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Fantasy Mythical Creatures Under One Roof

Do you want it to be summer time?

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After about 5 minutes Adri growls getting the kit as they clean up ahri not knowing her name.

Avery tends to Ahri watching her closely wondering what happened for her to pass out at the door and to be covered in blood, as avery wondered what had happened and whether or not they were in jeopardy even though they were nephalems the children of demons and angels. "either one of you got any ideas as to what the heck happened?"
Dev stood beside the Fox girl as she poked her cheek boredly with her sleeve. "Well.....Someone had their snack.." She said deeply and stared at the bite marks on her neck. Poking the blood flowing out of her, she licked her finger, tasting her blood for some reason. "Hmm....mhhh?" Her tail waved happily while her ears twitched. "No wonder.....it tastes.....sweet.." She said.

adri rolled her eyes. "that looks appatizing but if she bleeds to death, I call dibs on her." she said licking her lips swipping her fingers across the blood getting a taste. "your right her blood does taste sweet, might I ask what exactly are you?"

Avery looked at dev and adri. "geez." she smiles stopping the bleeding bandaging her up her blood having been deplenished by a lot.
"Heh...you can basically get an idea from my apperance..." Dev stood up. Standing 3 ft tall as her hands hidden in her pocket. "I guess you can call me a Plush witch..." She said, trying to remember the history about them. "A.....creature taking form of a plushie..or stuffed toy. They wield dark and light magic. Oh- They also have lanterns attached to their tails" She said and shrugged. "And as you can see im a male white cat..obviously I have a sensitive mouth." Dev explained and stared at the girl lying.

"Don't drink it....She's marked basically...like a kid owning a juice box. Heh..."
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Adri "well I can tell your lying to me one way or the other, nice attempt, most people don't understand the concept of us. I know she is marked, I am only joking, I'm not stupid."

Avery "don't do anything monumentally stupid while I put my stuff away." i say putting stuff away.
Dev sweatdropped and shrugged. "Meh...Anyways I'm gonna arrange my room..." She walked away from them and went to the attic to arrange her things.
Adri shrugged going upstairs to survey her quarters and see what there was to offer in the home, wondering if she should make one of the guys build her a private balcony. She walked into her room surveying it with the 2 beds, with the black and white decor with touches of blue and red.

Avery then continued to drag the suitcases upstairs finally getting the stuff inside.
Lydia Grave Just as Lydia had finally actually fallen asleep, there came a knock and a thud at the door that woke her, followed by a short but loud three-way quarrel. Inwardly growling at them, she moved to cover her ears with her hands but while removing her gloves to do so, she accidentally disturbed her position and fell to the side, her head landing in Aiden's lap. Lydia was too tired to sit back up, and she also was too tired to mind. Even if she had the energy to she probably wouldn't have minded anyway, so she simply stayed where she was.


Deidre (Lily) Grave When the apparent vampire left and the girl put her down with some kind of spell, Lily fell to the ground and unwillingly complied while vision was blotted out and hearing was drowned beneath the stifling silence of ringing in her ears.

When she woke up a while later, twigs had been tangled into her hair and burrs stuck to her jacket and socks (don'cha just hate when that happens?). The level of light beneath the trees had been further depleted, making it all the more difficult to see through the leaves. Almost drowsily, she stood and just barely managed to keep from striking her head on a low, thick tree limb. Quickly, she shook her mind free of the lingering disorientation, and managed to catch the sight of red on green out of the corner of her eye. She eliminated the idea of it simply being a bit of her hair, this was a different shade of red. Blood, she realized upon slightly closer inspection. Probably belonging to that girl, whatever she was. A little further away, there was another spot of scarlet, and with effort Lily began to follow the unintentional breadcrumb-trail. Eventually it lead her from the forest to a massive house, almost a mansion. On the way, she had drawn both camera and gun, each held in one hand. She didn't approach the house, but she watched the shadows of people walking across sources of light play across the lawn and pavement before it, the interruptions in the yellow picture frames that spilled out the windows. She had taken a picture of the girl's blood in the forest, and now she snapped a photo of the house. Based on the frequent fluctuation in the light (and the sheer size), there were several people inside. She remained hidden at the somewhat distant treeline.

@Just putting my character there because why not? :P


Ahri wakes up with a lot of blood around her neck. Must've bleed more... She thought in her head. She opened the front door finding new people AGAIN and Aiden and Lydia. She didn't say Hi to anyone. She headed towards the washroom upstairs.
After having a well nights rest Adri got out of bed getting out of her rumpled clothes unpacking her belongings then coming out in her pjs with a towel in hand to get cleaned up as she ran into ahri. "oh hi, your that girl my sister patched up last night."
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Tigergirl2013 said:
After having a well nights rest Adri got out of bed getting out of her rumpled clothes unpacking her belongings then coming out in her pjs with a towel in hand to get cleaned up as she ran into ahri. "oh hi, your that girl my sister patched up last night."
(who are u talking to?)
(you i'm kinda bored. but i see your busy i will change it unless you want to rp with me?)
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Tigergirl2013 said:
After having a well nights rest Adri got out of bed getting out of her rumpled clothes unpacking her belongings then coming out in her pjs with a towel in hand to get cleaned up as she ran into ahri. "oh hi, your that girl my sister patched up last night."
"Huh? Why was I still bleeding then?" She asked
"yeah, my sister stopped the bleeding, you would have bled to death otherwise. My name is Adri by the way." she said leaning against the wall in her human form.
It had gotten pretty hectic the other night. After Tony arrived a few more people did. One of them seemed to be bleeding pretty badly and he was not sure what to do. Luckily some other people took care of the girl and seeing as she was in good hands he decided to try to not get in their way, so when one of the people gave him a room he quickly retreated in there and figured he would introduce himself to the other people the next morning.

So now he had woken up, seemingly pretty early and decided to explore the house a bit seeing there weren’t many people awake yet. He quickly got dressed and walked downstairs. Wondering into a hallway he saw someone leaning against the wall talking to the girl who had been bleeding the oher night. Still a bit drowsy he walked over to the two, as he figured it would be as good a time as any to introduce himself.

@Tigergirl2013 @Nanax

(sorry for not posting a lot, mind if I join you 2's RP?)
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(i don't mind, i got her twin also, do you want me to get her twin to talk to you.)

Avery woke up and stretched out grabbing a fresh set of clothes and walked out seeing a guy. "good morning, i'm avery." she said her hair a bit of a mess.
Tony was just about to walk up to the two persons, when he heard a voice coming from behind him. He truned around and was faced with a white haired girl, who was presumably a bit younger then he was. Her hair was a bit messy and she was carrying a set of clothes. Due to him being still a bit drowsy, he didn’t quite hear what her name was. Instead of just asking her name again, like a normal person would do, he just said her name like he thought she had said it. “Ohw, hello Avani. I am Tony”

@Tigergirl2013 (Yeah, nice idea)
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Dev soon later came down after arranging her room. She planned to go to the kitchen to eat something as she realized that she hadn't eaten for weeks. Walking through the hallway, she kept her cool as she passed by Avery and the same guy that woke her up (who she wanted to chuck his throat with a plasma beam but chose not to because of hunger).

@Tigergirl2013 @TheDarkOwl
She smiled. "my name is Avery, nice to meet you tony, would you like to join me for a cup of coffee?" she asked tilting her head to the side her stomach growling as she looked him up and down curiously noticing he was already dressed for the day as she quickly tried to fix her dishelved hair and her used clothing from the night before.
“ohw...” was all he managed to say, when she told him her name was Avery. He was pretty embarrassed, about getting her name wrong, but atleast he got the first part, right...? Quickly recovering from his moment of stupidity, which must have come across like he was partialy braindead for a second. He said, as an answer to her question “Uhm, well, yeah, sure Avery” and quickly added a small smile, when he hear her stumach growl and knowing that he could be taken for pretty grumpy person sometimes.

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Avery walks downstairs and into the kitchen brewing some coffee, then starting to make eggs and bacon for herself. "either of you want anything, i can cook." she says offering to make tony and dev breakfast as she waits for the coffee grabbing coffee creamer and sugar.
“Neh, I’ll make something for myself later.” He told her. He wasn’t someone very comfortable with people doing stuff for him, when he could be doing them himself. However he was still pretty sleepy and seeing as this girl seemed to be pretty nice and she was already making coffee he quickly added “,but I would like some coffee though.”

@Tigergirl2013 @CandidFox (btw, is Dev in her human or doll/plushy form?)
the coffee machine dings letting me know the coffee is ready and she pours you a cup handing it to you smiling leaving the fixing for you to put in yourself, I stretch then let my wings out, She had white hair and white wings, her eyes turning pale blue like the sky. She didn't mind doing stuff for others, even though she was sort of into tony. "Tony, would you like to go into the woods with me later?" she asked biting her lip nervously.
Tony gladly took the cup of warm cofee from her. While pouring some milk in his coffee, that he had put on the counter, He heard her ask if he would like to go to the woods with her. He turned around to tell her he would like to, after having met some more people when he saw her change into her true form. He completly forgot what he originally wanted to say and told her “Yeah..., I would like to”

(Dev is always in her plush form...well...male plush form..)

She entered the kitchen and went to the refrigerator. She then took out a bowl of sardines and jumped to the counter to microwaved it. Sitting, Dev ignored the two of them as they were talking, she was too hungry to even care. The microwaved beeped as she took it out and began eating it silently.


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