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Fantasy Magical Girls Academy (Open!)

Kuroha, seeing the girl left, he keeps the energy blasts where they are. Getting up, he leaves the classroom too, holding his food, he dumps it into the trash can. Walking back into the classroom he sits where he usually does, the end of the row. Ignoring the teacher and his ranting about history. Kuroha starts drawing a bird in a nest.
"I got ballet practice. But it's not really a class I practice on my own." She saw him glancing at the fountain and thought maybe he wanted some. "Did you want some?"

@Son of Crota
"Can I order that and that and that and that" she stops and scans the foods again "And that!" she pointed the pizza. 3 people in the cafeteria are now rushing to get Catherine's order. Never minding the rush, Catherine impatiently waits for her food near the cash register. When Catherine's annoyed, she always go food hunting as it calms her down, though how many times she eat, she doesn't gain weigh, it must be her metabolism. After a minute, which is like forever for Catherine, her tray with her orders finally came. She paid for it and sit down to a near table. She just ordered a chocolate ice cream, a slice of ice cream cake, rice and steak, a bottle of water and pizza. "Yummy" she said an started digging her food.

(Catherine will be finished eating tomorrow when I wake up. GOOD NIGHT PEOPLE!!!)
Trey shook his head. "No thanks, water and I don't agree, kinda has to do with my powers." He tells her. "Ballet practice, huh? Mind if I come with? I need to practice a dance move that I'm working on." He said to her.

"Oh.......Yeah sure follow me." She walked back to the dance studio then walked over to the bar. "Actually I practice ballet because it's tied into my powers." She sat down and spread out her legs and started stretch.

@Son of Crota
Trey walked back to the studio with her. "Really? That's cool, I imagine they magic proofed this place." He said as he looked on a sign and saw the studio was fire proof. "Fire proof? Awesome! Now I can practice!" He said confidently to himself.

Daird said:
Deirdre looked at the boy next to her. "So, you're a spellcrafter, then? Interesting. How does your magic work, I wonder?"
@Lord Anubis
Kain turned to the girl from before deirdre. He spoke in a calm tone" mine draws mainly from darkness or demonic powers, but i can wield the forces of light magice when need be." He said.
Kuroha bored to the core, teleports to the training field, walked onto the sand. "Snake Eyes of Clearing." He commanded, a rift opening up in front of him, the Snake of Clearing Eyes comes out from it, red eyes glowing hard. "Hey old buddy from the Heat Haze! Since im bored, can I have a little duel again you? Class has gotten kinda, how do I say this? Chaotic!" He asks, his eyes glowing Crimson red. "You know you were sent to this school for a reason right?" The Sanke of Clearing Eyes reminds Kuroha about. "Come on, I'm bored and I know you are too!" Kuroha gets ready to fight. "You know your at a massive disadvantage, right?" The Snake tries to get Kuroha from getting hurt by something he created himself. "Sure hell I do!" Kuroha still in stance. The Snake of Clearing Eyes slivers on the ground at a high speed, towards Kuroha. Kuroha teleports right at the moment the Snake gets to him, teleporting far behind the Snake. But, inbetwen the teleport that Kuroha did, the Snake knew where he would end up, turning around and slithering across the ground towards Kuroha again. "You do know I gave you those powers right?" The Snake of Clearing Eyes reminds Kuroha. Kuroha laughs a bit, continuing to fight his own creation.
"Me, I do fireballs and fire-breathing. My family comes from a old line of dragon-worshipping priestesses. Like, pharaohs in Egypt old. Thing of it is, my powers didn't come into their own until I turned thirteen last year, so before then, I was raised as a normal human. It's kind of surprising to see your mother grow wings when you're not expecting it."

@Lord Anubis
Daird said:
"Me, I do fireballs and fire-breathing. My family comes from a old line of dragon-worshipping priestesses. Like, pharaohs in Egypt old. Thing of it is, my powers didn't come into their own until I turned thirteen last year, so before then, I was raised as a normal human. It's kind of surprising to see your mother grow wings when you're not expecting it."
@Lord Anubis
Kain gave a slight smile" one would guess so. Dragons are a ancient, and powerful race to have its blessing upon you is grand one." He said calmly. He held out his hand a small orb of darkness appeared from his hand. It took the shape of a small dragon completly composed of shadows.
Finishing up the mock battle, Kuroha sits down. "Snake Eyes of Clearing." Kuroha commands, the rift opens up, bringing in the Snake. Kuroha teleports into the Janitors Closet again, walking out he tries to think of something to do, having nothing to do. "Focusing Eyes" Kuroha commands, his eyesight changes, he directs his focus onto the closet person or atleast the most interesting. Seeing a boy somewhere in Academy, his clothes all red. Kuroha memorizing the whole area he is in, he walks back into the Janitors Closet and keeps his focus onto the boy with red clothes.
Kuroha knew that the boy was talking, but couldn't read his mouth, and since audio was cut off with Focusing Eyes he couldn't make out what ever he was saying. He stops Focusing Eyes, walking out of the Janitors Closet, he tries to figure out what do to now. Teleporting to the roof of the Academy, laying down with his hands under his head, he closed his eyes, but his senses perked up in case of something attacking or just someone coming up to the roof with him. Either way, he was ready.
Deirdre had lost all pretense of studying and was just sitting in the back of the class, talking. She saw another student, the one who had conjured the windstorm that had started all the commotion in the first place. She tapped her on the back and said, "Are you just as bored as I am?"

Kain began to become bored. Although history in its own right was important he did not particularly care. The shadow dragon he created took off into the air glowing ruby eyes looking at everything. It flew around through students leaving a cold chill after entering, and leaving the bodies. It left a trail of shadowy smoke which obscured light in the room.
Elle noticed that everyone was leaving. She decided to follow suit, and she felt a bit awkward carrying the textbooks. She started walking towards the dorms. She started humming and thinking. She liked to be outside more than anything, alone and outside. She was at the dorms, and made he way up. The humming was continuing, and she was there. Her room was in front of her, and she jumbled for her keys. Pushing the door open, she placed the textbooks on her desk. She looked at the small antiques that lined her shelves. She had favorite ones, it was because of the memories she could pick up. There was a quill and pen, it was written with love. It wrote love notes from a woman to the man she loved. There was an old camera, it was used by a traveling woman in the 1960's. She had only a few that she liked to take comfort in.

She stared at them, and picked up a new one she had acquired. It was a very worn in newsboy hat. She placed it into her bag quickly before anything had happened. She was curious, and was heading towards the training field. She was glad that it was close by. There was not a soul in sight. She was staring at it all. A few items that she saw in sight. She sat down, crisscrossing her legs, and pulling out the newsboy hat. She focused on it, she wanted to hear it, feel it and memories that came along with it. Elle sighed, it wasn't going to happen now. Out of all the times she could practice. Throwing the hat back into her bag, she stared through everything in her bag. She briskly grabbed it again, getting a bit angry as she wasn't able to do anything. It was making her angry, and then she tossed it back again. Elle finally decided to practice her telekinesis. She stared at her bag, gentle she placed it. She focused, trying to make it levitate. It wasn't working, and she sighed. She was growing angry, somewhere back in her mind. She felt small wavelengths. It scared her, and she took notice of her bag lifting only a little bit. She was surprised that she had it. She focused some more.
Kuroha teleports back to the training field, seeing a girl already here, he ignores her. "Snake Eyes of Clearing." Kuroha commands, a rift opening in front of him, as a Snake with deep red eyes, comes out of it. "Practice again?" Kuroha asks his own creation. "Really? Again?" The Snake of Clearing Eyes responds, Kuroha's eyes turn deep red as well, him getting into his stance. "I swear! We do this every time!" The Snake tries to stop Kuroha from getting killed by his own creation, The Snake still not knowing that any other soul was present in the area. Kuroha sends out many energy blasts towards his creation. The Snake dodges each one, staying in one spot. Kuroha keeps fighting his creation head on, The Snake slithering, dodging, attacking quite a few times. Kuroha dodging, attacking as well. Both trying not to harm the girl in the area, as both of them actually now know that she's there.

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