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Fantasy (NEED MORE MEMBERS!) The Brothers Grimm m Fairytales

As Nina stuff some fruits on her mouth, she hear the word human place, she turn to him and said. "I wanna go! I wanna go! I wanna go! I wanna go!" She said as her eyes sparkles of excitement.

@Astaroth Suzumiya
Calixto smile and nodded "oh great ill just wait u till youre done eating then" he said as he wore his cloth and lift up the hood hiding half od his face he then look at Nina thinking how he will hide her a hell hide her in the basket no she would be stolen only one thig he can hide her in his pocket.

"Yup!" Nina smiles as she and he are off to the town. As Nina is in his pocket, she start singing a silly song which she kind of made it up.

(music)Who is the girl no bigger than a bumble bee?(music)

Who is the angel with a pretty name?

Oh, I don't know where I'm from or how I'm came to be?

But happy was the day I came

Princess Nina

I'm a tiny little squirt

Princess Nina

Tiny angel in a skirt

Princess Nina

I can mending and baking, pretending, and making things up

(music)Princess Nina (music)

@Astaroth Suzumiya
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Peter Pan and Tinkerbob happily walk around town, saying hit to every person he passes by. "Hello! Have a good day!" Peter says to the old caretaker of a bakery. "Why thank you. You too!" He replies. While walking around town, Peter hears a girl singing.
Calixto smile as he look aroun but think it would be nice if he stop a tthe doll house for awhile. so he walk inside as the toy bell ring by the door and notice there isnt too much children inside so he take her out and show it to her "look little fairy" he wisper to her with a smile and show her around u can choose all if u like Calixto wisper to her with a laug.

Nina look around of all little doll of her size. "Wow....it's so wonderful....and they even have a different dress...." Nina love those dress as she look ah her dress that she wear since yesterday. "Can I really get those dress?"

@Astaroth Suzumiya
Calixto nodded and smile "yes u can have everything in this dools house" he said with a chuckle and lok around (school eheheh talk to u later again)
Nina smiles as she look at every dress in there. She finally pick out two dress only as she is going back inside Calitxo pocket.

Later, once outside, Nina look at everything. Everything is so new to her and wishes that she can be big.

"Come all, Come all and I can tell your future! Come and see!" said the fortune teller.

Nina look at the sign that it said, "Sonia Fortune Teller" "Oh, Calitxo, can we go there?" She pointed it.


@Astaroth Suzumiya
Malaya pursed her lips. She saw what time it was, judging by where the sun was in the sky. Yes, Malaya knows how to tell time like that. It was almost time for Dokken to wake up so the girl rushed away from the group. She was going to her grandmother's house to bury the body.

Malaya found the meadow and picked some flowers. She made a pretty bouqet out of them and got inside the house. She grabbed her grandmother's cold corpse, bringing it out while carrying a shovel too. She digged up a fairly large hole, putting the corpse inside it.

The girl put in the flowers with the corpse. She sat down in front of the tombstone, thinking of the memories of her grandmother. Tears formed on her eyes as she remembered each sweet memory. She gripped her hood tightly in anger.

'Why her? Why me? Why now? WHY?! WHY?! WHY?!' her thoughts became hysterical. Angry tears streaked down her face as she suddenly took off her hood and threw it somewhere far. Is there any way to save this Little red riding hood? Or is she a red riding hood no more?

@Nanax @Doctor Jax @dorkling @AnarchyReins
Calisto raise a brow and look at were she is pointing and saw it was a fortune teller " well alright then little fairy unless its a fake one ill be laughing" he said as he enter inside the camp of the fortune teller and inside was pretty dark except the magic ball at the center of the table "uuummm yeah..." he then sit down on the chair and place nina in the table.

"Hello there, I'm sorry, only one person may enter....tell you're little friend to wait outside...." said the fortune teller as she pointed at the pocket, where Nina is.

Nina pop out. 'Oh, ok...I'll be waiting outside..." Nina smiles as she climb down and run outside and wait.

The the fortune teller look at Calitxo, "Have a seat, young man.....which fortune do you want to know?"

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Calixto take a seat as he look at nina and back to the lady in front of him well he dint really know what he want to ask but then again he wanna know one thing "Love and faith" he said.

"Interesting.....All right!" She said as she use an unknown language as the crystal ball start to change color into red. "I see....I see a girl that have win you're lonely heart...." The crystal ball show of Nina smiling face. "Such a lovely girl......a fairly princess...."

Nina is bored as she feel hungry again. Then smell something good and follow the smell of the food. She found a pie on the table.
Calixto blush a little and cross his arms "a fairy princess.... princess...nina?" he said in surprise the lady infront of him isnt joking he does like nina but one more "yeas...well what gonna happen?" he ask

@JessBeth (brb)
"You're love for her start to grow deep soon when she in you're arms......its such forbidden love in the near future...but there is some darkness that you too will see.....a dark cloud...." she said as the crystal ball color change into a block clouds that it's hard to see.

Outside, Nina climb up the table to get a pie, suddenly she stop and saw some colorful bottles. She take a look at it closer.

@Astaroth Suzumiya
Calixto look at the crystal ball turn into darkness "i dont understand what about the dark cloud?" he ask with worry he dont want nina get into the darkness that the fortune teller is saying to him.

"That I can't answers....the crystal ball won't tell me.....you have to find out on you're own, young man.....now that's all, that will be 3 gold coins!!' she said with a smiles.

Nina take a look at the colorful bottle, suddenly she trip herself and knock them, causing it to fell off the table and break it. Nina fell off the table, too and landed on the rag but then one bottle fell next her and the water splash on her. "Kya!!"

The woman, who own the bottles look mad. "You rat!!" She take out of her broom and try to hit Nina.


@Astaroth Suzumiya
Calisto gave 5 take it he said as he heard a scream and ran outside the camp to see nina running "little fairy!" he said as he grab her as he take the stick of the woman and place it in the ground "how much?" he ask to the woman and keep nina close to him.


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