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Fantasy Mythical Creatures Under One Roof

Do you want it to be summer time?

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"I don't think so," he scooped the smaller girl up in his arms and threw her over his shoulder. Holding her securely he took off running towards the mansion. "You're a stubborn little brat aren't you?" He chuckled before his eyes saw the mansion up ahead.

xMellowmint said:
Amy let go and nodded. "I really do enjoy P.O.M. It's fairly delicious to be honest." She smiled and just followed Lupus through the story. "So what are we gonna eat then?" She turned her head towards Lupus who was still carrying everything. "Do.. you want me to get a cart at least? I mean, we still do have to get stuff for you to eat and your hands and arms look full." Amy chuckled slightly.
"hm. Maybe a good idea." He chuckled "what do you want to eat?"
Nanax said:
In the present time, mythical creatures were chosen to live in a three story house. Of course, no mortal knows about these mythical creatures living on Earth, so these five creatures were chosen to live in a three story house and stay undercover as humans. They have a daily routine too, go to school like normal teenagers, and come back to their home, where no normal human is allowed to enter.
UnwantedTruth said:
As Sarah entered the house, her eyes sparkled, gazing at the interior of the house. "Wow..." she said with a big grin on her face. She held to rather large, old fashion travel bags, with a backpack on her back. She immediately jumped into the air and changed into her fairy form, flapping her wings in the air. Almost as soon as she changed, she was brought to the ground by the weight of her bags. She poked her head out from the bags, breathing fast breaths. "Maybe I shouldn't do that..." she muttered to herself. She changed back into human form before picking up the suitcases and heading to her room.
LaDyGrEy said:
Ethan smelt his blood and his glowed a deep red, shit, he was still hungry. "Wait a second," he pulled his wrist to his mouth and bit down only slightly as his fangs pierced his skin. "I know you might think it's disgusting but here...it will heal your antlers, before I bite you that is," he muttered holding his wrist up to her, waiting for her to drink. Any time more and he'd love to drink, he grinned wickedly as his toungue ran over his fangs.

Grayson looked at her with a smile, he chuckled, he did like her, bold, even if she was about 14 years old. "Why are you out here? And whilst you do look delectable, how old really are you?" he saw this girl like a sister, so to speak and he smiled again. Yes Grayson had a soft side, it was Ethan you had to worry about. She did smell sweet and her scent was rather unique, Grayson looked at her, his brown hair moving ever so softly in the slight breeze, his eyes studying hers.
Hikari curled her lip "ew." She then looked to his face, and a look of understanding dawned on her face, " oh. Your hungry..." She said softly. The fear that her cousin would be angry with her collided with her caring nature, she shook her head, "you should feed."
Crimson walked in to the kitchen as she heard voice, she did not like to be ignored. leaning on the door frame it was a strange sight, but then again what wasn't in there world? she cleared her throat "hello there, it seams I didn't yell my entrance into the home loud enough".

@ ones in the kitchen

Ahri headed downstairs, wanting fresh air. She opened the front door to fin Grayson and some other chick over side should. Still hungry huh? She asked herself. She headed out and closed the door behind her. She walked towards the front porch and sat on the bench.
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"No you need to heal yourself first, I can't bite an antler, no, just no," he didn't wait for an answer before shoving his wrist into her mouth with a sigh. If she didn't drink it then well...no antler and pain.

"So be it," he muttered with a scary grin before his mouth opened and he was about to sink his teeth into her shoulder before stopping as he heard a voice.

"I'm healing Hikari, she fell over and slammed her antler," he said with a smile to the woman and a wave as his wrist was still on her lips.


Grayson read the Fox's thoughts. "Yes I was, she's a stubborn little one and apparently has a sister, she's broken her ankle," he stepped through and nodded to Ahri. Grayson placed the girls body onto the couch and chuckled.

Then his brothers blood hit him. "What's he doing now?" He growled under his breath deciding to deal with one problem at a time.
MadameRedWolf said:
"hm. Maybe a good idea." He chuckled "what do you want to eat?"
"Once again I don't mind anything. I'm going to get us a cart. I'll be right back." Amy headed towards the carts and took one out. She forgot where Lupus was so she ended up wandering around the store. "Dang it..."
"oh I see..." she said then watched for a moment in silence. shrugging she left the door way and headed into the living room "I think ill look around a little before I get into any strange situations" she giggled to her self as she walked into the living room.

@ ones in the living room

(if you are speaking with me or has anything to do with me please tag me some times my phone dose not pick up notifications)
LaDyGrEy said:
"No you need to heal yourself first, I can't bite an antler, no, just no," he didn't wait for an answer before shoving his wrist into her mouth with a sigh. If she didn't drink it then well...no antler and pain.
"So be it," he muttered with a scary grin before his mouth opened and he was about to sink his teeth into her shoulder before stopping as he heard a voice.

"I'm healing Hikari, she fell over and slammed her antler," he said with a smile to the woman and a wave as his wrist was still on her lips.


Grayson read the Fox's thoughts. "Yes I was, she's a stubborn little one and apparently has a sister, she's broken her ankle," he stepped through and nodded to Ahri. Grayson placed the girls body onto the couch and chuckled.

Then his brothers blood hit him. "What's he doing now?" He growled under his breath deciding to deal with one problem at a time.
"What the hell did you do to her?" She asked. She quickly heard a noise with her fox ears from inside of the house. "What's going on in there?"
LaDyGrEy said:
"I don't think so," he scooped the smaller girl up in his arms and threw her over his shoulder. Holding her securely he took off running towards the mansion. "You're a stubborn little brat aren't you?" He chuckled before his eyes saw the mansion up ahead.
TheDarkOwl said:
Tony hoped she hadn’t noticed his sudden fit of anger, unfortunatly for him she ofcourse had noticed it. “yeah, I am fine” he had meant for it to sound like everything actually was finee, but because he still felt angry it came out more souding way more crude than he had wanted it to sound. He looked at her knowing that she knew he was lying and was already trying to come up with an excuse when he saw, she wasn’t in a very good mood either, so instead he said “I think it would be better for the both of us to head back to the house” while saying this tony stood up indictaing that he was going, with or without her. He normaly would wait for her, but he really had to get back to the house, to sort out his feelings.
Adri growled then bit grayson in the back on the ride back to the house, she got angrier and angrier her halo now more like it was on fire, she got up from the couch and tried to march away but her ankle stopping her as she was not a happy person right then and there as she was about ready to grab something and throw it at grayson's head.

Avery looked at him. "I agree we need to cool down before I do something I will regret." she said flying back home then coming in the house to see her sister trying to walk on a severely broken ankle, shaking her head she walked past everyone and into the kitchen annoyed as heck with everyone and everything as she took a knife and freaking threw it getting it lodged in the wall her horns lengthen and curling at the top of her head of blonde hair her white wings getting strengthened, as she stretches them cracking her fingers.
Avery looked at him and agreed, before flying off not even bothering to wait for him. This only helped Tony’s annoyance grow. “Geez” he mumbled angrily to himself “you could atleast have waited a few seconds for me” after that he Changed into his centaur form and galopped back to the house. He didn’t feel like meeting anymore people and eventhough he knew there would probably be a bunch of people back at the house, he neither felt like staying in the forest on his own. So when he arrived at the house and saw a bunch of people in the living room, he decided to try and avoid them by entering trough the kitchen door. He changed back and had just stepped into the kitchen when a knife, obviously thrown in a fit of anger, flew by only inches away from his head. He stared at knife that was embedded in the wall and slowley turned, with a face of restrained anger, to the person who threw the knife. He saw it was Avery and said with a dark tone “what happend to trying not to do something you’ll regret?” without saying another word he walked off, knowing he made a bad choice of coming here.

@Tigergirl2013 @Nanax @Srion Receno @LaDyGrEy @MadameRedWolf
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looking around the living room she seen it was just as bad in here as in the kitchen and more noises were coming from there, shaking her head she walked over to the steps to up stairs and sat down. leaning back on them she started to laugh quietly to her self as she watched one boy walk through. perhaps she should just sit here until she is needed or until they go to bed so she can do her job.

Avery sighed. "if i didn't do that, i'd end up killing someone." she said quietly ashamed of herself as she sunk to the floor and sobbed letting everything go shaking overwhelmed by everything as she held on tight thinking I just want to go home alone. She thought as she held on tight clearly upset by everything that was happening.
While walking off angrily he heard Avery say something, shame filling her voice. A few seconds later her heard her starting to sob. He really wanted to turn around and apologize, but he was still angry not specifically at her, but at everything so he doubted turning around would do any good. He clenched his fist tighter and walked upstairs, while doing so he passed someone sitting down on the steps and accidently bumped into them. It wasn’t really hard however so he just kept on walking upstairs not feeling up to apologizing . Once he reached his room he went inside, closed the door (a bit louder than he meant to) and made sure to lock it. He sat down on his bed and put on his headphones. He put on some music hoping it would take his mind off things.

@Tigergirl2013 @Srion Receno
She wanted comfort, she slowly got up and starting packing some belongings as she slipped a note under tony's door "I am sorry, I think I need to go home and see my family, if you want to try over I will be back in a week." she wrote as she started walking away wiping the tears away holding a duffell bag with some items as she started to leave.
"brat" she thought as she watched the boy who just bumped her go up the steps, then hearing his door slam her attention was caught by a girl who was crying with her bag in hand. Getting up she walked up to the girl and gave her a worried smile, noting that she was a half breed of two different types of beings, "are you alright sweet heart?"

@Tigergirl2013 @TheDarkOwl
Tony was lying on his bed, listing to some music. He had already calmed down a bit, due to the music. After a while he thought he heard something, he looked up to see nobody, ofcourse nobody could enter, because he had locked the door. He was about to lie back down when he noticed a piece of paper on the ground next to the door. He figured a gust of wind must had blown it of his desk or something. He stood up from his bed with a sigh, and picked up the piece of paper. His eye widend after he had read the letter. He never wanted her to feel like this! He knew he had maby been unreasonable, but he never thought she would want to leave! He quickly searched for his keys and after finally managing to open the door, after fumbling with the lock for a while he walked trough the hallway as quickly as possible, hoping he would still be able to talk to her and maby confince her not to go. He arrived at the top of the stairs, with a lot of noise and was just about to go down, when he saw Avery and the person he had bumped into on his way up talking. He stood there awkwardly not knowing what to do or say, now that he actually caught up with her.

@Tigergirl2013 @Srion Receno
Avery looked up tear stained. "i'm fine, I am just tired of everything." she said getting ready to continue down the steps when she saw tony, she looked away from him clearly upset. She wanted to just go because she was tired of her sister, and because of the way she got treated.
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Glancing at the boy she hugged the clearly upset girl. "I think you two should talk it out its not good for friends to fight" she whispered to the girl. As she hugged her she looked over at the boy "you should apologize for whatever you did".

@Tigergirl2013 @TheDarkOwl
Tony saw Avery look away upset. He felt bad for being so harsh on her. The woman hugged Avery and told him to apologize. He was still not completely calmed down however and wanted to tell her to stay out of it when he realized, how awfull that would be. She was right, he had already wanted to apologize, but she was just tying to help. So instead of making a rude comment and just nodded, indicating he defenitly would. He walked down stairs and passed the lady, making sure not to bump into her this time. He stopped when he was next to Avery and said, while reaching out one of his hands "I am so sorry Avery, you want to talk about it?"

@Tigergirl2013 @Srion Receno (I am going to bed see you tomorrow).
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"thank you." she whispered to the other girl then looked at tony. "I appreciate your apology, your forgiven, and why no body ever seems to care about how I feel. So why should it matter?" she asked looking down.
Letting go Crimson smiled at the girl "I care and I don't know you" she pointed at the boy "it seams this cute boy here cares as well.. I'm sure you have lots of others also" she said as she patted her shoulder lightly.

@Tigergirl2013 @TheDarkOwl
Tigergirl2013 said:
Adri growled then bit grayson in the back on the ride back to the house, she got angrier and angrier her halo now more like it was on fire, she got up from the couch and tried to march away but her ankle stopping her as she was not a happy person right then and there as she was about ready to grab something and throw it at grayson's head.
Avery looked at him. "I agree we need to cool down before I do something I will regret." she said flying back home then coming in the house to see her sister trying to walk on a severely broken ankle, shaking her head she walked past everyone and into the kitchen annoyed as heck with everyone and everything as she took a knife and freaking threw it getting it lodged in the wall her horns lengthen and curling at the top of her head of blonde hair her white wings getting strengthened, as she stretches them cracking her fingers.

Ahri noticed the girl who fell. "Hey, you okay?" She asked, lending a hand to her

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