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Fantasy Magical Girls Academy (Open!)

She dropped her bag immediately, as Elle took notice of the fight going on, she was a bit frightened, which lead to a few lamp posts getting bent in peculiar ways. She wanted to help but she could only do so much.

"Do you need help?!" She tried to call out to him.

She wasn't sure if he could hear her, the training field was going through a lot of damage. She wanted to help, but it seemed like it was a personal battle.
Kain slightly tilted his head in the air, as if listening to something in the distance. In the distance kain could sence fear along with magjcal energy being expensed. A smile grew on his face, as under his desk a circle of darkness formned. Black smoke seamned to rise, and dissipate small child like hands extended from the shadow portal grabbing on to kain pulling him seemingly through the desk. He did not struggle simply allowed the process, as a wave of cold flodded the room a dark presence did as well.

The shadow portal closed after kain, was fully submerged in the darkness leaving no trace behind. At the field on the far end behind the fight seen the same portal opened again. Thus time kain rows up from it eyes closed slowly he emerged. The dark presence, and same wave of cold even abroad a sunny day flooded the training field. The portal closed, as kain opened his eyes looking at a male with a large serpent kains crimson eyes starring. A smile still held on his face. Kain spoke no in the boys mind, but in the air using a projection of his thoughts into the immediate area" parden the intrusion, but i would be ever happy if you accepted a friedly duel with me!" Kain said in a calm, but demonic like tone.

Both of them stop, looking over at the man projecting his thoughts. Kuroha gets confused, trying to think of an answer. "May as well!" Kuroha responds, his eyes still crimson red. "So.... Should I have my buddy along in the duel, or just a one vs one?" Kuroha points to the Snake of Clearing Eyes. "I'm okay either way we do it." Kuroha stretches for a moment, than teleporting rapidly in a circle of where he used to be. Stopping, not being dizzy, he gets into a stance, ready to fight.

@Lord Anubis
Noyeh said:
Both of them stop, looking over at the man projecting his thoughts. Kuroha gets confused, trying to think of an answer. "May as well!" Kuroha responds, his eyes still crimson red. "So.... Should I have my buddy along in the duel, or just a one vs one?" Kuroha points to the Snake of Clearing Eyes. "I'm okay either way we do it." Kuroha stretches for a moment, than teleporting rapidly in a circle of where he used to be. Stopping, not being dizzy, he gets into a stance, ready to fight.
Kain smiled" if you wish to include your friend im quite fine with that!" He said kain taking his stance, as well. Shadow beings souls trapped in the world of darkness flowed around him emerging from the ground.


Black armour formned on his body a katana like blade emerged in his hand blood red veins flowed down the metel blade its cold metel glistening with light from the sun. His dark aura expanded more then usual kain locked eyes with the boy" lets begin!" He said calmly before slashing his sword in the boys direction. A wave of dark energy corrosive in nature rushed in a arc across the field into his direction.
Kuroha points his fingers up, walls appear in front of him, orange outlines the wall. The wall pretty much delfects the attack, having a few cracks here and there. Kuroha teleports in the air, holding a shotgun, coming down rapidly, he shoots each and everyone of the Shadows Beings? "Concealing Eyes!" He commands, turning invisible, he appears behind the man, punching the back of his head, but before, like 1 inch, he teleports back to his first position. Just commonly being annoying, Kuroha points his finger to the man, green strokes or lines, slither on the ground, making they're way towards the man.

@Lord Anubis
Catherine burps "Oops excuse me" as she finishes her meal. She stands up and leaves the cafeteria "Now where should i go? Im sure the class already ended and I do not have any plans on going to another class. I'm not sleepy yet." she talked to herself. She started walking to the lobby, still thinking what she should do. Suddenly, she sees the huge field, she smiled "I can play there!" she said

DawnAntalios said:
Sheryl smiled at her companions and winked at Vali's reply.
" If you were worrying about skipping classes do not worry, I have that all covered. "

She then motioned for them to follow her outside to the school grounds. Then she walked behind the academy to a secluded, shadowy area out of the line of sight of everything else. She then stopped and turned to the others.

" You ready? I have to warn you though: this will take much from me, I did not try to do this with multiple people so far, so it might weather me a bit. Anyway, just say the word and we shall begin! "

@queenhistoria @Rari
((Misaki's anxious personality))

"W-where are we going?" Misaki stuttered, her voice quiet. She was rather curious as to where this place was and why it would be so taxing on Sheryl. She cast a glance over at Vali. 'Yet', she thought. 'I'm just so, so afraid…'

@DawnAntalios @Rari
Catherine closes her eyes "Adferte ad me magnus ager" she casted and she teleported in the center of the field "Wow, this field is massive. Good enough for practicing magic" she commented. She put down her backpack in the smooth grass and put her book in the ground but in front of her. "Okay, let's see what we can play" she said as she starts scanning her book

Mist started to gently drift across the fields. It had felt magic being used as it rolled across the landscape. It had been long curious about the nearby beings and structures, and now was an opportunity to learn more. It slowly approached the girl that had appeared in the field. (Ask and ye shall be granted @Immortal Pizza )
Noyeh said:
Kuroha points his fingers up, walls appear in front of him, orange outlines the wall. The wall pretty much delfects the attack, having a few cracks here and there. Kuroha teleports in the air, holding a shotgun, coming down rapidly, he shoots each and everyone of the Shadows Beings? "Concealing Eyes!" He commands, turning invisible, he appears behind the man, punching the back of his head, but before, like 1 inch, he teleports back to his first position. Just commonly being annoying, Kuroha points his finger to the man, green strokes or lines, slither on the ground, making they're way towards the man.
@Lord Anubis
Kain smiled the shadow spirits no able to be harmned by mortal means. Kain stuck the sword in the ground a large circle of utter darkness fromned around himself, and the boy along with his serpents. A black sphere fromned concealing them in a twilight dimension. He picked gis sword back up the shadow spirits began to fly everywhere before small purple orbs formned in there mouths. Small beams of dark energy shot towerds the boy, and his serpents. Kain sped forwerd towerds the boy sword angled to swing.
Metaphysics said:
(Mist is in mist form right now.)
Oh okay. Let me edit that

Catherine was going to cast a spell but then a mist wrapped her surroundings, making her unable to see. Her forehead wrinkled, annoyed and confused.

(i think my grammar is a bit off there oops :( )
queenhistoria said:
((Misaki's anxious personality))
"W-where are we going?" Misaki stuttered, her voice quiet. She was rather curious as to where this place was and why it would be so taxing on Sheryl. She cast a glance over at Vali. 'Yet', she thought. 'I'm just so, so afraid…'

@DawnAntalios @Rari
" Don't be afraid, it is perfectly safe. " she said seeing the confused expression on their faces. " You see my power is to meddle with... well the universe itself. Now by no means I am an all powerful wizard or witch, I am quite far from that. " she laughed.

" See, when I was younger and was hurt by bullies or... by some other things, I have found this place to be the best, a place where I would be safe, far from the troubles. I can, in fact, open small tears in reality: within time and other artificial things cease to exist there is only the cosmos and the stars, nothing else. Within you can see the endless universes and meditate, something always soothed me when I melded with eternity. "

Seeing the now even more confused looks on their expressions she chuckled. Of course, they need to see it with their own eyes to understand. She now turned to a spot on the academy wall and seemed to grasp the air itself, forcing it to part into two. Knowing that she will have to make the tear larger for her guests she pushed herself harder and harder and slowly but steadily. She felt a sudden lack of energy as this took from her more than usual but she kept pushing on until it was finally done. The strange doorway to everything and nothing now stood before them, yawning.

" Well... that was more exhausting than I expected... " panted Sheryl as she tried to catch her breath. " All right then, shall we enter? "

@queenhistoria @Rari
Kuroha jumps back, a rift opens u behind him. He jumps in, disappearing inside the rift. He appears in the air, behind the man and his shadows. Going head on against the man, he a rift the same as before appears under them, sucking sand, and nearby people. Kuroha's got sucked in with a smirk on his face.
The mist swirled around the girl. It idly wondered what it should do next, maybe communicate with her. The mist slowly parted except for one portion in front of the girl. That portion started to compress into a humanoid shape. It then started to dissipate and what was left behind was a white haired girl. She opened her mouth in order to talk but no sound came out. She had forgotten to form vocal chords. Struggle was evident in her face as vocal chords formed. "...Who are you?" She asked monotonously.
Catherine looked everything, dazed. When the mist turned to a white haired girl, she looked at the girl with her mouth opened... literally. When the girl talked, she immediately composed herself "I'm the one who is supposed to question that! Who are you?! or WHAT are you?!" She said, emphasizing what.
"...I don't know." She answered simply as she tilted her head and observed the girl. "Do you know?" She asked her, waiting for a response. She took an experimental step forward before stumbling onto the ground. She then gracefully picked herself up and took another careful experimental step. She then raised her hands so she could see them in order to inspect them. "What are these?"
Catherine stepped back as the girl made a step "Wow you are weird" Catherine said in disbelief "Those are hands" she replied to the girl's question.
Class had ended, so Deirdre left, heading out across the fields to get some fresh air. She couldn't believe it when she saw a bank of fog transform into a human. Was it a ghost? Such things were always possible. She ran over and asked, "How did you do that?"

@Metaphysics @Immortal Pizza
Catherine then saw a short redheaded girl with green eyes running towards them "I dont even know. It is the first time I have seen someone with this ability. Weird" she said.

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