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Fantasy Mythical Creatures Under One Roof

Do you want it to be summer time?

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xMellowmint said:
Aiden raised an eyebrow and looked at her with concerned eyes. "Is something wrong....?" He frowned a bit and bent down on his knees and looked up at Lydia.
(Omg I'm so sorry for my short post. I don't know what to say too and I'm too tired to think of details ;- ;)
Lydia Grave 'It has only now occurred to me how difficult a transition of cultures would be. While there is a common spoken language, it appears that I might be completely illiterate in this world's form of literature and it might be completely illiterate in mine.' Lydia stood and placed the now-empty bowl on the desk and flashed another curious glance at the book.

'Although I really hope it shouldn't be much issue, I do study Dragons' Speech in such a fashion, though I've found that it is more an endeavor than an event. Although, this place undoubtedly has more samples of its own text than mine does of that lost language, so that should be far simpler and quicker.'

Elainah was sprawled out on her bed, blowing hair from her face. She had yet to actually meet anybody in this house, always seeming to come out when they had all left, or leave for her room once they all decided to appear in the house. "Wow, " She murmured, "I must really seem to be socially awkward or something." Shaking her head she took a seat on the window seat pulling out a book that she had unpacked earlier that week, perhaps she would try to meet others later.
Adri smiled at tony. "your tony right?" she asked happily watching Grayson and Ethan get kicked by a centaur, it was pretty funny to her as she smiled excitedly watching them getting kicked around for a change. With all the stuff they put her through she wanted to be their pupil after all she was part demon.
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hearing a crash Crimson sighed "ill be right back explore my home if you would like, ill leave the door open so you can get back to the house it you would like" she put her hand on her shoulder and gave it a quick squeeze along with an apologetic smile before walking out the door. going out side there were three guys fighting and a girl just watching "ok what the Hell is wrong with you three hmm?" she said clearly mad "and look you broke the damn wall!". she looked up at the house then back at the boys with her arms crossed.

@Tigergirl2013 @TheDarkOwl @LaDyGrEy
“HEY” he said, while raising both of his hands, trying to show her he had nothing to do with it. “It Isn’t MY fault, these two idiots started fighting!” he then pointed at Grayson and Ethan. It probably didn’t help his case however, that he had changed into his centaur form, because of his sudden fit of anger and that his left hand was covered in blood.

Adri smiled at the lady. "Ethan and Grayson are brothers and started fighting, and this kind guy tony tried to split them apart and got a little entangled in this heap, he did not mean for this to the end the way it did." she said very nicely unlike herself pointing her direction to the wall looking at the lady, and the mess the guys made with the rubble surrounding them as they still continued to fight and roll around on the ground she shook her head clearly laughing at the two brothers.

@TheDarkOwl @Srion Receno @LaDyGrEy
"just because they started it dose not mean you can jump in and join the fighting" she shook her head at him "just for fighting you are as bad as them, the only difference is there in there boxers..." she looked over at the girl and pointed at her with one hand on her hip "your just as bad as well for watching!".

@Tigergirl2013 @TheDarkOwl @LaDyGrEy
Tony eyes widend in surprise as he realized Adri was actually defending him! He then looked at Crimson again and bowed his head in shame. He changed back into his human form and said, while holding up his blood covered hand “I’ll go and wash this”

@Tigergirl2013 @Srion Receno
LaDyGrEy said:
Ethan had greatly enjoyed his meal a few weeks a go so to speak, she had fine blood and Ethan knew he could keep coming back for more with a small smile the man walked out of bed and showered, grabbing his towel, he dried off and put on a pair of boxes, kicking his brother as well.
Grayson had rolled his eyes at the little agrivating bitch and had continued with his life, feeding off Ahri and Adri when he wanted to and he simply shrugged when ever he did, his brother was becoming a little more sadistic and he knew that Ethan would start biting everything he sees. "I'm up Ethan, don't make me punch you," he growled and threw a cup by that was b side of his bed at him which hit the vampire square in the chest. Grayson showered and put on a pair of boxers and now the siblings were at it.

Grayson picked Ethan up and threw him at the wall, breaking the wall, Ethan landed outside on the grass and Grayson followed, Ethan punched Grayson and snapped his neck but within merely seconds Grayson returned with a kick to the boys stomach and then one to his back. Sending the younger sibling flying, there was destroyed garden everwhere and not to mention that the wall was now wide open, both boys stood there in their boxers, "Stop trying to beat me Ethan,"

(I had to, thought it would be fun for the housekeeper and set up some events! I personally feel like one of the diabolik vampires right now)
"Hey Hey Hey!" Ahri quickly grabbed one of the twins off of each other, which soon was revealed to be Grayson. "What the hell has gotten into you guys?" Hikaru ignored the fight and headed upstairs, rolling his eyes and sighing.
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Adri looked at her. "i am sorry, can I help clean up?" she asked the lady. "your currently comforting my sister." she said loud enough for tony to hear her, as she started to pick up the bricks and pile them into a neat pile. "my spit works as a glue, like cement." she said proud of herself that she could try and help.
Hikari had been awoken by the crashing, and she sat up, grumbling slightly, and ran a hand through her hair, she heard another crash and a scent hit her, it was Ethan. She got up and ran out her room in her pajamas, a pair of spandex shorts and a tank top. She skidded out the door, and saw the ruin. She looked at Ethan, and a slow whimper of worry rose from her

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Peeking out her door, Elainah shuffled closer to the mess that had happened while she was engrossed in her books pages. Eyes widening a bit as she blinked at the chaotic rubble she remained silent as she craned her neck to see the extent of the mess.
"I should make you all clean it up but sadly my magic is faster and I would like it if no human saw" since the fighting was now stopped she moved her hand to the wall, making it start to fix its self then she turned to the centaur "yes go clean it up and put something on it as well". she shook her head at the whole mess "I dont know what your guys problem is but seriously if your going to fight bring it out side and with more then your boxers I mean really" turning around she started back in side to go to the girl she left at her house "if I am needed come knock on my door its always open" after saying this she walked inside then to her door. walking in she smiled at the girl "sorry about that there was some fight going on" closing the door behind her separating her home from there's she sat down at the table "come sit with me"
Avery sat down at the table. "thanks, why do people have to fight anyways?" she asked curiously. "do you have hot water and lemons?" she asked curiously wanting her normal drink because she wasn't sure if she had english tea either. She smiled sitting down. "I don't like fights all that much." she said her eyes down cast ashamed of her sister feeling like her sister would not change a bit.
she nodded as she got up and moved to her kitchen "there are many reasons to fight though I dont think they had a vary good one" she shook her head as she brought back a glass of hot water with a half of a fresh cut lemon. "here you go" she smiled at her then sat back down. " we haven't been formally introduced my name is Crimson" she said holding her hand out to her.

Tony had already started to walk inside when he stopped dead in his tracks, because he had heard Adri say something that caught his attention. ‘She was back?!’ he thought surprised. He wanted to see her and ask how she was holding up, when he realized it probably wouldn’t be such a good idea to dhow up with a bleeding hand. He sighed and quickly walked inside and nodded at Crimson who told him he should put something on his wound. He walked over to the sink and started cleaning his wound with water. He then grabbed a bandage and wrapped his hand up. He figured Avery must have arrived when he was out shooting with his bow and arrow. He walked upstairs quickly, as he also hadn’t seen her downstairs and knew Crimson was supposidly comforting her. When he saw crimson enter her room. He quickly started to run, as he knew that if he would try to open it, it would just be a broom closet. Unfortunately he was too late as Crimson closed the door behind her right when he was about to ask her to wait up. He swore quietly under his breath and wondered if he should wait, or do something else until they were done.

@Tigergirl2013 @Srion Receno
"avery." she said shaking crimsons hand. "my sister is Adri you probably met her with all the fighting she can be a pain. I really like this guy his name is Tony, he is a centaur. He means a lot to me but I don't think he likes me back, and I am so lost as to what to do, that I ran away avoiding my problems, and now that I am back I don't know what to do." she said nervously sipping the hot water with lemon as her face brightened up.
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she nodded listening quietly to her as she spoke "well Avery I think you should talk to him you never know he may like you back" she had known that he was now standing at the door and smiled. "would you like to talk to him now ill stay around if you would like" she leaned on the table a bit and put her head in her hand as she looked at Avery with a sweet smile.

@Tigergirl2013 @TheDarkOwl
Avery's eyes widened. "after I left so abruptly I don't think he wants to." she said looking at her nervously chewing on her lip quite anxious wanting to see him but not yet she was so nervous, thinking he hated her after she left quickly. "i think he hates me." she said putting her head in her hands.
"sweet heart I dont think he hates you actually im sure he would like to talk to you as well" she got up and gave her a hug around her shoulders. "he is at my door shall I open it?" she said quietly as she rubbed her arms to comfort her fears of him thinking he hates her.

@Tigergirl2013 @TheDarkOwl
Avery nodded her head acknowledge that she should open the door bracing herself as she looked was nervous as heck watching crimson open the door and she saw tony after a week of not seeing him, she chewed on her lip nervously.
MadameRedWolf said:
Lupus followed Amy around a smile evident on his face as he watched her
"Cookies? Maybe soda... How about popcorn...?" Amy looked around and pointed at all the things that was interesting to her but she didn't grab them. She just couldn't really see herself eating it despite it looking intriguing to eat. She went over to the dairy section and pointed at the pack of fruit yogurts. "Do you like yogurt?" She smiled brightly. It was one of her favorite snacks though she really likes to make them home made so she knows there isn't any artificial flavored inside. Though, buying some aren't that bad.
Seeing her nod she took out her key and walked to the door unlocking it, as she opened it she looked at the centaur and crossed her arms. "did you fix your hand?" she asked him with a small smile, she hoped they could get along and fix there little lovers fight.

Tony was still contemplating, whether or not he should stay or do something else for a while. Ofcourse he didn’t want to seem too pushy, but if she Did want to talk to him and he didn’t know it, or she couldn’t find him, that would be horrible too! He hadn’t noticed he was pacing around, until the door opened and revealed Crimson and a nervous Avery. He immediately stopped pacing and looked at her. She didn’t look a lot better than when he last saw her. He had hoped this trip would help her sort things out with her family, but she seemed even more tired than when she left. He looked at her and said woory filling his voice “are you feeling okay, Avery?” He looked at Crimson and held up his now bandaged hand a little so she could see it, eventhough he was more focused on Avery right now.

@Tigergirl2013 @Srion Receno
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