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Fantasy Ms.Reed's home for special children. (Open)

He paused,but...he had been rude himselg,he thought,just pointing out the obvious.even though his eyes were hidden,his frown showed he didn't want to say anything.


"Its...Its my magic...I don't...look right. It changes me...so i...hide it with these..."he pulled his hand away, and slowly undid the Palm.

Are you sure boy..?

He always had been defencive and hid it,and got angry when someone asked...

"let's try something different this time..."

He muttered under his breath as the bandages fell away,revealing the pitch black flesh. On close inspection, it looked as if he had buried his arm in a fire. The skin looked like 3rd degree burns all the way up his arm. Hell, the pinkie had melded with the ring finger,as if they had been melted together.

"Its...not pretty to look at..."

Even though it looked agonizing,it wasn't painful. Not in the same sense,anyways.

Emily clenched her teeth and kept her arms under the water. "By all the cod in the ocean!" She cried before closing her eyes to avoid looking at her semi melted skin. "Why in Hades did I do that..." Emily muttered, trying to take deep breaths.
Darky handed a glistening white stone that Ms.Emerald always used to heal students. "Thank you Darky!" Raven appeared beside Emily. "Crush this..." Raven gave Emily the stone.
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Khaleesi's eyes widened as she stared at the boy's arm. She smiled lightly, her eyes changing a light pink with a violet. Her eyes stared at his arm. Her mouth dropped lightly. "Wow... That's.... a-amazing!!" She giggled lightly and watched his arm carefully. Her mind flashed back to his name when she realized she hadn't said her own name. "I um... I'm Khaleesi... You have a very nice name..." Her bright smile lit up, her eyes finally moved from his arm up to his face. "Sorry...."

Emily winced at the contact before shaking her head. She ignored Raven and continued to hold her hands under the water. "No ice. No contact. Burn lesson one." She said with a small nod.
Nyo nodded, stepping back and holding his hands up to show he had no intention of touching her again. He looked at Raven, unsure of why Emily wasn't taking the thing he was offering her.

"What do you need then?" He asked. He knew that burns could get infected easily, but he wasn't sure how to dress one.
Emily remained quiet, rather sure that she could handle the pain. This was the girl who slit her wrists over the past, no way she would let herself heal. So she focused on the water and frozen vegetables. They were easier to deal with than flames or blisters.
He was...well surprised didn't express it right.

Amazing? But...how did she...?

He flexed his deformed hand, and nodded

"Um...thank you..." he then caught her name,and a gentle smile graced his lips.

"Khaleesi...now that's, a nice name. Mines to...to common."he gave a nod,and moved to re-wrap his arm, but paused. Pretty...acceptable feedback...maybe...

He pulled the bandages free,wrapping the around two figures,before slipping the bundle in his jacket pocket.

"I...I was going to grab a bite to eat...would you like to..."He pointed a thumb down the hall, looking to her"come with?"

Raven stood there. Why isn't she...is it some sort of punishment? Raven looked around. The kitchen was so quiet...and there were three people in it!
"Emily." Nyo said sternly. He stared down the girl. "Emily, we need to dress the burns, okay? Do you know how to do that?" he carefully chose his words, only using one he knew he wouldn't struggle with. He'd found in the past that his 'um' and 'uh' and pauses could undermine him when he was trying to exert authority.
Khaleesi smiled brightly and watched him re-wrap before just wrapping his fingers. Her brown hair flowed over her shoulders in the normal ponytail way. Her eyes changed to a light pink with light purple surrounding it and true blue in the center. "If you wouldn't mind my company I would love to join you..." She said lightly and smiled up at Aiden. 'Nice name? Khaleesi? Nah... not very nice....' She thought, stepping more forwards.

Emily sighed and shook her head, hoping Nyo wouldn't pry. Honestly she did, but dressing it would mean healing, and that wasn't on her list. Slowly she pulled her arms out from the water to assess the damage. Most of the skin had burned off, leaving angry red scars and black marks to above her elbow. With a shrug, Emily stuck them back in the water, holding back any signs of pain. The one thing she knew she was good at.
Raven started to hold something, that looked like a ball of darkness. He smiled at it, as it squeaked something in another language.
Nyo stepped closer to Emily and lightly laid a hand on her shoulder. He looked down at her.

"Emily, please." He pleaded with her. "Come on, if they get infected then you'll get ill, and I know from experience how bad that is." He told her as she shoved her arms back under her water.
Emily scowled and frantically shook her head, pulling her arms back out and shaking off the water. "No!" She cried, glaring at anyone who dared look at her. The kid really could get feisty when it came to anything having to do with her past. No matter how distant.
The ball of darkness whimpered when she heard the anger of Emilys voice. Quite a temper... "No need to be angry...he's trying to help..." Raven looked at Emily straight in the eye not about to shy down.
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Nyo glanced at Raven and nodded in thanks for telling him how it worked. He turned back to look at Emily, his big brother demeanour coming out as he got more concerned.

"Emily, I don't care why you're refusing, but I'm telling you now, you either heal your arms or I will do it for you." He told her.
Emily let out a low growl before taking off. Out the door, down the hall, past the nurse's office, and out the front door back to where Chalice was waiting.

"Come on... We've gotta go." She sighed. Chalice tilted his head and quickly signed a few things.

"I know, they have food. But it's too hard to hide here. I'm gonna go back to the alley. At least there I can really be free."

The flame rolled it's eyes and signed a few more things.

"I am not afraid to let go! But you know I can't forgive myself for that! I should just leave you here!" Emily shouted and began stomping off before turning back. "Fine, you can come... Just don't burn me any more." Chalice nodded and slowly climbed onto her arm, doing nothing more than slightly tickling her.
The ball of darkness was No longer in Ravens arms, instead hidden somewhere that only Raven knows. "Nemea tell me when she stops..." Raven said aloud, knowing that the goblin, the ball of dark, heard him.
"Damn it!" Nyo swore to himself. He should have known that that would scare her, she was very timid. He hit his head against the cupboard and grabbed the healing stone before racing after her. He stopped outside, looking around the garden as the day quickly got darker. Was it night time already? He finally spotted her, Chalice climbing up onto her arm. He jogged towards her, stopping a distance away, but he could still hear her talking to the living flame.

"Emily," He called to her, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have been so stern, but please calm down."

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