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Fantasy Magical Girls Academy (Open!)

Noyeh said:
(So.. Where are we in the story. Setting.)
((Misaki switched personalities a and freaked out, then threatened the students, Vali and Sheryl calmed her down, and the three of them just met each other, still not even to our first class yet xD ))
(Got it.)

"Closing Eyes." Kuroha commands, teleporting to the roof of the Academy. "Hell. No classes have been assigned yet, and I guess everyone just chills out?" Grabbing a pen, he starts drawing stitches on his fingers, hands, arms. I don't get this, no classes yet and... Damn Heat Haze. Laying down on the roof, his arms under his head, resting. He keeps his ears perked up, listening for a bell of some sort or a just someone on a loudspeaker telling classes will start.
Kain made his way to elemental magic class he found a seat at the back waiting for class to start. He leaned back in his seat placingbhis feet ontop of the desk relaxing.
Vali stands up as well, satisfied that the brown-headed girl is at least somewhat stable now.

"Do anything? Well, you did bump into me a few minutes ago, if that counts. I'm perfectly fine as well, takes more than a brown-headed girl to kill me. Are you alright though? You seemed a little... energetic, to say the least. What about you Sharyl? You alright as well?"

@queenhistoria @DawnAntalios
Rari said:
Vali stands up as well, satisfied that the brown-headed girl is at least somewhat stable now.
"Do anything? Well, you did bump into me a few minutes ago, if that counts. I'm perfectly fine as well, takes more than a brown-headed girl to kill me. Are you alright though? You seemed a little... energetic, to say the least. What about you Sharyl? You alright as well?"

@queenhistoria @DawnAntalios
"K-kill you!?" She screamed. "I would never do that! Are you sure I did that!?" She started to breathe rapidly and shallowly.

"Thank you. I'm off to my elemental magic class, so I'll see you later tonight."

Deirdre took off down the halls at breakneck speed, and quickly found her classroom. She took a seat next to a cute boy with his feet on the desk. "You know, given the name of the school, I didn't think they let boys in here."

@Lord Anubis
Daird said:
"Thank you. I'm off to my elemental magic class, so I'll see you later tonight."
Deirdre took off down the halls at breakneck speed, and quickly found her classroom. She took a seat next to a cute boy with his feet on the desk. "You know, given the name of the school, I didn't think they let boys in here."

@Lord Anubis
Kain turned his gaze towerds a girl who spoke to him. She did not seem to be bothered by the dark aura around him. His crimson red eyes gazed into hers" indeed it is rather odd isnt it." He said calmly. He spoke again" Doese a male such as me bother fair maiden?" He asked.
Elle decided to leave off to gather her books from the library and would begin her descent to there. She had to gather all her books, and felt herself growing awkward with the wavelengths. She searched through the cracks of the library. Her fingers slid over the spines of all the books, she was searching for one. A memory, and it was almost like she was missing one. She felt comfortable, with these memories, she felt safe. Nostalgic and knowing they were only one's memory. She found none. Out of all the times she really wanted to find one as usual, she didn't. The memory power or gift she had, it was very rare of her to use. She was weak with it, there wasn't much she could do with it. Maybe she could become a detective. She laughed in her head, giving an awkward smileys others who wouldn't understand. Elle gave a small sigh realizing how humor wouldn't help, and began to gather all of the textbooks into her arms.

They were heavy and she gave a small squeak as one fell from her arms. She gave another sigh and reached down to grab her book. Grabbing a hold of the book, she went to the checkout line. Tapping her fingers against the desk, she noticed a small figurine on the desk. The librarian had gotten her textbooks, to which she then brought them to her arms again. The books were a bit heavy and she started heading to her class. Elementals, and she tried opening the door. She was a bit scared, there were wavelengths she could feel. There would be also more later. Elle took a deep breath, and she decided to try to use her telekinesis. She looked around, staring to see if others were present. Taking a deep breath, she focused, the door moved a bit. She concentrated harder, and it opened. She gave a sigh of relief. She walked into the classroom, carrying the heavy books and feeling accomplished.
Kuroha, feeling bored, he jumps off the roof, he teleports right before he lands. He appears in the Janitor's Closet again, walking out he heads to his first class. Elementals, I don't really specialize in that criteria. But, may as well. Making it to the class, he sees a girl walk in already, Kuroha instead walks back to the Janitor's Closet. Walking in, he teleports into the Elementals Classroom, near the end row of desks. Seeing already a few people, he sits down where he teleported, at the end row of desks. So...Class never starts? May as well teleport to China, grab some Sesame Chicken and rice. But.. I'll wait. Laying his head on the desk, ending the discussion inside his head.
"Fair maiden? First time anyone's ever called me that, and I don't mind boys at all. Grew up with two brothers." She shook a stray, flame-colored hair out of her eyes. "Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Deirdre, and you would be?"

@Lord Anubis

(Goodnight, everyone. See you tomorrow)
Daird said:
"Fair maiden? First time anyone's ever called me that, and I don't mind boys at all. Grew up with two brothers." She shook a stray, flame-colored hair out of her eyes. "Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Deirdre, and you would be?"
@Lord Anubis

(Goodnight, everyone. See you tomorrow)
Anubis staired at the girl for a moment" my name id kain veilborn pleasure to make your aquantance." He said calmly extending a hand to shake.

(Goodnight see yah tommorow!)
Elle let out a squeak as a boy teleported into the classroom. She grew red and walked past him, farthest away from where he-or anyone for that matter-couldn't see her face. Elle felt more wavelengths approaching and she was kind of feeling a bit nervous. She gripped her seat a bit, and let it go. She began sorting through her bag. Her textbooks lined the desk in front of her, she decided to put her head back into the study of Elementals.

(Ugh I really hate my timezone :( ()

From Catherine's distance, she saw the commotion in the crowd and that black-haired girl with her sword "Wow, she's kinda creepy" she commented as the black-haired girl dropped her sword and cried and talked to the 2 people who calmed her down. After the drama, she looked at her watch "I think I must get going" she look around the school "There are barely no students outside" she talked to herself. She opened the book in her lap (which she didn't notice earlier, oops) She closed her eyes "Ianuae Magicae ad me a Curabitur aliquet ultricies" she casted and everything went black but after a couple of seconds, she opened her eyes and saw herself standing in the entrance of a classroom and inside the classroom, she saw a black-haired girl and a black-haired boy, the boy who sat beside her but then left before she can even say a word.

@Milah @Noyeh
queenhistoria said:
"K-kill you!?" She screamed. "I would never do that! Are you sure I did that!?" She started to breathe rapidly and shallowly.
Sheryl looked back at her seeing the distress in her eyes. It appeared as she had some kind of personality switch... now she was the complete opposite of what she was but mere moments ago. But that also meant that she needed friends or well, at least allies now more than ever: fighting with this curse must have been taxing on her own, and if anyone Sheryl knew how hard can sometimes this be.

" I see you don't remember anything, so tell me, what is the last thing you remember doing? If you could tell us precisely we might be able to help you figure out what has happened. "

@queenhistoria @Rari
"Damn you my speech pattern... Why do you have to screw me over now of all times..."

Vali scratches at his head nervously before responding, "Umm... Sorry, figure of speech... No attempted murder was involved... Try and calm down again, we don't need you hyperventilating on us." Vali laughs half-heatedly at his own response, then nods at Sheryl's offer, "Yeah. If it's something we can do, we'll help however we can."

@queenhistoria @DawnAntalios
Kuroha knew that everyone looked at him in confusion, he ignored the fact. Just like Middle School, everyone kept there distance from me. Knowing class won't start for a good well, maybe hours? He teleports to China, teleporting back, he comes with a blue box. Sitting back down, he opens the box, steam coming out as he used his fork to spike one of the Sesame Chicken, using his spoon to scoop the rice. He blows on the rice and sesame chicken before eating it. (Sorry I'm late, I had to go to bed.)
DawnAntalios said:
Sheryl looked back at her seeing the distress in her eyes. It appeared as she had some kind of personality switch... now she was the complete opposite of what she was but mere moments ago. But that also meant that she needed friends or well, at least allies now more than ever: fighting with this curse must have been taxing on her own, and if anyone Sheryl knew how hard can sometimes this be.
" I see you don't remember anything, so tell me, what is the last thing you remember doing? If you could tell us precisely we might be able to help you figure out what has happened. "

@queenhistoria @Rari
Slowly her breath evened out, and she spoke:

"The last thing I remember doing…is talking to another girl in the crowd." She said it as if she was straining to remember. She put her hands up onto her temples, gently massaging them. 'Maybe that'll help.' She thought. Soon, she came to the realization that she hardly remembered the ride here, or even getting ready for school in the morning. It scared her that she couldn't recall events that had happened mere hours beforehand.

@DawnAntalios @Rari
Sheryl has got an idea. When she was down or just needed to contemplate she went to a place which she found by herself when she was very young. It was easy for her to get there since she walked naturally in unknown places... but bringing others with her might prove difficult. Still, looking at the girl and Vali something urged her to reveal this little secret of hers to them. She could not explain the sudden trust but... there are things that need to be done, not asked.

" I might know a place which would help you calm down and recollect your thoughts. " said Sheryl after much contemplation. This would test her yet unrefined skills to the limit, but if she could help someone then so be it. " It is an unconventional place, one that maybe only I know, yet it gives you solitude, serenity and calmness. If you wish to join me I would gladly invite you to come. " she then turned to Vali. " And you are more than welcome to accompany us, if you wish. "
(@Noyeh LOL I love your character XDD And that post is making me hungry :( ()

Catherine walked inside and sit down in a chair in the first row. She crossed her leg while impatiently tapping the table. The students inside are not that many "Ugh! I thought I was very late" she whispered. She looked around but she can't find the guy anymore and the girl seems uninterested to talk to her, like she wanted to. She looked away and started scanning her book boringly.

He walked into the class he was soposed to attend he may be 21. But he still attend some classes an Tatghut some also. But he found out he was two teach this class he went to the front and said my name is mr. Descartes and you will call me so. He then said get out your books on the history of magical history.
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Deirdre pulled out her textbook. "Ugh. History. Why couldn't we actually use some magic here? I actually want to get some practice with my powers." Still, she got out a little notebook and started getting ready for lessons.
Amu didn't have any of her other classes yet so she went to the dance studio to work on her ballet. Her powers were connected with her dancing so she had to practice a lot. Once she got there she changed into he practice clothes and started stretching.

now class I want you to turn to page 398 please. we will be lerning a little about some magic called your life forced.

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