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Fantasy Ms.Reed's home for special children. (Open)

Emily took a few breaths and nodded before dashing off. Back in her dorm, she pulled her knife out once more. "Mother would hate me..." She sighed before digging the blade into her skin, watching the blood trail down her arms. It was slightly hypnotic to her. The trails weaving through and apart as her skin pailed slowly. "Physical pain is better than mental." Emily repeated over and over as a low whisper. As a final punishment, she attempted to summon Chalice. "I need you... Don't burn anything other than my arms. You can destroy them for all I care..." Emily shrugged. The flame frowned and signed something. "No, I really want this." She whispered and the flame began its task, quickly giving her arms the burns she had come to know. Through tears, she managed to whisper "Don't stop." And then the idiot passed out with a small cry. Chalice reached out and patted her head slightly before returning to his task.

(Well that took a turn down dark and dreary lane... o-o)

(What did I just write...)
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Raven saw the whole event. "Physcial pain...is better than mental..." Raven shook his head. "You shouldn't do that..." Ravens darkness grabbed the healing stone from outside, putting it in Emilys palm, making her crush the rock, healing her instantly.

(Jeez, that was a dark paragraph. xD )
( xD What have I done)

Emily curled up tighter, a pained expression on her face. Lets say sleeping in a pool of blood isn't nice. Neither is a flame person growling at you and throwing a flame at your face! But, Chalice had orders and he intended to follow them. Even if it meant burning someone else. After a small growl he went back to murde- I mean following orders.
Aiden sat up right in a cold sweat,his eyes wide as he tried to recognize his location.

After afew moments,he took a shaky,falling back onto the bed.

"Just a dream...just a dream..."

After checking the time, he sighed,tossing his legs over the bedside as he stood.

After a quick shower he was dressed and stepping out the door,pulling it shut with a satisfying click. Unlike before, his bandages were nowhere to be seen.

He gave a streath,glancing about the hall. He then started down the corridor,coming to another door. Reaching down,he examined the floor, then let his gaze flick to the door itself.

"Room 109,huh?"

Standing,he brushed himself off, before his bad hand knocked on the door with three sharp raps of his knuckles,before shoved both hands in his pockets .

"Hey uh...Khaleesi. I was just...you alright?you were pretty shaken up last night. I was just...coming to make sure everything was ok..."

Raven got up from the bed. "The was nice..." He went into the bathroom, getting ready, holding his training cloak, putting it on the sink, whilst he showered.
Emerald awoke to a very needy squawk and cry. She got up and picked the crying hatchling, she brought it over to her bed and started to play with the hatchling by waving her feather in front of him. After a couple of minutes the hatchling fell asleep. Emerald got dressed got the hatchling wrapped up in a blanket and walked to the Headmistress office. She knocked on the door.

Khaleesi jolted up with the knocking. She growled before she heard Aiden's voice and rolled out of bed with a thud. She jumped up quickly and smiled, brushing herself off. She was in her tank top and sweatpants, to lazy to change into anything else. Opening the door with a creak she smiled brightly and looked at Aiden. "Y-yeah! I'm fine!" She said, her lip was still cut badly, it wasn't bleeding.

Emily woke with a small shriek. Seeing no marks on her arms, she huffed and ran out the door. "Gotta go back! Leave!" She whisper shouted, dashing into the kitchen. Where she smacked into a wall and fell backwards with a loud curse. "BRUSSEL SPROUTS! FIGHT ME WALL! FIGHT ME!" She screamed, rather uncharacteristically for her. Then she attempted to punch the wall. She's crazy.
"So today we start training..." Raven thought to himself as he got ready. Raven appeared in the hallway, taking the dark energy lock off his door. I hope I don't look like a fool, I don't really know that much... Raven leaned against his door, worrisome. Hey, who knows, if there are enouenoughght teachers, each teacher could be assigned one student, or something like that...
Ms.Reed woke up her head still raging. She walked to the door trying not to trip over any spell books on the way there. She opened the door only to reveal Ms. Emrald the nurse. "Ah hello Emrald" Ms.Reed said in the sweetest voice she could muster.
Emerald smiled and bowed respectively. "Ms. Reed." She said in a pleasant voice. "I thought you might be stressed about last night. To say the least, so I wanted to see if I could do anything, anything at all, that would help." Another thought crossed her mind but it could wait. 'Best wait until later' Emerald thought.

"Oh when I first came here I was pregnant, and yesterday I delivered. This is my baby boy Smoke." She said as she revealed the sleeping dragon hatchling.

He gave a smile, looking her over."good...I just wanted to..."He paused,and gave a frown. He brought his hand to his face,placing his finger against his teeth. After a moment, he then,very quickly, tapped against her chin. The damage she had caused to her lip vanished almost instantly. He nods, wrapping his finger in his shirt"well anyway, class will probably be starting soon...I guess I'll head to the grand hall. See you later,ok?"

Raven started to walk down the hallway. He looked around, finding no one. "Oh well..." Raven allowed Darky and Nemea to follow him. Raven then appeared in the grand hall, to see if there was anybody.
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"Oh a kid hehehe... I'm still a little tired" Ms.Reed said before closing her door rather harshly. She didn't want to seem rude but she couldn't deal with innocence at the moment. She slid down her door and began to cry. Her thoughts were about the horrible things Finnick showed her.
Nyo opened his eyes, the light from his window having woken him up. He was still dressed in the shirt and jeans he wore the day before, not having bothered unpacking the night before. He sat up, rubbing his eyes to get the haziness out of them, before swinging his legs out of bed and getting up. He walked over to the bag he'd thrown off the end of his bed and unzipped it, looking through the clothes in there until he found something appropriate, an old Nirvana t-shirt. He pulled it on over a black vest-like shirt and moved to leave his room, hearing people moving around outside. He gave them a small wave.

"Hey." he called, shoving one hand in his pocket.

@Mistory1997 @PixieDusts
Khaleesi watched Aiden as he placed his finger on her forehead. She giggled lightly as blush skimmed her cheeks. "W-wait!! Um... Why don't I join you...?" She asked, walking out the door with no shoes on. She didn't care what the other adults wanted, she smiled lightly and walked next to him, her eyes a light pink. She smiled at the ground and bit her lip again, realizing her lip was healed. "Hey." She heard someone call and turned around, her eyes still a light pink. "Good morning..." She said with a bright smile, "We're just heading to the Grand Hall, wanna join...?"

@Mistory1997 @SecretRock
I wonder what all we are doing today... Raven thought to himself, while standing around in the grand hall, waiting for the others. He studied the pristine Grand hall. The architecture is amazing...exquisite even...
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She heard the crying and felt bad. 'I guess she doesn't want to be bothered. It is still early.' Emerald sighed and walked away. 'By noon you'll no longer be a baby but a teenager...that'll be fun. Oh well, I have a responsibility to these students and unfortunately you've gotten dragged into it. Now I need to find a private place to do this....' She went back to her dorm and woke up the hatchling. The hatchling crawled out of the towel and looked at her, it's gray eyes curious. She pulled out her feather and did a flicking motion, as a result all of her memories and knowledge were given to the dragon. The dragon also began to grow in size, it was now the size of Emerald. Emerald got up as the dragon once again began to fall asleep. It's white scales shining in the light. "I love you Smoke and I'm so sorry that this is happening but this is the only way you can live....I'm so sorry...." Emerald said sadly as she left and went to her classroom. (Cooking, cleaning, and mothering class aka misc. magic.)
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Aiden paused, before giving a small nod. Thankfully his hood hid the pink that graced his flesh. He then heard a voice. Turning, he looked to find Nyo speaking.

"Ah. Nyo, ready for our first classes?"

@PixieDusts @SecretRock
Nyo nodded and walked over to join the other two. He smiled at them as he stood next to them.

"Sounds good." he said with Khaleesi, then looked over at Aiden with a silent sigh. "I guess, can't exactly skip them anyway." He reasoned. "Shall we go then?" He gestured to the stairs leading to the hall.
Khaleesi smiled, her eyes turned a violet but still had some light pink in them. She giggled lightly and stuck her hand out to the boy. "I-I don't think we've m-met... I um... I'm K-kaleesi..." She said brightly and looked at the floor, still holding her hand out. She shook her head lightly, not knowing what was going to happen next. Her eyes trailed up Aiden's arm, still amazed by it.

@SecretRock @Mistory1997
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Nyo shook Khaleesi's hand quickly, letting go and stepping back.

"I'm Nyo." He told her, frowning and tilting his head slightly as he thought he heard something downstairs. He ignored it and waited for them to lead the way to the Grand Hall.

@Mistory1997 @PixieDusts

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