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Fantasy Madness

"That's why I got my job, same with this girl here." He pointed at Annie. "So tell me, what's your name?"

He then looks at Andrew, try to give him a signal "She makes one wrong move, summon Jesus so he can holy-watered the shit out of her"
"Why should I tell you that? All I know it could be for ya list!" Surfruaa grinned devilishly, snickering to herself and gliding the tip of her knife over her finger. "I ain't tellin' you anythin' 'til I think the time is right. Right?"
Andrew furrowed his brow and than looked to the ground and shook his head, he chuckled. ":I can only summon animals, perhaps a saber tooth taggers tooth could work as a steak?" @TriBrutal
"If I want to write you into my list, I'll just list you as number 67th...Why the hell do I need to remember a dead vampire's name for?" Logan raises his eyebrows. "Alright then, if you want to be all secretive, be my guess, I gotta finish this thing."

He then turns to the demon. "Let's send you back to whatever hole you crawled out from."

Logan chants an exorcism rites in Latin. The black figure begin to shake, screams, then vaporized and raising up to a big black cloud, then disappeared.

"You can called off your animals now, kid." He turns to Andrew. "And I think that sabretooth tiger idea is not bad."

"So this house is now free for hoarding, take whatever you want and be on your way, just stay clean, or I'll hunt you down." Logan said to the vampire

@Cheesesandwitch @Surfruaa
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"Mate, you're gonner end up gettin' gutted with an attitude like that. Pompous bastard..." Surfruaa scowled and hissed as she made her way back to the kitchen, emptying the cabinets and drawers and stuffing packets of instant-noodles and raw meat into her bag.
"I got those empty threats for daily entertainment, nothing new. Those actually did try to gut me, I made them think twice before trying to do it again."

He sits down, waiting for Annie finished examining stuff. "So, you live alone or with a pack?" He asked the vampire.
Andrew waved his hands left and right 2 times, and the animals vanised into thin air. "Want dinner?" Andrew smiled. "I can summon a cow, or chicken, maybe some shrimp?"
"Well there ain't anyone with me, issere? And it ain't a pack. We ain't animals, we're people." The young woman frowned, tossing her cig butt to one side and slouching against the fridge.
"You eat your summoned animals? they're your pets, man! Here, if you're hungry, I got some dried meat in my backpack" Logan looks at Andrew, then he turns to the vampire.

"From your look, I could tell you're a young blood. Most of the young bloods follow one of the packs out there. Maybe you haven't found one. Some of the packs are pretty famous, like mafia, we got the Cornellius pack in Chicago, the Red Fang in New York...Sooner or later, one of your kind will find you and offer you a place in their pack. How did you end up become a vampire anyway?"
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Rapax walked down an empty street with cracks and broken pavement. The marks, cracks, and even more broken objects left some distance behind him showed clear signs of a fight. Some strange creature, from what world or time he did not know, attacked him, most likely looking for food. A bad decision as it did not even land a hit on him in Lunaris form. Though the light which shined from him in Lunaris form may have attracted unwanted attention and possibly more hungry creatures, he did not care. He would dispose of any that bothered him.

"Hm?" Rapax said to himself as he found some canned food on the ground. The can was dirty and had mud and all manner of stains on it, however it was mainly untouched, meaning the food inside was most likely still edible. He picked up the can and put it in the right pocket of his pants before continuing his walk. Hearing voices not far off from his current location, he decided to investigate, taking into mind that they might attack him for supplies. He got into his Lunaris form in just in case an event like that happened, and walked towards the location, a bright light shining upon the surrounding areas and making the place less dark and gloomy. @TriBrutal @Cheesesandwitch (been a while) @Surfruaa
"They're not just some random animals, they're kinda like clones... Except the domesticated animals, those can't be taken away from me." Andrew smiled, handing the dried meat back to Logan. "I have vegetables in my backpack, I'm a vegetarian" Andrew grabbed his bag while still talking "But if you're hungry, I could get you what you like. I never like to see people starve"

Andrew looked at Andrew "I don't really now how I got here, I feel through a black thing, and ended up with you guys." @Queen of Fantasy @TriBrutal
Ginx had been hiding in the shadows back in her natural form when a bright light slight up the house and she hissed slightly blinking out her night vision she came up behind Logan
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"Damn...what is it with you and sneaking up behind people?" Logan said, startled by Ginx..."What? a bright light? you sure it's not some guy riding a motobike with a headlight?"

Logan asked Ginx while taking the dried meat from Andrew and chew it, then give some to Ginx. "Andrew, why don't you summon some small animal and make them go look outside?" He turns to Andrew. "And Ginx, go alert Annie then come back, we got a lot of weird shits today to deal with." He said to Ginx.

"All right Sucky" Logan stands up, and says to the vampire girl. "Since you don't want to tell me your name, I'll just call you that. I think we got new company, so just stop hoarding thing and be ready..."

@Wild Born @Surfruaa @Queen of Fantasy @Verdas
"Why didn't you just summon a rat, or a fly?Those are harder to detect and you can take them back..." Logan shakes his head and pull out another cigar, lights it up.
"Just hope your dog don't get kill by whatever thing out there. And you summoned it, you have to take care of it..." Logan said, patting Andrew on his back, and then take a peek outside the window.
Ginx turned and went to Annie " company " was all she said though her voice was different in her natural form, sort of slurred and gravely then she left and went back to where Logan was shifting into her human form

@Queen of Fantasy
"Ohhhh yeh, y'know. Some magical bein' appeared before me very eyes n' offered me immortality n' effortless riches." Surfruaa rolled her eyes, shaking her head a little. "Was bit in an alley." She growled. "An' trust me, you call my that n' you won't 'ave a tongue for long."
"Whatever you say, Sucky, just stay silent, trying to figure out what the hell happening out there." Logan said, still looking out the window "...Kid, I can't see your dog..." Logan said to Andrew.

"Ginx, can you cover this room in darkness? I don't like staying watch when something out there watching us..." He said, gently patting Ginx on the head

@Wild Born
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Surfruaa scowled and dragged her nails over the flat side of her blade, scraping the metal off ever so slightly. "I mean it mate. I ain't a killer but there's a first time for everythin'."
Andrew whisteled the dog back "Here boy!" The dog came running back. Andrew turned him into a small dog with white fur and black spots. "I'll call you, hmmm, do you like the name... Ah, Buster?" the dog growled. "I guess that's a no... what about Spot?" the dog growled louder. "Okay... how abo-" out of now where there was a loud sound "What was that!?" @Surfruaa #TriBrutal @Queen of Fantasy
"Just.stay.silent. If you don't like it, then tell me your name, Don't try my patience, I've been killing vampires way too long before you become one. I ain't got time for this bullshit. We got bigger problem here..." Logan grunts, he doesn't like being threaten.

"What was that?" Logan stop when he heard the loud noise

@Wild Born @Verdas @Queen of Fantasy
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"I'm good thanks. If we're thinkin' o' childish nicknames for each other can I call you Klebold? Y'know, like that edgy lad that killed alotta people. For NO reason?" Surfruaa scoffed and lit a cigarette. "Or what about one o' those people that only kill n' 'ate a certain race, like...I'unno, lessay a racist? 'Cos that's the tone I'm gettin' from ya, mate. Talkin' shit 'bout everythin' that don't agree wi' ya..."

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