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Fantasy Ms.Reed's home for special children. (Open)

Emily turned to glare at him, not saying anything. What could she say? Talk about her past? Let him try and take away the pain? No, in her mind physical was better than mental. Street skills were far better than social to her. And street skills said run. So she took off away from him with Chalice on her shoulder. He probably wouldn't have caught her, but Chalice decided that she should go back. The flame waved a hand in front of her face to block her vision. Emily gave him a small look of betrayal as her foot hit the edge of a rock, bringing the girl down hard. With a small whimper, she curled into a ball, hoping the world would simply go away.
Raven grabbed Nyo, ran into a portal of darkness and appeared beside Emily. "Ow..." He couldn't even think of how much that could've hurt.
He simply smiled,turning and starting for the kitchen" Mind? Not in a long time."

He geastured for her to follow,before stuffing both hands in his pockets.

"So,uh...If you d ok my mind my asking...why are your eyes lik that?changing in such a way?"

Nyo sighed as Emily tried to run again. He didn't want her to go, but if he couldn't convince her then it was probably better for her to do what she wanted to. That was his reasoning, but as she fell he let out a shout and started towards her, only to be pulled through a portal by Raven.

"Thanks." He whispered to the boy as he knelt by Emily's side, unsure of what to do. He reached out but thought better of it and pulled his hand away. "Emily..." he started, unsure of what to say next. He sighed. "Do you want to go inside?" He asked her.

@Echo Dreamsong @Raven Daniel

(Gonna sleep now, night.)
Emily reached out her hand slowly before burying her face in his shirt as her body was wracked by small sobs. "I-i wanna go home" She cried, clinging to Nyo tightly as he became a pillow for her. After years of holding back tears, well, this sobbing mess was the result. "I k-killed her! It-it's all my fault!" Emily whimpered, closing her eyes tightly.
Khaleesi smiled as she walked with Aiden. Her eyes were the same, as she looked at his hands. 'So fascinating...' She thought with a smile, her eyes shifted up to his face and sighed lightly, "Has to do with my powers... And cause my mom... let's not talk about it!" A small giggle escaped her lips as she walked next to Aiden.

Raven used his powers to help him make some food. "Seems correct so far..." The darkness kept on working, as did Raven, making a delicious aroma come out of the kitchen.
He smiled,throwing his hands up lazily in mercy"alright. We won't."he paused,thinking about it,and sighed. She didn't mind his arm...would she mind the rest?

Taking a chance,he pulled his hood down,attempting to act casual as his face came into view. His left eye was a beautiful crimson, the kind that would shine in the night, but his left...the left side of his face was lined with the same contrortion of flesh that ailed his hand. The skin lining his jaw raw and twisted. It even effected the eye,witch had become a slitted golden globe. He sighed,and gave a smile.

"So, what are your powers then,if you don't mind?"


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Ms.Reed wandered the halls in an exhausted state. She heard noises of distress from the kitchen. She teleported into the kitchen to see what was going on. She saw Emily crying into Nyo and Raven in the corner. "So whats going on" Ms.Reed said in an odd tone.
Raven continued in the kitchen, till he was finished with the dish. "Wow...that actually smells good..." He played his own dish, and left the rest to anyone who was hungry. He started eating the plate he made for himself, which contained dumplings, ramen, and other things like pork.
Khaleesi was looking at the ground, she smile lightly and giggled, moving in a swaying motion as if she were a child. For a moment she was happy, her eyes were a light pink and violet. Once her face and eyes shifted upwards, she jumped and stared at him. "W-w-w-wow...." She stuttered, her eyes now a lime green. "Th-that's... that's so cool!!" She giggled lightly and stood in front of Aiden, staring at his face. "D-do you mind...?" She asked, her hand lifted as it moved closer to his face. She pulled it back lightly and looked down.

The second time he was surprised by this girl,and it had only be afew minutes. He gave a light laugh, and geastured for her to go ahead.

"Your not easily startled,are you?"

Raven was enjoying his meal he made, filling the kitchen with an amazing smell. "Heh...Emily hurt herself with her own fire...we tried to help but she got a little mad, and tried to run..." He explained, his face turning bright red, since this was the first time he saw Ms.Reed.
"Nope!!" Khaleesi said with a light giggle and placed her hand on his cheek. She smiled lightly, her eyes turned to a yellow and light pink. Her hand wasn't shaking or anything. She was amazed by it. "M-my power?" Her hand moved quickly away from his face as she felt the heat on her cheeks grow. Her eyes were now a light pink as she shook her head lightly. "I s-summon... I know... Not a cool power... And yours...?"

"S-Sorry to interrupt...but, you're Ms.Reed right?" Raven felt curious, since, once again, he had never seen Ms.Reed, but once, fighting in the arena.
"FINNICK GET OUT OF MY HEAD YOU BASTARD" Ms.Reed screamed angrily. Her body visibly shaking as tears began to stream down her face.
Aiden gave a warm smile.

"Hey, that's not bad. If you practice, if you haven't gotten there already,you could have two or three beasts on your side. Numbers can decide a battle before Its ever started"He gave a grin, a sincere grin. He meant it,truely.

"For me. I sacrifice. Most people think it's dark magic, so you don't see it much anymore. Maybe we could practice sometime. Best way to get better is to have someone thier for when you screw up, so they can get you back on your feet"

He nods, and looked down to her,cocking his head to the side as he waited for a response. Oddly enough,the more He talked,the more the "mark" receded from his jaws,vanishing back under the fabric of his jacket

"Sound good?"

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Ms.Reed looked up tears flooded her face. "I-I'm sorry about that" Ms.Reed muttered. She began to walk out of the kitchen. She was shaking as she walked.
Raven stood there, stunned. "Ummm...Nemea, keep an eye on Ms.Reed." Nemean, the goblin, that looks like a ball of darkness, started following Ms.Reed Stealthily.
Ms.Reed walked into the garden. She felt so vulnerable. The full moon shined on her making her look even more mystical than before. She sat on the ground and began to cry. He was everywhere, no matter where she went he would always find her. "What do you want from me" Ms.Reed yelled to the stars.
Mr. S had been wandering around, noticing Ms. Reed walk towards the garden. He followed her, seeing she was upset. Mr. S walked up to her slowly as she cried. After her shouting he finally spoke, "Ms. Reed, are you okay?" He asked her. He was genuinely worried for her and the last thing he wanted to see was her crying. "Maybe we should talk about it." He suggested.

Nemea allowed Raven to watch from her eyes. "Poor Ms.Reed..." He left from Nemeas vision. Nemea then hid from Mr.S's view. Raven finished his meal, and left what was left in the pot, to anyone else that was hungry. The smell from the pot was almost intoxicating. Raven left he kitchen, going to his dorm room.
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