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Fantasy Madness

((This should probably be in the OOC tab, but whatever. I feel as though @Cheesesandwitch unintentionally, and unknowingly, created the most powerful and useful character. Being able to summon all manner of animals and creatures to fight for him, Andrew could just summon a ton of elephants to crush his foes, summon predators to hunt for him, summon animals for him to eat when he's hungry (despite him being a vegetarian, the option still remains open) and being able to summon even dragons.))
Ginx growled " Then how do you like this " she had the same slurred and gravely deep voice as she bit down as hard as she could on the creatures leg, dreaming any shadows contained in it to her, as an attempt to weaken it
(I'm sorry @TriBrutal, I didn't mean to make a character like this. I didn't mean to make a powerful character. I was just brain storming when I created my character, I was trying to be unique; just like the rules said. And Logan told me to summon a dragon...)
(Assuming that the dragon is an NPC) Rapax was about to roll when the shadowy creature bit him. Though it didn't damage the armor much, it did leave some scratch marks. Suddenly, a dragon came and knocked him back. 'Shit... What now?' He thought as he struggled to get back up from the hit. The armor made it difficult, despite being not all THAT heavy. He managed to get up and ready to fight once more, however after seeing how outnumbered he was, and with the annoying gunner, the strange shadowy creature, and a dragon, plus all the countless feline predators there were, he was sure it would just be like several people playing catch with a turtle hiding inside an unbreakable shell.

Rapax laughed to himself and switched to his human form, raising his hands up in as a sign that he surrendered, though the option of running still remained available to him. "Is surrendering still an option? I do hope so. I don't want to be tossed around in that shell too much." He said, still keeping his hands raised and began slowly walking towards the people. @Wild Born


Cheesesandwitch said:
(I'm sorry @TriBrutal, I didn't mean to make a character like this. I didn't mean to make a powerful character. I was just brain storming when I created my character, I was trying to be unique; just like the rules said. And Logan told me to summon a dragon...)
((I don't think he was talking about you, so I'm sure it's fine. I was just pointing it out since your character seemed mostly weak and indecisive, but had a strong ability.))
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Andrew waved his hands back and forth, and the creatures vanished. "Yes" Andrew looked at Logan and whispered "Trust me with this" Andrew began to walk up to the person and reached his hhand out. @TriBrutal @Verdas
Ginx curled her tail around the guys legs " Don't move! " she growled snapping at him prepared to bite him again as she pulled the shadow fog back to her like it was an energy source...it was practically a part of her
Logan pats Ginx's head. "Thanks for jumping out and protected me, just don't make any sudden moves like that next time, 'kay?" he smiles, then looks at the creature.

"Alright. Let's hear it"
Ginx made a sound like a purr, only it was deeper and slightly gravely... Almost like a car, as she nudged Logans leg glad that she had done good
Rapax turned his gaze to the shadowy creature who rudely interrupted as he was about to respond to the boy who reached out his had towards him. His pitch black eyes were unnatural and would unnerve many, having been able to scare quite a lot of people in the past. "If you were able to be this friendly... Then you should not have threatened me earlier, gunner. It led me to believe that the dog was a scout to find people to kill and steal supplies." He said calmly, as he could still change forms despite having his hands up. The annoying shadowy rat would pose a bit of a problem, however.

Rapax smiled in a friendly way at the boy who accepted his surrender. "If I may ask, was it you who summoned those beasts to attack me?" He asked politely, unlike how he spoke to the other man with the machete in his hand. The shadowy creature appeared to be on friendly terms with the man. 'If I killed that man right in front of her eyes... Oh, what kind of wonderful reaction would I- No, no. I mustn't think like that.' He thought, the bad and the good side of his personality mixing up, though the good side of his personality was starting to take hold. @Wild Born @Cheesesandwitch
"Um, uh" Andrew grabbed his right arm and began to stroke it as he looked to the ground. "Yeah... I'm sorry" Andrew frowned and looked at the ground and began to walk away. @Verdas
"I warned you. Should've come to us with this appearance, not the weird glowing lamp, though." Logan said. "Everybody needs to be cautious these days...Just like we didn't know what you want..." Logan said, he's checking the injury the creature left on Ginx
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Ginx growled looking to the figure she had wrapped in her tail and tightening " Did I forget to mention I can hear your thoughts?...cause I'd like to see you try and hurt anybody here! " she dared, prepared to grab him with telekinesis if nessisary... Positive she could hold him in human form she got up letting go of him she shifted into human form standing next to Logan
Rapax chuckled at how the shadowy creature reacted to his thoughts. "Good to know, but I won't hurt anyone of course, as you should know by now from reading my thoughts." He said, before turning to the gunner, being unable to help agreeing, nodding at what he said. "Hmm. Point taken. However, what you said about everyone needing to be cautious, just proved what I did was right. Though I hate to give away useful information, the 'lantern form', which is called Lunaris, boosts my speed and agility, which would allow me to avoid attacks and traps." He argued. @Wild Born
(Okay, so verdas's character came in his, I think it's called a lamp form... and Logan thought was an enemy... Logan told Andrew to summon as many animals as he could, so he did. And than he told me to summon a dragon... so I did that.... Than he surrendered, and I'm waiting for verdas to reply to Andrews apology. That's pretty much the long and short of it. @Queen of Fantasy)
(Okie Dokie.)

Annie ran into the room, wide eyed. "What the..." She muttered. Glass was everywhere, and someone new was there. Someone she didn't recognize. She folded her arms over her chest and sighed. "What happened?" She asked, annoyed.
Andrew turned around "Well, while you were playing with your..." he stopped himself "I'm sorry!" He closed his lips "We were fighting..." Andrew furrowed his brow "You never told us your name... What is it? Actually, what's your guyses name? Especially you vampire girl" @Queen of Fantasy @Verdas @Surfruaa
Annie put her hand on my forehead. "Annie Robb." She said kneeling and picking up the glass. "You know, it would be easier to catch this ghost if they didn't know we were here." She said placing the glass in a bucket.
"Kinda late for that... Nevermind" Every time Andrew felt any bit of confidence, it failed, and he cut off whatever he said anything cocky, or smart. "Perhaps we can use a vacuum? Nevermind" Andrew placed his hand on his head "That's a stupid idea. @Queen of Fantasy
Annie sighed. "Look, Andrew. I know you are trying, and it's fine..." She started, as she walked over. "But this is something I need to do alone..." she said staring at everyone else in the room. "If you could... Please exit the house, and wait for me outside... That'd be great. The more people there are, the more aggravated the ghost will become--" Her speak was cut off by a large black cloud appearing behind her. She turned around, wide eyed. "The demon..." She whispered. Tom her dragon bounded over, but couldn't reach her in time. The demon grabbed Annie's shoulders, then disappeared. The only thing that echoed through the house was Annie's scream.

(She's not dead btw. She'll come back.)
The whole scene happened a bit too quickly for Rapax to comprehend what was going on. 'Did that woman just... Get killed by that smoky creature? Oh well who ca- no. No, no, no. It's very bad and I mustn't think like that... But still who cares, really? Yeah...' His mixed up personality made him fight with himself in his head, most likely very confusing for someone like Ginx who could know what another is thinking.

Rapax tapped Andrew's shoulder to get his attention back, away from what just happened. "...I am Rapax. And you are..?" He asked with a few pauses in-between words as he wasn't quite sure how to speak to someone after someone they knew was most likely killed right before their eyes. He usually didn't feel bad for those who died or were killed and even when he was on the good side of his personality, all he felt was pity, and had no remorse for killing. @Wild Born

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