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Fantasy Ms.Reed's home for special children. (Open)

Raven continued to look for any secrets. "Hm...no luck." Raven looked at a squad of goblin coming his way. "Nothing to, eh?" Raven found out that all the groups failes to find something. "Then I guess, there are no secrets." Raven felt really bored, he found nothing. Then he kept walking along the hallways. "Maybe we might of missed something..."
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Nyo pulled the spoon out of Emily's grip and held the side of the tub in one hand. He dragged the spoon across the top of the ice cream, pulling a spiral of it onto the spoon. He offered the handle back to Emily.

"Do it like that." He told her, used to telling his siblings how to use cutlery properly. "It'll be more likely to stay on the spoon, and it's easier to get."
Raven randomly appeared in the kitchen silently. He saw the two, messing with ice cream, and decided to stay quiet, and hope not to scare them. Hmmm... Raven opened a cabinet still silent. He reached up and pulled out a bag of cookies. Please don't make a sound... What he despised most at that time happened, the bag wrinkled, loudly. Raven then mentally facepalmed. Just my luck...
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Aiden watched him go, and sighed,running a hand over his eyes. After sitting there in silence for a short time, he stood, making his way to the door. Opening the door a crack,he peered out. The man,Mr.s, was . Speaking to a girl.He didn't move,letting them converse. When he disappears, Aiden takes a shaky breath, before stepping out, closing the door behind him. He gave a glance the girls way,before Pulling his hood up,giving her a nod before he started walking. He shivered,rolling his shoulders as he walked.

Khaleesi heard the click of the door and then saw the boy. Her eyes were filled with curiosity, the color of yellow. She walked slowly, trying to catch up with the boy. Her eyes were staying in the yellow color, not changing, yet they followed the boy. Didn't mean to be a creep, but he filled her with curiosity, "U-um... hello...?" She whispered lightly, maybe he heard her, maybe not.

The teen paused,his bandaged hand twitching. That was to him,right?of course it was.who else could it be?

He turned slightly,but alittle voice stopped him.

The mark, boy! It shows!

He cursed under his breath, using his concealed hand to adjust his hood,keeping his eyes covered as he turned.

"Sorry...did you say something..?"

a feint glow escaped his bandages,and he tightened the fabric at the wrist,attempting to be discrete about it.

"I'm uhh...I wasn't paying attention..."

As he spoke, he kept his head down. She wouldn't want to really look at him anyhow...

Emily rolled her eyes and took the spoon. "I knew that..." Then she proceeded to put it in her mouth. Once it reached her tongue, her eyes lite up and she eagerly began scooping more out.
Nyo grinned at Emily's delighted expression. She must have had a tough life before this to not have had ice cream. Hearing a crinkling sound, Nyo looked towards the door, seeing a guy he didn't recognise. He raised a hand in a little wave.

"I guess, uh, everyone's hungry after, um, after such a trying day." He said to the guy, smiling. "I'm Nyo, what's your name?" He asked.

@Echo Dreamsong @Raven Daniel
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Raven, noticing the wrinkle didn't startle the two, laid the bag down, barely making a noise. Phew...safe once again! Raven sighed a sigh of victory aloud, forgetting he didn't leave yet. He also grabbed the bag out of fear, making an even louder noise. Clumsy idiot! Raven scolded himself mentally, about to transport out.

@Echo Dreamsong @SecretRock
Emily turned and dropped the spoon with a shriek. She darted behind Nyo, trembling. "A-are you here b-because-" Again, she cut herself off, clinging to Nyo's arm as though it were a raft in a flood.
I-I'm sorry, I didn't m-mean to disturb..." Raven put his scarf up a little, trying to hide himself.
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Nyo shrieked as Emily clung to his arm. Jeez she was so fast. He smiled at them both, trying to get them to calm down at least a little bit. He hadn't expected it to be this hard interacting with people here.

"It's, uh, fine, I think." He told Raven, then looked down at his arm. He continued with his voice a little more gentle. "I know that your, uh... scared, but I kind of need my arm to have a blood supply." He told Emily, gesturing to her grip.
"I-I'm also sorry that I frightened you..." Raven looked towards Emily, trying not to freak her out, as his darkness picked the spoon up and put it on the counter.
Emily looked down and kicked at the floor, loosening her grip on Nyo's arm. "I-i'm sorry." She whispered before going into her mute mode.
Ravens gray eyes seemed to pierce through both of them, even if they did have a tint of depression. Dolt! You scared her half to death! Raven blush seemed to get worse, as the awkward silence progressed.
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"It's fine." Nyo reassured her. He'd had worse. He desperately tried to think of something to say to them, start some kind of conversation. After all, they needed to be able to talk to each other eventually. "So, Raven..." he paused, "What's your power? Mine's quintessence." he told the boy, trying to get something started.
Mistory1997 said:
The teen paused,his bandaged hand twitching. That was to him,right?of course it was.who else could it be?
He turned slightly,but alittle voice stopped him.

Mistory1997 said:
The mark, boy! It shows!

He cursed under his breath, using his concealed hand to adjust his hood,keeping his eyes covered as he turned.

"Sorry...did you say something..?"

a feint glow escaped his bandages,and he tightened the fabric at the wrist,attempting to be discrete about it.

"I'm uhh...I wasn't paying attention..."

As he spoke, he kept his head down. She wouldn't want to really look at him anyhow...

Khaleesi watched the boy turn around and blushed a faint pink, "Y-yeah sorry... I was just... I'm sorry... Y-you caught my attention...." Her eyes changed to a magenta, not realizing what she had said. "I-I haven't seen you around..." She said lightly and shook her head. 'You're stupid.' She thought to herself, a wild look was placed on her face. She stared at his bandages and at his hoodie, smiling lightly.

"M-My main power is controlling darkness...whether it's in s-someones heart, or to the dark energy." He looked back at the spoon, in which he used his ability to move.
Underneath his hood he could feel the heat coming to his face.

"Oh...i...I did? Well...ummm..."

The hell was he supposed to say here? He didn't have much experience...

"Your...Your eyes...they...they changed?"

Really. That's all he could say?

He quickly held out his hand,his bandaged one,offering to shake"I'm...I'm Aiden..."

Emily smiled a bit and looked at her hands. "D-do you think Chalice?" She asked Nyo, sticking to small sentences. Before waiting for a response, she worked on channeling a flame. Let's say it went haywire. Chalice didn't come. Flames quickly spread up her arms, moving faster the more she panicked. So she attempted to shake it off. ('cause the players gonna play play play. And the haters gonna hate hate hate. Baby I'm just gonna shake shake shake. I shake it off, I shake it off.) Pain blurred her vision and she finally dunked her arms in the sink and held them under cool water, muttering stuff. Probably 'owowowowowow'
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Raven watched the fire. "Im guessing hers is manipulating fire?" Raven asked. That's probably to stupidest question you've asked... Raven couldn't think of a way to start a conversation.
Khaleesi smiled as she looked up at the boy. Her eyes changed a yellow with lime green,"Yeah... They do...." She looked down and looked to the side before she saw his hand. 'What happened? Bandages?' She thought, not wanting to be rude but stepped forward and took his hand in hers. She examined it lightly, not wanting to be weird or hurt him. "If you don't mind me asking... What happened...?" Completely forgetting to tell him her own name.

Nyo swore. He swore several times. He knew that Emily's flames burned her. He ran to the freezer and pulled out several bags of frozen produce and took them over to the sink, piling them down next to it.

"Here, these will reduce the swelling." He told her, helping her to make sure that all of the flames were out. "Raven, can you find a teacher?" he asked, glancing back at the boy while trying to keep his voice calm. Panic only created more panic.

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