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Fantasy (NEED MORE MEMBERS!) The Brothers Grimm m Fairytales

Malaya smiled. "You definitely are pretty. Would you like it if I introduce you to my granny? I'm going to her house right now," she said. @JessBeth
Calixto look around the house of Malayas grandmother house and saw a picture something that remind him when he was a little wolf "no.. seriusly?!" he saw himself as a kid version and a woman who seem to be the grand mother of Malaya

"hello there young one why are u crying?" said a woman as the kid look at her "my mother and father died" he said as he cry and the woman wipe his tears and gave a warm smile "come little one i shall take good care of u... "

that all and when he got to 15 years old he leave the house and forgotten about everything as his eyes start to water the woman was the only one who gave pity of her and show her kindness but now she dead.

Calixto wipe his tears away trying to be not affected on what he have remember and everything.

"Can't wait!" She get carried and then she see the house. 'Wow, so huge!" Once they're inside, Nina looked inside and amazed. "Inside looked cozy and neat!"

Calixto snce someone enter as he wipe all his tears and jump in the ceiling and take the dead puppet Grandmother and make it move going down start to greet everyone "well hello there my dear Grand child" he said trying to make his voice female and old as he made the puppet walk down the stairs slowly

@JessBeth @MariLin
Calixto was a little bit sweating since he is pinning himself in the ceiling not letting himself fall down and biting some one the strings so no one can expect as he notice a little human...fairy he cant see it correctly as he try to move the dead Grandma "i see you brought a friend" she/he said as Calixto move her lips into a smile "what you're name little pretty fairy?" he need to be careful now that Malaya has a companion it would be hard for him to kill her.

@MariLin @JessBeth
"Um...h-h-hello, I'm Nina, The....pr--um....prettiest fairy in the world....please to meet you, Malaya grandmother!" Nina said as she have a bad feeling but stay quiet.
Calixto hear pretty and shift his head to look at her "... ... ... ... ... ... ... " his mind was blank he doesn't know what to say but she is cute she then get back on focusing on moving the dead body "i see yes u r realy pretty u know in my young age i was use to be the most fairest woman in town" he/she said with a giggle "come in take a rest ill make some coffee" she/ he said as Calixto move to the ceilings of the wall and to the other room as she drop down hoping no one saw his shadow and close the door as he wipe his sweat and close the window in the kitchen and lock the door

@JessBeth @MariLin
Nina watched Malaya grandmother leave to the room and close the door. "..........Um....She's nice...." Nina smiles try not to show her uncomfortable feeling. Then she spotted a table. "Malaya, you can put me on the table over there...." Nina asked as she on the table. She walked and see around the house. "Everything is so new to me....see big stuff..." Nina smiles and fix her little which dress. @Astaroth Suzumiya @MariLin
Calixto was thing on something to get rid of that fairy he just have to make all of them sleep then as he open all the drawers and find something to make them fall asleep then get his prey and done hes out of this house he try to look for the sleeping pills until finally he found one he then look for a pot to place the tea and heat it as he look at the dead Grandmother "u were very nice to me but thats not possible dont worry becuz of your kindness i shall take youre Grand doughter and soon u both will see each other again in peace" he said as he look at the sleeping pills good thing there is many pills inside its a better use so he hid it in his bags and wait for the tea to heat up as he take a flour and start baking.

@JessBeth @MariLin
Of course, Malaya was a bit of a dense girl so she didn't realise that something was wrong with her grandmother. Though, something seemed to be upsetting Nina. "Nina, what's wrong? You look a bit uneasy," she asked. She adjusted her red hood a little. Suddenly, a picture fell off of it. @Astaroth Suzumiya @JessBeth
Malaya looked over at her grandmother. "Do you need help, Granny?" she asked, curiously. she looked back at Nina. Though she thought she saw something on the ceiling for a split second.
Calixto jump back up to the ceiling and made her move "yes dear im just fixing these cookies and tea" he said said as he let grandma walk out of the room and take a seat in the sofa and look at them and smile

Malaya smiled back and nodded. "Oh yeah, I made some baked sweets for you, Granny," she said, giving her the basket. "I hope you like them," she said
When Malaya asked her something wrong with her, Nina turn around and smiles. "Nothing, Malaya..." Thought something seem wrong around grandmother but she can't say it. Then she saw something fell out of Malaya pocket, a picture. "Hmm? What's that?" Nina asked but it seem that Malaya didn't know as she went to go check on her grandmother.

Once Nina see grandmother walk out of the room and take a seat in the sofa, Nina feeling the uneasy return. "Is the tea and cookies ready?" She said to grandmother.

@Astaroth Suzumiya @MariLin
The Grandomether nodded and smile sweetly while in the other hands Calixto is sweating from all the work he is doing he needs to focus from all this and he needs to be careful as he notice the fairy is getting speciousness about whats happening and he needs to be careful "just eat it and go to sleep" he said in a thoughtful way.

@MariLin @JessBeth
Malaya nodded and smiled. "Alright then, Granny," she said and took a cookie, immediately eating them. She suddenly felt very drowsy. "G-Granny..?" she whimpered before passing out.

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