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Fantasy Ms.Reed's home for special children. (Open)

Julius stood up from his chair and grabbed the notebook off his desk throwing it in his sock drawer covering the book, Feeling nothing but shame towards the book. Julius walked back over to his desk grabbing his gun and reloading it with the normal six bullets that he kept hidden under the bed. He then threw the gun his bed while sitting next to it looking up to see blood dripping from the wall and roof. Julius then changed clothes into something that wasn't covered in blood and walked out of his room leaving the blood to dry.
Emily sort of nodded and shook her head at the same time, clinging tightly to Nyo. "I-i started the fire... I k-killed her..." She whispered, holding onto Nyo. She hadn't broken down like this, well, since she was a five year old child whose first ice cream fell before she could try it. Slowly she took deep breaths and closed her eyes. "Never cry... Never show... Never forgive." She whispered to herself.
He nodded, standing up. His voice could be heard in every room of the home for all to hear. "This is your vice principal Mr. S. Every student and teacher, report the to Grand Hall immediately. Five minutes."

@Hisan @Raven Daniel @PixieDusts @Mistory1997

He closed off the connection when he was finished speaking. He picked up Ms. Reed, "He will do no such thing. Come on now, lets get you to bed." He carried her back inside slowly. He phased through the walls until he got to Ms. Reed's room, setting her down in her bed. "Rest now. I will tend to the others." He promised her.
Nyo stroked her back calmly, humming quietly. He looked up as he heard Mr S's voice echo throughout the school. Five minutes wasn't a long time, but...

"Was... Was it an accident?" Nyo asked her, guessing the answer. He knew that he shouldn't pry. He knew it was rude, but he thought that maybe talking about it would help her. While asking, he decided that if she didn't want to talk, he'd drop it.
Emily looked down and nodded. "I was trying to play with my toys and, well, that was the first time I burned something... That was, um, nine years ago? I think I was five... Mom d-didn't get out..." She forced out the last part, holding onto Nyo's shirt tighter. Flames boiled in her mind with the screams. "NO!" She shrieked and flailed around with her eyes closed, tears streaming down her cheeks. The past really can be the present for some.
Raven nearly jumped when he heard the vice principals voice. He appeared in the grand hall, about four minutes later, holding two of his minions. Raven waited for the other students, while the goblins went to key locations in the School. Hmmm...wonder what's happening...

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Nyo shushed her calmingly, trying to keep away from her hands, not wanting to get hit. He gently put a hand on her shoulder, hoping to relax her a little bit.

"Emily, calm down." He told her, giving her shoulder a gentle squeeze. "You'll be safe here, okay? You can learn how to use that power." he reassured her.
Emily opened her eyes before clinging tightly to Nyo.

"D-do you really think I won't hurt anyone else?" She asked, looking up hopefully.
Mr. S was walking towards the Grand Hall. "One minute." His voice was heard again in the entire home. He held his hand up a little, using his powers on a grand scale. Within seconds it was night time, the home was the only thing not altered by the acceleration of time. He walked into the Grand Hall, standing in the center of the room. He waited patiently for the others to arrive, "I'll give them about another five minutes." He looked at Raven. "Oh, and I can feel your goblins.... Get rid of them or I will. Your focus is to be on me."
"I think you'll need to work at it," Nyo told her after carefully considering his words, and he paused again before continuing. "But I believe in you. I mean, look at Chalice," He told her, gesturing to the little flame man. He seemed fine, he hadn't burnt anything, not that Nyo had seen anyway. He glanced up again, looking around for speakers he knew weren't there when Mr S's voice echoed through the room again. He looked back down at Emily and smiled at her.

"Now how about we go see what Mr Vice Principal wants?" he joked with a jerk of his head to the door.
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Emily smiled a bit and nodded, slowly standing up. "Do you think it has something to do with Ms. Reed?" She asked, looking at Chalice who simply shrugged. Grabbing Nyo's arm, she began to drag him towards the Vice Principal. "It's probably not important... Maybe it is though." Emily glanced at Chalice and scowled as he signed something. "Okay C. That was rude. I can control you, I created you!" She huffed.
Raven looked at Mr.S astonished. T-That's impossible...no ones ever... Ravens face has a red tint on it as he nodded, and all the minions dispersed. He looked around nervously. Looks like I need to learn a few more things...and he better not touch my goblins... Ravens eyes were almost in a glare, but he kept the anger down, as he tried to think of something calming.
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Khaleesi giggled lightly as her eyes turned a light pink. "Do they now?" She asked Aiden, a sudden perk in her voice. For a moment it was quiet as they walked, side by side, swaying in motions. When she had heard the voice of Mr. S, her eyes changed to a teal, black and she shook her head, starting to calm down. "We should start heading there..." She said lightly, her eyes changed to a violet, dark blue. She turned the corner and waited for Aiden, leaning against the wall.

Nyo smiled watching Emily and Chalice interact as he walked behind them, or was dragged along behind them. He was glad to see that Emily was feeling better. As they approached the Grand Hall, he saw that Mr S and Raven were already there, whatever he wanted to tell them didn't seem to have been announced yet. Nyo hoped it wasn't another tournament or something, one was bad enough for him.
Emerald got up and got a pacifier for the hatchling. The pacifier was made from hardened plastic which, surprisingly, was soothing for dragon hatchling. She heard the announcement and started to walk towards the main hall.
He Gave a nod,and began following after. "I suppose we will eat later on Then, eh?"He grinned,locking his hands behind his head as he walked,giving her a glance every few silent seconds

Khaleesi smiled lightly and pushed herself off the wall, walking beside Aiden, "Yes, I suppose we will eat later..." She said, smiling brightly. Her eyes were now just a full light pink. She giggled lightly and looked at his mark once more. It seemed so real, so interesting. "So... Wh-what's your power...?" She asked, not wanting to be snoopy. Her eyes were on the ground once more, her feet playing like a kids feet.

He gave a sigh."I'll... break it down for you..."

He held his hands up as he thought

"...ok. my magic has to do with the soul. The soul puts of an energy, and that can fluctuate depending on the owners emotional state. That energy can stick with items. I take that energy,and by giving up the item, can fashion weapons and gain abilities for a short amount of time.the more energy the item carries, the more powerful the spell gained and the more that spell can be used before that item is destroyed. Make sense?"

He hoped he didn't overwhelm her. He waited for a response,looking her over nervously

Khaleesi's eyes brightened with violet and emerald green. She giggled lightly, her head began to shake with a slight satisfaction. "That's so fascinating..." She said, her lips creased into a bright smile. "I've never talked to someone with that power..." Her eyes were bright, her hair glistened in the light of the light bulbs. 'That's so cool!! I wish I had a cool power like that...' She thought, staring at her own hands. 'Useless power!'

He saw her reaction, and gave a frown

.He quickly placed a hand on her shoulser"hey...don't think like that...everything has its uses. My power isn't perfect..."

He rolled up the sleeve to his arm, revealing even further mutilation. Scars, gashes, and old wounds littered the limb.

"Most every spell does damage to the caster,so not many people use it. I was Unfortunantly born with natural skill. My magic caused all this. So don't e hating on your abilities. Most of the time the strongest magic has the biggest draw backs"

Khaleesi smiled lightly and stared at his arm, a bright smile was placed on her face as she slowed down and placed her hand on his arm. "You know this is actually... really cool..." She said. Khaleesi liked scars, and this one was by far her favorite. Her eyes were a now yellow. Being curious and all will do that to you all the time. She giggled lightly, before she realized what she did and pulled her hand back, a faint pink blushed skimmed across her face before she pulled her head to the floor and continued to walk quickly.

Mr. S made a dark energy emanate from himself. It circled around him as he began to get upset. "GET TO THE GRAND HALL, NOW!" His voice boomed through out the entire building. Ms. Reed's room was the only room that remained quiet and peaceful. The Grand Hall itself shook violently as he shouted. He noticed there were some people missing, and he wasn't going to give them any leeway. The cosmic energy continued surging around himself as he waited impatiently for the stragglers.
"Hmm..." I'm glad I can transport everywhere, or I would have never found my way here... Raven looked around for the the other students.

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