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Fantasy Mythical Creatures Under One Roof

Do you want it to be summer time?

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(adri went flying in the woods crashed into a tree and broke her ankle, grayson was nearby to help her. she got angry with him biting him he dumped her onto the couch she tried to walk away and fell down out of pure stubbornness, then avery felt overwhelmed by everything, and is pretty upset because tony was angry, and she decided to go home for a week, and now tony is talking to her, is what is happening.)

Adri looked at her. "not really." she said standing on the broken ankle that needed more time to heal because she broke it even further every time she put weight on it and all you could hear when she walked was a popping noise as her bones bumped up against each other and she nearly fell again standing not really caring that she broke it to such an extent.
Hikari squeaked as the blood rolled past her tongue, she shoved him back and retched, closing her eyes as she pushed back the urge to vomit. She felt her antlers heal, and she looked up at him"th-thank you. But I was offering my neck." She turned to the adult and squeaked, hiding behind Ethan, her face turned bright pink at said adult hearing what she said

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Grayson shrugged. "Break it further, I only carried you here for a reason," he growled as he grabbed the girls arm with a chuckle. "Stop it you stubborn little bitch,"


Ethan chuckled at Hikari, "not bad for your first,' he simple smiled at the other woman as the wound healed right up.
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LaDyGrEy said:
Grayson shrugged. "Break it further, I only carried you here for a reason," he growled as he grabbed the girls arm with a chuckle. "Stop it you stubborn little bitch,"

Ethan chuckled at Hikari, "not bad for your first,' he simple smiled at the other woman as the wound healed right up.
"You don't have to be so mean..." Ahri said in disgrace. She passed the both of them...at least tried to pass them

Hikaru walked out of the living room and headed towards the kitchen, grabbing another tomato/blood juice box
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xMellowmint said:
"Once again I don't mind anything. I'm going to get us a cart. I'll be right back." Amy headed towards the carts and took one out. She forgot where Lupus was so she ended up wandering around the store. "Dang it..."
Lupus frowned "odd. She should be back by now." He lifted his head slightly and sniffed the air, he found her scent and began to follow it. On the way he grabbed a few bags off the shelf and a case of cocktail shrimp
MadameRedWolf said:
Lupus frowned "odd. She should be back by now." He lifted his head slightly and sniffed the air, he found her scent and began to follow it. On the way he grabbed a few bags off the shelf and a case of cocktail shrimp
Amy kept strolling through Wal-Mart trying to find Lupus. "Lupusssss! Lupussss" even though she was the one missing, she thought about going to customer service.
LaDyGrEy said:
Grayson shrugged. "Break it further, I only carried you here for a reason," he growled as he grabbed the girls arm with a chuckle. "Stop it you stubborn little bitch,"

Ethan chuckled at Hikari, "not bad for your first,' he simple smiled at the other woman as the wound healed right up.
Hikari looked at him, "my offer still stands"
Ethan smiled rather creepily before turning to everyone in the room, ah so be it, this was the kitchen after all. "Then I shall take it," the vampire bit down into the girls neck with speed and well...rather hungrily. He drank the blood with a small smile as droplets made their way down and out of the wound. He drank without even a tiny thought of stopping.
Hikari winced and a light whimper rose to her lips, she could feel her blood pressure plummeting. Her antlers glowed gold and her heart beat increased, causing more blood to rapidly replace what was leaving her body.

xMellowmint said:
Amy kept strolling through Wal-Mart trying to find Lupus. "Lupusssss! Lupussss" even though she was the one missing, she thought about going to customer service.
Lupus tipped his head and picked up the sound of Amys voice, and followed it. When he found her he dumped the stuff into the cart, "found you, this is the last chance for you to get what ever you want to eat."


(you may continue what your character is doing or don't. Up to you.)

Spring Break

(No school for 3 weeks)
Lydia Grave With a curious look, Lydia took the book from the floor and placed it on the desk. Perhaps... The runic alphabet she was accustomed to was not employed in this world..? This would be rather complicated indeed. Well, there would be no harm in trying to translate a foreign text, would there? Lydia finished what remained of the stew, discreetly smiling again. Some form of soup was rather rare, and it was even less common for it to be decent, though that meal certainly had been. Suddenly, she felt stuck with an odd feeling of... Uselessness. Not a dreadful kind, but an awkward feeling.

'Thank you for the meal, it was rather good.' She was a bit lost on anything to say as well... Other than a generic 'thank you,' she was suddenly very unsure of what to say.


(Ah •A• I dunno what to do!)
MadameRedWolf said:
Lupus tipped his head and picked up the sound of Amys voice, and followed it. When he found her he dumped the stuff into the cart, "found you, this is the last chance for you to get what ever you want to eat."
Amy raised an eyebrow. "Really?" Amy didn't really know what she wanted. So she thought it was best to just stroll around more. "LETS GOOO~"
Spazzycat101 said:
Lydia Grave With a curious look, Lydia took the book from the floor and placed it on the desk. Perhaps... The runic alphabet she was accustomed to was not employed in this world..? This would be rather complicated indeed. Well, there would be no harm in trying to translate a foreign text, would there? Lydia finished what remained of the stew, discreetly smiling again. Some form of soup was rather rare, and it was even less common for it to be decent, though that meal certainly had been. Suddenly, she felt stuck with an odd feeling of... Uselessness. Not a dreadful kind, but an awkward feeling.
'Thank you for the meal, it was rather good.' She was a bit lost on anything to say as well... Other than a generic 'thank you,' she was suddenly very unsure of what to say.


(Ah •A• I dunno what to do!)
Aiden raised an eyebrow and looked at her with concerned eyes. "Is something wrong....?" He frowned a bit and bent down on his knees and looked up at Lydia.

(Omg I'm so sorry for my short post. I don't know what to say too and I'm too tired to think of details ;- ;)
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After the whole blow up Avery had gone home and was relieved when she came back she walked in seeing her sister in a cast cause she continued to break it. She decided to go into their shared bedroom packed her things and moved down the hall breathing a deep sigh of relief as she sat in her new space closing her eyes as she passed out her back to the door so if anyone tried to open the door it would wake her up.

Adri sat in the living room clearly annoyed with grayson but weirdly looking up to him. She was still angry about the comment of the b word that she just broke it on purpose a few times more just to annoy grayson. She smiled to herself as she held a bottle of black nail polish painting her finger nails, a deep sigh escaped her lips to be honest while her sister was away she didn't really notice and asked people who had not a clue where she went to or didn't know who she was she had figured she just wanted space. She finished her nails letting them dry as her eyes were a green color her natural eye color compared to the consistent red she had. Her wings had healed nicely but she decided to let the dang ankle heal after messing it up on so many other occasions. She examined her nails wishing someone else would have done it and made it even better than she could manage.
moving from room to room Crimson used her magic to clean each room. she hadn't known most of the kids in the house and was sure they knew hers, but she still had a job to do so she did it. listening to her music though blaring headphones she danced a bit as she cleaned.
Avery got up and walked down the hall to see a room labelled house keeper she knocked on the door hoping for someone to talk to her blue shirt looked rumpled and slept in and her long flowing white skirt creased and her hair was dishelved to be honest she looked a mess and had a hard time with everything and she just wanted a friend. She waited at the door nervously chewing on her lip.

@Srion Receno
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Crimson had started to walk to the door she uses to get back and forth between this place and her house, when she seen one of the girls. smiling she took out her headphones "whats up?". she was finished with the cleaning and had wanted to take a bath since it seamed no one needed her at this point, but seeing the girl look like a mess she decided to wait. taking out a little sliver skeleton key out of her pocket she walked to her door and unlocked it as she waited for the girl to speak.

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avery looked at her shyly. "i just want someone to talk to." she said in a whisper not wanting to intrude feeling she was somehow a bother to the house keeper who probably had better things to do even though she felt alone. She peeked at the lady through her long lashes her blonde hair framing her delicate face, she was nervous and didn't know how to react.

@Srion Receno
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Avery had after all still decided to go home, Tony didn’t want her to leave while she was feeling so down, but didn’t do anything to stop her anymore as he hoped she would be able to sort out her feelings while she was with her family. A week had gone by and in that week he had got to know most of the people in the house. He didn’t really talk to them much however, spending most of his time in the woods practicing with his bow and arrow or listening to music. He had also met Avery’s sister Adri, as he expected he didn’t like her, so when she came up to him a few days after Avery left asking where she had gone, he simply answered he didn’t know.

He had just practiced with his bow and arrow in the woods and arrived back at the house, he shifted into his human form and entered the house. He put his bow and quiver next to the door when he saw that he didn’t have a lot of arrows left. When he had arrived his quiver had been filled to the brim with arrows, but now he had only about 10 left. Some of the arrows had broken and when he shot at multiple targets at a time he had lost some of them. Luckily he always had his gear with him to make some new. He walked into the living room and took one of the shafts and started to carefully attach the feathers and the point.

"well come on in I'll make us something to drink" she smiled opening the door to her home, if anyone else had open it, it would only of showed a closet full of cleaning stuff. The house was a typical 2 bedroom bath and looked like it belonged to a witch."we can go out side and drink it if you would like" she smiled at her as she moved out of the way so the girl could come in.

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Ethan had greatly enjoyed his meal a few weeks a go so to speak, she had fine blood and Ethan knew he could keep coming back for more with a small smile the man walked out of bed and showered, grabbing his towel, he dried off and put on a pair of boxes, kicking his brother as well.

Grayson had rolled his eyes at the little agrivating bitch and had continued with his life, feeding off Ahri and Adri when he wanted to and he simply shrugged when ever he did, his brother was becoming a little more sadistic and he knew that Ethan would start biting everything he sees. "I'm up Ethan, don't make me punch you," he growled and threw a cup by that was b side of his bed at him which hit the vampire square in the chest. Grayson showered and put on a pair of boxers and now the siblings were at it.

Grayson picked Ethan up and threw him at the wall, breaking the wall, Ethan landed outside on the grass and Grayson followed, Ethan punched Grayson and snapped his neck but within merely seconds Grayson returned with a kick to the boys stomach and then one to his back. Sending the younger sibling flying, there was destroyed garden everwhere and not to mention that the wall was now wide open, both boys stood there in their boxers, "Stop trying to beat me Ethan,"

(I had to, thought it would be fun for the housekeeper and set up some events! I personally feel like one of the diabolik vampires right now)
Avery smiled. "thank you." she said as she walked into the room seeing everything in order standing not wanting to be impolite. "I have been dealing with a ton of stress my whole life I lived a life of being good because that was what I was taught, about 20 years ago my sister came into my life and turned everything upside down and my mom told me I had to go out into the world So I did but I can't shake my sister. All she sees is bad and its difficult. Last week I went home to get a fresh perspective, what they said to me I just can't come to terms with no matter how I was raised I am good and bad I can't be one or the other, because of who I am and my kind." she said her eyes downcast chewing her bottom lip nervously.

Adri got up and flew out of the room her wing now healed as she went and scouted running into grayson with ethan. "hi guys." she said cheery unlike her normal disposition of being grouchy and stubborn as heck. She smiled flapping her wings her halo now bright white and her wings grey and black mixed together unlike her normal self. She smiled at them both happily with the cast on her foot as she was the stupid thing. "i've had a change of heart and I want to apologize for being a brat, and I want to learn from you if you will let me." she said being entirely honest for a change unlike her self as she wore a dress of navy and black her brownish black hair in waves around her face some strands in her face and her green eyes shining like diamonds as she floated near to them.

@Srion Receno @LaDyGrEy
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Tony was just about to attach a point to one of his almost finished arrows, when there was a loud chrash. His hand slipped and the arrow point made a deep cut in his hand. Tony swore loudly and stood up angrily, to look which idiot made that noise. He heard more shouting coming from outside. Once he arrived he saw the twins Grayson and Ethan obviosly in a fight, with a weirdly happy Adri standing next to them. Grayson kicked Ethan and send him flying. He shouted angrily at them while waving his now pretty heavily bleeding hand in the air “WHAT THE HECK, ARE YOU DOING! CALM THE FUCK DOWN, YOU AREN’T THE ONLY FUCKING PEOPLE HERE YOU KNOW!”

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