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Realistic or Modern Magic Space Dragon Teens: OOC

Lilah Vonelle
  • 9712e282-bc35-45cc-8d84-138595843bd5-png.379041

    “Why am I here... I mean.. I... Yeah... i want to be here but.. Uh...”​
    Name: Lilah Vonelle

    Gender: Female

    Age: 16

    Appearance: long white hair, dark skin, large glasses, bright orange eyes to accompany her gentle face along with a sharp-looking black and white school-dress with a large green bow on the front. Has a bit of a jitter to her steps and looks rather unstable most of the time, as though she’s just about ready to jump to the nearest corner and hide

    Personality: Lilah is your generic shy nerd, that would be more than happy to tell you a dozen books to read, video games to play and websites to visit if she were ever to work up the courage to say hi, of which she still hasn’t done despite her duration at school. Although she does not have a stutter, occasionally she may simply not talk due to not knowing what to say, or general social anxiety getting the best of her. Lilah isn’t sure why she got the scale, and almost wishes she didn’t get it in the first place, but is too reluctant to give it up due to it practically being her dream. Excels in her academic side of life, not so much in anything else.

    Backstory: Lilah Vonelle, the shy one, that one girl that sits at the front, never says a word to anyone and flinches at the sound of her own name. Raised in a rich family with parents that travelled frequently, she never had to talk to anyone throughout most of her life. She was pretty enough not to get bullied, smart enough not to be made fun of, but too awkward to make any friends. Most of her time was spent studying, sleeping, reading or browsing the internet while enjoying the company that was herself, and while she always wished she had someone to talk to, she never really got around to it through her constant procrastination.
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Alright, I think this is good enough for now. Behold, your bitchy teenage antagonist!

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    Christabelle Black



    Dark brown hair died black, and cut short in a plain bob with bangs. Blue eyes, but she wears red contact lenses to look cooler. Christy's eyes do actually glow red when Prisoner 68 is talking.

    She would describe herself as an old soul, who's been wrong by the world too many times. Most of her classmates would say she's stand-offish, weird, or just plain bitchy.

    Christy was a timid girl with low self-esteem and no close friends growing up. Her loneliness has warped her, leaving her with intense bitterness and a superiority complex. She'll show them. She'll show them all. Her classmates will suffer for everything they've done to her. No one will ever pick on her ever again, and one day when she's powerful and famous, she'll throw a soda in Aiden's face, just like he did to her. God, she hates Aiden.

    Anyways, to get her revenge, she summoned a demon in school. It wasn't supposed to work, but it did. The demon is now living in her body, granting her magical powers to use at will in exchange for letting him have periodic "Freedom Romps". The demon introduced himself as Prisoner 68, but that's got to change soon. It just doesn't roll off the tongue.
Alright, I think this is good enough for now. Behold, your bitchy teenage antagonist!

  • 7846991fb43b3850c1aeaf742749711a.jpg

    Christabelle Black



    Dark brown hair died black, and cut short in a plain bob with bangs. Blue eyes, but she wears red contact lenses to look cooler. Christy's eyes do actually glow red when Prisoner 68 is talking.

    She would describe herself as an old soul, who's been wrong by the world too many times. Most of her classmates would say she's stand-offish, weird, or just plain bitchy.

    Christy was a timid girl with low self-esteem and no close friends growing up. Her loneliness has warped her, leaving her with intense bitterness and a superiority complex. She'll show them. She'll show them all. Her classmates will suffer for everything they've done to her. No one will ever pick on her ever again, and one day when she's powerful and famous, she'll throw a soda in Aiden's face, just like he did to her. God, she hates Aiden.

    Anyways, to get her revenge, she summoned a demon in school. It wasn't supposed to work, but it did. The demon is now living in her body, granting her magical powers to use at will in exchange for letting him have periodic "Freedom Romps". The demon introduced himself as Prisoner 68, but that's got to change soon. It just doesn't roll off the tongue.

Those abilities sound like they would be tons of fun to play xp
Those abilities sound like they would be tons of fun to play xp
I gotta add on to them but basically you can literally slap someone out of her hypnosis. "Get a HOLD OF YOURSELF MAN!!! SHE'S NOT WORTH IT!!!"
Okay so for all the people who have answered the form on the second/third post (Magic Space Dragon Teens Character Interest Form)
Who am I missing/Who changed their minds/Who forgot to take the survey?
Pretty sure Backset changed minds. They said something about playing a normal character that somehow got dragged into this mess and survives merely by his knowledge of TV tropes and the like >w<

Callback to posts you might have missed:
Am I aloud to play a badass normal who got dragged into this by accident and only survives due to spending way too much time on tv tropes and thus having a general knowledge of plot twists and cliches? I found the perfect face claim

What do you guys think?
Aaron Ran
  • Kagamine.Rinto.full.2047012.jpg

    “Why can't things go normally for once?”​
    Name: Aaron Ran

    Gender: male

    Age: 16

    Appearance: green Zelda Hoodie and blue jeans, earbuds probably. Blonde hair is usually a mess because he doesn't give a crap about caring for it. Blue eyes. Pale skin.

    Personality: “Damn, where do I start? Pissed off most of the time? Fed up? Eh, I'll let the narration explain it.” Aaron genuinely couldn't care less about any of the crap that happens to him. He has a lot of attitude and doesn't really like humanity. He more often than not gets fed up with what's happening and goes and sits in a corner for a bit, or tries too any ways. Sitting in a corner is hard when demons are attacking.

    Backstory: Aaron is just a normal dude who happened to be dragged into this crazy magic stuff by pure virtue of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. He has no powers and only survives due to being a frequent user of tv tropes and genre savvy.
Wow I totally missed the survey. Just did it. Hopefully Roarke isn't too over the top. I have his theme song for when we put up the CS in the main threads.
welian welian
  • step0001.png

    "I fight for the sake of fighting. Nothing more, nothing less."

    "System check. Faith on humanity-Zero...or maybe One."

    "Beep Bob."

    Pandora [She forgot her real name.]

    Gender: Female Prototype

    Age: 17

    Appearance: Pandora appears to be a rather pale girl who has long flowing scarlet hair. Pandora usually opt for cute girly dresses and have a tendency to dress herself like a doll, although her motive is unclear even to herself. She will usually wear a violet bow on her head and dressed in a striped white shirt and red skirt to compliment her hair colour. Her intense crimson red eyes is almost always giving off a nonchalant gaze.
    step0001 (2).jpg

    Personality: Pandora is a nihilistic robot, at least that's what she claims to be. But to say that Pandora is nihilistic is definitely very accurate, in other words, she has a constant 'I am so done with this world' look on her face, and simply put, she has zero fucks to give.
    Pandora is incapable of experiencing any emotions except for the short and tiny burst of excitement whenever she tries to be sadistic and sensed pain from others, which partly contributed to her sadistic tendencies, and eventually lead her to like the idea of war.
    Pandora is oddly gravitated towards anything girly....and heavy weapons like machine guns, tanks, and nuclear bombs.
    Pandora can be considered as an actual genius. She appears to have extraordinary physical and analytical ability. Even before becoming a magical school girl, she uses her ability to build an underground factory/facility that mass produces weapons, firearms and her very own robot army, ready to declare war against humanity.

    Backstory: "I fight for the sake of fighting. Nothing more, nothing less."

But to make sure there's room for all the players, I'd like everyone to stick to having only ONE msdt character, and then however many normies or demons you want, I guess.

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