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Fantasy Ms.Reed's home for special children. (Open)

He had moved to say something,but was cut off.

"We...should probably hurry"He geastured for her to follow as he started running for the grand hall

Khaleesi jumped at the voice and ran next to Aiden before she moved past him, running as fast as she could. Her eyes widened as she made it to the Grand Hall. She stopped and bent over, huffing madly. She smiled lightly. 'Never knew Mr. S was so angry...' She thought lightly and laughed.

Raven continued to think on how Mr.S could possibly feel his goblins presence. They are to small...they don't radiate any energy...he must've saw one...
He came up behind her,coming to a stop. He looked around frantically,his hand on hos pouch."what's wrong?what's happening?"

Mr. S glared at the two who just entered. He looked around to all the obvious students before speaking. "Ms. Reed brought all you students here to help you. To essentially give you a place of acceptance and let you belong to a family of those who could understand and love you and help you learn about your powers. Something big has come and now she needs you all more than ever." He slammed his foot onto the ground, cracking it, "You will not dawdle when called upon. I don't care how enjoyable your flirting or sentimental garbage is. While you are here you have an obligation to your family. Ms. Reed is in pain, she has been hurt and is unable to fulfill her duties because of what she is going through." He calmed down a bit, taking a breath.

"A man may be coming for her. As her family, new or old, we must do what we can to protect her. And protect our home." He gestured around him."We have had much fun today, but now things must get in order. I have made it about nine o' clock. Everyone needs to get to their rooms and get some sleep. Tomorrow classes will begin and we will focus mostly on our powers. I know some of you may feel self-conscious about your powers but you need to get over it. You may feel your power is weird or dumb or silly. Well no one cares because the ability to summon creatures, or manipulate magic, or even make fire, is a good ability to have." He crossed his arms, "I will not tolerate any drama or self-pity. We are here to grow and mature and get better. You've all had your breakdowns today, tomorrow real life is going to start up and that means getting your heads on straight. Do not run to other students with your problems, go to a teacher."

He looked at the teachers, "As for my colleges. I know some of you may be keeping secrets for some of the students here. While I understand how important relationships can be when it comes to keeping secrets... I am not allowing such things to go on anymore. You need to be setting an example for them, not lowering yourself to any level of immaturity. They are kids, they haven't had their chance to grow up. You already have and you need to be thinking about the big picture."

He looked at everyone now, "None of you are more important than anyone else. We are all equal here and we all need to be thinking about what is best for everyone as a whole. If you want to hide in the shadows or keep more secrets than Pandora's box...." He turned and forcefully opened a cosmic portal, then he gestured to it, "You may leave now and let the rest of us work as a family." He stood up straight, "You are all dismissed. I will leave this open for anyone who wants to try to do things their own way. Good night." He took a step forward and vanished.
A portal opennd in the middle of the grand hall. "Well well this is what has you attention my angel" Ms.Reed said in an oddly deep voice. "These are the "Family" that has your heart". Ms.Reed;s eyes glow an icy blue. "You are all just little obstacles in my way to my angels heart" Ms.Reed yelled. Ms.Reed's eye flashed back to her usual yellow. "Get out of my head Finnick you sick freak, We aren't even a thing anymore, these kids are my family" her eyes flashed back to blue. "Hahaha what about your sister and Azazel, are they not important" Ms.Reed flashed back to yellow. "Shut up I hate you... you... you creep".... "I'm hurt my angel but you'll forgive me after I get rid of these obstacles"... "N-no don't hurt the kids"... "They have to die my love"... "I wont let you" Ms.Reed yelled as she grabbed Sewell. "You have to knock me out and restrain me I'm too dangerous for my own good" Ms.Reed said before her eyes switched back to blue.

Aiden took a step back, pulling the glass eye. It vanished,and his eye shifted to an emerald green.

"Everyone be on your guard..."

Normally he wouldn't show such weariness, but this woman officially terrified him in a power sense. If she was having so much trouble, they were screwed. What was he seeing? That energy...

"It's telepathic energy. Someone is messing with her head. Any ideas?"

He didn't dare look away,but he rolled his wrist, hopping someone said something

Ravens darkness spiked around everyone in the grand hall, keeping them safe from mind spells. "Whoevers controlling, or speaking through Ms.Reed must have some mind ability..I could try to engrave a spell into Ms.Reeds mind but, I need permission, and even then, engraving can be dangerous, but it should keep her safe..." Raven looked at his hands.
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Nyo stared up at where Mr S had been, unsure of how to feel about his little 'motivational' speech. He was still mulling it over when Ms Reed appeared through a portal, her eyes changing colour and something definitely wrong with her behaviour. He took a few steps back, and looked to Aiden as he started to speak.

"A telepath?" He asked, looking at her. "Uh, well finding them would be a good start." He suggested. "Anyone have a way to track them? Maybe some kind of trail left by their power?"
He hissed,thinking"won't work. If ms.reeds is afraid, then he's a lot stronger than we are. He'll cut you off before you even start."

Was finding him possible? It was...plausible. his eye could see the trail, but maybe...

"For now we need to lock her down. I can get the place,but I can't seal her in. Anyone think they can help?"
"I have a realm to lock her in!" Raven wanted to feel helpful. "Also, my goblins can find the trail of magic, leading to whoevers causing this!" Raven summoned Darky.
Sewell grabbed onto Ms. Reed, taking her with him as he vanished. They were both in his room now. His real room, not his office. The room was slightly warmer than his office, as it had a lovely breeze flowing through from an open window. It was similar in that powers and abilities did not work in the room, except for his own.. The room was white and it seemed to just force anyone in it to relax. There was not a single thing in the room, including the floor, that wasn't white. He held onto Ms. Reed, "I am not going to strike you, you are safe in here." He reassured her. "I think now the little ones have an idea as to how severe the situation is." He laughed lightly.

"Oh well that is nice knowing you wont strike my lady" Ms.Reed said as her blue eyes seemed to glow faintly. Ms.Reed head butted Sewell and proceeded to laugh like maniac.

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Sewell took the blow, smirking and grabbing onto Ms. Reed's head. "How sloppy... Now lets see where you are..." He began to twist and alter Ms. Reed's mind, connecting with Finnick's forcefully. He was attempting to rip Finnick's mind apart, having more than enough power to do so with ease. "Hold still and it will all be over!" He continued wandering through Reed's mind. He was trying to get all information about Finnick he could while also grasping at the man's mind.

An inhumane scream echoed the room as Ms.Reed slumped. Her body was completely relaxed then tensed again. She began to chant an unknown language. After a few minutes of chanting she slumped again. She was in a peaceful slumber.
Gone. They were gone...

Taking a breath, Aiden ran a hand over his eyes. His eye returned to crimson, and the glass eye appeared in his palm. He sighed,putting It away.

"Alright everyone...we aren't getting anywhere just standing here,and it's likely there's nothing more to do. To bed. We can ask what happened tomorrow, but we are no use to anyone if we are Exaughsted..."

He sighed and tapped khalessi on the shoulder. "I'm heading for my room. I've...lost my appetite..."

Nyo blinked as Ms Reed disappeared with Mr S. He shrugged.

"I, uh, guess that sir took care of that for us." He reasoned, then glanced at Aiden as he suggested going to bed. Nyo couldn't help but nod in agreement. He looked at Emily. "You feeling okay?" He asked her, a little worried since she'd had a break down just a few minutes ago then whatever the hell this was had happened.
Khaleesi completely zoned out through all of it. Her eyes were a pure white. Being tapped on the shoulder awoke her. She turned around and stared into the eyes of Aiden. "U-um... I'm sorry... I uh... Have a nice night...!!" With that she ran off, biting her lip until she made it bleed. Blood dripped from her lip as her eyes stayed white.

He watched her run, and sighed,shaking his head as he started walking. However,he paused,bending down,He touched his finger to the wet spot on the floor.

"Blood?" He ran the small droplet between his fingers,before it seemed to dissolve in his grasp. He looked back down the hall, and gave a second sigh, standing and heading to his dorm.

"I'll...see if she's ok tomorrow..."

She may just need to relax. He slipped into his dorm, the door latching behind him,not to be seen again for the night.
Raven appeared in his room. "I can't let any of them get hurt...not like my original family..." Raven rooms had a dark energy lock on it. Raven sat on his bed, meditating. His minions ran around in his room, almost breaking something. "Guys...calm down a little..." He continued to meditate.
He sighed, releasing Ms. Reed and setting her down on the bed. He sat down in one of the chairs and let her sleep. Sewell sighed heavily, watching over Reed. "This school is going to be the death of me, I can tell already." He laughed to himself. Finnick reminded him of his dad's cousin in a way, which made Sewell a little nervous. Luckily though this man's powers only involved a person's mind, as far as Sewell could tell. That was something he could protect the students from with ease.

Ms.Reed woke up her eyes back to there usual yellow. She looked around to find herself in a room in a Bed. She knew this room. This room was Sewell's office. No not is Office this was his real room. She rubbed her head. A headache raged as she continued to gain conciseness. "Ow" Ms.Reed said in a monotone.
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Raven could see through the whole school, through the darkness. "..." Raven continued to meditate, through the whole night.
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When Jyn slept he entered into some kind of dream, his surroundings were pitch black but what he saw was a woman and he knew who she is "is there anything you need Eah?" he asked her not moving at all, the woman called Eah was the voice that he talked to earlier since he just entered the school "I need to talk to you about something...you know, you don't need t-" Eah paused when Jyn clapped his hands together making a loud sound "I told you didn't I?" he said to her, he promised Eah something but Eah insists since it will only be a nuisance to Jyn "Eah I know how you feel but I would feel bad if you will be trapped in me for a long time and also it would be bad if you will be isolated just because of me" he explained to Eah "your also isolated since you were a kid" Eah joked and then chuckled "oh shut up" Jyn retaliated and laughed "I guess I'm feeling okay now I'll see you in my next sleep" he said to her smiling "yep till next time then" Jyn opened his eyes and stretched his arms, he took a deep breath "all righty then!" he said loudly.

@Saruwatari Tomohisa

(I might make a character of Eah that is if @Agirl1107 approves of it)
The sun rose in the sky. It slowly climbed to it's Thorne. The day was silent eerily so. Today student would begin thier training. This was a day of work yet the house felt oddly empty.

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