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Fantasy (NEED MORE MEMBERS!) The Brothers Grimm m Fairytales

Calixto nodded and smile "sure i have a cabin not far from her and not far from your kingdom thoe its not special like your home" he said with a smile as he place her back to his head and clime down the sakura tree.

@JessBeth (ooohhh realy? how? is it permanent? -eyes sparkling- kawaiiii)
"That fine by me....oh, can you turn into a wolf? I didn't see you in a wolf drim, Calixto

@Astaroth Suzumiya (hmm, permanent,no. But their friendship can grow to love a little. And you have to wait and see.)
Calixto nodded "alright but becuz u said so" he said with a chuckle as he place her to the soft grass and turn into a wolf as he look back at her and lay down the soft grass "Come little fairy clime up to my furr" he said as he look at her and smile waiting for her to clime up on him.

@JessBeth (ooohhh okey then eheheheh we will soon see xD one Question will nina fell in love with Calixto?)
Nina watches as Calixto transform into a wolf. The wolf from look at little scary but it look cute since Calixto smile. Nina climb on his fur and on top of his head. She pet his soft fur. "You're so soft..." She said to him as she see that the sun is going down.

@Astaroth Suzumiya (hm.....when one of them are the same size.....yes)
Calixto start walking and look at the Sakura tree for a while untill she continue walking time was so fast and its getting dark so he walk back to the cabin "umm yeah sorry about my home if its too old for the look but its very comfortable inside" he said with a laugh and open the door using his head and enter inside.


@JessBeth (oooohhhh alright then eheheh)
Nina smiles as she stand up and jump on the table. " That ok, I think it look comfortable..." She smiles as she suddenly her stomach is growling so load. "Oh, I'm so hungry already....need food..." She sit down.
Calixto notice this and turn back to his human form and good think he have a pack of fruits in the basket he then grab it and gave it to her "here little fairy u can eat this fruits" he said with a smile as he stood up and walk to the fire lamp to make a fire.

Nina saw a fruits and right away eat it. She ate two apples, some blueberries and a pear. "Ahh...so full..." She feel satisfied as she watch Calixto.

Later, she asked him to get something for her to make a bed for her.
Calixto thought for a sec "well i once have a little sister whom she like to play doll and she made a small live version of a house it has a bed in there it is soft welp maybe that can help out" he said as he brought out and show it to her it was a simple house with stairs and a room in the 2nd floor that has small comb different kind of dresses and gowns and a mirror and comb. Calixto was a great brother for his little sister but she pass away from sickness.

Nina look inside the dollhouse and smiles. "It's perfect! Just a right size!" She giggle as she try out the bed. The bed is nice and soft for her. Then she start to yawn, getting sleeping. "Calixto....you know you're the best...."
Calixto laugh "maybe but now u need a rest" he said as he thought of something "dont u think they will so much worried?" he ask for he doesnt like her being punished he just dont he then sit down the sofa and look at the moon and the stars.

Nina rubbed her eyes. "Yeah....but not to worry...." She climb on the little bed. "Calixto....I'm glad I can stay with you for tonight....when I looked at you, you look so lonely and sad....you know what you need? A lover....someone to love you and stay by you're side...." Then she giggle, "Me too....I want someone to love me..." She slowly drifting to sleep.
Calixto sigh and smile as he close his eyes "i dont know little fairy im use to being alone" Calixto still remember the day when everything in his life have fallen. is it true all he need was love? love. such a word he shall soon understand as he look at the moon once again and fell into a deep slumber.

@JessBeth (maintenace lolz ahahaha)
"The Simpleton "

Ed blinked as the horned woman patted her cheek. "My sort...? Well, I am awful tall..."

He shuffled his feet and looked around, wondering if maybe she was talking to someone else. To his surprise, he noticed a few snowflakes falling as the two women talked for a short while. He smiled at the sudden flurries before pondering on the oddness of a sudden snow shower. Clucky certainly wasn't all that happy about it.

"Clucky, I just about had it with you 'n yer bellyachin' sir-- WHOA!"

The golden goose leaped from his arms and started off in one direction.

"Ah! Miss, and you miss, I really need your help! Clucky's got loose and-- well it looks like he's found a new friend," Ed lamented, holding his head. The poor farmboy ran towards his pet and beckoned the other two to come along and help him catch the little devil. However, before he managed to get far, he tripped over a large root, flat on his face. It seemed this is was a common state of his.

Clucky, in his mad pursuit of the girl in the red hood, suddenly turned back around to look at Ed, and the goose plucked at the girl's cloak, nodding its head towards his downed owner.

@Nanax @dorkling @MariLin
Malaya pulled her cloak away from the goose. "Hey! My grandmother gave me that!" she cried. She stepped away from the goose slowly. She saw a tall male on the cold snowy ground. "Oh, sir! Are you alright?" she asked, a bit panicked. @Nanax
Over the snow, and the cold wind Jack could hear a little girl scared. Jack then rushed to the side of girl as fast as he could. When he got there he saw this giant man standing over what looked like a girl in red. "Hey man wanna play a game?" Jack didn't even wait for a responce. Jack instantly threw a snow ball at the mans face, and knocked him over with a giant glob of snow.
Its is morning, Nina is early walk up and look around, wondering where she is. Oh right, I'm in the cabin with Calitxo.....she thought as she look at him, sleeping on the couch. Nina giggle as she wanna play a trick on him. She quickly and quietly climb off the doll house, then the table. Them climb up the sofa, then on Calitxo arm and stop where his ear is. "Calitxo~I love you~ I need you~" She slowly whisper in his ear as she try not to laugh.

@Astaroth Suzumiya
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" The Simpleton "

Ed stood up with her help, saying, "Oh, yeah, I'm fine! I was just real worried that Cluck there got a hold a' yer --"

The boy was suddenly clocked in the face with a flying snowball, his face planting right back into the snow. He rolled over with a groan, rubbing his face.

"That... that only hurt a li'l," Ed stated, as Clucky squawked unhappily at the newcomer. It just seemed there were far too many people around today....

@MariLin @AnarchyReins


Fleur followed the perky little goose. She couldn't quite keep up with her blue heels, but she manged. It's not her first time running in heels. Riding a horse with heels was hard, but running was nothing. She kept her six-hundred paged book under her arm the entire time and her ring on her left middle finger. "Ce putain d'oie." She said under her breath.

As they stopped running, she noticed a boy with snowy white hair and one with black and white hair. She greeted them with a slight curtsy and introduced herself. "My name is Fleur, Fleur Desrosiers." She said as she kept her head held high. She didn't want to be rude, but she didn't want to give the impression that she was a rug that you could walk over.

@Doctor Jax @MariLin @AnarchyReins
Well it looks like I have made quite a few acquaintances." Jack said as he sat on his frozen wooden staff. " So what has brought all of you guys here. I'm here because I heard a girl getting upset so I came to see if I could brighten her day with some snow." Jack said as he flashed a genuine smile at everyone.

Fleur Desrosiers

"You? A normal being can bring snow?" She asked curiously. "I don't know anyone in particular who's upset at this moment." She told the white haired boy. She noticed his smile and it was a beautiful smile. She read about myths and fantasy stories about people who can create snow. It was a wonderful book. It included sisters, named Anna and Elsa. It was a sad story, but a sweet moral the end. If this man can create snow, then that story about the sisters must be true! She thought in her head.

"If you don't mind me asking...Do you perhaps know an Anna and/or an Elsa where you're from?" She asked the white haired boy. She held her book with both of her arms to her chest. Her red hood wasn't on her head and the leaves seemed to be gone from her hair and the rims of her cape only got dirtier. She looked around with her eyes for a river or a well.

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Well yeah I kinds of do. Though it is a long reason why." I could tell it to you if you want." Jack said this as he took the snow from the ground, and cleaned her dirty cloak by blowing the snow onto it. "The reason I ask is I am dreadfully bored, and you seem like a nice person." Jack said this a she blushed because he thought the girl was kinda of cute.


Fleur Desrosiers

"D-Did you just clean my coat...with snow?" She asked. "I've never had many friends...My sisters always bossed me around but I never minded..." She confessed (Grimm Version)

"Ar- Are you
blushing?" She asked.
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