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Realistic or Modern Magic Space Dragon Teens: OOC

my favorite place to find faceclaims is ms paint
Character's Name
  • 158318bbfcf6a644937d950aed2d1d44--dragon-cartoon-drawing-tattoo-cartoon.jpg

    But in green

    Name: Bean (It's a nickname)

    Gender: Male

    Age: 15 in dragon years

    Appearance: An Eastern-style dragon approximately one foot in length.

    Personality: A handsome boy! An intelligent boy! And he loves to pose for photos! No, he doesn't. Bean is actually kind of anxious and will carry the shame of taking bad photos to his grave.

    Backstory: Bean has had a pretty sweet life as the son of one of the Guardians, even though his mom is just a glorified prison guard. He doesn't actually talk to her much, and lives with his father.
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A bit late, but I really like using Pinterest for face-claims. I just throw in a generic description (eye color, hair color) and do lots of digging from there.
If I find a character I like but not a picture I like, then I throw their name on Google itself and pixiv >w<

PS: Be sure to start search with Anime girl/boy ofc

Also, Hi there I'm going to stalk you guys until I get life sorted out, I guess >w<
Might join months later in the run ^^'
Name: Roarke Deimos

Gender: Male

Age: ??? (looks to be in his early twenties in human form.)

Appearance: Roarke is a bit of an imposing figure. Standing at 6ft 7in and weighing in at 225lb he draws the eye wherever he goes. He also is notoriously alluring, possessing piercing eyes which seem to bore into the very soul. He also carries himself with a regal authority that few could question.

Personality: Roarke fancies himself a god, something almost anyone can see upon first meeting him. He regularly places himself on a pedestal and seems to have a hard time being humble. Which is to be expected from a demon of the pride domain. He is also a creature of excess, having excessive wealth, drinking habits, And Other Vices all the while claiming to offer up the deepest desires of one's heart.

History: Countless decades ago Roarke was born into a hellish era, the dark ages. He was a Duke and a cruel man at heart. He would offer to make people achieve their wildest dreams with his wealth. Only to watch them give their life to their desires and eventually drown in their own greed. So wicked a man he was even his death couldn't quell the darkness in his heart. His own wicked soul mutated into the malicious soul of a demon and Roarke was reborn in hell.

Being a creature of opportunity, Roarke waited patiently biding his time and gathering power and preparing for when he would inevitably become free of the dimension that had become his home. He had built quite the empire for himself, making up for what he lacked in raw power with deception and deceit.

His golden opportunity arose when Christy cracked the backdoor to hell wide open. Seizing the opportunity Roarke fled into the body of a young man who had just inherited a large fortune along with his parents company. Gaining himself wealth and influence in one fell swoop. Now Roarkeseeks to expand that influence Beyond the realm of men, granting people strange abilities in exchange for their soul upon their inevitable demise.


Appearance: Growing much larger Roarke Stands 10ft 7in and weighs 650lb. His physical prowess drastically grows beyond what Is humanly possible. His demonic energy Also quadruples allowing his abilities to grow much stronger.

Weapon: Hellfire whips- a pair of whips made of hellish fire which can burn through most things easily. In addition they can maintain a cool to the touch solid form allowing him to ensnare opponents.

Passive ability-Soul Sight - Roarke is capable of seeing a person's very soul. He can see them through walls, or even across vast distances as a glowing shape of a person. Using this he can also see into a person's soul to view their intent and desires even their fears and if they are telling the truth.

Light attack- Burst of Agony- (x4 power in demon form) by focusing on a location Roarke can force large amounts of demonic energy into it. Inorganic matter explodes, where as organic life decays and suffers extreme agony. The moment he uses this attack an image of a star appears in his eye. If one can see this they can react accordingly and dodge the attack.

Heavy attack- Hell hounds- Roarke summons a hellhound. (x4 in demon form) These beasts are invisible, breath fire, and their claws and teeth can shread steel. However they aren't invincible, they are only as durable as a normal dog and if killed they dissipate back to the realm from which they came.

Ultimate attack- Tide of the Damned- Roarke Summons The souls of every bwing who had ever made a deal with him or died by his hand as shades to fight for him. These shades resemble a black skeleton with a blue flame body wrapped around the bones. They reach posses a weapon and a portion of demonic energy. Each shade can regenerate, feels no pain or fear and is effectively immune to mundane damage. The primary ability of the shades is that the flames they produce work like a strange napalm sticking to the target. But instead of the flames burning the body they burn the will. All the while the shades promise peace happiness and serenity to those they attack, inviting the target to join them as shades.


Extra- as a bonus ability Roarke can bend reality slightly to grant wishes to those whomake a deal with him. He cannot use the reality bending outside of the deal and even within the deal he can only change the person making the deal not any other person or the world.
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image.jpeg Am I aloud to play a badass normal who got dragged into this by accident and only survives due to spending way too much time on tv tropes and thus having a general knowledge of plot twists and cliches?
I found the perfect face claim

I have so many tabs open...
I am the tabs on my browser.
RPN is my body and dank memes are my blood.
I have created over a thousand rps.
Unknown to sleep.
Nor known to common sense.
Have withstood pain to create many roleplays.
Yet this nerd will never know the concept of taking a break.
So as I pray.
Unlimited Welian works.

You can shoot me now.
WIP for now, just working on it
Lilah VonelleNormal Mode
“Why am I here... I mean.. I... Yeah... i want to be here but.. Uh...”
Name: Lilah Vonelle

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Appearance: long white hair, dark skin, large glasses, bright orange eyes to accompany her gentle face along with a sharp-looking black and white school-dress with a large green bow on the front. Has a bit of a jitter to her steps and looks rather unstable most of the time, as though she’s just about ready to jump to the nearest corner and hide

Personality: Lilah is your generic shy nerd, that would be more than happy to tell you a dozen books to read, video games to play and websites to visit if she were ever to work up the courage to say hi, of which she still hasn’t done despite her duration at school. Although she does not have a stutter, occasionally she may simply not talk due to not knowing what to say, or general social anxiety getting the best of her. Lilah isn’t sure why she got the scale, and almost wishes she didn’t get it in the first place, but is too reluctant to give it up due to it practically being her dream. Excels in her academic side of life, not so much in anything else.

Backstory: Lilah Vonelle, the shy one, that one girl that sits at the front, never says a word to anyone and flinches at the sound of her own name. Raised in a rich family with parents that travelled frequently, she never had to talk to anyone throughout most of her life. She was pretty enough not to get bullied, smart enough not to be made fun of, but too awkward to make any friends. Most of her time was spent studying, sleeping, reading or browsing the internet while enjoying the company that was herself, and while she always wished she had someone to talk to, she never really got around to it through her constant procrastination.

”(I wonder if they like my outfit.. I hope it’s not too... Much.)”
Title: Warrior of $element



Passive ability:

Light attack:

Heavy attack:

Ultimate ability:

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View attachment 379058 Am I aloud to play a badass normal who got dragged into this by accident and only survives due to spending way too much time on tv tropes and thus having a general knowledge of plot twists and cliches?
I found the perfect face claim
OMG is that Kagamine Rinto?! XD
Color me amused~
I'm not ignoring you all, I'm just working on finding pics for Christy.

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