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Fantasy Ms.Reed's home for special children. (Open)

"I promise you. Just let me help you and you'll be on your way, ok? Would you like that?" Emerald asked as she let go of the poor girl and put the large white egg of hers on a heat pad. She walks back over to you with bandaging and a gold bottle. "Mr. Julius would you like to come in?" She asked.
Julius stepped into the room watching the two talk "Yes, Thank you." He turned to the girl with cuts on her arms and said "Why did you do this?"
Raven saw his stuff on his side of the room. He immediately looked around. Does that mean...well there's no one else. "Ok...my stuff really was teleported here." He moved a few pictures inside of a drawer. He then looked at the rest, and started to organize it, just like it was at his old home.
Emily's gaze grew cold as she glared at the floor, probably remembering many days alone before bringing her full glare to Julius. "Is it really your place to judge? No, so don't. You don't know anything about life!" She ended with a growl, crushing the rock in her clenched hands.
The wounds on your arms instantly healed. "Hey hey calm down.... He's not judging you just asking questions." She said in a soothing tone. Emerald stepped in front of the woman.
Raven stood back. Maybe...I should put the pictures out. Raven took the pictures, of his family, out of the drawer, and putting it on the stand next to his bed. He looked around, trying to get rid of his thoughts, of the manslaughter of his village.
Mr. S watched Julius walk away. He shrugged, trusting the history teacher. He didn't want to pry but he wouldn't be doing his job if he let everyone keep important matters a secret. Yes, everyone had a right to have their privacy but if there was a chance it could effect others or cause trouble then it was Mr. S' business. He formed a connection to each and every room in the building, searching for any feelings or emotions that might raise a red flag.

He was about to stop, not finding anything unusual, until a surge of energy came from one of the rooms that the students resided in. He memorized the location and made his way to the room, taking his time due to the exhaustion that hit him from the fight he had. He wouldn't be able to use his powers to go through the walls or portal to the room, so he would have to go the long way.
Boy!were being moved!

The book bucked in place, before opening up. The sight that unfolded was...comical,to say the least as only aiden's head broke free of the opened literature,glancing around. Nurses office? Miss emerald must have moved them.

He let his eyes scan the room. Julius, Miss emerald, and the unconcious girl who wasn't so unconcious anymore. This looked like a very delicate situation, so he simply nodded,his hand coming into view as he sank back into the pages,pulling the book closed with him. But seeing someone else find the same issue he had with Julius before,he paused,glaring forward.

"She's right,you know. You really don't have a right to judge us. And you may not be judging her,but by the way you threw that p inch earlier,you were doing a lot of judging me"

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Raven succumbed to the thoughts of the massacre. He sat down, looking at the ground, with tears forming in his gray eyes. "I'm sorry I couldn't stop them..." he closed the door, locking it with supreme dark energy, the really bad kind.
Emily frowned in his direction, still clenching her hands. Shakily she stood up and began walking away before breaking into a sprint. Dashing this way, then that, searching for something. She wasn't quite sure what though. Eventually she sprinted outside and ran into a group of trees. Sitting in the sandy pit in the center, Emily gathered sticks and worked on summoning a flame. "You won't hurt me... You cannot hurt me... I control you." She growled, glaring as the flame danced across her skin. "You will jump onto that log and spread only through the sticks." She commanded. For a moment, maybe imagined, the fire took the shape of a tiny person with a salute before jumping to the log. That left Emily with only a slightly singed hand and surprised expression.
The door pulsated with dark energy, fueled with Ravens despair. "I should've done more..." Raven allowed more tears to fall to the floor.
"W-Wait!" Emerald called out to the girl who had ran away. She then switched her attention from the girl to the book and Aiden. She picked up her egg and the book. She held both to her stomach which warmed up both. "Mr. Julius, would you like some tea? Or anything for that matter?" She offered.

@Mistory1997 @CainMcknight
Nyo's attention was drawn away from Quinn as he saw Emily run out into the garden. She seemed frenzied and he was worried since he'd only seen the shy, timid Emily before. He tried to call after her, but words were hard, so he followed her instead. He skidded to a stop behind her as the flame jumped to the log. He made a sound slightly like a cat, but cut it off.

"Woah." He moved forward so he was standing next to her. "It saluted. That was, uh, pretty cool." He told her, grinning slightly.

@Echo Dreamsong
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Soon, Ravens whole room was filled with the, energy sapping, dark energy. "I could've done something, I should have, you all would be alive if I wasn't a coward..."
Emily jumped up, holding her hands in a defensive position before seeing who it was. "Y-yeah, don't normally see that." She said with a smile, walking back to her fire and holding her hands out. At least to her, it was freezing, so the fire was nice. "I wonder...." She sighed and sat down, waving to the fire. "Um, hi there! I'm Emily, what's your name?" The fire collected together to form the small person once more. Then, to Emily's surprise, it began signing several things at her. With a wide beam, she turned to Nyo. "His name is Chalice."
"Hey hey what are you hey!"

He kinda got Shut inside. The teen gave a pout,crossing his arms in frustration

Keheheheh! Boy, your acting like a child!
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Ms.Reed was on the roof doing who knows what when she saw Emily running out of the house and Nyo following her as flames licked the trees of the forest. "Well that's interesting" Ms.Reed said to herself before slipping off the roof and landing on her face.
Raven stopped crying for a second, getting a terrible thought in his head. "I-I could kill every...last h-human." The darkness in the room, and on the door, let out an energy pulse throughout the whole school.
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Nyo looked at the thing and smiled at it, making a small and quiet approving sound. He slowly lowered himself down next to Emily, keeping his eyes locked on the hypnotic, flaming figure.

"Nice name, Chalice. I'm Nyo." He told the thing. "Does all your fire do this? Or is, um, sentience, yeah sentience, a one time thing?" He joked, his voice quieter so the flame didn't get insulted. He jumped as he heard a thud behind them, but relaxed as he looked back and saw that it was just Ms Reed.

@Echo Dreamsong @Agirl1107
"Eskus mi mish. Its getting hard to breath..."

The moving of its jaws against her stomach would be a clear sign she was muffling it's features

"Would you mind rotating me?"

There was a bit of black, swirling in Ravens gray eyes. "N-no I can't do that...it's genocide..." Raven tried to shake the thought off. The darkness kept sending waves of energy through the school.
"Oh I'm sorry I'll let you out-" Emerald felt the dark energy pulse and put the book on the floor. "Aiden would you mind following me to whatever that was..." She asked.
"Your gift it has expanded in the few seconds of emotional turmoil this is amazing" Ms.Reed said in a happy tone.

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