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Fantasy Ms.Reed's home for special children. (Open)

He nodded,staring after as she ran off. He closed the book,nodding

"Eh...y-yeah. Ill...see you..."

...your such a fool, boy

His head fell and he sighed"yeah yeah I know..."

He started for the arena, ending up sitting in the bleachers as he thumbed through the living book."...can...can I still train and the egg be safe?"

Of course. Different pages,boy

"Right Right...if there's a problem you'll warn me?"

Of course boy

"Good...alright...if anyone...anyone asks, I'll be training then..."

He set the book on the seat,and vanished in a flutter of pages.
Man, I need to take out this light! Raven barely blocked the first two orbs with his own, then started batting the rest away with his scythe.
While Raven was distracted Emerald rushed him and slammed a fist into your stomach. It wouldn't have hurt at all but since her hand was engulfed in flames and light it hurt. A lot.
Raven staggered back a bit from the hit. Then, Raven suddenly stood in an unknown battle stance, with one arm twisted back, and one leg turned around, showing a weak spot. The whole room became pure, inky darkness, the only thing Raven could see through, as if it was pure daylight.
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Emerald backed up and pulled out something you couldn't see and started to whisper to it. You saw a small orb of light that grew as it flew up until the room was lit again. Emerald pulled out a scroll which summoned a knight. It had a crest that you had never seen before. It rushed at you its sword drawn.
Julius internal organs were placed back together and he stopped bleeding next to the arena floor. Julius sat up and looked around at the arena wondering where his shirt and vest where.
The knight took both hits but managed to still get in a punch in the throat. Emerald jumped up and brought down her foot on your head.
Raven laid there. 3...2...1 Raven appeared behind Emerald. "Darkness wave, Chaos style!" Raven jumped into the air and slashes everywhere, sending multitudes of darkness at everything in the arena.
"Here we go... Ancient Forbidden Acolyte Art!" Raven cut his hand, throwing the blood droplets in the air. "Dark Needles!" Darkness went through the blood, making needle like points, and pinned Emerald down to the floor. "Darky go!" Darky jumped onto the knight, pummeling it as he grew to the size of a gorrila.
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The knight took the punches and disappeared into smoke. "Alright you win." Emerald said as she got up which tore through some of her dress revealing her shoulder blades and some of her belly. "Son of a-" she caught herself realizing that there were students around. She walked up to Raven and curtseyed.
Mr. S chuckled, "That was a good fight." He coughed a little from the punch he took. He stood up straight, his scars now extremely red as steam came off of them. He walked back over to where he left his stuff, his scars vanishing as he began to put everything back on including his sword. "Now that we've blown off some... steam..." He let the joke linger a bit, "What's bothering you? Was it something a student did?" He walked over to Julius and asked. "You know it's my job to know if a student has stepped out of line or broken any of the rules."

Nyo wandered around the school, ignoring the sounds of fighting from the arena. He'd had enough drama and violence for one day. Instead he went to go explore, taking in the sights of the school. The dining hall was still a mess, the table laying on its side. He wasn't sure how that would be cleaned up. Probably magic. Ms Reed seemed to use that for everything else so it made sense. He slowly made his way through the entrance hall and pushed the door open, stepping outside. The fresh air felt nice. Spotting Quinn in the distance, Nyo walked over, his hands in his pockets as he took in the garden around them.

"Hey." He called out with a wave. "Interesting mushroom?" He joked.

Threlms eyes fluttered open and he became confused for a few moments wondering ehy he wasn't in the orphanage before he realized he was at the school now. He looked around and sighed sitting up in his bed he looked over and saw his roommate on the opposite bed. He thought of the tournament and the conversation with Mr. S and sighed he wondered when food would be served. He stood up and started to put new clothes on from his bag that was magically put in his room when he wasn't even at the orphanage.

Raven looked mildly confused. "Ok..." All the darkness in the room dispersed. He then used his ability, and the darkness started to patch up Emeralds clothing. He then bowed back.

Emily had somehow managed to stumble back to her dorm, leaving Richard alone before passing out on the bed. Her dreams consisted of flames and death. Not just any death, death of those in this school. The bodies went up in flames she couldn't control, the flames from her hands. She watched each slowly fall with an agonized cry. The longest was Richard. His struggles only fueled the fire pouring from her hands. As he finally fell, Emily began to go up in smoke, her arms crumbling to ash. It was a relief to finally have her turn come. A change of time. Then everything gained a hazy view and the world began to go dark.

With a strangled cry, Emily sat up in her bed with cheeks stained by tears. Looking down she saw no more of the scars along her arms. The ash had covered those scars, but still they had remained until the potion took effect. With a deep breath, Emily reached into her pocket and pulled out her small knife. Slowly she dug the blade into her skin, bringing blood to the surface. Up one arm and down the other until the twig like arms were coated in the sticky liquid. "A monster can't be left unpunished." She muttered. Reluctantly she left her hands alone and looked around for something to cover her arms. Emily sighed and slowly opened the door to look outside, careful to keep her arms hidden by the door.
After Julius internal organs healed he got up and grabbed his clothes not putting them back on since they were dirty from being on the floor "Nah Mr. S its nothing I cant handle." Julius said laughing while walking away form the arena heading back towards his room. On his way back he was walking past the nurses office, he wanted to apologize to the nurse for being rude and firing a gun when he heard a high pitched shriek come from inside of the room. Julius didn't think much of it and was about to walk away after a few seconds when the door opened up reveling the girl that was passed out on the bed earlier.

Echo Dreamsong

Emerald walked out of the arena and back to Mr. Emore. When she got there all she saw was his book. 'That's odd? He left his book...' She thought as she picked up the book and brought it back to the nurses office. She saw the girl, Emily right? Peeking out the door. She also saw the boy from earlier. "Emily right? We should get you back to bed..."

@Echo Dreamsong @CainMcknight
Emily looked at Emerald with wide eyes before frantically shaking her head. Looking down, she kicked at the floor and glanced sideways before rubbing her arm. That was a terrible idea and earned her a small cry of pain. Don't forget the muttering of curses under her breath before she pulled herself back behind the door to hide.
Julius watched the girls many motions then she hid behind the door Julius thought it was odd for a second then remembered he is an immortal human teaching history classes at a high school for people with powers and he shrugged he was used to odd things. Julius opened up his wallet and flipped through the many photos of him from different time period with different people all where of his lineage, he flipped until he found an old roman coin and slid it under the door then Julius put his shirt back on still and put his wallet back in his pocket, holding the vest in his arms. Julius turned to the nurse and said calmly in a reasonable tone "Im sorry about how i acted earlier it was unprofessional"
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Emerald sighed and walked into the room and looked at you. "Please?" She said before noticing your arms and Emerald looked at you calmly before leading you to your bed. She had an iron tight grip on your arm so you couldn't get away, she took out a white rock and put it in your hand. "Crush this in your hand..." She said.

@Echo Dreamsong
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Emily looked down, remaining motionless. She mentally revised her plans for if anyone discovered the blood. Unfortunately that plan was run for your life. That didn't quite fit in her schedule. So Emily looked up at Emerald pleadingly "Y-You won't tell... Right?" She whispered, clutching the rock softly.

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