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Fantasy Madness

Rapax saw a dog come to his location and approached it, the light getting closer and brighter. Fortunately for the dog, and Andrew, his personality was on the 'good side' today and not on the 'bad side', allowing the dog to remain unharmed in his presence. He picked up the dog gently, hurting it's eyes a little bit as he did so. Continuing his walk to the direction of the voices be heard, the light emanating from him like an aura could be seen getting closer and brighter, shrouding him in a cloak of light. Suddenly, the dog broke free of his grip and ran to the direction of a new voice.

Readying himself for a fight, he appeared before a building. He was certain he heard the voice come from within, as well as the voices he heard earlier, and cautiously approached the building, looking for the entrance or a door of some sort. If anything tried to attack him, he would be ready to dodge in a flash (pun intended) and counterattack, thoug so far nothing had done anything to catch his attention or provoke him. @cheesesandwich @Wild Born @Surfruaa @Queen of Fantasy
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Ginx flinched at the loud noise, she shifted into a small little creature that she had been saving for times when she needed to hide, but for now it was useful to crouch on Logans shoulder...since it made her only 6 inches tall

the black one
"Really? I asked for darkness...oh well...Gotta use what we got left..." Logan said, putting Ginx inside his cloak, below his neck, where Ginx can poke her head out to see.

"Andrew, be ready, call out any big scary animal you can think of...And you," He turns to the vampire "Instead trying in vain to make me scare, or call me whatever you want, I don't really give a rat's ass, you could do something about this." He then turns to look at the creature outside. "Haven't seen anything like this before." Logan thought to himself. "Would love to have some knowledge here, Annie."

Still haven't got any response from Annie, Logan shrugged himself. "Oh well, guess I gotta do this the traditional way."

He kicked the door down and point Veritas at the creature. "One more step and I'll blow whatever it is on your neck off."

@Wild Born @Cheesesandwitch @Surfruaa @Queen of Fantasy @Verdas
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Surfruaa stumbled into the room rather clumsily, dropping her bag and landing on her front with a light grunt. She grumbled and groaned tiredly and rubbedher neck as she stood up, glancing up at the bright being and squinting. "Bloody 'ell, turn it down, mate!"
"Look at my skin for fuck's sake, do I look like I get sunburnt much?!" She snapped, gritting her teeth. "Like ya said I'm a newblood anyways,"
"yeah and for a new blood, you're so easy to snap..." Logan smiles, then he turns back and look at the creature.

"Why didn't he said anything?"

Surfruaa and took a long drag from her cig and ignored the man, stumbling to one side and covering her eyes.
Logan looks at the vampire girl and chuckled then shook his head. Ginx stick her head out of his cloak a little bit to see what's going on but Logan push her down because he doesn't want her eyes got hurt. He still pointing Veritas at the strange creature although it's kinda hard to see with his eyes half-closed
Ginx nuzzled her way further to his neck hiding her face she wasn't very fond of light
Rapax got into a stance which would allow him to easily dodge whatever the people within the building had to throw at him, though no one and nothing could see what he did through the blinding light which concealed better than darkness. "So it seems you're hostile, as I predicted. I'll eliminate you then and take your supplies." He said, walking towards the building door cautiously, on guard because from the way the man said it, he had his hands on a gun or ranged weapon of some sort.

As he got nearer, he heard growls and a soft, barely audible, padding on the ground as large, carnivorous felines approached. These wouldn't be much of a problem in comparison to the creature he had faced not too long ago, however their numbers would certainly take time to dwindle. His personality had switched from the good side to the bad in an instant after the man threatened to "blow off whatever is on your neck". @Wild Born @Queen of Fantasy @Cheesesandwitch
"I'll take back what I said...Ginx...some big darkness cover right now would be great!"

Logan said. "And Andrew, keep them animals coming as many as you can!"

Logan begin the fight with the first three shots.
Ginx flinched when Logan shot his gun since her ears where very sensitive though she did connect with the shadows still in the house and expanded them, spreading them like a fog all around them...so much shadows poured out of the house towards the light outside consuming it in darkness dimming its light dramatically

Now that the light was darkened she poked her head out of Logan's coat glancing around as her eyes adjusted to the more comfortable light
"Okay!" Andrew said as he summoned more tigers and lions, as well as changing the spices of some. He changed all the walls black to make it as dark as possible. "Are we good?" @TriBrutal
"That'd do! Goob job, Ginx! And yes, Andrew, now let your beasts go and grab them some meats!"

Logan yells as he empty the cylinder into the creature.
With his great speed in the Lunaris form, dodging the bullets was child's play for Rapax. He avoided the bullets and grabbed the first feline animal that ran towards him by the head and hurled it towards the building, making sure to avoid getting hit by any swipes or bites from the animals as he was a glass cannon in this form, though it was unlikely due to the light he generated. The felines blocked him from rushing straight to the building, forcing him to take care of them first before dealing with the gunner that would most certainly prove to be annoying and bothersome later on if this continued on.

After hurling the first feline, yet another leaped towards him, however a darkness suddenly spread out like a fog, making his light useless. This didn't work out too bad for him, however. Rather, it boosted the efficiency and use of his Noctis form even further. He quickly changed and the claws of the feline broke and didn't leave one scratch on his armor. He was also camouflaged due to the darkness and his pitch black colour, perfect timing as he was just thinking of dealing with the gunner. He tore apart the feline which broke it's claws and rushed towards the gunner, not afraid of getting hit anymore. Despite being slower, he was still quite fast and tossed the felines out of the way as he ran towards the gunner. @Wild Born @Queen of Fantasy @Cheesesandwitch @Surfruaa
Ginx snarled and jumped off of Logan shifting into her natural form mid air she rammed the creature that was coming at Logan, rolling with it she clawed at anything she could to find a weak spot in what seemed to be armor covering it
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"Don't have time for second thought, kid." Logan said to Andrew, as he pulls out his machete when he sees the creature running toward him. Chills go down his spine because he's never seen anything that fast. But he smiled, for a long time that he can find that feeling again and it makes his blood boiling.

Suddenly, something leap out of his cloak.

"GINX!!" Logan shouted as he see Ginx transformed into the true form.


Logan yells. He run toward to the creature with the machete in his hand.
Rapax grabbed the shadowy creature in an attempt to shake it off or pull it away from him, not like it was of any danger to him as it's measly claws would do nothing against his armor. He pushed (I say push, but it was more of a punch to knock the creature away) the creature to the side and rolled, trying to crush the creature so it would stop pestering him. "A rat such as you shouldn't get in the way." He said as he tried to crush the shadowy creature under his armor and weight. Hearing the gunner come towards him, he smiled underneath the armor as his target was coming straight to him. @Wild Born @Cheesesandwitch @Surfruaa @Queen of Fantasy
"A dragon wont fit in here will it? Oh screw it!" Andrew waved his hand back and forth and summoned a dragon. "Attack!" The dragon jumped at the creature, demon, whatever it was. @TriBrutal

Logan slashes his machete down ti the creature, a clanking sound happened, but his machete could not go through the creature's armor. Logan then quickly dodge and grab Ginx then stumbles away while Andrew's dragon flying toward the creature.

(okay seriously here guys, this is becoming OPing, please read the rules)

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