking angrily at her.

"I am so sorry, Ma'am, he don't usually do this," Edgar said, diving for the goose, who evaded him no matter how hard he tried to catch him. He must have run circles around the woman ten times.


Fleur Desrosiers

A chestnut hair teenager strolled along the path in the woods. She played with her pink rose ring. She admired the color and thought of the possible things her beast could've said. A powerful wind pasted her. Her hair was blown from her face and her ring was out of her hands. Once the wind stopped. She started breathing heavily. A panic attack almost occurred, until she learned how to calm herself.

She searched through the bushes and and piles leaves to find her ring. No luck so far. The ring must have costed a fortune or at least meant something to her. Perhaps first love, lost of a loved one? She continued to search for her ring. Leaves were stuck in her hair and attached on the rims of her coat. She didn't care. She still continued to search.

@Doctor Jax @dorkling


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Nina finally return home in the Vales of the Fairies. Only then she got in huge trouble from the King and Queen, her parents. And for her punishment to sneak out, they put her in house arrest, meaning that she'll never go outside again,. Nina is quietly sad and cry in her room, knowing that she is going to miss meeting with Calitxo. She pray that he won't get mad if she miss it.

One week have passed, Nina finishes with her punishments, she is free. On early in the morning, Nina sneak out of her house again and went out to the waterfall. Its take her hours to get there, until she finally made it. Nina see the beautiful sight of the waterfall, "Oh, its so beautiful.....oh Calitxo....its been one week.....I miss the meeting.....forgive me......"Nina said it.


@Astaroth Suzumiya or anyone else
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Accaica Maleficent

Accacia snapped her head up as she heard angry hissing, something small aggressively waddling towards her. Before she knew it, the cutest little goose began to peck at her cloack, squaking.

Oh my...what a precious little thing. And golden too! How beautifully peculair." She kneeled down to take a better look of the extravagant feathered beast, smiling softly.

The female lifted her green-blue gaze up to a taller male, apologizing while he lumbered after the goose. A small chuckle escaped. "
Oh its no problem! I'll take care of that" With the graceful swipe of a hand, the goose froze, unharmed but still. "There you go-" Accacia adjusted her attention over to some rustling, something glinting in the leaves.


She bent down to pick up the piece of jewelry, examining it. "Im assuming this belongs to whoever is crawling through the foilage..."

;; @Nanax


Fleur Desrosiers

Fleur stumbles upon a female and very tall male. She awkwardly stands there frozen. "H-Hello...I'm just looking for my ring. I hope I didn't bother anyone." She nervously laughs. She plucks a few leaves out of her hair and negatively scoffs at her ruined cape. She places her six-hundred page book beside her feet and takes her coat off, revealing a blue dress and white dress.

"Bloody hell, where did that ring go?" She murmurs to herself. She skims through the leaves and bushes and stops digging like dog.

Calixto walk to the waterfall as he wait each day that pass by he even think its was a little bit foolish hes doing this untill day pass by it made him feel like a stupid little kid waiting for his mommy to come back but then again he waited and waited untill days pass by he havent eaten yet "were can she be?" he thought "maybe... nah ill just wait" he said as he fell asleep he dint sleep for one weeks he dint even get out from his spot he just waited there not knowing that nina have already arive saying her apology to him.

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" The Simpleton "

Ed gaped in surprise as Clucky froze, and he bowed gratefully towards the woman, not the least perturbed by her appearance. After all, he was a bit too stupid to realize that the horns and the eyes and the magic were all a part of something he was no match for. After all, what did he have to worry about? She'd helped him, hadn't she? Good thing she hadn't touched Clucky, because the last time that happened, several people ended up stuck to him, and he'd ended up with that conga line of people, and man, had it been difficult to get them unstuck...

He looked up as the woman bent down and picked up a ring from the foliage. He took a good look at it and smiled before saying, "Yeah, I bet there is someone lookin' fer it!"

As chance would have it, he did indeed see a woman looking through the leaves. Ed hastily bowed with Clucky in his arms to her and said, "Uh, might fine day, Miss, fer rummagin' the foliage. Er, that's an awful big book... You must be real smart to be readin' somethin' like that... Oh! Anyways, you probably ain't seen a lady who's been lookin' fer a rose ring, have ye, cuz this lady here just found one."

@Nanax @dorkling
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Fleur Desrosiers

Fleur's eyes perk up and faces the tall man. "Huh? U-Uh, yes. I am looking for a rose ring..." She places her book in her arms and confronts the woman. "I believe that's my ring.." She said politely. She didn't want to sound rude especially as her first impression. She noticed the horns on her head, but it didn't scare her one bit. She's seen worse.

She faces the young man. "Smart? Oh, I just enjoy reading." She smiled gracefully.​
Nina cried as she keep saying sorry over and over. "I guess it no use....he didn't came...I should go home then...." Nina is about to leave until she hear some snoring. She listen and follow the sound of the sleeping animal. Then she found Calitxo, sleeping. 'What......why....?" She look at him with a teary eyes.

@Astaroth Suzumiya
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Calixto was still sleeping when he heard small foot steps and open his eyes slowly and smile when he notice it was nina and sit down "oh... hey there little fairy.... ... ... ... were have u been?" he said with a laugh and he look at her and notice her crying "why are u crying little fairy did something happen?" he ask weakly as he wipe her tears gently using a white clean napkin.


Accacia Maleficent

The dark fairy was quite suprised at the newcomers reaction, taken aback and wary. She either thought he was being quite deceiving, or he had a great lack in intelligence. Either way, she showed no sign, slipping back into her emotionless composure.

As the man began to speak, she couldn't help but crack a smile, patting his cheek softly. "
My my, I haven't met someone like you in a very long time...Its..a bit refreshing." She observed him silently, her brain reeling to the thought of children and innocence.

The dark haired female snapped from her thoughts as a pretty brunette stepped forward, greeting and askinh for her ring.

Accacia quirked an eyebrow. She was feeling...not horrible today. So, no tricks she supposed. "Of course darling.." She held the ring out in her hand, sighing softly.

Fleur Desrosiers

The ring was placed in her hand. Fleur simply thanked the woman with horns. Fleur wondered if she was a fairy, no? She's never met a person with horns. Fleur knew there was no such thing as a "villian" unless it was Gaston. She absolutely hated him to the core. The woman was quite pretty, and the horns brought even more attention, not bad, but good. It was an interesting sight to see.​
"Why....why....Why are you here?!" Nina start to yell. "Don't tell me you been here all day waiting for me, cause if you do, you are a foolish wolf!!!" She yell as she stomp her foot. She start to cry again as she is look at his goofy, sleepily face. " I didn't came last week like I promise...and I found you here!!! You shouldn't be here!!! You should be somewhere else, be mad at me or something...." She keep yelling as she cover her face, crying. She take the napkin and cry more.

@Astaroth Suzumiya
Calixto sigh and yawn "nah im always a fool dont be mad at me for waiting its not youre fault anyways" he said as he look at her shes like a mother trying to teach her child for doing something wron. he then smile at her "u know little fairy it was nice u did came i cant be mad at u why should i be mad at u im here becuz i wanted to be youre the only little creature who have ever gave me trust so i want to show u that u can trust me too so please smile little fairy it will start to rain later if u keep on crying" he said with a smile and hey yawn again.

@JessBeth (brb just going to the Doctor ehehehehe )
Nina listen as he saying he mot mad. She run to his big hand, and hug his thumb. 'You foolish wolf....you're making me happy...." she smiles as she hug his thumb tightly. She suddenly feel her heart pound like happiness, she don't know why, is it because Calitxo is here or something else...." Calitxo....you can sleep now....I'll stay with you until you awake....."

@Astaroth Suzumiya
Calixto smile as he look at nina in his hand "hhmmm why would u want me to sleep?" he ask its still early and even thoe he feels tired he doesnt want to sleep it feels rude but he was always rude she so special he thought.


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