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Fantasy (NEED MORE MEMBERS!) The Brothers Grimm m Fairytales

Well to answer both of your questions yes." Jack then proceeds to make an ice rose and give it to Fleur. "Here this can be the start of our friendship." Jack said this as he blushed a little more.


Ed watched on with unabashed interest as this... this ice person cleaned off the other girl's coat with snow and apparently could make ice. Well, if this wasn't his day. Clucky, however, didn't seem all that happy about the boy -- or the two girls, either. The goose snuggled up to Edgar, and he picked up the errant, unhappy fowl.

"Do ya just wander around, makin' it snow....?" Ed asked as he petted Clucky. "Hey! What're y'all doin' in the forest anyhow? To be honest... I'm lost."

@Nanax @AnarchyReins @MariLin


Flour accepted his rose and her cheeks started to warm up and her cheeks started to turn pink. She smiled shyly. "Thank you kind sir." She didn't have anything for her to give to him. She was basically in debt to him but a new friendship has arise.​
Well I really don't have a choice whether I make it snow. It's how do you say my forte. Me being Jack Frost and all. Yeah I know where there is this little town down the way. I was actually on my way there." Jack then leaned down to Fleur and kissed her cheek. "This is what I meant when I gave you the rose." Jack then smiled a lopsided grin.


Flier's cheeks got even pinker, no, red. She covered the lower part of her face, trying to cover her heated cheeks. She walked away a few feet away and tried to calm herself. She walked back to where everyone was and was normal..partially. "I just wanted to take a walk..." She explained. "There is a town down that path." She pointed towards a dirt pavement.

Well so who's ready to go to the town?" With that Jack used the wind to make him hover above the ground, and float around the group. "So who wants to be the one to lead us to town? The reason I ask is I can make this trip a lot faster if you guys would like?" jack then bashfully smiled and looked around the group.


"If you want, I can lead." She offered. She turned to face the entire group and held her six hundred paged book in her arms. She placed the ice rose in her dress pocket. "I'll be keeping the rose if you don't mind." She told the ice male.

"That's a mighty fine gift. Wish I was good enough fer somethin' like that..." The young man was totally oblivious to the romance playing out in frot of him as he thought about what he would do if he had abilities... Then, of course, the conversation turned to him.

"Oh, well...my problem is, I dunno where this little lady here wants to go," Ed stated, pointing to the girl in the red hood whom Clucky had unerringly attacked. The goose was still a bit touchy, hissing a bit at the others and burying its face into Ed's shoulder. The young man scratched behind his head and shrugged with a grin.

"A-and I'm in no rush to go nowhere," he admitted. "Course... I imagine Pa's gonna be worried 'fore long."

@Nanax @MariLin
Oh I don't mind, and my name is Jack, Jack Frost. While we are walking I will tell you how I know Anna and Elsa." Jack said this aa he floated down the path along Fleur.


"Please do follow me." She told everyone. She followed the path and noticed Jack beside her. "Really? You'll tell the tales?" She asked excitedly.​
Yeah I don't see why not. If you want to hear them I would happily tell you." Jack said this as twirled his staff in his hands. "So where would you want me to start. How I met them or when I met them??"


"Hmm...What ever you remember most." She said. She followed the path and noticed a unwatered flower on the side. She kneeled down to have a closer look. She blew some sort of magic at it and allowed it to become a healthy and beautiful flower.​
Calixto was dreaming when he heard a voice of nina and in reality his face turn red but one red tear fall down his cheeks and said "i-if u love me and u-u n-need m-me p-please d-dont l-leave me" he said softly as his dream start to become a nightmare and he whimpered.

"Huh?" Nina didn't expect him to answer that, but was that real or not? But something in her heart start to pound fast. " I wish I could~ But you don't love me~I have to go....." She whisper softly in his ear.

@Astaroth Suzumiya
Calixto whimperd "p-please d-dont l-leave m-me... ... ... ... .... .... ... .. ... nina.... .... " he said as his eyes start to open and continue "~i love u~" he said almost as whisper as he open his eyes gently as he look at her and his eyes widen a frezz.

Calixto sit down as he try to get himself together he dont know it was too early he said it but he thought all was a dream "nn-no i-i was dreaming thats all" he said he doesnt want her to fear him or anything like such she look scared he doesnt mean to say it he feel destroyed and sad... sad that he dint say the truth and lie that it was just a dream.

Nina looked at him as she said, "Oh....I see....just a dream...." She smiles and said ok. "I try to wake up, but you making some sad voice saying don't leave me....and then you said I love you......dose that me you have someone you love, right?" She lied a little.

@Astaroth Suzumiya
Calixto calm himself as he sit down and look at her "well no i dont ive been living alone" he come up with a great lie "i was dreaming when i was a little wolf as my parents leave me alone in the dark forest i said i love them and dont leave me... i was a little cub in my dream" he said with a lie he was actually dreaming of hunting as when nina pop up in his dream saying those words yet it feel so real.

"Really?" Nina don't believe it and she know it. But she decide to act it. "I see, aww poor Calitxo~" She pet his big hand with her tiny hand. " I guess you didn't love no one......I bet you want to love a girl....oh I mean a wolf girl!" She smiles as she notice that her heart hurt when she said it. 'Um....l-lets go out for a walk!" She said as she stand up.

@Astaroth Suzumiya
Calixto look at her "i dont know about that... love...but i think when i love a girl i dont care if shes beautiful or not what matters is whats inside her" he said as he look at her and pick her up as he place her on his head "yeah walking sounds great" he said as he remember something "have u ate yet?" he ask.


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